Box #1—Gus Hall
Table of Contents
Periodicals: Journals 3
Box 1-7 —African Communist 3
Box 8-10 —Amerasia: Review of America and the Far East (all bound) 3
Box 11-12 —Communist Affairs 4
Box 13-25 —Communist International 4
Box 26-31 —East Europe (monthly review of Eastern European Affairs) 4
Box 32 —East-West Center—Dillingham Lectures 5
Box 33-41 —East-West Digest (Council Against Communist Aggression) 5
Box 42-43 —Ethics and Public Policy Essays 5
Box 44 —Ethics and Public Policy Reprints 6
Box 45-51 —Fourth International 7
Box 52-54 —IIER 7
Box 55-57 —Intelligence Digest: A Review of World Affairs 8
Box 58-65 —International Socialist Review 10
Box 109 —Labour Review 11
Box 66-67 —Living Age 11
Box 68-88 —Mainstream/Masses and Mainstream 11
Box 109 —Marxist Quarterly 12
Box 89-91 —NATO Colloquiums—1982, 1984, 1986-89, 1990-97 12
Box 92 —The New International 12
Box 93-94 —News From Behind the Iron Curtain (JEHLOC) 12
Box 109 —Party Organizer 13
Box 95-102 —Review of World Affairs 13
Box 103 —Socialist Vanguard 13
Box 104-105 —Tamkang Journal of American Studies 13
Box 106-108 —Tricontinental 13
Periodicals: Newspapers 15
Box 110 —Attack! 15
Box 111-112 —The Klansman 15
Box 113 —National Vanguard 15
Box 114 —The New Order (Newspaper of National Socialism) 16
Box 111 —Statecraft: Journal of Political Education 16
Box 115-117 —The Thunderbolt 16
Box 117 —The Truth at Last 17
Box 118 —White Power 17
Freedoms Foundation Pamphlets 18
Box 119—Gus Hall; Eugene Dennis 18
Box 120—Earl Browder 19
Box 121—William Z. Foster 21
Box 122—Daniel DeLeon 23
Box 123-126—Pro-Communism 24
Box 127—Socialist Party Annual Conventions 29
Box 128-131—Pro-Socialism 29
Box 132-- Pamphlets on Communism and Religion 34
Box 133—Jews/Anti-Semitism 35
Box 134-135—African-Americans 36
Box 136—Civil Liberties/Dealing with ACLU; Civil Rights 38
Box 137—Peace/Pacifism 40
Box 138—Human Rights 42
Box 139— Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Protests, Riots 43
Box 140—Disarmament, Arms Control; Korean War 43
Box 141—Fascism; Trade Unions 45
Box 142—Germany 46
Box 143—African Liberation Movements; Rhodesia 48
Box 144—Spain 49
Box 145—Hungary; Poland 50
Box 146—Czechoslovakia; Albania; Baltic States 51
Box 147-148—Cuba 52
Box 149-150—China 54
Box 151—China; South Africa 58
Box 152-154—Vietnam 59
Box 155-156—Soviet Union 62
Box 157-159—Misc. Countries 63
Box 160-161—Soviet Strategy; Cold War; Soviet-U.S. Relations 65
Box 162-163—NASA, Space Program 66
Box 164-166—Military, Defense, National Security 67
Box 167—Foreign relations, national security 69
Box 168—Center for Strategic Studies Papers 69
Box 169—Monographs on National Security Affairs 70
Box 170—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), United Nations 70
Box 171-172—Helsinki Pact 71
Box 173-176—Conservative Publications 73
Box 177—Anti-Communist 76
Box 178—Radio-Free Europe Publications 76
Box 179—Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League 76
Box 180—American Conservative Union Publications/Other Conservative 77
Box 181—ERI Publications/Special Reports 78
Box 182—Atlantic Council Papers, Midnight Economist, McNair Papers 78
Box 183-185—Miscellaneous topics 79
Box 186—Writings of the Council of the Organization of Am. States/Pan-Am. Union 82
Box 187—Heritage Lectures 82
Box 188—AEI Publications 83
Box 189—Heritage Foundation Publications 85
Box 190 —Arlene Tyner Acquisition 86
Box 191 —Additions 87
Periodicals: Journals (Each bound volume is given a box number)
Box 1-7 —African Communist
1966—1,2,3,4 quarters
1967—1,2,3,4 quarters
1968—1,2,3,4 quarters
1969—1,2,3 quarters
1970—1,2,3,4 quarters
1971—1,2,3,4 quarters
1972—1,2,3,4 quarters
1973—1,2,3,4 quarters
1974—1,2,3,4 quarters
1975—1,2,3 quarters
1980—1,2,3,4 quarters
1981—1,2,3,4 quarters
1982—2,3,4 quarters
1983—1,2,3,4 quarters
1984—1,2 quarters
1986—1,2,3,4 quarters
1987—1,2,3,4 quarters
1988—1,2,3,4 quarters
1989—1,2,3,4 quarters
1990—1,2 quarters
Box 8-10 —Amerasia: Review of America and the Far East (all bound)
1937: March, October, November
1938: January-March
1939: January
1941: January, February, August, November, December
1942: March, May, September
1943: April
1945: October, November, December
1946: January, February, March, October, Nov., Dec.
1947: January-July
Box 11-12 —Communist Affairs
1962: June, August, October, December
1963: Feb/March, April/May, June/August
1964: January-December
1965: January-December
1966: July/August (2 copies), Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec. (2 copies)
1967: Jan./Feb. (2 copies), March-December
1968: Jan./Feb., March/April
Box 13-25 —Communist International
1923: August, December [bound]
1925: February
1929: 10th Anniversary Issue, Vol. VI, #30 and Vol. VII, #1 (Bound)
1931: May 15, July 15
1932: 1/15, 4/1, 7/1, 7/15, 9/1 (bound)
1933: 2/1, 2/15, 3/14, 4/15, 5/1, 5/15, 6/1, 6/22, 7/1, 7/15, 9/15, 11/15 (bound)
1934: 1/15, 2/1, 2/20, 3/5, 3/20, 4/5, 4/20, 5/20, 6/5, 6/20, 7/5, 7/20, 8/5, 9/5, 9/20, 10/5, 10/20, 11/5, 11/20,
12/5, 12/20 (Bound)
1935: July-December [bound] also: 3/20,4/5, 4/20, 5/5, 5/20, 6/5, 6/20, 8/20
1936: July-December [bound] also: January-June (2 copies of February)
1937: July-December [bound] also: January, March, April, May, June
1938: January-June (bound), July-December (bound)
1939: Special Report: 18th Congress of the CPSU: Reports, Resolutions, Speeches; Jan., May-August, Dec.
1940: Jan (2copies), April, August, September (2 copies), December
Box 26-31 —East Europe (monthly review of Eastern European Affairs)
1957: January-December
1958: January-April
1964: January-December
1965: January-December
1966: January-December
1967: January-December
1968: January-December
1969: January-December
1971: January-December
Box 32 —East-West Center—Dillingham Lectures
1. Prospects of a New Pax Asiana—Thanat Khoman (Foreign Minister of Thailand) 1969
2. An Australian Looks at East and Southeast Asia—Robert Menzies (Former Prime Minister
3. of Australia) 1969
4. Southeast Asia Today and Tomorrow—Soedjatmoleo (Indonesian Ambassador to US) 1969
5. East-West: the twain have met—Lee Kuan Yew (Prime Minister of Singapore) 1970
6. Hong Kong and It’s Position in the Southeast Asia Region—Sir David Trench (Governor of Hong
7. Kong) 1971
8. Korea’s Changing Role in Asia—Kwan Shik Man (Minister of Education, Republic of Korea) 1973
Box 33-41 —East-West Digest (Council Against Communist Aggression)
1968: March, Sept., Oct.
1969: January-December
1970: January-December
1971: January-November
1972: January-December (#s 1-24)
1973: January-December (#s 1-24)
1974: Jan., Feb., March, April, May, July, August, Sept., Dec. (#s 1-10, 13-16, 18, 24)
1975: Feb., April, July, August, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. (#s 3, 8, 14-21, 23, 24)
1976: Jan.-Dec. (#s 2-24) (missing #1 & #4)
1977: Jan.-Dec. (#s 1-24)
1978: Jan.-Dec. (#s 1-24)
1980: Jan.-August (#s 1-14, 16)
Box 42-43 —Ethics and Public Policy Essays
1. How to Lose a War: the Press and Vietnam—Robert Elegant, #35, 4/82
2. Private Virtues, Public Vices—Jeanne Kirkpatrick, #41,12/82
3. Constitutional Democracy vs Utopian Democracy—Raymond English, #42, 2/83
4. Crime and American Culture—James Wilson, #43,4/83
5. Revolution, Terrorism, and US Policy—Ernest Lefever, #45,5/83
6. Reducing Risk by Restoring Strength: Reflections on Nuclear War—W.Scott Thompson, #46, 8/83
7. Who Speaks for American Judaism?--Seymour Siegel, #48,10/83
8. Advancing Democratic Principles—Stephen Haseler, #49, 10/83
9. We and They: Understanding Ourselves and Our Adversary—Jeanne Kirkpatrick, #51,12/83
10. A Tribute to Lech Walesa, #52, 12/83
11. Central America and US Domestic Policies—Mark Falcoff, #54, 4/84
12. The Grenada Mission, #55, 4/84 edited by Raymond English
13. Challenge and Response, #57, 2/85 edited by Robert Royal
14. Reinvigorating Our Schools, #58, 4/85 edited by Ernest Lefever
15. Ethics and American Power , #59, 5/85 edited by Ernest Lefever
16. Gaining Ground: New Approaches to Poverty and Dependency,#60, 8/85 edited by Michael Cromatie
17. American Business and the Quest for Freedom, #62, 2/86
18. How Bishops Decide: An American Catholic Case Study—Philip Lawler, #63, 3/86
19. History, Geography, and Citizenship:the Teacher’s Role—William Bennett and Jeanne Kirkpatrick, #64, 4/86
Box 44 —Ethics and Public Policy Reprints
1. Ethics and the New Class—Peter Berger, 9/78, #9
2. Will Lawyering Strangle Capitalism?--Laurence Suberman, 9/78, #10
3. Is Capital Punishment Just?--Ernest Van den Haag, 9/78, #11
4. The Case for Doing Business in South Africa—Herman Nickel, 9/78, #12
5. Trendier than thou: Episcopal Church and Secular World—Paul Seabury, 11/78, #14
6. What it Means to be #2—Fred Charles Ikle, 11/79, #21
7. Soul of Man Under Socialism—Vladimir Bukovsky, 11/79, #20
8. Dictatorships and Double Standards: A Critique of US Policy—Jeanne Kirkpatrick, 12/79, #22
9. America the Enemy: Profile of a Revolutionary Think Tank—Rael Jean Isaac, 7/80, #25
10. Washington vs the Public Schools—J. Myron Atkin, 12/80, #26
11. Washington vs the Universities—Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 12/8, #27
12. Education, Character and American Schools—Gerald Grant, 12/81, #32
13. The New Defenders of Capitalism—Norman Podhoretz, 12/81, #33
14. Why Latin America is Poor—Michael Novak, 4/82, #36
15. On the Brink: Myth of German Anti-Americanism—Uwe Siemon-Netto, 4/82, #37
16. Media Elite and American Values—S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman, 4/82, #38
17. Nuclear Weapons and the Peace Movement—Henry Kissinger, 12/82, #40
18. Moscow and the European Peace Movement—J.A. Emerson Vermatt, 4/83, #44
19. Global Paternalism—Jeanne Kirkpatrick, 8/83, #47
20. If East Europeans Could Vote: A Survey—Henry O. Hart, 4/84, #53
21. What the Fundamentalists Want—Richard John Neuhaus, 10/85, #61
Box 45-51 —Fourth International
1964: Spring, Summer
1964-1965: Autumn/Winter
1965: Summer, August
1966: January, April, August, November
1967: April, July, November
1968: February, August
1969: Winter, Summer
1970: Winter, Summer
1940: February, May. June, July, August, October, November, Dec.
{Trotsky’s Death-Oct.} (bound)
1941: Jan., Feb., August, Nov., December (bound)
1942: January-December (bound)
1943:January-December (except October) (bound)
1945: January-December (bound)
1947: January-December (bound)
1948: January-December (missing Oct. and Nov.) (bound)
1949: January-December (missing July) (bound)
Box 52-54 —IIER (International Institute for Economic Research)
1. The Politicization of Economic Decisions, Alan A. Walters, Reprint Paper 1, April 1976
2. Why Government Grows, Allan H. Meltzer, Original Paper 4, August 1976
3. United States Foreign Policy: Why not Project Interdependence by Design? Malcolm W. Hoag, Reprint Paper 2, October 1976
4. Adam Smith’s Relevance for 1976, Milton Friedman, Original Paper 5, December 1976
5. The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with Legal Education, Francis A. Allen, Reprint Paper 3, January 1977
6. Two Essays on Income Distribution and the Open Society, Irving Kristol, Peter T. Bauer, Reprint Paper 4, January 1977
7. Economics and the Law of the Sea Negotiations, Dennis E. Logue and Richard James Sweeney, Original Paper 6, March 1977
8. The Multiple Tax on Corporate Income, Peter H. Aranson, Original Paper 7, April 1977
9. Bureaucratic Intervention, Economic Efficiency, and the Free Society: An Episode, William F. Allewelt, Jr., Reprint Paper 5, May 1977
10. Can the Corporation Survive? Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, Reprint Paper 6, July 1977
11. An Economic Appraisal of President Carter’s Energy Program, Walter J. Mead, Reprint Paper 7, September 1977
12. Advertising by Professionals, Charles W. Baird, Original Paper 8, October 1977
13. The Night We Floated, Wilson E. Schmidt, Original Paper 9, October 1977
14. The Trust Behind Antitrust, Harold Demsetz, Original Paper 10, March 1978
15. The Energy Crisis: The Moral Equivalent of Bamboozle, J. Clayburn La Force, Original Paper 11, April 1978
16. The Anatomy of Public Failure: A Public Choice Perspective, William C. Mitchell, Original Paper 13, June 1978
17. Does Resource Conservation Pay? Gerhard Anders, W. Philip Gramm, and S. Charles Maurice, Original Paper 14, July 1978
18. Unionism and the Public Sector, Charles A. Baird, Original Paper 15, August 1978
19. The Supreme Court’s Busing Decisions: A Study of Government by the Judiciary, Lino A. Sowell, Original Paper 16, September 1978
20. Caution: Consumer Protection May Be Hazardous to Your Health, Richard B. McKenzie, Original Paper 18, December 1978
21. Pangratzio Clears the Air, John H. Sheridan, Reprint Paper 9, January 1979
22. California Transportation Planning: Examining the Entrails, Ross D. Eckert, Original Paper 19, February 1979
23. Social Responsibility in the Enterprise Economy, Harold Demsetz, Reprint Paper 10, April 1979
24. Demographic Trends in Higher Education: Collective Bargaining and Forced Unionism? James T. Bennett and Manuel H. Johnson, Original Paper 20, May 1979
25. A Strategy for Alternative Fuels, Elliott M. Estes, Reprint Paper 11, June 1979
26. Thoughts on the Tax Revolt, Barry N. Siegel, Original Paper 21, June 1979
27. Economic and Political Issues in the New International Economic Order, Rachel McCulloch, Original Paper 22, July 1979
28. Pollution Control: Taxes Versus Regulation, Stephen F. Williams, Original Paper 23, August 1979
29. Access to Energy: A Selection of Brief Essays, Petr Beckmann, Reprint Paper 12, September 1979
30. Access to Energy: A Selection of Brief Essays, Petr Beckmann, Reprint Paper 12, September 1979
31. The Political World, Government Regulation, and Spending, Roy L. Ash, Original Paper 24, October 1979
32. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays, William R. Allen, Original Paper 25, January 1980
33. Energy Policy: Capitalism Anyone: Irwin M. Stelzer, Original Paper 26, February 1980
34. Corporate Legitimacy and Social Responsibility, Robert Hessen, Reprint Paper 13, March 1980
35. The California Coastal Commission and the Economics of Environmentalism, Thomas W. Hazlett, Original Paper 27, May 1980
36. The Gasoline Rationing Myth, Joe Cobb, Reprint Paper 14, June 1980
37. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays, William R. Allen, Original Paper 28, July 1980
38. Risk and Other Four-Letter Words, Walter B. Wriston, Reprint Paper 15, August 1980
39. Treating Poverty: Wherein the Cure Gives Rise to the Disease, Tom Bethell, Reprint Paper 16, October 1980
40. Controlling Money: A Discussion, Lawrence R. Klein, Jerry L. Jordan, James M. Johannes, Robert H. Rasche, William Wolman, Original Paper 29, November 1980
41. Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays, William R. Allen, Original Paper 30, January 1981
42. America’s Energy Policy in the 1980’s: A Semi-Optimistic View, Claude S. Brinegar, Original Paper 31, February 1981
43. Credit Controls and Inflation, J. Daniel Hammond, Original Paper 32, June 1981
44. Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays II, William R. Allen, Original Paper 33, July 1981
45. The Lessons of History: Three Discussions, Keith Berwick, William R. Allen, Robert A. Scalapino, and Phil Kerby, Original Paper 34, October 1981
46. The Right to Close Down: The Political Battle Shifts to the States, Richard B. McKenzie, Original Paper 35, January 1982
47. Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays III, William R. Allen, Original Paper 36, January 1982
48. The Political Economy of Social Conflict, or Malice in Plunderland, Dwight R. Lee, Original Paper 36 [37], February 1982
49. Did the Tax Cut Really Cut Taxes? Stephen A. Meyer and Robert J. Rossana, Reprint Paper 17, June 1982
50. Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays IV, William R. Allen, Original Paper 38, July 1982
51. Environmental Versus Political Pollution, Dwight R. Lee, Original Paper 39, September 1982
52. Reminiscences and Ruminations of an Infantryman in the Conservative Army, Edwin A. Roberts, Jr. Original Paper 40, December 1982
53. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays V, William R. Allen, Original Paper 41, January 1983
54. The Rise and Fall of Economic Due Process-When the Supreme Court Championed and then Curtailed Economic Freedom, Bernard H. Siegan, Original Paper 42, February 1983
55. Down on the Farm with Uncle Sam, Clifton B. Luttrell, Original Paper 43, June 1983
56. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays VI, William R. Allen, Original Paper 41, July 1983
57. Inflation and Unemployment: The Case for Limiting Political Discretion, Dwight R. Lee, Original Paper 45, September 1983
58. Social Security’s Financial Crises, Colin D. Campbell, Original Paper 46, October 1983
59. Reflections on the Corporation as a Social Invention, William H. Meckling and Michael C. Jensen, Reprint Paper 18, November 1983
60. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays VII, William R. Allen, Original Paper 47, January 1984
61. Corporate Control: Folklore vs. Science, Michael C. Jensen, Reprint Paper 19, June 1984
62. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays VIII, William R. Allen, Original Paper 48, July 1984
63. Union Myopia and the Taxation of Capital, Dwight R. Lee, Reprint Paper 20, December 1984
64. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays IX, William R. Allen, Original Paper 49, January 1985
65. Samson and the U.S. Dollar, Richard J. Sweeney, Original Paper 50, February 1985
66. Policy Analytics of Natural Gas Decontrol, Benjamin Zycher, Original Paper 51, May 1985
67. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays X, William R. Allen, Original Paper 52, July 1985
68. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays XI, William R. Allen, Original Paper 53, January 1986
69. Midnight Economist: Radio Essays XII, William R. Allen, July 1986
Box 55-57 —Intelligence Digest: A Review of World Affairs
1950: January
1951: February, March, August, September, October, November also: June-Dec, January
1952: January, March also: January-December
1953: January-July
1954: January-December also: April supplement
1955: January-December
1956: January-December
1957: January-August
1959: February, April, June, July, August
1963: August-December
1964: January-December
1965: January, May-September
1966: January-December (missing May)
1967: January and February
1972: May
Supplements: March, May, June, 1954
Box 58-65 —International Socialist Review
1902-03 Vol. III (bound)
1903: July
1904: June
1905: July
1906: June
July 1906-June 1907
July 1907-June 1908
July 1908-June 1909
1917: November-December
Box 109 —Labour Review
Winter 1961
Box 66-67 —Living Age
1887: 4/30, 5/14, 5/21, 6/25
1905: 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/1, 6/3, 6/17, 6/24
1906: 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31
Box 68-88 —Mainstream [A Literary Quarterly]/Masses and Mainstream
1947: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall (all bound)
1949: July-December [bound]
1950: January-December [bound]
1951: January-December [bound]
1952: January-December [bound]
1953: January-December [bound]
1954: January-December [bound]
1955: January-December [bound]
1956: January-December (missing February)
1957: January-November (missing December)
1958: January-December
1959: January-September (missing October, November, December)
1959: Now called Mainstream October-December
1960: January-December
1961: January-December (missing May and October)
1962: January-December
1963: January-August
Box 109 —Marxist Quarterly
1937: April/June
Box 89-91 —NATO Colloquiums—1982, 1984, 1986-89, 1990-97
#82—The CMEA 5-Year Plans (1981-1985) In a New Perspective
#84—The Soviet Economy After Brezhnev
#86—Economies of Eastern Europe and their Foreign Economic Relations
#87—The Soviet Economy: A New Course?
#88—The Economies of Eastern Europe Under Gorbachev’s Influence
#89—Soviet Economic Reforms: Implementation Underway
#90—The Central and East European Economies in the 1990s: Prospects and Constraints
#91—The Soviet Economy Under Gorbachev
#92—External Economic Relations of the Central and East European Countries
#93—Economic Development in Cooperation Partner Countries from a Sectoral Perspective
#94—Privatization in NACC Countries
#95—Status of Economic Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries in mid-1990s: Opportunities,
Constraints, Security Implications
#96—Status of Economic Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries in mid-1990s: The Social
and Human Dimension
#97—Economic Developments and Reforms in Cooperation Partner Countries: External
Economic Relations with Particular Focus on Regional Cooperation
Box 92 —The New International
May-June 1950
May-June 1951, 1952??
Winter 1955-56
Spring 1956, Summer 1956, Fall 1956
Winter 1957, Spring 1957, Summer 1957, Fall 1957
Spring-Summer 1958, Winter 1958
Box 93-94 —News From Behind the Iron Curtain (JEHLOC)
1952: Jan., May, August
1953: June-December (2 copies)
1954: Jan., March, June, October
1955: Jan., July, August, September, October, November, December
1956: January-November
Box 109 —Party Organizer
1931: April
Box 95-102 —Review of World Affairs
1940, vol. II;
April 1941, vol. I and vol. III;
1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, vol. VIII;
Box 103 —Socialist Vanguard
September and October 1936
January, April, May 1937
July, October 1937
Box 104-105 —Tamkang Journal of American Studies
1984: Fall, Winter
1985: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
1986: Winter,Spring, Summer, Fall
1987: Spring (2 copies), Summer, Fall, Winter
1988: Summer, Fall, Winter
1989: Spring
1990: Winter
1991: Summer
1993: Winter
1994: Spring, Summer
Box 106-108 —Tricontinental
1966: December, #9
1968: November, #32
1969: May, #38; June, #39
1970: March, #48; December, #57
1971: January, #58; January, #59; March #60; April #61; May #62; July #63; July #64; October
#67; November #68; December #69
1972: January #70; February #71; March #72; April #73; May-June #74/75; July #76; August #77;
September #78; October #79; November #80.
