Jan - Weebly

Jan. 1, 1923 Vol. 1 No. 1



Directions: TIME magazine was created in the 1920s. In groups, the class is going to create issues of TIME magazine titled The Roaring 20’s. The following is the table of contents for this current issue of TIME. You can reference other issues, previous class examples and the Internet to get an idea of the requirements for your section of the issue. The grading criterion is on the back of this sheet.

Cover Illustration

Letters to the Editor..………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..1



Nation (must include 3 of the following, the ones in bold must be done)

• The Red Scare

• Immigration Restrictions

• Sacco-Vanzetti Case

• Black Migration

• Presidential Scandals

Business and Economy (must include 3 of the following, the ones in bold must be done)

• Henry Ford and the Automobile

• Farmer’s Problems

• Buying on Credit

• Consumerism

Science and Technology (must include all 3)

• Scopes Monkey Trial

• Airline Industry and Pilots

• Radio

Society (must include 3 of the following, the ones in bold must be done)

• Return of the KKK

• Prohibition

• The Flapper and the Modern Woman

• Speakeasies

Arts and Literature (must include all 3)

• Literature of the 20’s

• The Harlem Renaissance

• Modern Art

Entertainment and Sports (must include 3 of the following, the one in bold must be done)

• Jazz

• Babe Ruth and Baseball

• Boxing

• Hollywood


In groups, students will prepare a TIME Magazine called the The Roaring 20’s. Groups will be required to write at least 3 (three) articles for 4 (four) sections. Nation, Society and Business & Economy are the three sections that you have to do and you have flexibility in your last section. These articles must include factual information that is obtained through research in your textbook or other resources (other books, internet, etc). While students must base the majority of their writing on factual events and information, there can be fiction and there is freedom in this project to be original, creative and adventurous. To document your research, each group must submit a correctly formatted works cited page to be turned in to the teacher. Each article must also be accompanied by an illustration. The illustration may be copied and cut from another source, hand-drawn, or with clip art. Each student must participate. Although the group will be graded as a whole, the teacher may give individual grades if necessary. This will count for a project/test grade. The following criteria will be required for each group:


TIME Magazine Cover called The Roaring 20’s – Each group will create a cover. = 7 points

Table of Contents – Please provide a table of contents similar to the examples shown in class=4 points

Advertisement – Provide an ad for a product that was bought and sold during the 1920s. = 4 points

Letters – Each group will create a section of letters written to the editor about anything involving the 1920’s. These letters should contain factual information but can be completely made-up and written from someone living in the 1920’s. = 7 points

Notebook (see your textbook for examples) – Verbatim (quotes), What’s Hot/What’s Not, Who’s Hot/Who’s Cold, Mini-stories that your group finds interesting (maybe from the sections that you didn’t chose). = 7 points

Milestones (see your textbook or a TIME magazine for examples) – famous happenings or people throughout the 1920’s. = 7 points

Three articles for four sections chosen by the group. Each article must contain examples and explanation demonstrating your knowledge of the topic you are choosing to write on. For some topics, outside research may be needed. Each article must also be accompanied by an illustration. = 48 points (each article is 4 points)

Works Cited – Each group will turn in a works cited page in MLA format. This must include your textbook and at least 4 other sources. Your presentations will not be graded unless a works cited page is included at the end of your magazine. = 5 points

Creativity and Originality– Each group will be encouraged to be creative and innovative with their magazine section in order make it more interesting and exciting. = 5 points

1. Overall Presentation – Each group will also be graded on the overall presentation of everyone in the group. This will include, but will not be limited to, how the information is presented and if the information and layout of the magazine section is organized. = 6 points

2. Work Habits – Students will be given class time in class and in the library for this project. Groups will be closely monitored and will be asked to display productivity each day.


Every article that goes into the magazine must be typed. Research should be done at home and when class time is given. Groups will have access to computers scheduled for at least two class periods.

Each article must contain explanation and examples demonstrating your knowledge of the topic you are choosing to write on. Information from this magazine will be tested at the end of the next unit.

Utilize all class time given. Additional time outside of class will also be required.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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