Your Own Fantasy Kingdom

Your Own Fantasy Kingdom

Grading Sheet


1) Descriptive name for kingdom

2) How does one get from our world to your kingdom?

3) Interesting named/interesting creatures

4) Map of kingdom

a. Labeled

i. Bodies of water

ii. Woods

iii. Roads

iv. Where creature lives

v. Location of your castle

5) Design a castle

6) List of important laws

7) Coat of Arms

8) Title for you

9) Major industries

10) Major resources

11) Design money

12) Other kingdoms to trade with

13) Presentation

14) Grammar/Spelling

You may use your computer to help draw/design some of the above.

Interesting twist:

Each student must create his/her own fantasy kingdom. However, under #12 asks about what other kingdoms to trade with. Maybe you could trade with some of your classmates? You don’t have to, but it might be fun to decide what resources or industries your kingdom has or needs and interact with classmates. This interactions will need to be done with social distancing in mind, but I bet you can figure this out. This assignment is due April 3, 2020. Email your “stuff” to mpupaschool@.

Enjoy and have fun!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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