Other issues (some with different content):
1968: #9
1969: #12 May-June
1970: #17 March-April, #19-20 July-October [tribute to Che]
1971: #21-22 Nov. 1970-Feb. 1971; #23 March-April; #24 May-June; #25 July-
August; #26 September-October.
1972: #29-30 March-June
Periodicals: Newspapers
Box 110 —Attack! (Revolutionary Voice of the National Alliance/A Publication of the National Youth Alliance)
1969: Fall
1970: Fall (2 copies)
1971: January, March, April, Summer, Fall, December
1972: February, March, May, June, July, September, October, 1 undated special issue
1973: January, April, May, June, July, September, October, 1 undated special issue
1974: February, April, May, July
1975: April, May, June, September, October, 2 undated special issues
1976: January, February, March, May, June, August, November, 2 undated special issues
1977: April, May, July, October, 3 undated special issues
1978: February
Box 111-112 —The Klansman (Published by the Invisible Empire, Knights of the KKK)
1976: January-December (missing March)
1977: January (2), February, March, April (2), May, June, July (3), August (2),
September, October, November, December
1978: January-December (2 copies of October and November)
1979: February, March, April, June, July, August, October, December
1980: January-December
1981: January-November/December
1982: January-December
1983: January/February-December
1984: January, February
1985: December (84)/January, February, March, April/May, June/July, August/September,
October, November, December
1986: January, February/March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1987: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1991: March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, Nov/Dec
1992: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August
Box 113 —National Vanguard (formerly Attack!) (Toward a New Consciousness, New Order, New
1978: April, May, June, August, September, October, December
1979: January, March, May, July, August, October, December
1980: February, March, May, July, October, December
1981: February, April (2), June, August, November (2)
1982: January (2)
special issue: America at the Crossroads no. 68
special issue: Whites: Let’s Unite (3 copies)
Box 114 —The New Order (Newspaper of National Socialism)
1979: May, October, November (2), December (2)
1980: Jan/Feb, March, April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1981: Feb/March, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1982: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1983: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1984: March/April
1985: July/August, September/October
1986: September/October, November/December
1987: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August
Box 111 —Statecraft: Journal of Political Education (published by the National Youth Alliance)
1970: November-December
Box 115-117 —The Thunderbolt (The White Man’s Viewpoint/Voice of the American White Worker/Defender of White People’s Rights/News Suppressed by the Daily Press)
1974: June(2)
1978: November, December
1979: January (2)-December
1980: January-December
1981: January (2)-December
1982: January-December
1983: January, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
1984: January, February, June, August
supplement: Secret Kosher Tax Boosts Food Prices
Numbered issues: 300-327 (missing 305), 330-335, 341
Box 117 —The Truth at Last (News Suppressed by the Daily Press) (formerly The Thunderbolt)
Numbered issues: 328-335, 341, 345-360 (2 of #346)
Supplement: Social Justice—dealing with Father Coughlin
Box 118 —White Power (The Revolutionary Voice of National Socialism/The Newspaper of White Revolution)
1967: September 1 (first issue?)
1969: August/September, November/December
1970: January/February, March/April
1971: Jan/Feb, March/April (2), May (3), June, July, August, Oct/Nov, Dec
1972: January-June
1974: April-December
1975: January-December
1976: January, August/October
1977: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1978: January-June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec
1979: Jan/Feb, March, April, May/June, July/August, Nov/Dec
1980: November/December (2)
1981: January/February (2)
numbered issues: 100-106 (all have 2 copies), 107-109 (from 1981-1984?)
parts of issues: 1972—August, September, October, July
1973—January and February
Freedoms Foundation Pamphlets
Box 119—Gus Hall; Eugene Dennis
1. Toward Unity Against World Imperialism. 1969
2. Toward a Peace Ticket in 1968, 1967
3. End the Cold War!, 1962
4. Our Sights to the Future, 1960 2 copies (JEHLOC)
5. For a Meaningful Alternative, 1967
6. Your Stake in the 1960 Elections, 1960 (JEHLOC)
7. Peace Can be Won!, 1951
8. The Fight Against the Nixon-Agnew Road to Disaster, 1970 (JEHLOC)
9. The Only Choice: Peaceful Coexistence, 1963 (JEHLOC)
10. The Summit Failure: How Peace Can be Won, 1960
11. Negro Freedom is in the Interest of Every American, 1964
12. The U.S. in Today’s World, 1961 2 copies
13. Which Way USA 1964? The Communist View, 1964
14. Labor Key Force, 1966
15. The Working -Class Approach to Women’s Liberation, 1970
16. How to Stop the Monopolies, 1979
17. The Working-Class Answer to the Deepening Crisis, 1979
18. Communism and Mankind’s Bright Horizon, 1965 2 copies (JEHLOC)
19. Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads, 1968
20. Imperialist Rivalries and the World Struggle for Peace, 1968
21. Erosion of US Capitalism in the ‘70s
22. For a Radical Change: the Communist View, 1966 (JEHLOC)
23. Path to Revolution: the Communist Program, 1968 (JEHLOC)
24. Solutions, 1980
25. The Summit Failure: How Peace Can Be Won, 1960.
26. The United States in Today’s World: What the Communists Stand For, 1961 (JEHLOC)
27. Let the People Know—Eugene Dennis, 1947
28. I Challenge the Un-Americans—Eugene Dennis, 1947
29. What America Needs: A Communist View—Eugene Dennis and John Gates, 1956
30. The Case for the Communist Party—Eugene Dennis (w/intro by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn)1949
31. What America Faces: the new war danger and the struggle for peace, democracy, and economic security—Eugene Dennis, 1946
32. Eugene Dennis Indicts the Wall Street Conspirators, 1948
33. The Communists Take a New Look—Eugene Dennis, 1956
34. Is Communism Un-American? 9 Questions about the Communist Party Answered—Eugene Dennis, 1947 (2 copies)
35. 21 Questions about War and Peace—Eugene Dennis, 1950 (2 copies)
36. Dangerous Thoughts: the case of the indicted twelve—Eugene Dennis, 1948
37. Peace or War: the people against the warmakers—Eugene Dennis, 1946
38. In Defense of Your Freedom: summation in the trial of the 11 Communist Leaders—Eugene Dennis, 1949
39. America at the Crossroads: Postwar Problems and Communist Policy—Eugene Dennis, 1945 (w/foreword by William Z. Foster)
Box 120—Earl Browder
1. Language and War, 1950 (JEHLOC)
2. The Communists in the People’s Front, 1937 (JEHLOC)
3. Zionism, 1936
4. The Results of the Elections and the People’s Front, 1936
5. Report to the 8th Convention Communist Parties, 1934
6. The Meaning of the Palestine Partition, 1937
7. The Meaning of Social Fascism, 1933
8. Modern Resurrections and Miracles, 1950 (JEHLOC)
9. Coming Economic Crisis in America, 1949 (JEHLOC)
10. 4 Letters Concerning the Peaceful Co-Existence of Capitalism and Socialism,1952 (JEHLOC)
11. In Defense of Communism, 1949
12. A Postscript to the Discussion of Peaceful Co-Existence, 1952 (JEHLOC)
13. The Decline of the Left Wing of American Labor, 1948
14. Chinese Lessons for American Marxists, 1949 (JEHLOC)
15. Keynes, Foster and Marx: part II, Progress and Socialism, 1950 (JEHLOC)
16. The Miracle of Nov. 2nd , 1948 (JEHLOC)
17. Who are the Americans?, 1936
18. The Communist Party of the U.S.A, 1943
19. World Communism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1948, Hoover Library
20. Talks to America, 1937
21. The Road to Victory, 1941
22. The Most Peculiar Election, 1940
23. Policy For Victory, 1943
24. Unity for Peace and Democracy, 1939, Hoover Library
25. The People’s Road to Peace, 1940, Hoover Library
26. Economics of Communism, 1939
27. Build the United People’s Front, 1936, Hoover Library
28. The Democratic Front, 1938, (JEHLOC)
28. The Path of a Renegade: why E.B. was expelled from C.P.—Robert Thompson, 1946
29. Earl Browder on the Soviet Union, 1942 (JEHLOC)
30. The Meaning of Macarthur: Letters to a Friend by E.B, 1951
31. Traitors in American History: Lessons of the Moscow Trials, 1938
32. The Man From Kansas: Earl Browder—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1941
33. Democracy or Fascism: E.B.’s Report to the 9th Convention of the C.P. 6/24/1936
34. The Path of Browder and Foster, March 1941
35. Theory as a Guide to Action, January 1939
36. New Steps in the United Front, November 1935 (JEHLOC)
37. Report to the 10th National Convention of the C.P. of USA on Behalf of the Cental Comm. 5/28/1938, (JEHLOC)
38. How Do We Raise the Question of a Labour Party? [w/Jack Stachel], February 1935
39. Communism and Culture, August 1941
40. The Road Ahead to Victory and Lasting Peace, June 1944
41. The Communist Position in 1936, (JEHLOC) speech broadcast 3/5/1936
42. Teheran and America: Perspectives and Tasks, January 1944
43. George Dimitroff [foreword by E.Browder]—Bulgarian labor leader and Communist put on trial by Nazis for burning Reichstag building in Berlin
44. The 1940 Elections: How the People Can Win, May 1939 (JEHLOC)
45. E.B. Says….May 1941 (JEHLOC)—selections on various topics compiled from his writings
46. The People Against the War Makers
47. America’s Decisive Battle, March 1945 (JEHLOC)
48. Internationalism/Results of the 1940 Election, November 1940 (JEHLOC)
49. The Meaning of Elections, December 1944 (JEHLOC)
50. A Talk About the Communist Party, December 1943
51. Socialism, War, and America, November 1939
52. The Communist Party of the USA: its history, role, and organization, May 1941
53. Religion and Communism, March 1939 and June 1935 (2 copies)
54. Why America is Interested in the Chinese Communists, April 1945
55. Stop the War, November 1939
56. Production for Victory, December 1942
57. Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran, January 1944
58. Lincoln and the Communists, Februrary 1936
59. Next Steps to Win the War in Spain [w/Bill Lawrence], January 1938
60. Social and National Security, December 1938
61. E.B. Takes His Case to the People, January 1940
62. Concerted Action or Isolation: Which is the Road to Peace, 1938
63. Whose War is It? [speech by E.B. at Town Hall, Philadelphia, September 29, 1939]
64. On Guard: Against Browderism, Titoism, Trotskyism—John Gates, May 1951
65. The Jewish People and the War—May 1940
66. Study Guide and Outline for the People’s Front
67. Socialism in America, 1960
68. America Speaks for E.B., November 1941 (JEHLOC) [citizens’ committee to free E.B.]
Box 121—William Z. Foster
1. Acceptance Speeches, 1928
2. Beware of the War Danger!, 1948
3. The Speedy Victory: the Second Front Now!,1943
4. Quarantine the War Mongers, 1946 Hearst Collection
5. Reaction Beats its War Drums, 1946 Hearst Collection
6. Crime of El. Fanguito, 1948
7. Danger Signals for Organized Labor, 1953
8. Culture and the Crisis, 1932
9. The Rankin Witch Hunt, 1945
10. The Coal Miners: their problems in war and peace, 1945
11. Our Country Needs a Strong Communist Party, 1946 (JEHLOC)
12. The Present Situation and the Next Tasks, 1945 (JEHLOC)
13. Questions and Answers on the Piatakov-Radek Trial, 1937
14. Capitalism, Socialism and the War, 1940 2 copies
15. The Menace of a New World War, 1946
16. Your Questions Answered, 1939
17. A Manual of Industrial Unionism, 1937
18. The US and the Soviet Union, 1940
19. The Fight Against Hitlerism, 1941
20. What Means a Strike Steel, 1937
21. Labor and the Marshall Plan, 1948
22. Defeat the Anti-Labor Smith Bill, 1952
23. Organizing Methods in the Steel Industry, 1936
24. Organized Labor and the Fascist Danger, 1947
25. Industrial Unionism, 1936
26. The Railroad Workers and the War, 1941
27. Problems of Organized Labor Today, 1946
28. The Soviet Union: Friend and Ally of the American People, 1941
29. 23 Questions About the Communist Party, 1948
30. Fight Against Hunger, 1930
31. Roosevelt Heads for the War, 1940
32. Halt the Railroad Wage Cut, 1938
33. World Capitalism and World Socialism, 1941
34. The People and the Congress, 1943
35. Defend America by Smashing Hitlerism, 1941 (JEHLOC)
36. The Menace of American Imperialism, 1945 (JEHLOC)
37. The Crisis in the Socialist Party, 1936
37. In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders, 1949
38. Soviet Democracy & the War, 1943
39. Fight Against Hitlerism (w/Robert Minor), 1941
40. The USA and the USSR: War Allies and Friends, 1942
41. Wm. Z. Foster: An Appreciation—Joseph North (JEHLOC)
42. Organized Labour Faces the New World, 1945
43. Smash Hitler’s Spring Offensive Now!, 1942 (JEHLOC)
44. The Revolutionary Crisis of 1918-1921 in Germany, England, Italy and France, `1921
45. Party Building and Political Leadership [w/Alex Bittelman, James Ford, Charles Krumbeir]
46. Railroad Workers Forward, 1937
47. Unionizing Steel, 1936
48. The Trade Unions and the War, 1942
49. The Steel Workers and the Fight for Labor’s Rights, 1952
50. Danger Ahead for Organized Labor, 1948
51. Little Red Library #1: ‘Trade Unions in America’
52. Labor and the War, 1942
53. How do We Raise the Question of a Labour Party—Earl Browder, Jack Stachel, 1935
54. A Manual of Industrial Unionism: Organizational Structures and Policies, 1937
55. Communism vs. Fascism, 1941 [A reply to those who lump together the social systems of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany]
56. The Soviet Trade Unions and Allied Labour Unity, 1943
57. What’s What About the War, Questions and Answers, 1940
58. Halt the Railroad Wage Cut, 1938
59. The War Crisis: Questions and Answers, 1940
60. The Strike Situation and Organized Labor’s Wage and Job Strategy, 1945
61. Socialism: the Road to Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom, 1941
62. The Meaning of the 9-Party Communist Conference, 1947 (JEHLOC)
63. Little Brothers of the Big Labour Fakers [report of a speech against the conference for progressive labor action, made in New Star Casino, NY City, May 10, 1931]
64. Wrecking the Labour Banks, 1927
65. Historical Advance of World Socialism, 1960
Box 122—Daniel DeLeon
1. Daniel DeLeon: Internationalist—Arnold Petersen, 1944
2. Capitalism Means War, 1941
3. The Ballot and the Class Struggle, 1909 (women’s suffrage)
4. Socialist Landmarks: a Program for Working Class Emancipation, 1952
5. DeLeonist Milestones—Arnold Petersen, 1952
6. Daniel DeLeon: Disciplinarian—Arnold Petersen, 1943
7. Abolition of Poverty, 1912
8. Socialist vs Capitalist Economics (Marx on Mallock), 1963
9. Socialism vs ‘Individualism’: Debate DeLeon vs Carmody, 1912 (2 copies)
10. Daniel DeLeon: the Man and His Work, 1919
11. Industrial Unionism: Selected Editorials, 1920
12. Reform or Revolution, 1933 (2 copies)
13. Daniel DeLeon: Social Scientist—Arnold Petersen, 1945
14. The Struggle Against Opportunism-an appraisal of Daniel DeLeon—L.G. Raisky, 1932
15. DeLeon: the Uncompromising—Arnold Petersen, 1939
16. Socialist Reconstruction of Society, 1930 (address given in 1905)
17. Socialism vs Anarchism, 1901
18. Evolution of a Liberal: From Reform to Reaction, 1926
19. As to Politics, 1907
20. What Means this Strike, 1935 (address given 1898)2 copies
21. Two Pages from Roman History, 1903 (2 copies)
22. Capitalism vs Socialism, 1915 published 1969
23. A Socialist in Congress: His Conduct and Responsibilities, 1912
24. The Vatican in Politics. Ultramontanism: the Roman Catholic Political Machine in Action, 1928
25. Americanism, early 1900s
Box 123—Pro-Communism
1. The Bolshevization of the Communist Parties—O. Piatnitsky (late 1930s)
2. Guide to the XII Plenum (Handbook for Propagandists) (JEHLOC)
3. Prepare for Power—O. Kuusinen
4. 15 Years of Communist International, 1934
5. The War in the Far East and the Tasks of the Communists in the Struggle Against Imperialist War and Military Intervention: Report of Comrade Okano
6. Program of the Communist International, 1929
7. The Struggle Against Imperialist War and the Tasks of the Communists, 1928
8. 13th Plenum: Theses and Decisions, Draft Resolutions, 1934
9. 13th Plenum: Revolutionary Crisis, Fascism and War—D.Z. Manuilsky, 1934
10. 13th Plenum: The Communist Parties in the Fight for the Masses—O. Piatnitsky (Hoover Library),1934
11. Working Class Unity-Bulwark Against Fascism—Dimitroff, 1935
12. The USSR and the World Proletariat—D.Z. Manuilsky, 1932
13. The 21 Conditions of Admission Into the Communist International—O. Piatnitsky, 1934
14. The United Front Against Fascism and War—Dimitroff (Hoover Library) 1935
15. Theses and Revolutions adopted at the 3rd World Congress—1921
16. Main Political Resolution adopted by the 16th Nat’l Convention of the CPUSA, 1957
17. Path to Revolution: the Communist Program—Gus Hall, 1968 (Hoover Library)
18. New Opportunities in the Fight for Peace & Democracy—Andrew Stevens, 1953 (Hoover Lib)
19. Draft: Main Political Resolution-an assessment and a projection, Jan.1969
20. Why a Workers’ Daily Press?—C.A. Hathaway and Sam Don (late 1910s-early 1920s)
21. How to Become a Better Communist: Tasks and responsibilites of seamen’s branch members (JEHLOC)
22. Communism: menace or promise? The speech they banned—Herbert Aptheker, 1963
23. The Red Baiting Racket and How it Works—George Morris, 1947
24. Program and Constitution—Workers Party of America 12/24-26/1921
25. Imperialism, Superprofits, and the Bribery of the U.S. ‘Anti Revisionist Communist Movement’, 1979
26. Marxism-Leninism Mao Tse-Tung Thought/Resolutions of our 4th General Meeting—Bay Area Communist Union, July 1977
Box 124—Pro-Communism
1. 100 Questions to the Communists—Stephen Naft, 1939
2. Who are the Reds—Roy Hudson, 1937
3. Documents from the Founding Congress of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninst) 1977
4. The Trotsky Opposition: its significance for American Workers—Bertram Wolfe, 1928
5. Trade Union Question: A Communist Approach to Stategy, Tactics, and Program, 1977
(Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee)
6. Primer of the Sino-Soviet Conflict: Dictionary of Dissensions in the Communist Camp, 1963
7. New Programme and New Constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, 1981
8. The Communist Party in Action—Alex Bittelman, 1932 (JEHLOC)
9. The Party Organization, intro by Jay Lovestone (one of 2 copies)
10. Crisis in the Communist Party—James Casey
11. Milestones in the History of the Communist Party—Alex Bittelman, 1937 (Hoover Lib.) 2 c.
12. A Handbook for Club Officers (in outline form) June 10, 1946
13. Toward Revolutionary Mass Work, 1932
14. Where Do We Go From Here—“Americus”, November 6, 1948 (JEHLOC)
15. Who Ruptured Our Duck? What’s the Deal for Veterans?
16. Manual for Community Club Leaders, 1944
17. The Reds in Dixie—Tom Johnson, 1935
18. America’s First Red Mayor in Action, 1933
19. Invitation to Join the Communist Party—Robert Minor, 1943
20. Communists and National Unity, 1944
21. The American Legion and the Communists Discuss Democracy, 1938
22. The C.P. in Action—Alex Bittelman, 1937
23. Problems of Party Building—Alex Bittelman, 1937
24. CPA=Communist Political Association—David Goldway (JEHLOC)
25. New Programme of the CPUSA—People vs Corporate Power, 1982
26. Shall the C.P. Change Its Name, 1944 (Earl Browder, Eugene Dennis, Roy Hudson)
27. Build the C.P.: party of the working class—Henry Winston, 1969
28. The Heritage of the Communist Political Association—Robert Minor, 1944
29. Stages in the History of the C.P.-a political review, 1943
30. Challenge of the ’56 Elections—Claude Lightfoot, 1956
31. Communist Election Program Against: hunger, wage cuts, speed-up & war, 1931
32. The Way Out: a Program for American Labor, 1934 (Hoover Library)
33. Organizing the Party for Victory Over Reaction—Alex Parker, 1953
34. Resolutions of the 10th Convention of the CPUSA, 1938
Box 125—Pro-Communism
1. Why Every Worker Should Join the Communist Party (early 1900s-1920s?)
2. Meet the Communists—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1946
3. Complete Text of the Declaration of 12 Communists and Workers Parties, 1957
4. The Constitution and By-Laws of the CPUSA, 1938
5. Constitution of the CPUSA, 1948, 1957
6. 15 Years of the Communist Party—Alex Bittelman, 1934 (JEHLOC)
7. War and the 4th International, 1934
8. The 4th National Convention—(Workers Party of America), 1925
9. The Communist Nucleus—what it is, how it works—M. Jenks (JEHLOC)
10. Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems—M.J. Olgin, 1935
11. Constitution of the CPUSA, 1940? (JEHLOC)
12. The Philosophy of Communism, 1963
13. Soviet Leaders Speak for Communism and Peace, 1952
14. The Communist Program and the Fight for Jobs, Peace, Equal Rights, Democracy—Betty
Gannett, 1954
15. What You Should Know About the Communists, 1947 (JEHLOC)
16. The Communist Party and You—Betty Gannett, 1946
17. The Communist Party: vanguard fighter for peace, democracy, security, socialism—Pettis
Perry, 1953 (Hoover Library)
18. 10 Years of the Communist International—I. Romor, 1929
19. The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonial Countries—Wang Ming, 1935
20. Freedom, Peace and Bread—W. Pieck, 1935 (Hoover Library)
21. The People’s Front in France, 1935
22. Program of the Communist International, 1936 (Hoover Library)
23. Capitalist Stabilization has Ended, 1932
24. The Fight for Peace—M. Ercoli, 1935 (JEHLOC)
25. The Work of the 7th Congress—D.Z. Manuisky, 1936 (JEHLOC)
26. On the Road to Bolshevization, 1929
27. C.P. 20th National Congress: Resolutions and Proceedings (JEHLOC)
28. Resolutions: 7th Congress of the Communist Int’l, 1935 (including closing speech of G. Dimitroff)
29. XI Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist Int’l
30. The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies, 1928
Box 126—Pro-Communism
1. Civil Liberties in the USA: short history of the origin and defense of the Bill of Rights—S.
Small, 1930s, 1940s?
