
Art of the Louvre: (click here for the film link) A documentary about its history and its priceless collections(Answer each question in a complete sentence NO ONE WORD ANSWERS will be accepted!)Who was Saint Denis? Explain the strange painting of him in the Louvre: Describe the medieval Louvre:“Louvre” means ______________ in medieval French.Which king began the transformation of the Louvre? In which year (quelle époque) did he begin this transformation?Tell me three things you learned about “La Joconde” from this documentary:1.2.3.What effect did Leorardo’s La Joconde have on portraits made at that time and then after?What were the Caryatides in the Louvre? Why do the walls of the Louvre “read like an alphabet”?How did the walls of the Louvre, as well as the streets of Paris, reflect the tension between the Catholics and the Protestants. What time period does most of this take place? What kinds of conflicts took place? Did anyone die from these conflicts? Explain:Who was Henri IV? What did he do? How did he die?What well-known painting hanging in the Louvre is associated with Henri IV?“Rue de la Ferronnerie”, qu’est-ce que c’est?Explain Ruben’s painting of ??The Coronation in Saint Denis??. Quelle époque? How is Louis XIV mentioned in this documentary?“La Galerie d’Apollon”. How is this linked to Louis XIV? What originally happened to the Louvre when Louis XIV moved out of it to Versailles?Le 25 Aout. How is this date important? What lesson can be gained from the artist Chardin about “how to look at art”?In late 18th century section of the Louvre, we see art by__________________ who was famous for painting revolutionary art. What was his famous painting of 1785 (hint: men and women used as allegorical and symbolic figures of the Revolution. Why?)What happened to the Louvre In 1793?Le Champ de Mars. How is this important in French history? Where is it located?What painting was “so big [when it was stolen] that it had to be cut in two to make the journey by mule across the Alps”?David found himself at the ‘beck and call’ of________________ after the Revolution, a man who crowned ‘himself’ Emperor.How did the new emperor transform the Louvre for himself?1.2.3.In 1803, David _________________________________________________________.In 1804, Napoleon __________________________________________. On what day? ___________The great painting of The Coronation of Napoleon by David, other than Napoleon and Josephine, what other figures are named in the painting and one curious thing about each of them? What happened in 1815?During the period called La Restauration 1815-1830, what happened to the Louvre and the art it housed?Explain the significance of ??Le Radeau de la Méduse?? , a very famous painting in the Louvre.How does this painting reflect, or make allusion, to the recent political turmoil of the French Revolution?How is ancient Egypt incorporated into this documentary, Paris, and the museum itself? Champollion?In 1826, this was a shocking year in the Louvre’s history! Why?Delacroix. A famous French artist. Describe his famous painting:Who is Marianne and why is THIS painting the most iconic image for the French people?Who was Louis Bonaparte?What does the documentary say about Charles Baudelaire?Explain “Les Fleurs du Mal” and its connection to the Louvre? If the French people hated and reviled the monarchy so much, why did they allow the Louvre to remain standing instead of tearing it down as they did most other architectural structures that symbolized the “old system”?The Winged Victory? What is it and where did it come from?“Le Salon des Refusés”. What is it? What famous artists are associated with it?What famous French musician was inspired by a painting in the Louvre? The name of the song?What scandal happened in 1911? How did the museum reinvent itself, bringing the old age with the new age? Year? French President?How many people do they estimate visit the Louvre every year?What happened in 2012? What new exhibit/gallery was added? What is found in the Lower Galleries? (hint = un bol en or)Which word in French describes, sums up, the Louvre in one word? _______________ Explain: How many “Républiques” have the French witnessed since the Revolution? ................

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