Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring 1

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring 2

|Literacy |In fiction we will be reading a number of short tongue twisters, riddles and nonsense poems and a longer performance poem, to encourage |

| |the children to explore the impact of word play and unusual imagery. It also gives them opportunity to learn a poem and enjoy the |

| |experience of performing it in a dramatic way. In writing we will be writing a water-cycle poem. |

| |In non-fiction our unit is linked to the scientific subject of the water-cycle and will develop the children’s understanding of the |

| |language features of explanation texts in written and spoken forms. In writing, we will learn to write two clear and useful explanations |

| |then present them to the class. |

|Maths |In Maths we will be learning to understand place-value in 3-digit numbers; separate 3-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones; add two|

| |3-digit numbers using vertical written addition (expanded); add 2- and 3- digit numbers using vertical written addition (expanded). |

| |Also, we will be learning to add two 2-digit numbers mentally; add 2-digit to 3-digit numbers mentally using place value and rounding; add|

| |two 3-digit numbers using expanded written method (answers under 1000); begin to move tens and hundreds moving towards formal written |

| |addition; add two 3-digit numbers using expanded column addition; investigate patterns in numbers when adding them; choose to solve |

| |addition using a mental method or expanded column addition (written method). |

| |Furthermore we are learning to tell the time to the nearest minute on analogue and digital clocks (minutes past and minutes to); time |

| |events in minutes and seconds; find a time after a given interval (not crossing the hour); calculate time intervals; solve word problems |

| |involving time. |

| |Also, we will be learning to order 3-digit numbers and find numbers between; solve subtractions of 3-digit - 3-digit numbers using |

| |counting up (Frog); use counting up and counting back as strategies to perform mental subtractions; choose to solve a given subtraction by|

| |counting up or counting back |

| |Finally we will be learning to double and halve numbers up to 100 by partitioning; solve word problems involving doubling and halving; |

| |multiply numbers between 10 and 25 by 1-digit numbers using the grid method; divide multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers using known tables |

| |facts; see the relation between multiplication and division. |

|RE |In RE we will be learning about ‘Celebrating the Mass.’ We will learn about what happened at the Last Supper and reflect on how the Mass |

| |makes this real for us. We will also learn about the different parts of the Mass and their significance; the beginning of the Mass and |

| |thinking about ways we say ‘sorry,’ the importance of the Readings at Mass and reflect on how we listen to the word of God, to know what |

| |happens at the Offertory and Consecration and think about what offerings we can make, to know that it is Jesus we receive in Holy |

| |Communion and reflect on this very great gift to us. Finally, we will learn about our parish church and reflect on its importance to us. |

|Science |In Science we will be learning about Rocks and Soils. We will be exploring different kinds of rocks and their properties and collecting |

| |and recording data from observations and texts. We will also explore different types of rock families, recognise that soil comes from rock|

| |and set up simple practical activities and fair tests. Finally, we will be learning about how fossils are formed and use results to draw |

| |conclusions and suggest improvements or new questions. |

|History and |In humanities we will be exploring the question, ‘What Makes the Earth Angry?’ |

|geography |We will be finding out about what causes a volcano to erupt and which are the famous volcanoes in the world? |

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| |Also, we will be finding out about how volcanoes impact on the lives of people and why people choose to live near them? |

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| |We will explore how we can recreate an erupting volcano? |

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| |We will learn about what causes an earthquake (and a tsunami) and how are they measured? |

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| |We will learn about who experiences extreme weather in our country? |

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| |Furthermore, we will learn which countries have experienced earthquakes and tsunamis in our life time? |

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| |We will explore how can we capture a stormy weather pattern using music, drama and dance? |

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| |For our end of topic reflection we will put together a weather presentation of extreme weather using music, drama and video clips. |

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|PE |In PE we will be doing gymnastics and learning to use turning jumps (quarter and half turns) and link them to other actions. |

| |In Games we will learn to make up and play a game over a line in 2s and develop a competitive game. |

|Computing |In computing we will be learning to be presenters. We will have the opportunity to make a short narrated video of ourselves, practising a |

| |sport or other skill. We will use this to help us improve our performance. We will gain skills in shooting live video, such as framing |

| |shots, holding the camera steady and reviewing. We will learn to edit video and adding narration. Also we will learn to understand the |

| |qualities of effective video, such as the importance of narrative, consistency, perspective and scene length. |

|Modern Languages |In MFL we will be learning to listen and engage in German, ask and answer questions and speak in short sentences using familiar |

| |vocabulary. Also to develop appropriate pronunciation and appreciate stories songs, poems and rhymes. |

|Art and Design |In Art we will be learning to create our own rock sculptures. In Technology, we will be designing and making our own volcanoes. |

|Music |In music we will be learning to use voice and instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression, to improvise and compose |

| |music. We will be finding out about and creating music in the style of Peter Grimes. |


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