2. From the First World War to the Second—Nemo, 1934
3. Stalin’s Thought Illuminates Problems of Negro Freedom Struggle—Charles Mani, 1953
4. Who are the Foreign Agents—Lawrence Mahan, 1948
5. Farmers and the War—Anna Rochester, 1943
6. To Defend Assasins is to help Fascism—Georgi Dimitroff, 1937
7. Trotskyism and Fascism—P. Lang, 1937
8. How to Win Social Justice: Can Loughlin and Lemke Do It?—Alex Bittelman, 1936
9. Soviet Foreign Policy: Meaning of the War in Finland—V.M. Molotov, 1940
10. The USSR and the League of Nations—M.M. Litvinoff, 1934
11. The Supreme Court’s Challenge to Labour—Wm. F. Dunne, 1935
12. The Most Burning Question: Unity of Action—Bela Kun, 1934
13. Leninism: the only Marxism today-a discussion of the characteristics of declining capitalism—Alex Bittelman and V.J. Jerome, 1934
14. The Guarantee of Victory—Georgi Dimitroff, 1938
15. Dimitroff Accuses(speech of Dimitroff in Supreme Court Session, Leipzig, 12/17/1933)
16. Debs, Haywood, Ruthenberg—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1939
17. How to Organize Mass Meetings, 1939 (Organizational-Educational Commission, Nat’l Comm. of the CPUSA)
18. This 4th of July 1776-1939—Rob Fowler Hall, 1939
19. What Do You Read—Alan Max, 1941
20. Memo: Open Letter to All Members of the C.P.—Eugene Dennis (JEHLOC)
21. The Meaning of the Soviet Trials—E. Yaroslavsky {intro by William Foster}, 1938
22. Are We Aryans?—Gino Bardi, 1939
23. An Eye-Witness at the Wreckers Trial—Sam Darcy, 1937
24. Gerhart Eisler: My Side of the Story (statement newspapers refused to print), 1947
25. New Colonialism U.S. Style—Henry Winston, 1965
26. Public Enemies in Public Office—Carl Hirsch, 1951
27. The Year of the Great Decision 1942—Robert Minor, 1942
28. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks to the Court 1952
29. Mandel vs McCarthy: Senate hearing 1953
30. The Reign of Witches—Elizabeth Lawson 1952
31. The Anatomy of McCarthyism—Mark Logan & Sam Douglas 1953
32. Red Tape and Barbed Wire—Sender Garlin 1952
33. The Militia: Friend or Foe of Liberty—Walter Wilson 1935
34. Don’t Look the Other Way! The McCaran Law is Aimed at You, Too!
35. “A Fateful Moment in Our History”: Dissenting Opinion of Hugo Black in McCarran Act
36. The Devil in the Book—Dalton Trumbo 1956
37. Communists and the People—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn 1953 (Hoover Lib.)
38. Ben Davis on the McCarran Act at the Harvard Law Forum
39. The Walter McCarran Law: Police State Terror Against Foreign Born Americans—Abner Green 1953
40. Man Bites Dog—William Mandel (report of an unusual hearing before the McCarran committee) 1952
41. McCarthyism & the Big Lie—Milton Howard 1953
42. Either the Constitution or the Mundt Bill: America can’t have both—Simon Gerson 1950 (2 copies)
43. The Time of the Toad—Dalton Trumbo
44. America’s Thought Police 1947 (record of the Un-American Activities Committee)
45. McCarthy on Trial—edited by Albert Kahn 1954
46. Pettis Perry Speaks to the Court 1952
47. The People vs McCarthyism: Case Against the McCarran Act—John Abt 1953
48. “I Do Not Think the Court’s Action Can Be Justified”—Dissenting opinion of Earl Warren on McCarran Act)
49. “Hey, Brother…there’s a law against you!” –An analysis of the Mundt-Nixon bill
50. In the Shadow of Liberty…the Inhumanity of the Walter-McCarran Law—Abner Green 1954
51. The Walter-McCarran Law: extracts from testimony before President’s Commission on Immigration and Naturalization
52. The McCarran Conspiracy Against the Bill of Rights 1951
53. The 2 Faces of Richard Nixon—Guy W. Finney
54. The Plot to Gag America—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn 1950 (JEHLOC)
55. We Accuse McCarthyism 1954
56. Freedom or Enforced Conformity: the Supreme Court Revison of the Smith/McCarran Acts
57. The American Legion Firing Line April 15, 1958
58. The Militarization of America 1948
59. Smith Act Bulletin,Winter 1958-1959: Can the Smith Act be Nullified in 1959?
60. Freedom Begins at Home—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn 1961 (JEHLOC)
61. American Interests in the Middle East 1969 (JEHLOC)
62. Grand Jury Charges: USA vs various Communist Leaders
63. End Exile! [committee for protection of the foreign-born]
64. Smith Act: a threat to labor—Louis Weinstock, working painter and frame-up victim
65. The Foreign-Born in the United States—Dwight Morgan
Box 127—Socialist Party Annual Conventions
1. 15th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1920
2. 16th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1924
3. 22nd National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1949
4. 23rd National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1952
5. 24th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1956
6. 25th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1960
7. 26th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1964
8. 27th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1968
9. 28th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1972
10. 29th National Convention of the Socialist Labor Party, 1976
Box 128—Pro-Socialism
1. The Intelligent Voter’s Guide: official 1928 Campaign Handbook of the Socialist Party
2. A Plan for America: 1932 Campaign Handbook of the Socialist Party
3. Plan for America—William Becker, 1949
4. Present-Day Socialism—Morris Hillquit, 1920s [inscription on title page]
5. Wasting Human Life—A.M. Simons 1920s
6. Labor in Politics—Robert Hunter, 1915
7. Marxism vs Soviet Despotism—Arnold Petersen, 1964
8. Reviling the Great—Arnold Petersen,1949
9. Crises in European History—Gustav Bang (translated by Arnold Petersen), 1964
10. America for All: the Commomwealth Plan—Paul Porter, 1934
11. 1944 Socialist Platform: Freedom for All
12. Nationalisation—Socialist Party, 1951
13. The Class Struggle—Karl Kautsky, 1911 (translated and adapted by Daniel DeLeon)
14. Despotism on the March, 1950s?
15. Constitution of the US: Founding of the Bourgeois Republic—Arnold Petersen, 1963
16. Socialism: questions most frequently asked and their answers, 1967
17. High Cost of Living—Arnold Petersen, 1960
18. Manifesto on War: Decay and Corruption of Int’l Capitalism, 1937
19. Proletarian Democracy vs Dictatorships and Despotism—Arnold Petersen, 1955
20. Stalinist Imperialism—Eric Hass, 1948
21. The Reactionary Right: Incipient Fascism—Eric Hass, 1966
22. Democracy: Past, Present and Future—Arnold Petersen, c. 1940, published 1971
23. The Gotha Program—Karl Marx and Did Marx Err?—Daniel DeLeon c. 1922, pub. 1963
24. War…Why?—Arnold Petersen, 1962
25. Karl Marx—Paul Lafargue, c. 1926, published 1962
26. John L. Lewis Exposed!—Eric Hass, 1938
27. Socialism-the World of Tomorrow—Arnold Petersen, 1939
67. From Reform to Bayonets—Arnold Peteresen, 1941 (published 1964)
68. The Truth About Inflation-Inflation of Prices or Deflation of Labor—Arnold Petersen, 1942 (1966)
69. Workers of the World Unite! Declaration on the Dissolution of the Communist Int’l—Adopted on May 27, 1943
70. The Americanism of Socialism—Eric Hass, 1941 (1967)
71. Socialism and Human Nature—Arnold Petersen, 1942 (1962)
72. W.Z. Foster: Renegade or Spy?—Arnold Petersen, 1935
73. Bourgeois Socialism: Its Rise and Collapse in America [the saga of the Reformist “Socialist” Party]—Arnold Petersen, 1963
Box 129—Pro-Socialism
1. Socialism For America—Jacob Panken
2. Young Peoples Socialist League of America—6th Convention, 7/22-24/1932
3. What is Socialism?—Ernst Fischer, 1940
4. Socialism: What’s in it for you—A.B. Magil, 1946
5. Socialism Marches on in the Soviet Union—James Turner, 1937
6. America Arms the Schools—Robin Myers, 1937
7. The Architect of Socialist Society—Karl Rudek, 1935
8. The Socialist Party (state constitution of the socialist party of the state of N.Y.) early 1900s
9. The Militant Socialist International, 1935
10. Let Man Prevail: Socialist Manifesto and program—Erich Fromm, 1962
11. Why We Need Socialism in America—Michael Harrington, 1970
12. The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the 4th International
13. Debate: Which Road for American Workers, Socialist or Communist? 1936 (Norman Thomas vs Earl Browder)
14. There are Traitors to Socialism in Our Midst—George Spiro, 1969
15. The Pride of Intellect—Franklin Wentworth, early 1900s
16. Socialism and You, 1959
17. Toward a Militant Program for the Socialist Party of America, 1934
18. The Communist Party at the Crossroads: towards Democratic Socialism or Back to Stalinism, 1957
19. Socialist Party N.Y. County, early 1900s
20. Socialism Today—Dr. W.E.B. DuBois
21. Socialist-Communist Road to Peace and Plenty—Robert J. Burros, 1961
22. The Road to Power—Karl Kautsky, 1909
23. Draft for a Program for the Socialist Party of the U.S., 1935
24. Only Victorious Socialist Revolutions Can Prevent the 3rd World War, 1946
25. The Socialist Cure for a Sick Society—Norman Thomas, 1932
26. The Old Order in Europe and the New Order in Russia—M. Philips Price, 1918
27. Constitution and By-Laws of Local Schnectady Socialist Party, 1914
28. Socialism: what it is and how to get it—Oscar Ameringer, 1911
Box 130—Pro-Socialism
1. The Struggle Against White Chauvinism, 1949 (JEHLOC)
2. New Evidence in the Rosenberg Case, 1953 or 1954
3. Zionism and the Left: How Socialist Fight and the Socialist Organiser Alliance Made Their Peace with Zionism—Paul White (a Workers Revolution pamphlet) 1985-86
4. The Great Conspiracy Against Russia—Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn, 1946
5. Social Research: an Int’l Quarterly on Political and Social Science, vol. 20 1953. “Splinter Groups in American Radical Politics”—Robert J. Alexander {photocopied article}
6. Contempt of Congress: The Trial of Earl Browder, 1951 [published by E. Browder]
7. On the Nature of Freedom: the Marxist View—Herbert Aptheker, 1960
8. Wages and Profits in Wartime—prepared by the Labor Research Association, 1941
9. We, the People—Joseph C.Clark, 1937
10. The Right to be Lazy—Paul Lafargue, 1983
11. Build a Base in the Working Class—Progressive Labor Party Pamphlet, 1969
12. Letters from Prison—Rosa Luxemburg, 1946
13. Wall Street on the Warpath—Peter V. Cacchione, 1947 (Hearst Coll.)
14. Political Economy Illustrated—“Eric”, 1956
15. The Supreme Court on the Bridges Case—Concurring Opinion of Justice Frank Murphy, 1945
16. Problems of U.S. Capitalism—Harry Magdoff, 1965
17. How’s Your Health? Robert Friedman {fight for a nat’l health program}, 1947
18. Monopoly Steals from the People—Eugene Konecky, 1946 (JEHLOC)
19. Chemical Warfare—Donald A. Cameron, 1930
20. The Enemy Within—Mike Quin, 1941
21. The Collapse of the Seabury Investigation—Nathan Fine, 1932
22. How America Lives—Harry W. Laidler (League for Ind. Democracy), 1924
23. Social Insurance—Grace M. Burnham, 1931
24. Your Vote Decides! United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America
25. The Cartel System—James S. Allen, 1946 (JEHLOC)
26. The Debs Decision—Scott Nearing, 1919
27. Steve Nelson: a Tribute by 14 Famous Authors
28. Disarmament and the American Economy—Hyman Lumer [report to the 17th Nat’l Convention of the CPUSA], 1960
29. For or Against the United Front?—Ernst Fischer, 1936
30. GE Propaganda: a Study in Deception, AFL-CIO, 1960s, (JEHLOC)
31. Class Struggles in America—A.M. Simons, 1903
32. The Soviet Union and the 4th International: Class Nature of the Soviet State—Leon Trotsky, 1934
Box 131—Pro-Socialism
1. Bolshevik Revolution 1917-1967 50 Years—Eugene Taishoff
2. Terror in Russia? Two Views: Upton Sinclair/Eugene Lyons, 1938
3. Statements on the Founding of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist) 1978
4. On the Communist Party—Robert Thompson, 1950s?, (JEHLOC)
5. What are you going to do about it in ’48?…if they keep slamming the door in your face (American Labor Party 1947-48)
6. The Real Rickenbacker—Sender Garlin, 1943
7. The History of May Day—Alexander Trachtenberg, 1936, 1947 (2 copies)
8. The Constitution of the U.S. with the Amendments—Also, the decline of independence by Earl Browder, 1937
9. The Heritage of Jefferson—Claude G. Bowers, Earl Browder, Francis Franklin, 1943 (JEHLOC)
10. May Day 1947—Howard Fast (JEHLOC)
11. Hold High the Torch—Richard O. Boyer, 1951 (2 copies)
12. Lenin on Dialectics—Cliff Slaughter, 1963
13. What Price Profits—Max Weiss, 1947
14. The U.S. and the Common Market: Marxist View of the New ‘Free Trade’ Policy—James S. Allen, 1962
15. The 12 and You—What Happens to Democracy is Your Busines too! Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1948
16. Dialectics: Marxist Literary Journal #6, 1938
17. What it Means to be a Communist—Henry Winston, 1951
18. The Communist Manifesto Today—Leon Trotsky, 1937
19. Statement of 81 Communist and Workers Parties, 1960 (JEHLOC)
20. The Struggle for a Free Press—E.P. Thompson, 1952
21. The Ideological Struggle in the American Left, 1963
22. Bananas—Luis Montes, 1933 (published by Union Labour)
23. Parties and Issues in the Election Campaign—Alexander Bittelman, 1930s?
24. Vengeance on the Young—Story of the Smith Act children—Albert E. Kahn, 1952 (JEHLOC)
25. Grasp the Weapon of Culture—V.J. Jerome, 1951
26. Brewers and Billionaires Conspire Against the Working Classes (secret of the present propaganda against the 18th amendment), 1930—Ernest Gordon
27. Verdict Against Freedom: Your Stake in the Communist Trial—Jospeh North, 1949
28. Treason in Congress: Record of the Un-American Activities Committee—Albert Kahn, 1948
29. “Not Guilty”: the case of Claude Lightfoot, 1955
30. The Truth about Readers Digest—Sender Garlin, 1943
31. The Eyes of the Movie—Harry Alan Potamkin, 1934
32. The Crime Against Jean Field—Albert E. Kahn, 1952 (JEHLOC)
33. Marxism-Leninism vs Revisionism—William Z. Foster, Jacques Duclos, Eugene Dennis, John Williamson, 1946
34. The Heritage of Gene Debs—Alexander Trachtenberg, 1930
35. Debs and Dennis: Fighters for Peace—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1950 (JEHLOC)
36. Stool-Pigeon—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1949 (JEHLOC)
37. Low Cost Protection: Greater Security in the IWO, 1945
38. The Big Plot: Proof of the Justice Dept’s plan to jail 21,105 Americans—published by the Nat’l Non-Partisan Committee, 1949
39. Burlington Dynamite Plot—Walt Pickard (late 1930s-early1940s) published by Int’l Labor Defense (JEHLOC)
40. Why are We in Prison: Farewell Speeches of the 18 SWP and 544-CIO Minneapolis Prisoners, 1944
41. The Strange Case of the Filipinos in the United States—Maximo C. Manzon, 1938
42. The Nation’s Biggest Racket—Adam Lapin, 1952
43. Citizenship for Harry Bridges-Production Soldier—Leo Huberman, 1942
44. White Guard Terrorists in the USA—Leon Dennen, 1930s?
45. We the People—David P. Berenberg, 1934
46. The Professional Informer—Human Lumer, 1955 (Hearst Collection)
47. Espionage (foreign secret service recruiting methods against the Soviet Union)—S. Uranov, 1937
48. Culture in 2 Worlds—N. Bukarin, 1934
49. Sabotage or Socialism vs Syndicalism—James O’Neal, 1913
50. A Confession of Faith: We State Our Case to the Legislative Committee (published by Communist Party of Massachusettes) (JEHLOC), 1937
51. How Wall Street Picks Your Pocket—George Morris, 1946
52. North and South of the Border (Western Hemisphere Labor-United for Victory)
53. Ideas Behind Bars—Len Goldsmith (story of the frameup of 140,000,000 Americans) early 1950s
54. The Bolsheviks and the Soviets—Albert Rhys Williams (76 Q&A), 1919
55. 8 Men Buried Alive: the Centralia Case Calls to Every Decent Man and Woman in the State of Washington to Act Quickly (JEHLOC)
