10th Grade World History

Teacher: Mr. Melton


Length of course: Full academic school year


History Blog:

I. Course Description:

This course will teach students the World History I from Bible times to the Renaissance. Students will learn the history of the world from creation through early civilizations (Rome, Greece, Persia) to the Renaissance. The students will also explore the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere – touching on Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Students will learn the different projections of maps, how to read the different types of maps and the history of geography.

Textbooks: World History (Book A) with Student Activities, BJU Press Third Edition

Geography for Christian Schools Textbook, Bob Jones University Press, Second Edition

Geography for Christian Schools Student Activity Book, Bob Jones University

Class Verse:  

For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10(HCSB)

Assessment Design:

Check RenWeb daily for grades and updates

|Type: |Weight: |Assignment Type: |

|Daily |15% |Classwork/Homework |

|Homework is posted in Renweb in advance and is expected to be completed and | |Activity Book Assignments |

|ready for review at the beginning of class. | |Small written Assignments |

|Classwork that is assigned are learning activities that are meant to be | |Website Assignments |

|completed within the class context. At times, some classwork may need | | |

|completion as homework at the teacher’s discretion. | | |

|Minor |35% |Socratic Seminars |

|Quizzes will be given with a week’s advance noticed and will be posted on | |Standard Quizzes over Chapters covered |

|RenWeb in the lesson plans and homework. | |Geography Map Quizzes and Facts Quizzes |

|Quiz dates are subjected to change but only to be pushed back (never | | |

|forward). Socratic Seminars will be counted as a quiz grade unless stated | | |

|otherwise. | | |

|Major |50% |Standard Test over Chapters covered |

|Tests will be given with a week’s advance notice and will be posted on the | |Projects (Tic-Tac-Toe) |

|RenWeb in the lesson plans, homework and calendar. | |Map Project |

|Projects will count for a test grade unless stated otherwise. | |Cake Project |

|Projects: Each Semester students will be given at least two projects to | | |

|complete from the Tic-Tac-Toe Project Options. All of the forms and | | |

|guidelines are on Renweb for you to see at any time during the year. | | |

|Exams |10% |Mid-Term Exam |

|Exam review material will be posted at the end of each quarter and be placed | |Final Exam |

|on the class website and Renweb. The exams will be in the format of a | | |

|20/20/20 – 20 people, 20 dates or vocabulary, 20 events. The exam will | | |

|consist of 10 of each and the students will choose 5 to write about – | | |

|covering 75% of the exam. The rest of the exam will be standard test format | | |

|(multiple choice, true/false, maps, fill in the blank and etc) making up the | | |

|rest of the exam (25%). Please check the classroom website and Renweb for | | |

|the exam review material. | | |

Study Helpful Hint for Tests:

To help in studying for tests some good advice is to review past quizzes and homework questions. I will be taking some of the same questions off the quizzes but the best advice is to think about how the question could be switched around.

Example: The question below has three underline possible questions for a fill in the Blank question.

Question #1: June 6th, 1944 otherwise known as D-Day, is when the Allies landed in Normandy, France.

Quarterly Objectives:

Quarter 1

Map Skills

• Read basic information on maps; latitude, longitude, and elevation

Physical Features

• Distinguish the various types of landforms and bodies of water

• Identify the basic differences between the Tropics, the middle latitudes, and the polar regions

Bodies of Water

• Identify major bodies of water on the Earth

• Understand the different climate types/weather patterns of the earth

Geography: Europe: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Europe

Asia: South, East, Southeast and Southwest



• Identify and label the major cities in Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa

• Identify the major industries in each region or country of Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa

• Identify the major geographical features in Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa

• Identify and label the major cities, geographical features, industries and famous landmarks in Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa

II. Class Expectations

1. Students will be actively involved in all class procedures:

• Prayer

• Class Attendance

• Take out textbook and homework

• Check homework/Review previous day lesson

• Lesson (may be video, presentation, lecture, etc.)

• Class Assignment

• Homework Assignment

2. Students will bring all supplies to class (notebook, World History/Geography book, pencils/pens and paper).

3. Students will complete all assignments on time.

a.  If a student does not complete an assignment on time, I expect the student to attend after-school academic detention within the week to replace the zero-grade assignment with a minimum score of a 50.  I expect that should this be more than an occasional occurrence on the part of the student, that parents and administration will be engaged with the student to resolve the chronic issue.

b. Unexcused absences or tardies will also be subject to after-school academic detention for missed assignments.

4. Students will adhere to the Grove Handbook policies and demonstrate SOAR standards:

Stay impeccable with your word

Own your faith and actions

Assume positive intent

Respond lovingly with grace and truth

5. Students will follow the honor code at all times.

“As a member of Grove Christian School community, I pledge that I will consistently act in a positive, Christ-like manner. I pledge that I will not lie, cheat, or steal and that I will uphold the values of honesty, integrity, love and encouragement.”

6. Students will honor instructional time.

a. Students should be responsible with hall passes for any reason (bathroom break, etc.) and go and return promptly to minimize any loss of instructional time.

b. Students are responsible for lost instructional time and need to be proactive about what they might miss.

c. If a student needs to miss my class more than four times in a quarter (medical condition necessitating bathroom breaks for example), then I would expect that there will be extenuating circumstances that the student or parent will communicate to me.

Closing Notes:

I look forward to teaching your child World History I and Eastern Hemisphere Geography and pray that the year goes successfully for all the students and parents.

In Christ,

Mr. Melton

Note: This syllabus is subject to change.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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