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5854706667500Design Document for:0226364All work Copyright ?2015 by Hutch House GamesWritten by Tom HutchinsonVersion # 1.00 TIME \@ "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" Friday, June 05, 2015Game PhilosophyWhy create this game?I personally enjoy single player fantasy themed RPGs and they are also popular and have a large market. This genre provides huge opportunity for creativity to create a large game and an interesting game world. Soul Steal will feature an open world with additional areas for quests and exploration. There will be many tasks available to the player besides quests including; items to collects, lore to discover, and skills to level up to unlock new abilities. Why they will playSoul Steal is aimed to appeal to people who have played previous fantasy themed RPGs but also to people who have not but are interested in fantasy games. It features a large open world for the player to discover and complete quests while levelling up their skills. Soul Steal also features an exciting combat system with a choice from four different classes, each with unique abilities. There will also be exciting video trailers available to the public to advertise the game, as well as banners and news on websites and digital distribution platforms such as Steam. Soul Steal will also be available to purchase on Steam upon release. How they will winThe story behind Soul Steal is that demonic creatures have conquered the mythical lands where the game takes place and corrupted cities, stealing the souls of the citizens. The main goal of the game with each quest is to restore the souls to humanity and banish the demonic creatures. This is done by defeating boss monsters at the end of quests and finding artefacts containing souls. The world changes as the player progresses through the story; there are soulless bodies of the citizens roaming the lands unconsciously and as the player restores more souls, the lands become less corrupt, there are less soulless bodies roaming the world and more living citizens that can even provide quests. At the end of the main story, the majority of humanity will be restored, but there will still be side quests that include combat against the demonic creatures as the corruption never completely leaves the world. It HappensThe player will be introduced to the main story when they begin the game along with some important NPCs. The player can choose to continue playing through the main story quests whenever they like meaning they can freely roam the game world and complete side quests, but progressing through the main story will unlock more content and impact the game world. Quests contain tasks such defeating medium difficult enemies and defeating difficult boss monsters. The player will need to think about how they want to approach each fight depending on which class they are playing so that they can take advantage of their combat abilities. Some quests will also contain puzzles for the player to complete to progress further, and many quests will make the player need to explore the environment in order to find artefacts. Game DesignWhat is the game and where does the game take place?Soul Steal is a first-person single player RPG. When the player begins the game they must choose a class to play as throughout the game. There are four classes to choose from: Warrior, Rogue, Ranger, and Mage. Each class features a different playstyle with different weapons available to them and unique class abilities. The player earns skill points as they progress through the game and complete quests, these skill points can be used to unlock and upgrade abilities and also to improve skills, making them more effective.Soul Steal takes place in a fantasy world called Voskarvis. Voskarvis has been conquered by evil demonic creatures that have captured the souls of the citizens. Voskarvis has many towns and cities, each one containing unconscious soulless citizens. The first town the player enters is called Wheat Hollow where they will complete the first quest by defeating some low level demonic creatures and rescue a portion of the town’s residents. Some of these residents are important interactive NPCs that will play a part in the game’s story. The player can freely roam the lands of Voskarvis, though some areas will be more dangerous and contain higher levelled enemies. There are side quests that the player can find and complete when roaming the world. Though as the main story progresses, more and more towns and cities are restored, creating new interactive NPCs to provide further side quests. So by playing through the main story, the player is unlocking new content, this encourages players to play the main story quests.Many quests take place in alternative demonic realms, most of these places are only accessibly during the quest(s) that feature them. These realms often have a large amount of hostile enemies and the player may wish to move quietly in order to avoid too much trouble. Quests where the player must venture into the demonic realms are often quests that feature difficult boss monsters that when defeated, restores souls to a large area of Voskarvis. What do you control?The player controls one of four available characters, each character represents a class. The available classes are: Warrior, Rogue, Ranger, and Mage. There is no character customization, each class has a set look. This is because Soul Steal is a first-person game so you won’t actually see your character model from a third-person perspective. What’s different about this game?Soul Steal is different to other single player open world RPGs because it starts off very dark with a heavy evil presence across the world. But as the player progresses through the story, humanity is slowly restored and the land becomes a brighter place. Though the evil presence never completely leaves Voskarvis, keeping the game interesting by still allowing the player to fight the demonic creatures. Feature SetGeneral FeaturesSingle player storylineIn depth side questsInventory systemBackstory and lore discoveryClass progression system3D graphicsInteractive mapAdvanced combat system with unique class abilities and a variety of weaponsOpen world explorationChallenging enemies and boss fightsMusic and sound effectsHigh quality graphicsThe Game WorldOverviewSoul Steal takes place in the mythical lands of Voskarvis. The terrain will include a large amount of forests, swamps, mountains and lakes. There will be many towns and cities to reach by following dirt roads or venturing through the wild. There will be a day and night system to add to the immersion, and there will be a weather