56. The United Front—August Tyler, 1933
57. They Gave Their Lives for the Cause (profiles of Communists), 1965
58. If This Be Treason—Richard O. Boyer, 1948
59. Arsenal of Facts—prepared by Labor Research Association, 1938
Box 132-- Pamphlets on Communism and Religion
1. Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of the Working Classes
2. The Red & the Black: the Church in the Communist State, 1953 (JEHLOC)
3. Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI on Atheistic Communism
4. Religious Problems in a Country Under Communist Rule—A. Michel
5. Communism: Answers Questions of a Communist—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen
6. Communism and Morals—Raymond T. Feely, 1935
7. Russian Christians on Trial
8. The Long Arm of Stalin—Kenneth Goff, 1952
9. Termites of the Cross Parts 1-4, 1959
10. Trials in the Ukraine, 1973
11. Ukrainian Women in Soviet Prisons, 1975
12. Russia’s War Against Christians—Paul Voronaeff, 1968
13. Today’s Martyred Church: Tortured for Christ—Rev. Richard Wurmbrand (2 copies)
14. Christianity in the Soviet Union—Howard Parsons, 1972
15. Christianity and Marxism—Francis Henson, Henry Van Dusen, Sidney Hook, 1934
16. The Christian Answer to Communism—Dr. Fred Schwarz, 1959 (JEHLOC)
17. Vatican Policy in the 2nd World War—L.H. Lehmann, 1945
18. Behind the Dictators—L.H. Lehmann, 1942 (JEHLOC)
19. The Ukrainian Helsinki Group: 5 Years of Struggle in Defense of Rights, 1981
20. Information Bulletin No. 1, 1978
21. Soviet Persecution of Religion in Ukraine, 1976
22. Three Philosophers: Political Prisoners in the Soviet Union, 1976
23. Women’s Voices from Soviet Labor Camps, 1975
24. An Interview with Political Prisoners in a Soviet Perm Camp, 1975
25. Soviet and Communist Attitudes Toward Islam
26. Are the Communists Using Our Churches—John E. Ashbrook, 1962 (JEHLOC)
27. Why Pope Pius XI Asked Prayers for Russia on March 19, 1930—Edmund A. Walsh, 1930
Box 133—Jews/Anti-Semitism
1. Why are Jews Persecuted?--Joseph N. Moody 1938
2. Program for Survival—Alexander Bittelman 1947
2. Jewish Unity for Victory—Alexander Bittelman 1943
3. Anti-Semitism: a threat to democracy 1939 (JEHLOC)
4. Jews in the Soviet Union: citizens and builders—Paul Novick & J.M. Budish 1948 (JEHLOC)
5. Ten Years of Biro-Bidzan—A. Almazov 1938 (JEHLOC)
6. The Struggle Against Anti-Semitism—J. Soltin 1938
7. Anti-Semitism: what it means and how to combat it—William Gallacher and Earl Browder 1943
8. The Fraud of “Soviet Anti-Semitism” –Herbert Aptheker 1962
9. Soviet “Anti-Semitism”” The Big Lie—Moses Miller
10. It’s Happening in N.Y.—Anti-Semitism Must Be Stopped—John Arnold and Leon Harris (JEHLOC)
11. An Open Letter to my Fellow Jews—James Waterman Wise 1938
12. What Price Silence? The UltraRight and War Criminals in the U.S.—Chaim Suller 1964
13. “Soviet Anti-Semitism”: A Cold War Myth—Hyman Lumer 1964
14. The Truth About Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union—Tom O’Connor 1949 (JEHLOC)
15. Jews in Action: 5 Years of the Jewish Peoples Committee
16. The Jewish People & the Fight for Negro Rights—Sanford Goldner 1953
17. Jews in the USA—P. Novick 1960
18. Jewish Identity: Dialogue with Jewish Youth 1967
19. Jewish Culture in America—Nathan Ausubel 1948
20. The Jews of Eastern Europe—Peter Furst
21. To Secure Jewish Rights: the Communist Position—Alexander Bittelman 1948
22. The Jewish Case Against Hitler: This Must Stop!
23. Jews Against Communism 1950
24. Hitlerism and the American Jewish Congress: A Confidential Record of Activities
25. American Jewish Congress 1938: What it is and what it does
26. Towards Fair Play for Jewish Workers—J. Cohen 1938
27. Soviet Russia and the Jews—Gregor Aronson 1949
28. Problems of Jewish Culture—Morris Schappes 1950
29. Jewish “Anti-Communism”—George Pickney 1956
30. A Year in Treblinka: Escaped inmate tells his story—Yankel Wiernik
31. Hypocrisy (cover: Solved! The Jewish Problem) Sept-Oct 1938
32. On the Jewish Question—Leon Trotsky 1970
33. Why Anti-Semitism?--Edmund J. Horwath 1940
34. Sovyetish Heymland: An Analysis—Joseph and Abraham Brumberg
35. Russia: Who Kills Whom? 1955
36. Bigotry in Action: Organized Anti-Semitism in the US Today, 1961 (JEHLOC)
Box 134—African-Americans
1. The Negro in Hollywood Films—V.J. Jerome, 1952 (Hoover Library)
2. The Party of Negro and White—Pettis Perry, 1953
3. Black Power and Liberation: a Communist View—Claude Lightfoot, 1967
4. The Negro Angle and the 5-Year Plan—Bonnie Busch and Lucia Ramsey Maxwell, 1931
5. An End to the Neglect of the Problems of the Negro Woman—Claudia Jones, 1949
6. The Negro Question in the USA—Claude Lightfoot, 1960
7. Smash the Chains—Louis E. Burnham
8. Negro-White Unity—Henry Winston, 1967
9. Negro Representation—Pettis Perry, 1952
10. The South’s New Challenge—James Jackson, 1957
11. The Negro and Defense, 1941
12. The Labor Movement in the South During Slavery—Herbert Aptheker
13. Next Step in the Struggle for Negro Freedom—Hugh Bradley, 1953
14. America’s Racist Laws: weapon of national oppression—Herbert Aptheker, 1951 (Hearst Coll.)
15. Riding to Freedom—Herbert Aptheker and James Jackson, 1961
16. The Negro and the US Army
17. “Best of the Best”: to Harlem mothers—Alice Citron, 1950
18. Police Brutality: Lynching Northern Style, 1947
19. Two Speeches of Malcolm X, 1965 (JEHLOC)
20. The Case of Claude Lightfoot
21. Racial Chaos and Criminal Anarchy—the prelude to Black Revolution—W. Jefferson Davis (JEHLOC)
22. Freedom is Everybody’s Job!--George Crockett, 1949
23. Black Americans and the Middle East Conflict—Henry Winston, 1970
24. Black Marines Against the Brass, 1969 (JEHLOC)
25. This is My Husband—Esther Cooper Jackson, 1953
26. Is the NAACP Subversive?, 1963
27. The Meaning of Black Power—James Jackson, 1966
28. The Civil War and Black Liberation Today—Claude Lightfoot, 1969
29. The Communist Position on the Negro Question, 1947 (Hoover Library)
30. Ben Davis: Crusader for Negro Freedom and Socialism—William Patterson, 1967 (Hoover Lib.)
31. Listen, Brother!--Robert Williams, 1968
32. Three Brave Men—James Jackson, 1963
33. In Defense of Negro Leadership—Rev. Edward McGowan, 1953
34. In Honor of Paul Robeson—William Patterson
35. Ben Davis: Fighter for Freedom—Claudia Jones, 1954
Box 135—African-Americans
1. The Negro Today—Herbert Aptheker, 1962
2. A Petition to the UN on Behalf of the 13 million oppressed Negro Citizens of the USA, 1946
3. Lift Every Voice for Paul Robeson—Lloyd Brown [Robeson denied passport]
4. The Negro People and the Soviet Union—Paul Robeson, 1950 (JEHLOC)
5. Some Aspects of the Negro Question in the U.S.—James E. Jackson [reprinted from World Marxist Review] 1959
6. The Real Potential of the Negro Struggle: How a Minority Can Change Society—George Breitman, 1964 (JEHLOC)
7. The Road to Negro Liberation—Harry Haywood [report to the 8th convention of the C.P. of USA], June 1934
8. Negro Liberation: A Goal for All Americans—Henry Winston, Gus Hall, Claude Lightfoot, William Patterson, 1964
9. Win Progress for Harlem—James W. Ford, 1939
10. Negro Liberation—James S. Allen, 1938 (2 copies)
11. Lynching and Frame-Up in Tennessee—Robert Minor, 1946 (Hoover Library)
12. Why I am a Communist—Benjamin Davis, 1947
13. Stand Up for Freedom: Negro People vs the Smith Act—Lloyd Brown
14. The Black Ghetto—Robert Vernon, 1964 (JEHLOC)
15. Negro History: Its Lessons for Our Time—Herbert Aptheker, 1956
16. American Negro Problems—John Pepper, 1928
17. The American Negro—J.S. Allen, 1932 [state of the Negro; mostly in South]
18. The Negroes in a Soviet America—James Ford and James Allen, 1935 (2 copies)
19. A Southerner Looks at Negro Discrimination [selected writings of George Cable] edited by Isabel Manes/introduction by Professor Alva Taylor, 19446 (Hearst Collection)
20. In Defense of Negro Rights: Ben Davis testifies in the trial of the Communist 12 at Foley Square,1950
21. Thaddeus Stevens: Militant Democrat and Fighter for Negro Rights—Elizabeth Lawson, 1942
22. The Story of the Trenton Six—Elwood Dean, 1949 [6 men accused and convicted in unfair trial]
23. Behind the Florida Bombings: who killed NAACP leader Harry Moore and his wife?--Joseph North,1952
24. The Negro People on the March (report to nat’l comm. Of C.P. of USA)—Benjamin Davis, 1956
25. The Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Henry Winston—Mike Newberry [Harlem Comm. To free Henry Winston]
26. The Killing of William Milton—Art Shields, 1948
27. The People vs Segregated Schools—Doxey Wilkerson, 1955 (Hearst Collection)
28. The War and the Negro People—James Ford, 1942
29. The Negro People in the Struggle for Peace and Freedom—Benjamin Davis (Hearst Collection)
30. Terror at Trumball—Carl Hirsch, 1955 (JEHLOC)
31. Let Us Build a National Negro Congress—John P. Davis, 1935
32. The Next Emancipation—James O’Neal, 1929
33. Communists in the Struggle for Negro Rights—James Ford, Ben Davis, William Patterson, E. Browder, 1945
34. Race and Other Kindred Delusions—M.F. Ashley-Montagu
35. The Path of Negro Liberation—Benjamin Davis, 1947
36. Upsurge in the South: the Negro People Fight for Freedom—Benjamin Davis, 1960
37. Dialectics of Black Power—Robert L. Allen, 1968
38. Black America and the World Revolution—Claude Lightfoot, 1970 (JEHLOC)
39. Malcolm X: the man and his ideas—George Breitman, 1965
40. White Blindspot—J.H. Kagin, 1967
Box 136—Civil Liberties/Dealing with ACLU; Civil Rights
1. What do Communists Really Want?, 1947
2. Why Defend the Rights of Communists?—Herbert Aptheker, 1949
3. Back to the Bill of Rights—Corliss Lamont, 1952
4. The Prisoners—Walter Lowenfels, 1954
5. They Gave Their Freedom—Rose Baron, 1935
6. Lawyers Under Fire, 1952
7. Voices For Freedom, 1951
8. Voices For Freedom, #2, 1951
9. The Federal Jury is Stacked Against You—Marion Bachrach, 1949
10. Amnesty!—Marion Bachrach, 1952 (JEHLOC)
11. The Deportation Terror: A Weapon to Gag America—Abner Green, 1950 (Hearst Coll.)
12. The Deportation Drive vs. The Bill of Rights—Abner Green, 1951
13. Loyalty Oath: If We Remain Silent
14. This is Treason!—Sol Vail,1943
15. The 12: A Lawyer Looks at the Case—George T. Boxly, 1949
16. You Are on Trial—Marion Bachrach, 1949
17. Deadly Parallel, Civil Rights Congress (JEHLOC)
18. The Heat is On! Civil Rights Congress
19. The Sacred Fire of Liberty—published by the ACLU, (JEHLOC)
20. Security and Freedom: the Great Challenge, ACLU, 1951, (JEHLOC)
21. Civil Liberties in American Colonies, ACLU, 1939, (JEHLOC)
22. Our Uncertain Liberties, ACLU, 1948 (JEHLOC)
23. In Defense of Our Liberties, ACLU, 1944, (JEHLOC)
24. Liberty’s National Emergency, ACLU, 1941 (JEHLOC)
25. National Council on Freedom from Censorship, ACLU, 1946, (JEHLOC)
26. The Bill of Rights Endangered! Your Liberties at Stake
27. A Statement to Members & Friends of the ACLU, 1940 (JEHLOC)
28. Bill Mauldin Says…1945
29. Race Discrimination & the Law—Carey McWilliams
30. Not 12 Men on Trial…But Everybody (Hearst Coll.)
31. The Bill of Rights in War, ACLU, 1942 (JEHLOC)
32. How Goes the Bill of Rights, ACLU, 1936, (JEHLOC)
33. It Happens Here, ACLU, 1936, (JEHLOC)
34. Dr. Martin Luther King, Vietnam, and Civil Rights—Herbert Aptheker, 1967
35. Land of the Pilgrim’s Pride 1932-1933, ACLU, 1933, (JEHLOC)
36. The Fight for Free Speech, ACLU, 1921, (JEHLOC)
37. Courage is Contagious: Bill of Rights vs. the Un-American Activities Committee, 1953
38. Due Process in a Political Trial (JEHLOC)
38. The Past is Prologue—38th Annual Report of the ACLU 1957-1958 (JEHLOC)
39. Do We Need More Sedition Laws 1920 (JEHLOC)
40. America’s Need: A New Birth of Freedom 34th Annual Report of ACLU 1953-1954 (JEHLOC)
41. “Nor Speak with Double Tongue” 37th annual report of ACLU 1956-1957 (JEHLOC)
43. Civil Rights and Legal Wrongs, 1963 (2 copies)
44. The Civil Rights Cases, 1963
45. Unmasking the Civil Rights Bill (Dissenting Views of members of the House Committee) 2 copies
46. A Report by the General Legislative Investigating Committee to Mississippi State Legislature Concerning the Occupation of the Campus of the Uni. Of Miss. 9/30/62
47. The Civil Rights Story…a Year’s Review—Theodore Leskes, 1961 (JEHLOC)
Box 137—Peace/Pacifism
1. Are We Being Talked Into War?--Carliss Lamont, 1952
2. A Peace Program for the USA—Carliss Lamont, 1959
3. Agents of Peace—Albert E. Kahn, c. early 1950s
4. Revolutionary Struggle Against War—Alex Bittelman
5. Soviet Speeches at the World Peace Congress—Alexander Fadeyev, Ilya Ehrenburg, Nov. 1950
6. Must We Arm?-Hillquit-Gardner Debate 1915
7. I Take My Stand for Peace—Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, 1951
8. Enemies of the Peace: Profile of the ‘Hate-Russia’ Gang—Sender Garlin, 1945
9. Who Wants War? How the Soviet Union Builds for Peace—An Eyewitness Report By Joseph Clark, 1951 (JEHLOC)
10. The Case for Peace—Johannes Steel
11. Intellectuals in the Fight for Peace—Howard Fast, 1949
12. Peace or War: the People Against the Warmakers—Eugene Dennis
13. “We Stand for Peaceful Coexistence” (interviews w/Khrushchev, Bulganin, Zhukov) by William Randolph Hearst, Kingsbury Smith, Frank Conniff, 1955
14. Who Pays for the Cold War? How the Marshall Plan Affects Your Living Standards—George Blake, 1949
15. To Live or To Die: the H-Bomb vs Mankind [public statements by Schweitzer, Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pope Pius XII, Bertrand Russell, Eugene Dennis, more] (JEHLOC), 1957
16. The Atom Bomb and You—Joseph Clark and William Weinstone, 1950 (JEHLOC)
17. The World Gone Mad—Robert Forsythe, 1935
18. Atomic Energy and Social Progress—William Paul, 1946 (JEHLOC) published in England
19. The North Atlantic Pact: For Peace or War—Abraham Chapman, 1949
20. Peace vs War: the Communist Position—P. Lang, 1936
21. Must There Be War?--Joseph Clark, 1951
22. Are You Voting for a 3rd World War [published by brotherhood of railroad trainmen] 1944-45
23. The Cry for Peace—Harold Hart, 1936
24. Broaden the Fight for Peace and Democracy!--Joseph Rockman,1952
25. Think—Or Surrender—George Kirkpatrick, 1916
26. White Chauvinism and the Struggle for Peace—Pettis Perry,1 952
27. For These Things We Fight, 1951 [“Negro” issues] full text address of William Hood at the Founding Convention on the National Negro Labour Council at Cincinnati, Ohio
28. National Defense for Whom?--Harold Ward, 1935
29. The Road to Peace—James P. Cannon, 1951 [according to Lenin, according to Stalin]
30. HR 1776: The Road to War and Dictatorship, 1941
31. Jungle Law or Human Reason? The North Atlantic Pact and What It Means to You—Jessica Smith, 1949 (Hoover Library)
32. Life in the U.S. Army—Walter Trumball [soldier sentenced to 26 years in prison at Fort Alcatraz]
33. The Atomic Age-Suicide…Slavery or Socialism—Aaron Levenstein (JEHLOC)
34. The San Francisco World Security Conference—Your Questions Answered—Joseph Starobin, 1945
35. The Advance of the United Front: A Documentary Account, Dec. 1934 [intro by Alex Bittelman]
36. World Cooperation and Postwar Prosperity—James Allen, 1945 (JEHLOC)
37. Two Questions on Winning the War—Roy Hudson, 1942
38. Poison Gas and the Coming War—Donald Cameron, 1934
39. The Big Lie of War “Prosperity”—Bernard Burton, 1952
40. Shovel and Guns: the CCC in Action—James Lasswell, 1935
41. Peace and Price Cuts, Too! The Facts About Price Cuts in the Soviet Union—Felix Baran, 1951
42. Geneva: Road to Peace—Joseph Clark, 1955
43. For World Peace and Freedom—Alexander Troyanovsky, 1943
44. For a Secure Peace—Max Bedacht [address to the general council of the int’l workers order, March24-25, 1945 in New York City]
45. The Soviet Union and World Peace—Anna Louise Strong, 1935
46. We Can Have Peace and Jobs!--Bernard Burton, 1953
47. Coexisting or No Existance: Peace or H-Bomb Annihilation?--Adam Lapin, 1955
48. UMT: Universal Military Training/program for peace or weapon for war?--Leo Cooper, 1948
49. Social Democracy and the War—VJ Jerome, 1940 (JEHLOC)
50. The World Congress Against War, 1932 [published by American Committee for Struggle Against War]
51. Foreign Policy and Peace—Dr. Walter Scott Neff
52. Unity and Peace—G. Dimitrov [Communist Party of Great Britain]
53. The Road to Peace—Very Reverend Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury, 1949
54. Toward Bright Tomorrows: World Youth Unite for Peace and Freedom—Roosevelt Ward, 1950
55. Peace to the World: A Report of the Soviet Peace Conference with Speeches of the Dean of Canterbury and Professor J.D. Bernal
56. There’s No Safety in Armaments
57. The Search for Peace: National Council Against Conscription
58. An Open Letter to All People of Good Will [about Anti-Semitism]
59. The Struggle for Peace and Democracy in the USA: tasks before Slavic Americans, 1947
60. Common Sense and the H-Bomb [Socialist Labour Party]
61. Peace, Freedom and You—Kield Oesterling & Norman Freed, 1963
62. No More Hiroshimas: An Appeal to the Hearts of Men, 1960
63. Program: the Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace (March 25,26,27, 1949)
64. Speak Truth to Power: a Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence [American Friends Service Committee]
65. Win the Peace with Johannes Steel: Special Congressional Election, Tuesday, February 19 [candidate for 19th Congressional District]
66. War and Peace…and the Problem of Berlin—Fred Warner Neal, July 20, 1961
Box 138—Human Rights
1. Denial of Human Rights in Eastern Europe, Ecember 19, 1958 (Packer Collection)
2. Captive Nations Week: Red Nightmare, Freedom’s Hope (JEHLOC) 1959
3. 10th Anniversary of the Captive Nations Week Resolution 1959-1969
4. Bicentennial Salute to the Captive Nations 1976 (Hoover Library)
5. Commission on Human Rights—Report of the 10th Session, 2/23-4.16, 1954
6. The International Institute of Human Rights [paper describing it]
7. Articles of the International Institute of Human Rights [2 pages in French]
8. Report on the 6th Human Rights Study Session, Strasbourg July 7-August 1, 1975 [International Institute of Human Rights]
9. ‘America’s Radio Voice Chokes Up on Human Rights’—Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Chicago Sun Times, Monday, August 15, 1977
10. ‘Why the Soviets Hate Human Rights Talk’—Rita Hauser, Wall Street Journal, 8/5/77
11. ‘Human Rights: A Tactful Way to Drive Communists Crazy’—Dan Tucker, Chicago Tribune, Monday July 25, 1977
12. Dept. of State Statement: Human Rights, March 7, 1977
13. ‘Principles of Freedom in a Modern World’—Freedom Conference, Oslo, 1977
14. Secretary of State speech, 6/14/1977, “Human Rights and OAS Reform” [published by Dept. of State]
15. ‘Terror on a Grand Scale’—Roberta Wohlstetter, May/June 1976
16. ‘Bible Belt Knows What’s Right’—Mary McGrorg, Chicago Tribune, Monday 8/1/1977
17. ‘Soviet Jew Delivers Challenge on Rights’[Dr. Veniamin G. Levich, a scientist denied permission to emigrate]—Nelson Broms, New York Times, 7/12/77
18. Secretary of State speech 4/30/77 ‘Human Rights Policy’ [published by Dept. of State]
19. 4 Cases before the European Court of Human Rights, January 1975
20. ‘Where God is the Rebel’, Chicago Sun Times, October 12, 1975 [Catholic oppression]
21. ‘Human Rights and American Interests’—speech by Alexander Haig, Jr. March 31, 1981
22. Letter to Mr. Minow, esq. from Pres-Elect of ABA, July 1, 1966
23. Proceedings of the Colloquy about the European convention on human rights in relation to other international instruments for the protection of human rights—Council of Europe, September 21-22, 1978, Athens
24. Current News Special Edition Commentary ‘Human Rights and American Foreign Policy’—November 1981
25. ‘What Happened to Human Rights’—remarks of Hon. Donald J. Flood of PA in the House of Rep., Monday June 12, 1978 [Congressional Record]
Box 139—Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Protests, Riots
1. Protest: What is the Meaning of the New Student Left? 1965
2. The Bust Book—1969
3. SDS Work in-Toward a Worker-Student Alliance, 1968
4. SDS GI Counseling
5. Guide to Conscientous Objection (published by SDS)
6. Revolution in Mississippi—Tom Hayden, 1961
7. Getting Ready for the Firing Lane—Mike James, 1968
8. The Student Left: Who, What, Why and Where [big black folder, gives info on various orgs., leaders, press clippings, etc]
9. Guerrila War in the USA, January 1971 [Issue of Scanlan’s; had been suppressed because of the nature of the issue-had to be published in Canada]
10. Crisis in Chicago: 1968 Mayor Richard Daley’s Official Report
11. Chicago Conspiracy vs Washington Kangaroos [satirical look at Chicago Riots] JEHLOC\
12. Law and Disorder: Chicago Convention and its Aftermath [from the side of the protesters]
13. The Role of Youth in Revolutionary Warfare [published by International Freedom Foundation]
14. Student Subversion: plans of the radical left, working for the destruction of America—Alice Widener, 1968 (JEHLOC)
15. The “Left-Swing” in Education: including Left-Wing Traps for Youth (JEHLOC)
16. Violence and Chaos—Civil Disorder: Has America Gone Mad?, 1968
17. Viet Report: Colonialism and Liberation in America, Summer 1968
Box 140—Disarmament, Arms Control; Korean War
1. Security for Europe, 1972
2. The Arms Race and Europe’s Future, 1972
3. Documents of the Soviet-British Summit Talks, Feb. 13-17, 1975
4. Documents of the USSR-USA Summit Talks, November 1974
5. For General and Complete Disarmament—I. Yevgenyev, 1965
6. Freedom & Independence for all Colonial Peoples: Solve the Problem of General Disarmament—N.S. Khrushchov, 1960 (JEHLOC)
7. Materials of the 5th Session of the USSR Supreme Soviet Concerning Disarmament & Prohibition of Atomic & Hydrogen Weapons, July 1956
8. The Non-Proliferation Treaty-Why?, 1967 (Packer Collection)
9. Arms Control Achievement, 1959-1972, 1972 (Packer Collection)
10. Myths and Realities: U.S. Nuclear Strategy, 1982
11. A Step Toward Peace: Report to the People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty—Pres. JFK, 1963
12. The Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty: Gateway to Peace (Packer Collection)
13. 15th Session of the U.N. General Assembly—speech by Nikita Kruschev, 9/23/60
14. Security & Arms Control: The Search for a More Stable Peace, 1983
14. Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements: texts and history of negotiations, 2/1975, (Packer collection)
15. Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements: 1959-1972 (Packer Collection)
16. Protecting Traitors, Spies and Terrorists: How America’s Internal Security is Being Destroyed [Church League of America, 1977]-not sure where this is—w/conservative?
17. For General and Complete Disarmament [speech by Khrushchov] 1959
18. Arms Control, East-West Relations and the Atlantic Alliance: Closing the Gaps [Atlantic Council of the U.S. Policy Papers] 1983
19. Disarmament: the Intensified Effort 1955-58 [Dept. of State]
20. The Carter Disarmament Proposals: Same Basic Questions and Cautions [special report on int’l affairs], 1977
21. Intelligent Layperson’s Guide to the Nuclear Freeze and Peace Debate: 20 Q & A on the most urgent issues of our time—Joyce Larson and William Bodie,1983 ?
22. Peace is the Concern of One and All: Materials and Documents of the World Congress of Peace Forces, Moscow, October 1973 ?
23. Conference on Intelligence Legislation [standing committee on law and nat’l security; American Bar Associaton] June 26-28, 1980 ?
