Spelling Tic Tac Toe - Franklin Township Public Schools

Spelling Tic Tac Toe

Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________

Choose your own spelling homework assignments! Each week you must complete 3 activities in a row (across, down, or diagonal). After you complete an activity, color in the box with a crayon or colored pencil. This Tic Tac Toe board and 3 assignments are due on Thursdays in your Word Study Journals. Please be sure your name, date, Words Study title, and activity choice is on the top of EVERY assignment!

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|Put your spelling words in |Write your spelling words. Use black for the |Write your spelling words in a sailboat shape. |

|alphabetical order. |consonant letters and red for the vowel letters.|Then color only the line of the sail. |

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|Write your spelling words |Write your spelling words |Sort your words according |

|using a pencil. Then trace |3 times each in your |to their pattern. Don’t |

|over them in at least 4 different colors. |best handwriting. |forget to include the |

| | |heading of each sort. |

| | | |


|Write you spelling words. Then under each word |Write your spelling words using |Write 10 sentences |

|write the “phone number.” Add up the numbers to|fancy bubble letters that |using at least 10 different |

|find the total. |you draw, or type and print |spelling words. Be sure to |

| |them using a fancy bubble |check for capitals and use a |

| |font. |variety of punctuation marks! |


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