system so that the weather will change as the game is being played. Key LocationsThe key locations in Soul Steal include the world Voskarvis, many quest locations such as dungeons and demonic realms, the many towns and cities, especially the town of Wheat Hollow. Wheat Hollow is a lovely town underneath the wreckage and horror caused by the evil. The dungeons and demonic realms contain demonic creatures, puzzle, haunted environments, and bosses which are the sources of the horror and evil. TravelThe player can travel the world by foot and by mount. The player can unlock mounts as they progress through the game. The player can also fast travel from specific locations to other locations of the same type.ObjectsThere are thousands of assets in Soul Steal, each asset falls into a specific category. Categories of assets include: props, structures, effects, foliage, collectables, weapons, and armour.WeatherThe weather will mostly consist of thunder storms and lightning when outside, though there will be a weather system so that the weather is no always the same and changes as the player plays the game. When in quest specific areas the weather can vary depending on the area. For example, one quest realm will seem still and silent with an eerie atmosphere, another will have very strong winds throwing rubble through the air with a chaotic atmosphere. However, to contrast, another dungeon will have a bright, sunny atmosphere to deceive the player that changes throughout, this is the Dungeon of the Trickster.Day and NightSoul Steal has a day and night cycle to add to the immersion and to make the environment feel more realistic. Rendering System and Game EngineSoul Steal will be create with Unreal Engine 4. The game will use real-time 3D rendering with Unreal Engine 4. There will be realistic looking textures to fit the immersive fantasy world. There will be a variety of particle effects such as fire for lighting. There will be blueprints for torches and lanterns to be used for lighting. Torches will use fire particle emitters with an orange coloured point light to create realistic looking lighting that fits with the dark medieval fantasy theme. System RequirementsSoul Steal requires a medium to high end PC to run effectively.Minimum System RequirementsIntel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHzAMD CPU Phenom II X4 940Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870RAM 6GBOS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)DirectX 11HDD Space 40 GBRecommended System RequirementsIntel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHzAMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHzNvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770AMD GPU Radeon R9 290RAM 8GBOS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)DirectX 11HDD Space 40 GBGame CharactersThere are two main NPCs in Soul Steal that will play a large role in the story.Fergus Darmady Fergus is a black elderly man from Wheat Hollow whom you restore to humanity in the first quest. At first Fergus seems to be a typical frail old man but is later revealed to have been a sell sword before the demonic corruption. Fergus returns to his ways as the story progresses as there is still human conflict even with the threat of the demonic creatures. Though Fergus recognises the need to defeat the demonic creatures, and since you saved his soul he will accompany you during quests if you pay him a small fee.Charcoal BlackCharcoal is a white male warrior who you restore humanity to during a quest to restore the city Hemmington. Charcoal is also a blacksmith and distributes weaponry and armour to towns nearby Hemmington. You can buy armour from Charcoal when you have fully restored Hemmington, and you can even pay him to create specific armour for you provided you have found the special materials. User InterfaceOverviewThe user interface consists of a heads up display (HUD), main menu, pause menu, inventory and an interactive map.User Interface Detail #1The HUD will include a minimap (in the bottom left), equipped weapons and armor (in the bottom right), your ability bar (at the bottom, in the centre), your health and mana (above your ability bar), and a compass (at the top, in the centre). The player will also be able to bring up their inventory and an interactive map of Voskarvis,User Interface Detail #2The pause menu is brought up when the player presses the “esc” key. It gives the player the option to resume the game, view and change options, leave the current level, and to exit the game. The game auto saves your progression so you don’t have to save manually. The player will also be able to exit to the main menu.WeaponsOverviewEach class has a specific set of weapons they can use. Each class starts with a specific weapon. The player can choose to upgrade the strength of their characters use of weapons with skill points, and they can also purchase weapon upgrades with gold at certain shops in towns and cities. Gold can be earned through completing quests, helping citizens, levelling up, and from finding it in the world.Warrior WeaponsWarriors can use a range of swords, including one-handed swords with a shield, and two-handed swords. They can also use a range of axes.Ranger WeaponsRangers can use a range of bows and crossbows and use different types of arrows and crossbow bolts. They can also use daggers.Mage WeaponsMages can use a range of different staffs. They can also use daggers.Rogue WeaponsRogues can use a range of swords and daggers, but different, lighter weight swords than warrior. They cannot use two handed swords but they and duel wield swords and daggers.Music and Sound EffectsThere will be background music throughout the game that fits the dark medieval fantasy theme. This music can be toggled on and off in the options in pause menu. There will be sound effects for just about everything in Soul Steal. Examples are the sound of weapons, footsteps, creatures, and background sounds. There will be suitable background sounds to fit the theme of each area of the world including demonic realms, dungeons, and castles. Examples of background sounds are running water, the sound of wind, rain, whispers, groans, and other combat.Hours of GameplayThere is to be over one hundred hours of gameplay in Soul Steal, this includes the main story and all the side quests.Victory ConditionsThere is direct ending to the gameplay in Soul Steal. Upon completing the main story, the player is still able to complete hundreds of side quests, level up skills, collect items, fight demonic creatures in corrupted areas, and improve their weapons and armour. ................

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