24. EIR: Special Report: Electromagnetic-Effect Weapons: the technology and the strategic implications, 2/88 ?
25. Report of the Committee on Cold War Education [National Governor’s Conference,1965] ?
26. Explanatory Remarks About the Draft Non-Proliferation Treaty, April 1968 (Packer Collection)
28. War in the Far East—Henry Hall 1930
29. What’s Happening in Korea?--Richard Morris (JEHLOC)
30. Facts on the Korean Crisis (JEHLOC)
31. Far East Spotlight: What Price the Korean War (JEHLOC)
32. Hands Off Korea and Formosa—Gus Hall (JEHLOC) 1950
33. Background to Korea (published by Republican Nat’l Committee)
34. A Historical Summary of U.S./Korean Relations (Packer Collection) 1962
35. POW…the fight continues after the battle 1955
3. The Conflict in Korea (published by Dept. of State) 1951
Box 141—Fascism; Trade Unions
1. Struggle of the Trade Unions Against Fascism—Andreas Nin 1923
2. Shall Trade Unions Be Regulated by Law? 1923
3. Beck Reports on Europe 1954 (JEHLOC)
4. Get Organized: Stories and Poems about Trade Union People (edited by Alan Calmer) 1939
5. Where is the CIO Going?--George Morris 1949
6. Conspiracy to Strangle Labor—George Morris 1951 (Hearst Collection)
7. Problems of Strike Strategy
8. The C.S.U. and You: the case for free trade unionism
9. The Double Edge of Labor’s Sword—Morris Hillquit, Samuel Gompers, Max Hayes (Hoover Lib.)
10. Who are the Reds?--Roy Hudson 1937
11. How the Cradle of Liberty was Robbed—Joseph Morton 1955 (JEHLOC)
12. Unionism: Fraudulent or Genuine?--Nathan Karp 1962
13. Amalgamation—Jay Fox
14. What I Saw In: the Soviet Union Today—George Morris 1959 (Hoover Lib.)
15. The Trade Unions of Our Soviet Ally—Clifford T. McAvoy 1942
16. The Answer is Full Employment—CIO Political Action Committee
17. The Growth of the Trade Unions—Roy Hudson 1941
18. Draft Construction of World Federation of Trade Unions 1945
19. An Address: Free Trade—Karl Marx, Brussels, 1848 c. 1966
20. The Trade Union Unity League Today—Nathaniel Honig 1934
21. The New Look (woman’s vote)—CIO Political Action Committee
22. The Trade Unions Since the NRA—Nathaniel Honig 1934
23. UE Guide to Group Insurance 1944
24. The People’s Case: Story of the IWO—Albert E. Kahn
25. One Step Leads to Another
26. Articles of Agreement Between Western Union Telegraph Co. and the American Communications Association March 31, 1952
27. Trade Union Facts 1939
28. My NMU Log 1948
29. Constitution Nat’l Maritime Union of America 1951
30. How to Win the Union
31. The ILWU Story: 2 Decades of Militant Unionism 1955 (Hoover Lib.)
32. Fascism, Social Democracy and the Communists—V. Knorin 1934
33. Ernst Thaelmann: Fighter Against War and Fascism, 1935
34. Do You Know Thaelmann?--Henri Barbusse, 1934
35. The Truth About Father Coughlin—A.B. Magil
36. Father Couglin: Fascist Demagogue—Joseph Hansen (JEHLOC)
37. Fascism—Scott Nearing (JEHLOC)
38. The Fascist Danger and How to Combat It—Eugene Dennis, 1948
39. The Real Father Coughlin—A.B. Magil, 1939
40. The Fate of Trade Unions Under Fascism, 1937
41. Fascist War on Women: Facts From the Italian Gaols
42. The Fascist Revival: the Inside Story of the John Birch Society—Mike Newberry, 1961
43. Argentina: Fascist Headquarters—Ricardo Setaro, 1944
44. The Trucks Act: Michigan’s Blueprint for a Fascist State—William Albertson, 1952
45. 3 Names for Fascists—Howard Fast (JEHLOC)
Box 142—Germany
1. Church and State in Germany, 1933
2. Foreigners Talk About the Wall
3. German Hand on the Nuclear Trigger—Charles Allen, 1966
4. Reform or Revolution—Rosa Luxemberg, 1937
5. Christianity on the Nazi Cross
6. On the Spartacus Programme—Rosa Luxemburg, speech 12/30/1918, c. 1966
7. Socialism and the Churches—Rosa Luxemberg, 1905
8. The Junius Pamphlet—Rosa Luxemberg, 1915 c. 1967
9. Social Reform or Revolution—Rosa Luxemberg, 1900 c. 1966
10. Soviet Zone Constitution and Electoral Law, 1951 (JEHLOC)
11. Germany: the key to the International Situation, Leon Trotsky, 1931
12. The Only Road for Germany—Leon Trotsky, 1932
13. Industrial Mobilization and Design and Development of Aircraft in Nazi Germany; testimony of Albert Speer, 1945
14. AIZ, (about Nazis, in Russian), 1934
15. Germany: Facts and Figures, 1941
16. Lifting the Pall: Germany and Hitler in their True Light—R.C. Dasher, 1935 (Pro-Hitler!)
17. Our Fight Against Hitlerism, 1933-34
18. Schicksal eines Deutschen Pfarrers—Martin Niemoeller, 1938
19. What Germany Wants: Development of Nazi Foreign Policy and War Aims
20. Does German Trade w/Latin America Jeopardize American Democracy? 1939 (address delivered by Wilhelm Tannenberg)
21. Exchange of Communications between the Pres. Of USA and Chancellor of German Reich, 4/ 1939
22. The Lessons of Berlin—John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State), 5/8/1958 (Packer Coll.)
23. Report on Berlin—John Foster Duelles (Sec. Of State) 2/24/1954
24. The Communist Party of Germany Lives and Fights, 1934
25. Bulletin: Info. For Abroad, August/September 1961 (published by Socialist Unity Party of Germany)
26. “ “, March 1961 “ “
27. No More German Nationalism—2 addresses by Hans Jaeger, 1943 (JEHLOC)
28. What Rearming Germany Means—Jessica Smith, 1955
29. Nazi Army or Peaceful Germany?--Alan Max, 1952 (JEHLOC)
30. Germany: Hope or Peril?--Gerhard Hagelberg (JEHLOC) March, 1952
31. The Communists and the Liberation of Europe—Maxine Levi, March 1945 (JEHLOC)
32. The Nazi War Against the Catholic Church [published by Nat’l Catholic Welfare Conference]
33. What’s Behind the Berlin Crisis—Joseph Clark, August 1948 (JEHLOC)
34. Sense and Nonsense: About Berlin—Margrit and John Pittman, 1962
35. Who Burned the Reichstag?--October 1933
36. The Present Situation in Germany—O. Piatnitsky, November 1933
37. Nazis Preferred: the renazification of Western Germany—Moses Miller, June 1950
38. Bonus for Murder: Washington’s Plot to Rearm Western Germany—Arthur Kahn, May 1951 (JEHLOC)
39. East Germany Under Soviet Control [Dept. of State Publication] June 1952 (JEHLOC)
40. Programmatic Statement of Walter Ulbricht [chairman of the council of state of the German Democratic Republic 10/4/1960] (JEHLOC)
41. The German Question: toward war or peace?--Herbert Aptheker June 1959 (Hearst Collection)
42. The Berlin Crisis: Report to the Nation—Pres. Kennedy 7/25/61 (Packer Collection)
43. Do You Know the German Democratic Republic? (JEHLOC)
44. Stresemann: the German Liberals’ Foreign Policy—K.F. Bieligk
45. Hitler’s New, Kaiser’s Old Order—Curt Geyer, February 1942
46. German Industry on the Warpath 1860-1939—Bernhard Menne, April 1942
47. German Communists—“Spartakus”
48. Oppressed Minority—Franz Koegler
49. The Case of Dr. Bruening—Bernhard Menne
50. The Flaming Border—Czeslaw Poznanski
51. Strategy of Revenge: the new “Blitz Plan” of the German General Staff—Ernst Henri, 8/61 (Hearst Coll.)
52. Spotlight on Germany: Story Behind Today’s Headlines—Paul Richards, November 1948
53. Shadow of the Swastika—German Rearmament/Road to WWIII
54. Report of the Central Committee to the 8th Congress of the SED (Socialist Unity Party)—Erich Honecker, June 15-19, 1971
55. Special Analysis: the Berlin Crisis Parts I, II, III [September 15, 22, 18, 1961] published by AEI
Box 143—African Liberation Movements; Rhodesia
1. Hotbed of Racialism & New Colonialism—L. Teplinsky, 1972
2. Africa on the New Road—Pyotr Manchkha, 1972
3. Angola: 5 Centuries of Portugese Exploration—Americo Boavida, 1972
4. Africa’s Challenge: Britain’s Great Chance (JEHLOC)
5. Peasant Types & Revolutionary Potential in Colonial Africa—Don Barnett, 1973
6. Man in the Middle—Ngugi Kabiro, 1973
7. Principles of Libration Support Movement’s Anti-Imperialist Work, 1972
8. Notes on the Strategy for North American Revolutionaries—Don Barnett, 1973
9. The Hardcore: Story of Karigo Muchai, 1973
10. Zapu Zimbabwe—George Nyandoro, 1973
11. There Will Come A Day…Imperialism and the Working Class—Gotfred Appel, 1971
12. Messages to Companions in the Struggle, 1972
13. With the Guerrilas in Angola—Don Barnett, 1972
14. Interview with Seta Likambuila
15. Frelimo: Interview with Marcelino dos Santos—Boubaker Adjali, 1971
16. Interview on Angola with Spartacus Monimambu, 1968
17. Interview with Daniel Chipenda, 1969
18. MPLA Angola—Paulo Jorge
19. The Making of a Middle Cadre—Rui de Pinto, 1973
20. Tanzania: Party Guidelines, 1973
21. Namibia Swapo—Andreas Shipanga, 1973 (Hoover Library)
22. Zimbabwe ZAPU—George Silundika, 1974
23. Aspects of the Mozambicca Struggle
24. Revolution & Terrorism in Mozambique—F.X. Maier, 1974 (Hoover Library)
24. Axioms of Kwame Nkrumah—Freedom Fighter’s Edition, 1967
25. The War in Katanga—Ernst Van Den Haag, 1962
26. Rhodesia in Brief
27. Rhodesia: Report to Congress on a visit to Southeast Africa—Senator S.I. Kayakawa, 1978
28. The Murder of Missionaries in Rhodesia, 1978
29. Aid Rhodesia’s Fight Against Communist Aggression (JEHLOC)
30. Rhodesian Constitutional Agreement, March 3, 1978 (3 copies)
31. Meet the Leaders—interview with Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation (issued by Rhodesian gov’t)
Box 144—Spain
1. Franco Spain: Menace to World Peace—Milton Wolff 1947
2. Fascist Spain…America’s Enemy—David McKelvey White 1945
3. ‘White Paper’ on Spain 1946
4. The 30,000 Doomed Protestants in Spain 1947
5. Spain at War 1938
6. Religious Persecution in Spain ‘Under the Republic’—1931-1939
7. Assasination of Catholic Priests in the Diocese of Barcelona, Spain
8. Yankee Imperialism in Spain—Vincente Uribe 1949
9. Recent Social Reforms in Spain 1939-1945—Martin Brugarola
10. Spain in Chains—Professor Miguel Sanchez-Mazas
11. Spain and Peace—Howard Fast
12. The Military Situation in Spain 1938—Air Commodore L.E.O. Charlton
13. Catholics & Civil War in Spain 1936
14. Shop Talk on Spain: the trade unions and the war in Spain—Don Joseph
15. Madrid: the “military” atrocities of the rebels 1937
16. The Embargo on Spain—John Q. Tilson 1939
17. Spain’s Democracy Talks to America—Harry F. Ward 1936
18. American Democracy vs the Spanish Hierarchy
19. How Mussolini Provoked the Spanish Civil War 1939
20. Wheels Within Wheels: How Russia Uses U.N. Against Spain—Manuel Jimenez Quiley 1947
21. Report on Spain October 1946
22. The Spanish Question Before the U.N.
23. Spanish Problems—Manuel Maestro 1948
24. The Revolutionary Movement in Spain—M. Dasher
25. The Lessons of Spain: the last warning—Leon Trostsky 1937
26. The Labour Charter for New Spain 1938
27. The Causes and Issues of the Spanish Civil War
28. The Truth About Spain—Rudolph Rocker
29. The Social Work of the New Spanish State—Professor Manual Torres
30. Spanish Women, October 1, 1938 by the Duchess de la Rochefoucauld
31. Grandeza y ocaso del imperio de Bizancio y sus consecuencias internacionales, 1950 (in Spanish)
32. The Philadelphia Record Weeps for Catholic Martyrs
33. Franco: Who is He? What Does he Fight For?--Edward Lodge Curran, Ph.D, 1937
34. The Red Terror—Spain Now! America Next?--David Otis Fuller
35. Why the Press Failed On Spain!--Joseph Thorning (2 copies)
36. The Spanish War and Lying Propaganda—Joseph B. Code, 1938
37. Tragedy in Spain,1936
38. Soviets in Spain: the October Armed Uprising Against Fascism—Harry Gannes, 1935
39. It’s Happening in Spain, 1937
40. The Spanish Revolution—M. Ercoli, 1936
41. How the Soviet Union Helps Spain—Harry Gannes, 1936
42. Spains War of Independence, 1937 [published by Spanish Embassy]
43. Los Suceso de Mayo in Barcelona [Relato autentico]
44. Letters From Spain—Joe Dallet, an American volunteer, to his wife, 1938 [he was killled in action]
45. Spain Defends Democracy—Harry Gannes, 1936
46. Two Years of Heroic Struggle of the Spanish People—George Dimitroff, 1938
47. Spain 1936—Joseph Cadden [findings of an International Youth Commission]
48. Heroic Spain—Andre Marty, 1937
49. The Spanish War and Lying Propaganda—Joseph Code, 1938 [Christian Front]
50. Writers Take Sides: Letters About the War in Spain from 418 American Authors—H.S. Peckwith, 1938 (Hoover Library)
51. No Pasaran! (They Should Not Pass) A Story of the Battle of Madrid [pictorial]—Upton Sinclair
52. The War in Spain—Louis Fischer, 1937
53. Why Spain Can Win—Joseph North, 1939
54. Voice of Spain, January 1939 (Facts and Photographs)
55. Spain at War Illustrated, June 1938 [A Monthly Journal of Facts and Pics]
56. Spain at War [Facts and Photographs] August 5, 1938
57. “Spain”—July 18, 1938 [semi-monthly publication of Spanish Civil War events]
58. Giral or Tale of a Crime, 1948?
Box 145—Hungary; Poland
1. Polish Pomerania—Polish Library of Facts, 1933 (Packer Collection)
2. Poland—F.A. Voight, 1944 (Packer Collection)
3. “We Will Join Hands w/Russia “: On Polish-Soviet Relations
4. The Golgathan Road—M. Wankowicz, 1945 (Packer Coll.)
5. Inside Liberated Poland—Anna Louise Strong
6. Poland: Here is the Record—Ann Su Cardwell, 1945
7. The Case of the 16 Poles (and the plot for war on the USSR as told in official documents), 1945
8. Polish-Soviet Relations in the Light of International Law—B. Montanus, 1944
9. Great Britain’s Obligations Toward Poland—Ignacy Matuszewski, 1945 (Packer Coll.)
10. The Polish Worker’s Day, 1942
11. Polish-Soviet Relations 1918-1943; Documents 1943
12. The Pope in Poland (Freedoms Foundation Library)
13. Documents Relating to the Administration of Occupied Countries in Eastern Europe: Soviet Occupation of Poland
14. In Defense of Poland’s Western Boundary (Packer Coll.)
15. The Case for Poland—Ann Su Cardwell, 1945
16. Russian-Polish Relations: their Historical, Cultural, and Political Background—A. Bruce Boswell
17. Hungary’s Fight for Democracy—Zoltan Deak, 1947
18. Hungary Under Soviet Rule IV 1959-1960 (Packer Collection)
19. Hungary Under Soviet Rule III—Revolution—1959 (Packer Collection)
20. Hungary Under Soviet Rule V 1956-1961 (JEHLOC)
21. The Second Thaw: Hungary Under Soviet Rule VI 1961-1962 (JEHLOC)
22. Unresolved Case of Soviet-Occupied Hungary 1956-1963 (Packer Collection)
23. Revolt in Hungary, October 23, 1956-November 4, 1956: A Documentary Chronology of Events based exclusively on internal broadcasts by central and provincial radios
24. Hungary’s Fight for Freedom—Special Report in Pictures [by editors of Life] 1956 (pics, text telling the story of the attempted revolution)
25. The Counter-Revolutionary Forces in the October Events of Hungary Volumes I and II
Box 146—Czechoslovakia; Albania; Baltic States
1. Czechoslovakia and Counter-Revolution—Herbert Aptheker, 1969
2. The United Front in Czechoslovakia—K. Gottwald (JEHLOC) 1935
3. The Truth About the Prague Trial—Louis Harp 1953
4. The Lesson of Czechoslovakia—Robert G. Spivack (JEHLOC) 1938
5. Czechoslovakia, 1964 (Packer Collection)
6. Tragedy of a People, 1947 (Hearst Collection)
7. Life Behind the Iron Curtain—A.J. Jandacek
8. Counter-Revolution in Czechoslovakia, 1968
9. The Theory and Practice of the Revolution, 1977
10. Why the Soviet Revisionist Leadership Insists on the Int’l Meeting, 1968
11. The Working Class in Revisionist Countries Must Take the Field and Re-Establish the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, 1968
12. On the Stand of the People’s Republic of Albania Towards the Warsaw Treaty, 1968
13. Where is Czechoslovakia Heading For?, 1968
14. The Soviet Revisionists and Czechoslovakia, 1968
15. The Budapest Carnivals, 1968
16. Let the Storm of Revolution Burst Out Powerfully, 1968
17. The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal Their Traitorous Countenance, 1969
18. The Albanian People Have Been and Are With the Just Cause of the People, 1977
19. The Revolution: A Question Taken Up for Solution—Ramiz Alia, 1978
20. Some Fundamental Questions of the Revolutionary Policy of the Party of Labour of Albania About the Development of the Class Struggle—Nexhmije Hoxha, 1977
21. Constitution of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, 1977
22. Enver Hoxha: Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor, 1976
23. Enver Hoxha: Report to the 6th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor, 1972
24. A Saga of the Baltic People, (JEHLOC)
25. The Baltic Soviet Republics—Intro by Frederick Schuman, 1944 (JEHLOC)
26. Policy of the US Towards Estonia, 1940
27. Soviet Union and the Baltic States—Kaarel Robert Pusta, 1943
28. Estonia: Highlights on History, Independence, and Soviet Occupation
29. Estonia—Alexander Kutt and Leonhard Vahter, 1964
30. Soviet Russian Imperialism—Ernst Jackson, 1970
31. Estonia: Independent and a Soviet Colony, 1961 (JEHLOC)
32. Baltic States and World Security Organization—Dr. Alfred Bilmaris (Packer Coll.), 1945
33. Latvia: between the anvil and the hammer—Dr. Alfred Bilamaris, 1944
34. Facts About Latvia—Dr. Alfred Bilmaris, 1944
35. The Soviet Occupation and Incorporation of Latvia—June 17-August 5, 1940, c. 1957 (Packer Coll)
36. What Latvia Wishes From this War—Dr. Alfred Bilamris, 1944
37. I Saw Vishinsky Bolshevize Latvia—Alfreds Berzinsh
38. The Lutheran Church of Latvia in Chains—Rev. Leons Cuibe, 1963 (JEHLOC)
39. The Baltic Review #38 August 1971 (Hoover Library)
40. Terror in the Baltics, 1940 [takeover by Soviet Communist Forces]
Box 147—Cuba
1. Cuban Relations with the Communist System: politics of a Communist Independent, 1967-70—Daniel Tretiak, June 1970
2. Cuba: Training Ground for American Vietcong—James T. Irwin, 1970
3. The Cuban Military in Africa and the Middle East: from Algeria to Angola—William Durch, 9/1977
4. Freedom’s Facts Against Communism, July 1960 “What’ll Happen Next in Cuba?”
5. Of Human Rights, January 1977: Report on the Human Condition in Cuba
6. A Memorandum on Cuba: the Betrayed Revolution and Jose Miro y Cardona—Miguel F. Kohly, 5/20/61
7. Truth About Cuba Committee “Commemorating the 62nd Anniversary of Cuba’s Independence from Spain”, 1964
8. Bulletin on Cuba [truth about Cuba Committee] April 2, 1962 (2 copies) and August 12, 1963
9. Operation Castro—Carl McIntire [published by 20th Century Reformation Hour Broadcast], 1960s
10. Speech given by Castro, August 23, 1968 “Year of the Heroic Guerrilla”—Analyzing events in Czechoslovakia
11. Point Blank: The Truth about Russians and Rockets in Cuba and America’s Suicidal “Anti-Survival” Pact, December 1970
12. Castro’s African Adventure [report by Professor Herminio Portell-Vila for the 1977 seminars of the Freedom Studies Center, Foster, Virginia]
13. Of Human Rights [A report on the human condition in Cuba]
14. Cuba-Africa: Quo Vadis? [American Review, Institute for American Studies], 1989
15. ‘Previous OAS Actions Regarding Cuba’—September 15, 1967
Box 148—Cuba
1. Guerrilla Warfare: A Method—Ernesto “Che” Guevara (JEHLOC)
2. The Truth About Cuba Committee, 1961 (Open letters to Pres. Kennedy & Harvard professors)
3. Castro Admits Cuba is Communist—(TTACC) (JEHLOC) 1961
4. TTACC—Objectives, Plans (2 copies) 1961 (JEHLOC)
4. Reflections on the Cuban Revolution—Paul A. Baran 1961
5. Cuba-The Truth: We Shout Victory but Kruschev Still Has Cuba—Harold Lord Varney
6. Q & A About…Political Prisoners in Cuba
7. A Letter From Cuba’s Student Freedom Fighters to Fidel Castro’s American Student Guests
8. History Will Absolve Me—Fidel Castro (Hoover Lib.)
9. Those Who Are Not Revolutionary Fighters Cannot Be Called Communists—Fidel Castro, 1968
10. Why the Latins Still Love Fidel—Mark Falcoff, March 1991
11. Cuba--Dept. of State Publication, 1961 (Packer Collection)
12. US Policy Toward Cuba—Dept. of State Publication, 1964 (Packer Collection)
13. The US Response to Soviet Military Buildup in Cuba—Pres. Kennedy –Report to the people 10/22/62 (Packer Collection)
14. Cuba: Questions and Answers (Dept. of Defense publication for use of personnel in military service), 1962 (JEHLOC)
15. The Crime Against Cuba—Corliss Lamont, 1961
16. Blood on the Sugar {the terror in Cuba}—Sam Dlugin
17. The Lessons of Cuba—James Allen, 1961
18. Cuba’s Revolution: I Saw the People’s Victory—Joseph North, 1959
19. Cuba and Latin America: Eye-Witness Report on the Continental Congress for solidarity with Cuba—Scott Nearing, 1963
20. Jose Marti and Cuban Liberation—Carlos Rafael Rodriques, 1953
21. The Drama of Cuba—Manuel Antonio de Varona, 1962
22. The 2nd Declaration of Havana—Cuba’s Answer to the OAS, 1962
23. Fidel Castro Denounces Bureaucracy and Sectarianism: speech March 26, 1962
24. The Declaration of Havana, 1960
25. Cuba and US Policy (w/special emphasis on labour) –Paul Bethel, 1966 (JEHLOC)
26. The Lesson the US Can Learn From Cuba [address by Serafin G. Menocal], 1964
27. Fidel Castro Speaks to the Children [speech about military fortress turned into a school]
28. Che Guevara at Punta Del Este—August 1961 speech
29. ‘The Revolution Must be a School of Unfettered Thought’—Fidel Castro, speech at Uni. Of Havana, 1962
30. Fidel Castro’s History Will Absolve Me—speech given before emergency session of the court of Santiago de Cuba on October 16,1953. 1961, (JEHLOC)
31. Fidel Castro: Communist—Robert Welch, 1959 (JEHLOC)
32. Cuba vs. the CIA—Robert Light, Carl Marzani, 1961
33. ‘The Future of Soviet-Cuban Relations’ [Military Issues Research Memorandum, 2/1/79]
34. In Defense of the Cuban Revolution—Joseph Hansen, 1961
Box 149—China
1. China Lob Lally—Geraldine Fitch
2. Maoist Military Doctrines—Ralph L. Powell
3. Red China Speaks (JEHLOC)
4. All Roads Lead to Freedom-5th Report [1960] ed. By Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist League, Republic of China (JEHLOC)
5. Congress Speaks on Nixon’s Visit to Mainland China, 1972
6. The Sino-Soviet Treaty and Agreements (signed on 2/14/1950) (JEHLOC)
7. Advance Along the Road Opened Up by the October Socialist Revolution {in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the revolution}, 1967 (JEHLOC) 2 copies
8. A Comment on the Statement of the C.P. of the USA, 1963 Renmin Ribao editorial
9. The Proletarian Revolution and Khrushchov’s Revisionism [comment on the open letter of the central committee of the CPSU(VIII), March 31, 1964 [editorial of Renmin Ribao & Hongqi]
10. A Comment on the March Moscow Meeting, March 23, 1965 (Hearst Collection) [editorial of Hongqi]
11. Apologists of Neo-Colonialism {comment on open letter of the central comm. of the CPSU (IV)} Oct. 22, 1963 (JEHLOC)
12. The Origin and Development of the Differences Between the Leadership of the CPSU and Ourselves, 1963 (JEHLOC) editorials
13. Letter of the Central Comm. of the C.P. of China in reply to the letter of the Central Comm. of the CPSU, June 15, 1964 (JEHLOC)
14. Leninism and Modern Revisionism (Hearst Coll.) [Hongqi editorial, 1963]
15. On the Question of Stalin [comment on the open letter of the Central Comm. of the CPSU II] {editorial depts. Of Renmin Ribao and Hongqi] September 13, 1963
16. Sino-Soviet Alliance: Mighty Bulwark of World Peace, 1960
17. Stalin and the Chinese Revolution—Chen Po-Ta, 1953 {in celebration of his 70th birthday}
18. Support of the Just Stand of the Soviet Union and Oppose US Imperialism’s Wrecking of the 4-power Conference of Gov’t Heads, 1960
19. A Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement, 1963 (JEHLOC)
20. 7 Letters Exchanged Between the Central Comm. of the CP of China and CPSU, 1964 (JEHLOC)
21. Letter of the Central Comm. of the CP of China in Reply to Central Comm. of CPSU, July 30, 1964 (JEHLOC)
22. The Leaders of the CPSU are the Greatest Splitters of Our Times[comment on the open letter of the CPSU (VII)]
{editorials of Renmin Ribao and Hongqi} February 4, 1964
23. How the Soviet Revisionists Carry Out All-Around Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR, 1968 (Hoover Lib.)
24. Let Us Unite on the Basis of the Moscow Declaration and the Moscow Statement, 1963 (Hearst Collection)
25. Why Khrushchov Fell {editorial of Hongqi} 1964 (JEHLOC)
26. Down with the New Tsars!, 1969 (JEHLOC)
27. Letters of the Central Comm. of C.P. of Japan in Reply to Central Comm. of the CPSU, 1965 (JEHLOC)
28. On Khrushchov’s Phony Communism and Its Historical Lessons for the World {comment on the open letter of the CPSU (IX)} [by editorial depts. Of Renmin Ribao and Hongqi], 1964
29. Reply to Khrushchov: Resolution of the Central Comm. of the CP of Brazil,1964
30. On the Intrinsic Nature of N.S. Khrushchov’s Peaceful Co-Existence Line [An article by observer in AKAHATA, organ of the CP of Japan], 1965 (JEHLOC)
31. On the Meeting Convened in Moscow from March 1 by the CPSU Leadership [articles in AKAHATA, organ of the CP of Japan], 1965 (JEHLOC)
32. 30 Years of the Communist Party of China, 1951
33. Letter of the Central Committee of the C.P. of USSR to Central Committee of the C.P. of China, 1963
34. Statement of the gov’t of the People’s Republic of China, 5/24/69
35. Press communique on the 1st Plenary Sessoin of the 9th Central Committee of the C.P. of China, 1969
36. Long Live the C.P. of China-In Commemoration of the 48th Anniversary of the founding of the C.P. of China, 1969
37. Report to the 9th National Congress of the C.P. of China—Lin Piao, 1969
38. The Constitution of the Communist Party of China, 1969
39. Address at the Meeting in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the C.P. of China—Lin Shao-Chi, 1961
40. Mao Tse Tung: 2 Policies and Programmes to Combat Japanese Invasion and 2 Perspectives, 1954
41. A New Page in the Annals of Sino-Japanese Relations, 1972
42. Drive U.S. Imperialism Out of Asia, 1960
43. 2nd Session of the 8th National Congress of the C.P. of China, 1958
44. Main Documents of the 1st Session of the 3rd National Peoples’ Congress of the Peoples’ Republic of China, 1965
45. Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area: Selection of Important Documents, 1958
46. Oppose the New U.S. Plots to Create “Two Chinas”, 1962
47. A Mirror for Revisionists, 1963
48. The Truth About How the Leaders of the CPSU Have Allied Themselves with India Against China, 1963
49. Documents on the Sino-Indian Boundary Question, 1960
50. The Sino-Indian Boundary Question II, 1965
51. On Interventions in and Subversive Activities Against the Democratic Movements of Our Country and Our Party by the CPSU Leadership and theInstitutions and Organizations Under Its Guidance (an article in AKAHATA, Organ of the Communist Party of Japan), 1965
52. Kennedy and U.S. Imperialism: a commentator’s article in AKAHATA, 1964
53. The Kennedy Administration Unmasked, 1962
Box 150—China
1. The USSR and China—Arthur Clegg 1946
2. A Great Victory for Leninism 1965
3. Two Different Lines on the Question of War and Peace (JEHLOC) 1963
4. The Struggle Between Two Lines at the Moscow World Congress of Women (JEHLOC) 1963
5. The Whole Country Should Become a Great School of Mao Tse Tung’s Thought (JEHLOC) 1966
6. Internationalism and Nationalism—Liu Shao-Chi
7. 41 Red Hearts are with Chairman Mao Forever 1967
8. The Common Program & Other Documents of the 1st Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 1950
9. 8th Plenary Session of the 8th Central Committee of the C.P. of China 1959
10. On the Party—Liu Shao-Chi (Hoover Library)
11. Forward Along the High Road of Mao Tse-Tung’s Thought 1967
12. The Political Report—Liu Shao-Chi (JEHLOC) 1956
13. Circular of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party 5/16/1966
14. Communique of the 11th Plenary Session of the 8th Central Committee of the C.P. of China 1966
15. Refutation of the New Leaders of the CPSU on “United Section” 1965 (JEHLOC)
16. The Leaders of the CPSU are Betrayers on the Declaration & the Statement (JEHLOC) 1965
17. Carry the Struggle Against Khrushchov Revisionism to the End (JEHLOC) 1965
18. Letter of Reply dated 3/22/66 of the Central Committee of the C.P. of China to the Central Committee of the C.P. of the Soviet Union 1966 (JEHLOC)
19. Confessions Concerning the Line of Soviet-U.S. Collaboration Pursued by the New Leaders of the CPSU 1966 (JEHLOC)
20. Political Report—Chou En-Lai 1956 (JEHLOC)
21. Political Report—Liu Shao-Chi (JEHLOC)
22. Soviet-Chinese Relations Surveyed—O. Ivanov 1975
23. China: Threat of Overpopulation—Ya. Mikhailov 1971
24. Territorial Claims of Mao Tse Tung—A. Kruchinin & V. Olgin
25. China: Cultural Revolution or Counter-Revolutionary Coup? Wang Ming
26. The Soviet Union & China—Boris Koloskov 1971
27. USSR: A Friend & Brother of the Chinese People—A. Grigoryev 1971 (2 copies)
28. Concerning the 50th Anniversary of the C.P. of China—O. Vladimirov, V. Ryazanov 1971
29. Total Bankruptcy of Soviet Modern Revisionism 1968 (JEHLOC)
30. Refuting the Fallacies of Soviet Revisionist Social-Imperialism 1969
31. China’s Great Revolution and the Soviet Union’s Great Tragedy 1967 (JEHLOC)
32. SMASH: The Big U.S. Soviet Conspiracy 1967
33. The Origin and Development of the Differences Between the Leadership of the CPSU and Ourselves 1963
34. On Khrushchov’s Phoney Communism and Its Historical Lessons for the World 1964 (JEHLOC)
35. Concerning the 50th Anniversary of the C.P. of China (2 copies, slightly different)
36. Famine as Told by Letters from the Chinese Mainland—Asian People’s Anti-Communist League, March 1962
37. The Rise of Communism in China (1920-1950)—Wan Yah-Kang
38. Formosa (Taiwan)—W.G. Goddard, 1958 (JEHLOC)
39. China’s Continuing Revolution—William Hinton, 1969
40. Two Major Soviet Statements on China, 1963 (Hoover Library)
41. 20 Years of Tyranny: Communist China, 1949-1969 (Dr. James Myers, Dr. Turgen Domes, John Lewis)
42. Whither China?--R. Palme Dutt (intro by Gus Hall), 1967 (Hoover Library)
43. Why Not Recognize Red China Even Now?--Ernest K. Moy, 4/30/52
44. Should We Recognize Red China?--Paul K.T. Sih, (JEHLOC)
45. The Sino-Indonesian Rupture—Justus M. Van Der Kroef, 1968 (JEHLOC)
46. The Debate on the Admission of Red China to the UN—David C.Head, 1970
47. Recognize Red China: an expose of the National Council of Churches. World Order Study Conference, Cleveland, OH November 18-21, 1958 (JEHLOC)
48. Red China and the United Nations—Adlai E. Stevenson, 1961 (JEHLOC)
49. China Presents Her Case to the United Nations (Chinese Delegation to the UN), 1949
Box 151—China; South Africa
1. Selected Speeches on Religion by President and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, July 1952
2. President Chiang Kai-Shek: an Abridged Biography—Hollington K. Tong
3. Free China Fights On: A Collection of Speeches 1957-1958—Hollington K. Troy, 1958
4. Communist China: A Current Appraisal—Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang, 1962
5. All We Are and All We Have—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
6. Before Final Victory—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek [speeches by]
7. Chinese Dilemma: Foreign Relations Series—John Armstrong
8. Should Free China Be Sacrificed? The Price of Détente, 1975
9. The Republic of China—US Dept. of State—October 1959
10. American Policy Toward China—Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, 1951 (Packer Collection)
11. AFNIA: Atlanta Forum on National and International Affairs [Conference on US-China Relations, 11/3-5, 1971]
12. The Two Chinas—Daniel Lyons, S.J., 1968 (JEHLOC)
13. Red China: Pres. Mao Tse-Tung Reports on the Progress of the Chinese Soviet Republic
14. Red China and the USSR—Dept. of State
15. South Africa Looks to Africa—Dr. WJ Breytenbach, 1977
16. A ‘Ghetto’ in South Africa, 1976
17. The Crisis in Africa: US Strategy at the Crossroads, 1976
18. Stop S. Africa’s Crimes, 1946 (JEHLOC)
19. SWA/Namibia: towards a negotiated settlement, 8/1997
20. Marxism, the Church, and South Africa—Professor F.L. Coleman, 1978
21. Fight for Freedom in S. Africa, 1979
22. Political and Economic Change in S. Africa—Harry Oppenheimer, 1983
23. The Road Ahead—January 1985 (speech by state pres. Mr. WP Botha, DMS)
24. The New Parliament, November 1984
25. South Africa on a Derelict Continent—Colin Vale, May 1982 (Occasional Paper #6)
26. The Outlook for Africa South of the Equator—DA Etheredge, June 1981 (Occ. Paper #3)
27. South Africa: Supermarket of the World’s Minerals—Dirk T. Kunert, Sept. 1981 (OP #4)
28. Policy Options for the Decades, November 1981 (OP #5)
29. South Africa in the 1980s, March 1981 (selection of 3 speeches) (OP #2)
30. Suffer the Children: Child Abuse for Revolutionary Ends in S. Africa, 1987 [how the youth is performing revolutionary violent acts]
31. Resistance Against Fascist Enslavement in South Africa (w/ a postscript for Americans by Dr. Alphaeus Hunton), 1953
32. Christianity Under Communist Attack
Box 152—Vietnam
1. Vietnam People’s War has Defeated U.S. War of Destruction, 1969
2. U.S. Imperialists’ Policy in South Vietnam (Burn all, Destroy all, Kill all), 1969
3. Hold High the Revolutionary Banner of Creative Marxism, Lead Our Revolution Cause to Complete Victory—LeDuan, 1964
4. Some Questions Concerning the Int’l Tasks of Our Party—LeDuan, 1964
5. Who Will Win in South Vietnam?--Nguyen Chi Thanh, 1963
6. U.S. Aggression has No Bounds & Our Counter to Aggression Has No Bounds, 1966 (JEHLOC)
7. Solemn Pledge of the 30 Million Vietnamese People, 1965
8. Support the People of Vietnam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors, 1965
9. Against U.S. Aggression for Nat’l Salvation—Ho Chi Minh, 1967
10. With You, Vietnam: Soviet Youth Say, 1966
11. The Vietnamese Problem—Luu Quy Ky, 1967
12. Independence & Peace for the Vietnamese People, 1966 (2 copies)
13. The Way He Lived: the Story of Nguyen Van Tri, October 1965
14. Heroes and Heroines of the Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam, 1965
15. On the Socialist Revolution in Vietnam, 1965 & 1967, volumes 2 & 3
16. President Ho Chi Minh Answers President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1967
17. South Vietnam: U.S.Defeat Inevitable, 1967
18. Forward! Final Victory Will Be Ours! 1968
19. Role of the Vietnamese Working Class & Tasks of the Trade Unions at the Present Stage,1969
20. 5 Lessons of a Great Victory—Truong Son, Winter 1966-Spring 1967
21. Initial Failure of the U.S. “Limited War”, 1967
22. The N.F.L. Symbol of Independence, Democracy, and Peace in South Vietnam, 1967
23. Scenes of the General Offensive and Uprising, 1968
24. American Aircraft Systematically Attack Dams and Dikes in the DRUN, 1968
25. Women of Vietnam, 1972
26. For Vietnam: Info Bulletin of the Tricontinental Committee of Support to the People of Vietnam (November-December)
27. This May Happen to You—V. L. Borin (JEHLOC)
28. Vietnam, Kampuchea, Laos: An Eyewitness Report 1979
29. They Have Been in North Vietnam, 1968 (Hoover Lib.)
30. Gunners Without Insignia, 1966 (Hoover Lib.)
Box 153—Vietnam
1. A Pocket Guide to Vietnam (Dept. of Defense) 1966
2. The Vietnam Dilemma—Rev. Daniel Lyons (JEHLOC)
3. Vietnam—Booklet detailing why we should not be in Vietnam. Pub. By Univ. Review.
4. The Vietnam Profiteers—Victor Perlo 1966
5. Our Vietnam Defeat! What Happened?--Billy James Hargis, Christian Crusade 1975
6. A Green Beret Sergeant’s Story: Behind the Scenes in Vietnam—Tom Hollingsworth, Christian Crusade 1967.
7. Ramparts Vietnam Primer: “I quit!”—Essays, 1965-66
8. The Unspeakable War, 1966
9. Free Speech for GIs, 1967.
10. Decision in South Vietnam: interview with Howard Penniman, 1967. Hoover Library
11. How the U.S. got Involved in Vietnam—Robert Scheer, 1965.
12. The Truth about Vietnam—Robert Welch, 1967 (JEHLOC)
13. Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, 1967
14. Vietnam, U.S. Imperialism, and U.S. Strike
15. Southeast Asian Perspectives, 1971
16. Solution for the War in Vietnam—Robert Murphy, 1967
17. The Fort Hood Three: case of the 3 GIs who said “no” to the war in Vietnam, 1966
18. On Vietnam and World Revolution—Che Guevara (JEHLOC), Published by Vietnam Council on Foreign Relations:
19. The Legal System of Vietnam—Frank G. O’Neill
20. An Introduction to Vietnamese Culture—Nguyen Khac Kham
21. The Paris Peace Talks—Professor Nguyen Xuan Oanh
22. The Chieu Hoi Program in Vietnam—Ho Van Cham (JEHLOC)
23. South Vietnam and the Nat’l. Liberation Front—Nguyen Van Tuoi
24. The South Vietnamese Point of View, 1968
25. Towards a Responsive Press Policy—Ngo Khac Tinh
26. Political Parties and Political Opposition in Vietnam
27. Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam
28. From Geneva ’54 to Paris ’69
29. Postwar Development of Vietnam
30. South Vietnam: A Month of Unprecedented Offensive & Uprising, March 1968 (Hoover Lib.)
31. South Vietnam Nat’l Front for Liberation and Documents, Dec. 1968 (Hoover Library)
32. American Crimes in Vietnam, October 1966 (w/pictures)
33. Political Programme of the South Vietnam Nat’l Front for Liberation, 1967
34. Fiasco of the 2nd Dry Season “Counter Offensive” of the U.S. in South Vietnam, August 1967
35. Forward Along the Path Chartered—Karl Marx, 1969
33. South Vietnam: A Great Victory (Winter 1966-Spring 1967)
34. Unity Can Defeat McCarthyism!--Philip Frankfeld
35. Daily Worker: A Case History of…the Official Communist Party Line, 1950
36. The Progressive—McCarthy: A Documented Record, April 1954
37. Copy of speech of Senator Joe McCarthy—United States Senate, December 14, 1950
38. Documents concerning alleged Communist activity of a couple of men, no date, no publisher
39. Daily Worker: ‘Throw the Bum Out’: Official Communist Party Line on Sen. McCarthy {containing articles, snippets from papers, all about McCarthy} 1950s
40. Address of Senator Joseph McCarthy at the 5th Annual Convention Midwest Council of Young Republicans, May 6, 1950
Box 154—Vietnam
1. Vietnam in Brief (Dept. of State) 1966. Packer Collection
2. Vietnam War: A View from the Other Side—Douglas Price 1967
3. Answering Aggression in Vietnam—Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson (Dept. of State) Packer Collection 1967
4. Vietnam (Students for a Democratic Society-SDS) 2 copies 1968
5. Vietnam: Free World Challenge in Southeast Asia—George W. Ball Packer Collection 1962
6. The Mekong River: A Challenge in Peaceful Development for Southeast Asia—Eugene Black,1969
7. Who Controls Vietnam?--Wilfred Burchett 1968
8. It’s Treason! Aid & Comfort to the Vietcong—Wallis W. Wood (J. Edgar Hoover Library on Communism) 1968
9. Achievements of the Campaign of Denunciation of Communist Subversive Activities—published by the People’s Directive Committee for the C.D.C.S.A. 1956
10. The War in Vietnam: Liberation or Aggression? Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vietnam 1968 (w/photos)
11. North-Vietnam’s Policy of Aggression and Expansion—M.F.A of R.V.1970. (w/photos)
12. The People of Vietnam Will Triumph! The U.S. Aggressors Will Be Defeated! 1966
13. Index to Report on the War in Vietnam, 1969
14. Know Your Enemy: the Vietcong, 1966 (JEHLOC)
15. Vietnam: Documents and Research Notes, September 1970 [A brief chronology of
mementous facts and events in the history of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam]
16. A Threat to the Peace: N. Vietnam’s Effort to Conquer S. Vietnam [part II of the appendices]
17. Vietnam: 10 Years Later—What We Have Learned,1983
18. Why Vietnam, 1965 (JEHLOC)
19. Vietnam Report: ‘Not in Vain’ [based on an independent fact-finding mission to S. Vietnam,
January 12-22, 1974; co-sponsored by the American Security Council and th Vietnam Council
On Foreign Relations]
20. A Pentagon Papers Digest: Indochina Information Project [against US war in Vietnam]
Box 155—Soviet Union
1. Forty Years 1917-1957 of Building Socialism
2. 31 Years of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—V.M. Molotov, 1948
3. V.M. Molotov: Speeches and Statements at the Moscow Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 1947
4. European Security—Problem #1
5. Along the Road Chartered by the October Revolution—Towards New Victories for Communism and the Cause of Peace—A.A. Gromyko, 1974
6. XXXI Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution—V.M. Molotov, 1948
7. Text of Address by V.M. Molotov on the 30th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 11/6/1947
8. XXX Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution—V.M. Molotov, 1947
9. 50th Anniversary of the C.P. of the Soviet Union 1903-1953, 1953
10. 40th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1917-1957
11. 37th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution—M.Z. Saburov, 11/6/1954
12. 34th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution—L.P. Beria, 11/6/1951
13. 33rd Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution—N.A. Bulganin, 1950
14. 50th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (JEHLOC)
15. 40 Years of the Great October Socialist Revolution—N.S. Khrushchov, 1957 (JEHLOC)
16. Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXVI Congress of the C.P. of the Soviet Union and the Immediate Tasks of the Party in Home and Foreign Policy—L.I. Brezhnev, 1981
17. Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 27th Party Congress—M. Gorbachev, 1986
18. The Soviet Union and World Peace—Joseph Stalin and V.M. Molotov, 1946
19. Speech at the Funeral of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, G.M. Malenkov, 1946
20. The New Russian Policy—J. Stalin, June 23, 1931
21. Stanlin’s Oath: A Talk with Stalin About Communist Aggression, 1951 (JEHLOC)
22. The Light of the Great October Revolution Illumines the Road to Communism—F.D. Kulakov, 1976
23. The 50th Anniversary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—L.I. Brezhnev, 1972
Box 156—Soviet Union
1. On Preparations for the 50th Anniversary of the Formation of the USSR, 1972
2. The Programme of the C.P. of the Soviet Union, 1986
3. Information Bulletin: 25th Congress of the C.P. of the Soviet Union—issues 1&2, 1976 (Hoover Lib.)
4. Resolutions of the 20th Congress of the C.P of the Soviet Union, 1956
5. Report of the Central Committee of the C.P. of the Soviet Union to the 20th Party Congress—N.S. Khrushchov,
1956 (JEHLOC)
6. The Meaning of the XXth Congress of the C.P. of the Soviet Union—Max Weiss, 1956
7. Speech at the 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.—L.M. Kaganovich,1956
8. “ “—V.M. Molotov, 1956
9. On the Threshold of Communism—G.M. Malenkov, 1952 (Hoover Library)
10. Report to the 19th Party Congress on Amendments to the Rules of the CPSU—N. Khrushchov, 1952
11. On Changes in the Rules of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—N. Khrushchov, 1953 (JEHLOC)
12. Speech at the 19th Congress of the CPSU—N. Bulganin, 1952
13. The Revolutionary Crisis is Maturing—D.Z. Manuilsky, 1934
14. The Great Swindle—Stanlin’s “Workers” State, 1950
15. Report on Russia…uncensored—William Randolph Hearst, 1955
16. The Socialite and the Cow—Zoltan Kovacs, MD [a special contribution to the 50th anniversary of Russian Revolution] published by the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation, 1967
17. “Crimes of the Stalin Era” The New Leader [special report to the 20th Congress of the C.P. of the Soviet Union]—Nikita Khrushchev, 1956
18. Meditations of Joseph Stalin—Emile E. Watson, 1952 [written from pt. of view of Stalin]
19. 50th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1967 (JEHLOC)
20. Freedom of Expression and Dissent in the Soviet Union—essay by Kazimierz Grzybowski, 1972
21. The Kremlin Speaks: excerpts from statements made by the leaders of the Soviet Union
22. Tell the West: an eyewitness account—Jerzy Gliksman, 1948?
Box 157—Misc. Countries
1. The Next Step in Britain, Ireland and America (JEHLOC)
2. Act Now! An Appeal to the Mind & Heart of Britain—Dean of Canterbury 1939
3. The Colonies: The Way Forward (JEHLOC) 1934
4. Early History of the Communist Party of Great Britain—Brian Pearce 1966
5. The British Road to Socialism: Communist Party Programme 1968
6. The Platform of the Left Opposition—1927
7. British Labor’s Rise to Power—Harry Laidler, 1945
8. The British Constitution—Professor A.L. Goodhart, 1943
9. Blasting the Historical Blackout in Britain—Harry Elmer Barnes
10. Japan’s Soviet-Held Prisoners of War—Richard Deverall, 1951 (JEHLOC)
11. Inside Japan (JEHLOC)
12. Japan Wars of the USA—Grace Hutchins, 1941 (JEHLOC)
13. Can This Happen to Americas…(concern over communism spreading to Latin America)
14. The Bulgars: Self-Styled Prussians of the Balkans—Peter Thrax
15. The Yugoslav Peoples Fight to Live—Josip Broz Tita, 1944
16. A Special Study of the Portugese Provinces: A Place for Pioneers—James Jackson
Kilpatrick, 1968 (JEHLOC)
17. Mexican-American Bulletin—issues #1 May 63; #3 July 63; #4 July 63; #9 Dec 63; #10 Feb
64; #12 June 64; #13 September 64
18. Report on Guatemala, 1952
Box 158—Misc. Countries
1. IRAN: Diplomacy in a Regional and Global Context—Alvin Cottrell, 1975 (Hoover Lib.)
2. Invasion Report: Communist Aggression Against the Dominican Republic, 1959
3. Societal Objectives of Wealth, Growth, Stability, and Equity in Taiwan—Jan Prybyea
[Occasional Papers/Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies #4, 1978]
4. Memorandum: El Salvador Revolutionary Says Arms Supplied by Cuba, Nicaragua, and
Priests [Council for Inter-American Security]
5. General Carlos P. Romulo, Spokesman for Freedom, 1962
6. Regional Cooperation in the Middle East (February 1, 1979)
7. Jordan: Makeweight of the Middle East, April 1969 (JEHLOC)
8. Report on Venezuela, 1958
9. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January 1988
10. Committee to Avert a Mideast Holocaust [dealing with war] 2/5/1991
11. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January 1989
12. Truth About Afghanistan Documents-Facts-Eyewitness Reports, 1980
13. American Interests in the Middle East, 1969
Box 159—Misc. Countries
1. Greece Fights for Freedom, 1944
2. 7 Proposals for Reason and Good Will (dealing with 2 Germanys)
3. The Panama Canal: Fallacies and Facts (Americanism Educational League)
4. Trieste—A.J.P. Taylor (United Comm. of South Slavic Americans), 1945
5. CSCE-Vienna Conference: Sub-Committee on the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, August 1989
6. Washington Lobby on Latin America—Allen Brownfield, early 1980s
7. Birth and Growth of Anti-Trujillism in America—J.A. Osorio Lizarazo
8. The Devil and Jimmy Byrnes—Frederick L. Schumann, 1948
9. Latin America Problems—edited by Philip Astuto and Ralph Leal, 1964 (JEHLOC)
10. Emigration from the Soviet Union: the case of the Soviet Germans—John W. Kiser, 1976
11. American Council for World Freedom press release concerning Panama Canal, 1975
12. Compendium of material on the ouster of General MacArthur and the Far East Situation,1951
13. International Union of Students Brigade in Nicaragua, 1980
14. Is Ireland Next-Uncensored, July 1942
15. The German White Paper: Full Text of the Polish Documents, 1940 [issued by Berlin Foreign Office]
16. Panama Canal-Crosswords of the World…55th Anniversary Issue, 1969
17. A report dealing with Latin America [Communist occupation of], 1960s
Box 160—Soviet Strategy; Cold War; Soviet-U.S. Relations
1. Peace is the Concern of One and All: Materials and Documents of the World Congress of Peace Forces, Moscow, October 1973
2. Hands off the Panama Canal—Isaac Don Levine, 1976
3. Issue of “World Affairs”—Negotiating with the Soviets in Madrid, Spring 1982
4. Behind Soviet Power: Stalin and the Russians—Jerome Davis, 1946
5. A Red Paper on Forced Labor, 1931
6. Stalin’s Slave Camps, 1952
7. Slave Labor in the Soviet World, 1950s
8. Finlandization: A Model of Soviet Influence—Kenneth Adelman, 1978
9. The Great Deception: Communist Imperialism and Colonialism—George Benson, 1962
10. Seminar in Soviet Economics—edited by Ray Cline and Patricia Radar, 1974
11. Report of the Committee on Cold War Education, 1963
Box 161—Soviet Strategy; Cold War; Soviet-U.S. Relations
1. U.S.A.-U.S.S.R-10th Anniversary of American-Soviet Relations, November 6-8, 1943
2. Report of the Committee on Cold War Education, 1965
3. The World’s Dilemma and a Way Out: Liberation of the Peoples of the Soviet Union
4. The Russian Soviet Regime—A Menace to the World (address October 14, 1932)
5. Can Freedom Win? “Our Cold War Strategy”
6. Communist Economic Policy in the Less Developed Areas, 1960
7. Soviet Strength and Strategy in Asia—Ivar Spector, 1950
8. Facts about a Communist Front—George Donahue, 1950s
9. U.S.S.R-U.S. Summit: Documents and Materials, December 7-10, 1987
10. The Kremlin’s Trojan Horses, 1950s
11. The Peace Movement and the Soviet Union—Vladimir Bukovsky,1982
12. The Soviet Union and Ballistic Missile Defense: a Conference Report II, 1978
13. U.S.-Soviet Relations: A Strategy for the Future—Anthony Harrigan
14. 1963 Arizona Conference on Cold War Education
15. Paths to Understanding: report of committee on cold war education, 1964
16. Mikhail Gorbachev: October and Perestroika-the revolution continues, 1987
17. The Soviet Legal System: a primer—Bernard A. Ramundo, 1971
18. Soviet Media and their Message—Leonid Vladiminov, 1977
19. The 1963 Conference on Cold War Education, June 12-15, 1963
20. A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR, July-Sept. 1977
21. The Panama Nightmare: What is Behind it?—Harold Lord Varney, 1976
22. Documents and Materials—Mikhail Gorbachev,1988
23. Inside Soviet Prisons, 1976
24. The Totalitarian Neoczarism of the Soviet Union—Mr. Luis David Cruz Ocampo, 1949
25. A Handbook for Survival—Bernard Yoh, 1958
26. Russia’s Space Hoax—Lloyd Mallan, 1966
27. The American-Anglo –Soviet Alliance-Documents and Comments
28. Two Historic Anniversaries: 25th Establishement of USA-USSR Relations and 41st Founding of the Soviet State, 1958
Box 162—NASA, Space Program
1. Aboard the Space Shuttle—Florence Steinberg, 1980
2. Voyage to Jupiter—David Morrison and Jane Samz, 1980
3. Mars: the Viking Discoveries—Bevan M. French, October 1977
4. Landsat-D—new era of earth resources survey {a poster}
5. Cosmology + 1 [Readings from Scientific American] dates from 1956-1977
6. Voyager 1: Encounter w/Saturn [press kit] 1980
7. Pioneer Saturn Encounter, 1979
8. Geologic Evolution of the Moon (revised version)—Paul Lowman, Jr. October 1971
9. The Space Shuttle at Work—Howard Allaway, NASA, 1979
10. NASA Aeronautics—David Anderson
11. NASA Tech House, December 1977
12. NASA Space Telescope (late 1970s/early 1980s)
13. Infrared Astronomical Satellite (late 1970s/early 1980s)
14. NASA Space Shuttle: America’s Space Transportation System, 1979
Box 163—NASA, Space Program
1. Connections: an Alternate View of Change
2. Discover: the newsmagazine of science, June 1981
3. Futurist, February 1981
4. Poster advertising NSTA contest-propose space experiments to be performed on space shuttle 1982
5. NASA Facts: Astronaut Selection and Training, March 1981
6. Careers in Space: NASA-Where Do You Fit In?
7. Spinoff 1980: Annual Report by NASA: new programs, technologies
8. NASA-Educational Topics (packet of different lessons for different topics)
9. List of space flights—date, ship, astronauts (US and Soviet)
10. Bibliography of Space Books and Articles from Non-Aerospace Journals, 1957-1977 NASA, 1979
11. ‘Crustal Evolution in Silicate Planets: Implications for the Origin of Continents’ Journal of Geology, Paul D. Lowman, Jr., January 1976
12. NASA Scientific and Technical Publications, December 17, 1979
13. Voyager 1 Encounters Saturn, 1980 [published by NASA]
Box 164—Military, Defense, National Security
1. A Certain Idea of Man: the Democratic Revolution and its future—address by Alexander Haig, 9/13/1981, before the Berlin Press Association.
2. 10th Inter-American Conference, March 1-28, 1954, ‘Declaration of Solidarity for the Preservation of the Political Integrity of the American States Against the Intervention of International Communism’
3. Informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republic, 10/2-3/1962 [communist aggression]
4. Politico-Military Policy: Strategic Review, 1973-1984 [writings by A.G.B. Metcalf], U.S. Strategic Institute
5. ‘Revolution Beyond Our Borders’: Sandinista Intervention in Central America, U.S. Dept. of State, 9/1985
6. U.S. Military Policy—edited by Bruce Weinrod [Handbook for the 1982-83 Interscholastic Debate Topic-Young America Foundation]
7. Soviet Military Power 1986—published by U.S. gov’t
8. Soviet-Cuban Connection in Central America and the Caribbean—Dept. of State, March 1985
9. Securing a Peaceful Future for Lebanon, December 12, 1982—Dept. of State
10. Dept. of State selected documents “Human Rights”, 1977 [2 copies]
11. Freedom Appeals, September-October, 1979 [Documenting the universal struggle for freedom]
12. Political Report Presented by the Int’l Preparatory Comm. and Approved by the Tricontinental Conference, 1960s?, 2 copies
Box 165—Military, Defense, National Security
1. Myths and Realities: US Nuclear Strategy—Louis Rene Beres, 1982
2. Reclaiming US Security: 8 Specific Steps—Frank Barnett, 1978
3. National Security and the 1st Amendment, 1984 (published by the ABA)
4. The Media and Gov’t Leaks, 1984 (published by ABA)
5. “And…we mutually pledge…”, 1964—Stewart M. Robinson
6. Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Law or Tyranny, 1968
7. EIR: Special Report-Electromagnetic-Effect Weapons: the technology and the strategic implications, February 1988
8. Intelligent Layperson’s Guide to the Nuclear Freeze and Peace Debate. 20 Q&A on the most urgent issues of our time—Joyce Larson and William Bodie,1983
9. Conference on Intelligence Legislation [standing committee on law and national security of the ABA] June 26-28, 1980
10. Protecting Traitors, Spies and Terrorists: How America’s Internal Security is Being Destroyed, 1977
11. A Safe and Prosperous America: A U.S. Foreign and Defense Policy Blueprint—edited by Kim Holmes, 1993
12. Détente: journal of the ABA dealing with the Soviet Union, 1977
13. Oversight and Accountability of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies: an evaluation, 1985 (ABA)
14. National Security Leaks—Is There a Legal Solution? 1986
Box 166—Military, Defense, National Security
1. Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy, 1984 (ABA)
2. A Layman’s Pocket Guide to SALT II (American Council for World Freedom)
3. The Truth About the Foreign Policy Association (American Legion), 1960
4. SDI: the “Star Wars” project, 1985
5. The Intelligent Layperson’s Guide to “Star Wars”—Joyce Larson and William Bodie, 1986
6. The Anti-Defense Lobby: Gene La Rocque and the Center for Defense Information—Allan Brownfeld
7. Building the Peace: U.S. Foreign Policy for the Next Decade—Stanley Hoffman and Cyrus Vance, 1982 (Center for National Policy)
8. The Changing U.S.-Soviet Strategic Balance (International Security Council), 1990
9. National Security Strategy of the U.S., March 1990 & August 1991 [published by White House]
10. Rethinking Defense and Conventional Forces (John Glenn, Barry Carter, Robert Komer), 1980
11. The Anzus Partners—Dora Alues, 1984 [Center for Strategic and International Studies]
12. China’s Quest for Security in the Post-Cold War World—Samuel Kim 7/29/96
13. The Strategist and the Web Revisited: An Updated Guide to Internet Resources—James Kievit & Steven
Metz, 10/17/96
14. What’s with the Relationship Between America’s Army and China’s PLA?--Colonel Jer Donald Get 9/15/96
15. Managing a Changing Relationship: China’s Japan Policy in the 90s—Robert Ross 9/30/96
16. China’s Transition Into the 21st Century: US and PRC Perspectives—Dr.David Shambaugh, Senior Colonel
Wang Zhongchun 7/29/96
17. Civil-Military Relations and the Not-Quite Wars of the Present and Future—Vincent Davis 10/30/96
18. Unification of the US Armed Forces—Douglas Lovelace, Jr. 8/6/96
18. Finnish Security and European Security Policy—Stephen J. Blank 9/27/96
Box 167—Foreign relations, national security
1. Folder of materials dealing with the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, in particular Max
Kampelman, early 1980s
2. Letter to Wall St. Journal concerning CSCE in Belgrade, 1978
3. Letter to Mr. Morris I. Leibman from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1973
4. Attendance of Congressional Seminar on Soviet Jewry, 1973
5. Quick reference aids on U.S. Foreign Relations, published by Dept. of State,1981
6. “Population Growth and Political Governance in the Third World: Implications for U.S. Policy”—Marshall Green, November 1979 (CSIS notes)
7. “Reclaiming the Initiative from the Soviet Heartland: the case for a Tri-Oceanic Alliance of the Imperiled Rimlands”—Frank Barnett, National Strategy Information Center (early to mid 1980s)
8. Enemy Propaganda Quotations [compiled for Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs]—Guenther Reinhardt
9. The MacArthur Controversy: A Documented Outline prepared by Halford L. Hoskins, 1951[published by Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service]
Box 168—Center for Strategic Studies Papers
1. The Short-Term Effectiveness of the Arab Oil Embargo—Dr. Uzi Arad, August 1978 (2 copies)
2. Israel After Camp David: Address Delivered at the Weizmann Institute on November 11, 1978
3. Israeli-Saudi Relations: Present Approach and Proposed Changes—March 1979
4. Armed Forces in Foreign Territories Under the Terms of Peace Agreements—Dr. Uri Bialer, July 1979
5. Comparative Analysis of Foreign and Defense Policy Oriented Research Establishments and their Political Function in the USA and USSR w/Lessons for Israel—Memorandum #1, May 1979
6. Annual Report Board of Trustees, November 1979
7. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: Motivations and Implications—Dr. Mark Heller/Memorandum #2
8. Weapons to Riyadh: U.S. Policy and Regional Security—Nimrod Novik/Memorandum #4, April 1981
9. Raid on Osiraq—Shai Feldman/ Memorandum #5, August 1981
10. Supply of F-16 Aircraft and Mobile Hawk Missiles to Jordan: Military Ramifications for Israel—Brigadier General Y. Somekh/Memorandum #6, April 1982
11. Information booklet: people involved, publications, research, etc.
12. CSS Papers: Arab-Israeli Military Balance—Brig. Gen. Yehoshua Raviv, July 1979
13. The Autonomy—Problems and Possible Solutions, January 1980
14. Between 2 Yemens: Regional Dynamics and Superpower Conduct in Riyadh’s Backyard—Dr. Nimrod Novik, December 1980
15. Israeli’s Involvement in Lebanon: A Precedent for an ‘open’ game with Syria?—Dr. Zvi Lanir, April 1981
16. The Feasibility of a Soviet-Israeli Dialogue: An analysis of the Soviet position—Dr. Yaacov Ro’I and Rita Gottlibovich, June 1981
Box 169—Monographs on National Security Affairs
1. U.S. Psychological Operations in Vietnam—Harry D. Latimer, September 1973
2. Dates: July 1975, June 1976, March 1975, June 1976, December 1975
3. Improving NATO’s Theater Nuclear Posture: A Reassessment and a Proposal—Robert Gessert and Harvey B. Seim, April 1977
4. Armed Forces in the NATO Alliance—Ulrich de Maiziere, May 1976
5. Occasional Paper: Revolutionary Change in Eastern Europe: Societal Basis of Political Reform—Alexander Pacek and Roger Kanet, March 1990
6. Superpower Cooperation in Eastern Europe—Roger Kanet, June 1990
Box 170—North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), United Nations
1. Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty, April 4, 1949
2. The Eurogroup, late 1970s
3. Aspects of NATO: NATO-the first 20 years
4. Aspects of NATO: Defence Policy
5. Aspects of NATO: The Eurogroup
6. Aspects of NATO: Defence Planning and Policy
7. Hang Together: the Union Now Primer—David Hoadley Munroe, 1940
8. The Atlantic Community: Common Hopes and Common Objectives—President Lyndon Johnson, 1964
9. Portugal and NATO
10. A European Defence Identity—Trevor Salmon, 1983
11. The Kremlin and the Peace Offensive—Terry McNeill, 1983
12. American Opinion and European Defence—Dennis Hartshorne,1982
13. Two-Faced NATO (2 copies)
14. 2nd German-American Roundtable on NATO: the theater nuclear balance,1978
15. NATO: Its Development and Significance,1955 (2 copies)
16. The Future of NATO—Dennis Hartshorne, 1974
17. The Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact: a comparative study
18. UN Security Council: Verbatim record of the 1878th meeting, Jan. 22, 1976
19. UN Security Council: Verbatim record of the 1876th meeting, Jan. 19, 1976
20. UN Commission on Human Rights—report of the 10th session, 2/23-4/16, 1954
21. The United Nations: a Handbook of the United Nations, 1950
22. Terms of League of Nations Mandates, October 1946
23. Atlantic Relations, March 14-16 1975
24. The ATA: towards a reappraisal, 1976
25. Charter of the U.N.: Report to the President, June 26, 1945
Box 171—Helsinki Pact
1. BusinessWeek, January 30, 1978 ‘What the West Accomplished in Belgrade’
2. Institute of Jewish Affairs Research Report-‘Helsinki:2 Years Later’-June 1977
3. Profiles: The Helsinki Monitors—compiled and prepared by the staff of the commission on security and cooperation in Europe—revised 12/10/1979
4. The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe—revised supplement to the report to the congress of the U.S.—on implementation of the final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe [findings and recommendations 2 years after Helsinki] 10/25/77
5. Statement of Max Kampelman, co-chairman of the CSCE at the main meetings, Madrid, Spain 11/17/1980
6. GIST published by Dept. of State, March 1977 ‘Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Final Act Declaration on Principles’
7. Seventh Semiannual Report ‘Implementation of the Helsinki Accord’ 6/1-11/30, 1979 Dept. of State
8. Tenth Semiannual Report ‘Implementation of the Helsinki Accord’ 12/1/1980-5/31/1981 Dept. of State
9. 14th Semiannual Report ‘Implementation of the Helsinki Accord’ 12/1/1982-5/31/1983 Dept. of State
10. Commission on Security and Cooperation (CSCE) in Europe News Release—1st speeches: U.S. at Belgrade,
October 1977
11. American Bar Association: Statement on the Helsinki Accord [February 23-25, 1977; meeting between ABA’s standing committee on world order under law and the Mexican Bar Association]
12. CSCE and East-West Relations, January 24, 1980—Dept. of State publication
13. 8th Semiannual Report ‘Implementation of the Helsinki Accord’ 12/1/79-5/31/80 Dept. of State
14. Fact Sheet: Update on the 33 Imprisoned and Exiled Members of the Soviet Helsinki Group—compiled and prepared by the staff of the CSCE 12/10/79
15. Addresses by various people in Belgrade October 11, 1977
16. The Right to Know, the Right to Act—Documentary of Helsinki dissent from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe [compiled by staff of CSCE] May 1978 (2 copies)
17. Fulfilling Our Promises: the U.S. and the Helsinki Final Act: A Status Report[compiled by staff
of CSCE] Nov. 1979
Box 172—Helsinki Pact
1. Human Rights Provisions of the Helsinki Final Act—A report on a conference covered by the Committee on
International Human Rights—Oscar Schacter, March 1978
2. Reports of Helsinki Accord Monitors in the Soviet Union [volume III of the documents of the public group to promote
observance of the Helsinki agreements in the USSR] November 7, 1978
3. Folder: Helsinki 4/22-24/1977 State Dept. Articles
4. Fact Sheet: Update on the Soviet Helsinki Movement [compiled and prepared by CSCE] 12/10/1979
5. 1st Semiannual Report by the President to the CSCE concerning the Helsinki Final Act, 12/76
6. News Release: Vins to testify before Helsinki Commission 6/1/1979
7. What the West Accomplished in Belgrade, BusinessWeek, January 30, 1978
8. Important New Information 12/18/1979 [imprisoned group members]
9. CSCE News Release: CSCE Commission Releases Updates on Soviet Helsinki Movement, 1/14/80
10. Letter from Charles Percy, U.S. Senator to the President Concerning Soviet violations of Helsinki Act—July 18, 78
11. Making America Look Foolish: Case of the Bungling Diplomat—Don Cook[concerning human rights/Helsinki Act]
12. Letter to Mr. Morris Leibman, Chairman of the ABA Standing Committee, 12/5/77 [on Dept. of State letterhead]
13. Special Report: 3rd Semiannual Report to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, December
1977, published by the Dept. of State
14. News Release: Compilation of Reports of Helsinki Accord Monitors Released, 12/6/78
15. Letter to Mr. Morris Leibman from Rozanne Ridgway (no date) [deals w/violations of Helsinki by USSR]
16. Implementation of Helsinki Final Act June 1, 1981-Nov. 30, 1981—11th Semiannual Report [US Dept. of State]
17. A Thematic Survey of the Documents of the Moscow Helsinki Group, May 12, 1981
18. Materials on Helsinki—April 22-24, 1977
19. Folder on various materials
20. Folder of materials relating to/by Max Kampelman, Chairman of U.S. Delegation of the CSCE (late 1970s-early 1980s)
21. The Ukranian Helsinki Group: 5 Years of Struggle In Defense of Rights, 1981
22. Info. Bulletin #1: Ukranian Public Group to Promote the Implementation of Helsinki Accords, 1978
23. The Belgrade CSCE Meeting: Review of Implementation and Consideration of New Proposals
Box 173—Conservative Publications
1. One-Multiplied by Thousands—Willard M. Wilson, 1960 (old box 35)
2. Who is the Imperialist? 1971
3. Unmasking the Deceiver: Martin Luther King Jr.—Dr. Billy James Hargis
4. 2,3, Many Parties of a New Type?—Against the Ultra-Left Line [Proletarian Unity League], 1977
5. “Up From Liberalism”—Richard M. Weaver, 1987 [Presidents Essay-Heritage Foundation]
6. How Liberal Clergymen Aid the Revolutionaries [Church League of America], 1970
7. Documentation of the Reds and Fellow-Travellers in Hollywood and TV—Myron Fagan, 1961
8. Encroaching Socialism—published by Public Service Magazine, 1948
9. Fulton Lewis Jr. Report on e Fund for the Republic, mid 1950s
10. Origin, History, and Methodology of the “front” movement in America (Communist takeover of the U.S.)
11. Who is Responsible for the Attacks on and Demonstrations Against the House Committee on
Un-American Activities? June 1965
12. Special Report: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, October 1965
13. It’s Your Choice: Freedom and Prosperity OR Tyranny and Poverty—Warren Hackett, 1981
14. Frankfurter’s Red Record—Sam Crockett [Christian Educational Asso.], 1961
15. Genuine Revival—NOW!—Russell V. Delong, 1967
16. History of Communist Takeovers—Thomas T. Hammond, 1950s
17. The Communist Economic Threat, 1959
18. The Veteran’s Case Against the Democrat-New Deal, 1948
Box 174—Conservative Publications
1. What are the Facts Behind the Smearing of Anti-Communist Americans?—John Cross, 1964
2. Modern Art: Political Psywar Weapon, 1975
3. Quiet Campaign to Rewrite the Constitution—Leon Davidson, 1969
4. The Crusade Against the Gov’t Investigating Agencies: a report on forces and processes, 1950s
5. WWII: Historical Facts vs Communist Myths, 1950s
6. Give Me Liberty—Rose Wilder Lane, 1946
7. Is the NAACP Subversive? 1963 (Patrick Henry Group)
8. Whatever Happened to the Public Schools-and Why?—Solveig Eggerz
9. Why Christians Should Be Involved in Politics, 1984 [Populist Conservative Tax Coalition]
10. Red Intrigue and Race Turmoil—Zygmund Dobbs, 1958
11. 1960 Washington Squirrel Cage: Story of the Raw Deal in Satire—Morris A Bealle
12. Cultural Conservatism, Republicanism, and the Republican Party—Publius, 1987
13. William Buckley Jr. and Malcolm Muggeridge on Faith and Religious Institutions, 1981
14. The Bishops and the Bomb: Morality of Nuclear Deterrence—Philip Lawler, 1982 (Heritage Lectures)
15. Christianity and Democracy, 1981 (Institute on Religion and Democracy)
16. Christianity, Democracy, and the Churches Today—critique and debate, 1982
17. Brain-Washing: Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics]
18. Nicaragua: A Revolution Against the Church?—Kerry Ptacek, 1981
Box 175—Conservative Publications
1. A Manual for Survival ( A Counter Subversive Study Course), 1961
2. Urban Guerilla Warfare—from the National Guardsman, May 1973
3. Confronting the New Left, 1960 [Young Americans for Freedom]
4. The American Legion Cumulative Index No. 1, 1956 [Counter-Subversive Section]
5. The Future Racial Composition of the U.S.—Leon Bouvier and Cary Davis, 8/1982
6. Revolutionary Trio, 1981
7. Sanctuary Movement: Struggling Revolution—Samuel T. Francis, 1986 [American Immigration Control Foundation]
8. Threats to Freedom for the 80s—Edward Walsh (late 70s)
9. Religion and Marxism: the “Social Responsibility” Tactic—Edward Walsh
10. MRA—The Rise of a New Spirit, 1940
11. In Whose Name? Civil Rights Establishment Today—Clint Bolick, 1988
12. Peace in Our Time? Illusions of an INF Accord, 1980s
13. Reagan and the Courts: Prospects for Judicial Reform—Charles E. Rice, 1980
14. American Federalism—George C. Roche III, 1967
15. The Summit and the Peace Process—Addresses by President Ronald Reagan, 1985 (Hoover Institution)
16. Catholic Church in El Salvador—Kerry Ptacek, 1981 (Institution for Religion and Democracy)
17. 40 Years of Roosevelt, 1944
18. An Economic Bill of Rights—Martin Anderson, 1984 (Hoover Institution)
19. Constitutional Aspects of SJR58/HJR 350 [Tax Limitation and Balanced Budget Amendment]—Antonin Scalia
20. The Trilateral Commission, 1977 [private North American-European-Japanese Initiative on Matters of Common Concern]
21. Understanding Sanctions, 1988 (International Freedom Foundation UK)
22. Report on th Proceedings of the Anti-Communism Strategy Seminar, 1961 (sponsored by Freedoms Foundation)
Box 176—Conservative Publications
1. Sociobiology and Immigration: Grim Forecast for America—Gaister and Evelyn Elmer, 1984 [published by American Immigration Control Foundation]
2. Television Evening News Covers Inflation: 1978-79—analysis by Tom Bethell, 1980
3. Money and Freedom—Hans F. Sennholz, 1985
4. “…Good as Gold?” How We Lost Our Gold Reserves and Destroyed the Dollar—Christopher Weber,1988
5. Communism and American Labour—Dr. Billy James Hargis
6. Communist Circus: Funniest Show on Earth—“Democratus” (JEHLOC)
7. The Ideological War Against Western Society—Arthur A. Shenfield, 1970
8. Library of Political Secrets: Underground Facts of the Portuguese Revolution “Is General Spinola the Kerensky of Portugal? Jewish Hidden Hand”—Alfonso Castelo, 1974
9. Americanism or Communism! Only one will survive.
10. Congress for Civil Rights and Freedom in Russia, 4/25-27/1957
11. Crazy Karl Marx: a short story for the young—Benjamin Rush, 1962 (JEHLOC)
12. Communism Against the World: a Concise Study of the Great Conspiracy—Edward and Paul Hayes, 1962
13. Pearl Buck Speaks for Democracy,1 942 (JEHLOC)
14. CAUSA magazine, early 1980s [Christian-oriented]
15. Does the ACLU Serve the Communist Cause—what do you think? Early 1960s
16. Collection of speeches by Alexander Haig
17. Backstairs Mission in Moscow—Charles Ciliberti,1946
18. The Few for the Many—Virginia Stahl, 1966
19. The 5th Column Conspiracy in America: Authentic Map and Directory
20. Excerpts from ‘Better a Shield than a Sword’—Dr. Edward Teller,1987
21. 20 Questions about Russia—H.W. Henderson, 1940s-50s
22. American Mercury, January 1964 [conservative magazine]
23. The New Look in the Cold War—David Sarnoff, 7/21/1956 (JEHLOC)
24. The Defence of the Western World—an address by General Sir Walter Walker, late 1970s
25. Immigration and Migration—a Historical Perspective—John Lukacs, 1986 [American Immigration Control Foundation]
26. Communism: the Ideology Fades-the Threat Remains, late 1970s-early 1980s
27. The Trial of Freedom—edited by Hardy E. Wright, 1940s-1950s
28. The Path to National Suicide: an Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism—Lawrence Auster, 1990
Box 177—Anti-Communist
1. California Dynasty of Communism—Karl Prussion, 1962 (JEHLOC)
2. You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)—Dr. Fred Schwarz, 1960
3. Communist Primer—Primary Facts About Criminal Communism—Job W. Brinton, 1950
4. American Bar Association: Brief on Communism: Marxism-Leninism-Its Aims, Purposes, Objectives, and Practices, 1951
5. Imperial Communism—Edward Wilcox, 1947
6. The Technique of Soviet Propaganda—Committee to the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, 1960
7. Communist Fronts—J.B. Matthews, 1956
8. The Red Plotters—Hamilton Fish, 1950
9. Anti Communist Report E—General Dwight D. Eisenhower
10. Communism in the Motion Picture Industry, 1960
Box 178—Radio-Free Europe Publications
1. The Tito era in Yugoslavia—by the Research and Analysis Dept. staff, May 5, 1980
2. Poland Under Martial Law: A Selection of Documents 12/81-12/82 [compiled by Roman Stefanowski] 3/1/1984
3. Poland: A Chronology of Events February-July 1981: compiled by Roman Stefanowski, March 5, 1982
4. Poland: A Chronology of Events July-November 1980: compiled by Roman Stefanowski and Anna Sabat, March 31, 1981
5. Poland: A Chronology of Events August-December 1981: compiled by R. Stefanowski, July 16, 1982
6. Poland: A Chronology of Events November 1980-February 1981: compiled by R. Stefanoski & A. Sabat, 9/11/83
7. Poland Under Martial Law: A Chronology of Events 12/13/81-12/30/82: compiled by R.
Stefanowski, 7/1/83
Box 179—Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League
1. The International Communist Conspiracy in Asia—November 30, 1954
2. The Current Strategy and Tactics of International Communism, 1955
3. Slave Labor Under the Chinese Communist Regime, 1955
4. How to Combat Communism, October 1956
5. Mao Tse-Tung Can Never be a Tito, 1957
6. Communist Menace to Asia, 1957
7. How China Fights Communism, 1957
8. The New Development of the Anti-Communist Revolution on the Chinese Mainland, 1958
9. Chinese Communist Judiciary, Police and Secret Service, 1958
10. Victory on Another Front, 1958 [how do we eliminate Communist infiltration and subversive activites in japan]
11. Mao-Tse Tung and “Let 100 Flowers Bloom and 100 Schools of Thought Contend” Campaign, 1958
12. An Analytical Study of the Chinese Communists’ “Peoples’ Communes”, 1959
13. Life in the Peoples’ Commune, 1959
14. APACL—Its Growth and Outlook, June 1960
15. An Unprecedented Famine on the Chinese Mainland and the Peoples’ Communes, April 1961
16. Communist China in Africa, April 1961
17. Latin America’s Red Peril, April 1961 [factual act of Chinese communist plots in central and South America]
18. The Relations Between Moscow and Peiping, April 1961
19. Whither Goes the People’s Commune, December 1961
20. Pure Capitalism or Communism [critique of CPSU program], December 1961
21. An Analysis of the Peiping Regime’s Anti-US Campaign, February 1962
22. Pure Capitalism or Communism, Part II, February 1962
23. World Revolution and Nationalism, March 1962
24. Why Does Mao Tse Tung Want to Follow the Leftist Line of Adventure?, April 1962
25. A Study of the Current Foreign and Domestic Policies of the Puppet Peiping Regime, April 1962
26. Hunger in Communist China [an estimate of 1961 Food Production] July 1962
27. A General Survey of Chinese Communist Rule—July 1962 (2 copies)
28. China’s Bitter Experiences with the Communists, September 1962
29. The Militia (a thorn in the Peiping Regime’s side), January, 1963
30. A Research on Mao Tse-Tung’s Thought of Military Insurrection, 1963
31. The Lasting Crisis on Mainland China in 1964, May 1965
32. How to Counteract Communist Guerrilla Warfare, June 1965
33. Anti-Communist Activities on the Chinese Mainland, July 1965
34. Transformation of Mao-Lin Faction’s Tactical Line for Power Seizure, May 1968
35. President Chiang Kai-shek’s Pledges and Assurances to the People of the Mainland [Government Information Office Republic of China]
36. Charter of the Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League, 1961 (JEHLOC)
37. Blood and Tears of Slave Labor on the Chinese Mainland, 1957
Box 180—American Conservative Union Publications/Other Conservative
1. Record of Republican Votes in the House—December 17, 1967
2. ACU Speakers Bureau
3. An Effective Labour Policy in the US—Sylvester Petro, 1968
4. Last Chance to Save Private Colleges—Roger Freeman, 1969
5. The Nixon Administration…the Conservative Mandate—Dr. Philip Crane, 1968
6. The Financiers of Revolution—April 1969
7. Case Against National Health Insurance, 1971
8. The ACLU Report: Curious Story of the ACLU, 1969
9. The 1st 1000 Days-One Legislator’s Viewpoint—Honorable John Ashbrook, 1971 (2 copies)
10. The ACU’s Rating of Congress, 1st Session , 94th Congress, 1975
11. The Nixon Welfare Plan—Solution or Socialism?, January 1970
12. What Leading Conservatives Say About ACU/Statement of Principles (late 60s-70s)
13. America in Danger: US and Soviet Union Shifting Balance of Power—Frank Johnson, 1970
14. A Program for American Survival 1973-1978
15. Presidential Preliminary Report, 1965
16. August, September, October-November, 1966
17. April-May, March, January, 1967
18. April, May (the Republican Battle Line), May-June, 1968
19. January, 1969
20. ACU in the Nation’s Press
21. ACU Special Report: Prospects for Conservatism—M. Stanton Evans, 1966
22. The Third Trial of Socrates—Political Prosecution of Lyndon LaRouche
23. Lies, Damn Lies, and Environmental Statoxics—Warren Brookes, September 1990
24. Ethnic Conflicts Abroad: Clues to America’s Future?—Glaister and Evelyn Elmer, 1988 (American Immigration Control Foundation)
25. Martin Luther King, Jr.: His 3-Pronged Attack on Christ and the Bible, the USA, and Law and Order. (Church League of America) May 1968 (JEHLOC)
26. Gun Control: An Idiot’s Dream, A Nation’s Nightmare (PointBlank) October 1976
Box 181—ERI Publications/Special Reports
1. The libertarian conspiracy to destroy America’s schools, April 30,1986
2. Global Showdown Escalates, September 30, 1988
3. The ‘grrenhouse effect’ hoax: a world federalist plot, 1989
4. Satanism: Crime wave of the ‘90s, 1990
5. AIDS Global Showdown: Mankind’s total victory or total defeat, August 1988
6. Suggested Outline-teaching unit: Comparative Political Systems, April 1967
Box 182—Atlantic Council Papers, Midnight Economist, McNair Papers
1. Issues and Options: the work program of the Atlantic Council of the U.S., late 1970s
2. Policy Papers: “The Growing Dimensions of Security”, 1977
3. Policy Papers: “The Credibility of the NATO Deterrent”, 1981
4. Policy Papers: “Oil and Turmoil: Western Choices in the Middle East”, 1979
5. Policy Papers: “Securing the Seas: Soviet Naval Challenges and Western Alliance Options”, 1978
6. Policy Papers: “The Soviet Merchant Marine: Economic and Strategic Challenge to the West”, 1979
7. Policy Papers: “U.S. Energy Policy and U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1980s”, 1981
8. Policy Papers: “Getting the West Out of the Oil Dilemma: An Energy Family Approach”, 1979
9. Midnight Economist: Broadcast Essays, XIII, January 1987; Broadcast Essays XV, January 1988; Broadcast Essays XVI, July 1988. William R. Allen.
10. McNair Papers: Mobilizing U.S. Industry in World War II—Alan L. Gropman, August 1996.
11. McNair Papers: The Major Powers in Northeast Asian Security—Ralph A. Cossa, August 1996.
Box 183—Miscellaneous topics
1. A Report In-Depth on Barry Goldwater: the story of the 1964 Republican Presidential Nomine—James M. Perry, published by National Observer, 1964
2. How a Bill Becomes a Law in PA—a game about the legislative process (a game about the legislative process)
3. Sequel to the Apocalypse. The Uncensored Story: How Your Dimes and Quarters Helped Pay for Hitler’s War—John Boylan, 1942
4. 2 photocopied newspaper clippings about Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
a)’Long Before Solzhenitsyn, the prophets of plain talk’—John Chamberlain, Richmond Times Dispatch, 1976
b)Congressional Record-Senate. The Alexander Solzhenitsyn Interview, 1974.
5. H.R. 6767 in the Senate of the U.S.—“promote the development of an open,
nondiscriminatory, and fair world economic system…” April 10, 1973
6. Democracy on Trial: the Battle of Boulder—Denver Post, 1969 (JEHLOC)
7. The How to Manipulate People Manual II, 1972 {how to gain power on campus}
8. My First 60 Years—Corliss Lamont, 1962
9. Billions of Bullets—Elizabeth Noble, 1937 (American League Against War and Fascism)
10. What is Propaganda (prepared for U.S. Armed Forces by American Historical Association), 1944
11. Herbert Hoover and the Russian Prisoners of WWI—Edward F. Willis, 1951 [inscribed on front cover: To Gene Lyons—Ever See This?-Vic]
12. Attack for Victory—Harold Smith, 1942
13. Guns Are Ready—Seymour Waldman, 1935
14. We Put Freedom First (American Committee for Cultural Freedom), 1950s?
15. Free to Build a New World—Max Bladeck, 1953 (Moral Re-Armament)
16. The GI’s Handbook on Military Injustice—F.O. Richardson {why rank and file GI’s need an organization of their own), 1967
17. Congress and the Presidency of the 1990s [Center for the Study of the Presidency]
18. This is Our Enemy—Peter Wieden, 1943 (about Nazis)
19. Falsifiers of History: A Historical Document on the Origins of WWII [Committee for Promotion of Peace], 1948
20. How is Your American-ism? Address by Professor Fowler V. Harper, July 25, 1951
21. 46 Angry Men. U.N.O. Violations in Katanga, 1962 (JEHLOC)
22. Labor Policy, Minorities and Youth—a symposium [published by Lincoln Institute] 1983
23. The 2 Faces of Richard Nixon—Guy W. Finney, 1960s
Box 184—Miscellaneous topics
1. Archbishop Stepinac: the man and his case—Anthony Henry Count O’Brian of Thomond, 1947
2. The Gaps in the Warren Report—Joachim Joesten, late 1960s
3. The Races of Mankind—Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish [Public Affairs Pamphlet #85]
4. How Progressive is Psychoanalysis?—Joseph Wortis, 1945
5. Vito Marcantonio: the man on the flying trapeze and 2 letters by Luigi Antonini
6. Conscription and Liberty [Keep America Out of War Congress], early 1940s
7. The Menace of Totalitarianism—Eugene Lyons, 1940
8. To American Intellectuals—Maxim Gorky (no date)
9. Where are We Now? American Radicalism and the Impact of Recent Soviet Developments—A.J. Muste (no date)
10. Who’s Back of Coudert? Join the Army of Voters Against Coudert (JEHLOC)
11. A Historical View of Neo-Colonialism—K. Brutents,1972
12. What to Do: Activities for the Building of New America, 1930s-1940s
13. The American Civil War—Herbert Aptheker, 1961
14. How Much Longer Will the Vilest Rackateer of all get away with it? [about William Randolph Hearst]
15. The Connally Amendment—Vincent F. DeCain, 1961
16. The Truth about Luigi Antonini—Peter V. Cacchione [1940s]
17. Berlin: fate and mission, 1961
18. A Journey Through EC, 1987
19. Social Discrimination: the Last Barrier—John Slawson, 1955
20. The United States and Eastern Asia, 1967 [report of a conference of Asian scholars]
21. Report on the Rectification Campaign—Teng Hsiao-Ping, 1957
22. An Appeal for International Economic Unity—Holland Roberts, Victor Perto, Mary van Kleeck, 1964
23. American Legion and Civil Liberty—Walter Wilson, 1936 [against the American Legion]
24. How to Stop Violence! Intimidation! In Your Community—Morris B. Abram, Alexander F. Miller [Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith], 1949
25. Why a New Party, mid 1940s [ad for modern political party]
26. The Unequal Treatment of Equals-the social club…citadel of discrimination—John Slawson [American Jewish Committee], 1959
27. Deflating the Professional Bigot—S. Andhil Fineberg, 1960
28. He Needs Your Help [concerning POWs/MIAs from Vietnam]
29. I’m a Frightened Man—Dr. Harold C. Urey, 1946 [concerning atomic energy]
30. I am Furious—published by Radical Education Project, 1960s [feminist]
31. Sexual Politics—Kate Millet, 1968
32. Sex Roles and Female Oppression—Dana Densmore [collection of articles]
33. Bread and Roses—Kathy McAfee and Myrna Wood, early 1970s
Box 185—Miscellaneous topics
1. Folder of Senator McCarthy stuff
2. 23 page essay on dangers of communism, no date, no publisher
3. Attitude of the Southern White Press Toward Negro Suffrage—edited by Rayford Logan, 1932-1940
4. Meritism: a new economic and social system that will abolish capitalism and avoid communism,1933
5. Diabolical practices: humanity’s crimes against humanity by those who should be their protectors—Sterilization, Castration, Compulsory Abortions—Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer, 1960
6. On the Nature and Uses of Sabotage—Thorstein Veblen (JEHLOC)
7. The Treaty of Utrecht—George C. Scarlett, 1939
8. The Seeckt Papers—Julius Epstein, 1939
9. The Real Tolstoy—Alexandra Leo Tolstoy, 1968
10. Whiter United States—Open Letter [German Propaganda in the U.S.]
11. Report of an investigation into the war crimes of Theodor Oberlander, 1960
12. Know Your Enemy—T.H. Tetens, 1944
13. Breaking the Silence: Why a Mother Tells Her Son About the Nazi Era—Kay Boyle, 1962
14. One Born Every Second—Morris A. Bealle,1971
15. Why Gag Democracy, 1947 [regarding international broadcasting]
16. The John Birch Society: a conspiracy of the fearful, 1965 [published by Jewish War Veterans of the USA]
17. It Began August 13th –Berlin Wall put up, 1961
18. Criminals on the Bench, 1960 [regarding Nazis]
19. Treaty of Pereytaslav—Alexander Ohloblyn, 1954
Box 186—Writings of the Council of the Organization of American States/Pan-American Union
1. Resolution Adopted by the council of the OAS at the meeting held on the afternoon of 2/2/66
2. Decisions taken at the meeting of the council of the organization of American States acting provisionally as Organ of Consultation, held on 10/23/62
3. 7th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 8/22-29/1960
4. 8th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 1/22-31/1962
5. 9th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 7/21-26/1964
6. 12th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 6/19-9/24/1967
7. Report submitted by the Special Committee to study resolutions II.1 and VIII of the 8th Meeting of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, July 3, 1963
8. Report of the Investigating Committee appointed by the Council of the Organization of American States, acting provisionally as organ of consultation, 2/18/1964
9. Report of Committee I of the 12th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, July 26, 1967
10. Report of Committee II of the 12th Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, July 30, 1967
11. Report of the Special Committee to Study Resolutions II.1 and VIII of the 8th Meeting of the Consultation of Ministers for Foreign Affairs on the 1st Afro-Asian-Latin American Peoples’ Solidarity Conference and its Projections, November 28,1 966, Volumes I and II
12. Special Consultative Committee on Security and Against the Subversive Action of Int’l Communism [1st Conference of the Latin American Solidarity Organization, 1967]
Box 187—Heritage Lectures (numbered by the actual #s of the lectures)
1. The Conservative Movement: Then & Now—Russell Kirk
7. Three Myths—Arnold Beichman, Antonio Martino, Kenneth Minogue
8. NATO and Neutralism—Stephen Haseler and Werner Kaltefleiter
9. A Heritage Roundtable: U.S. Options in Poland—Richard V. Allen
11. Annual Distinguished Journalism Fellow Address: Cutting the Gov’t: How is Reagan Doing?—
Donald Lambro
12. The Political Future of American Trade Unions—John Burton
13. Reclaiming a Patrimony—collection of lectures by Russell Kirk
16. The Bishops and the Bomb: the morality of nuclear deterrence—Philip F. Lawler
18. Rebuilding Social Security
19. A Heritage Roundtable: Looking Ahead in the Middle East
20. Four Hard Truths for Higher Education—Burton Yale Pines
22. How Conservative is Reagan’s Foreign Policy—Burton Yale Pines
24. Our Moral Heritage—F.A. Hayek
25. Conservative Perspectives on Economic Development—Grace Goodell, Jeffrey Bergher
26. Halting Taxpayer Subsidy of Partisan Advocacy—Marshall J. Breger
28. Heritage Roundtable: Anti-Semitism in the Modern World
30. The U.S. and East Asia: Problems & Dilemmas for the 1980s—John F. Copper
31. A Tribute to Whitaker Chambers
32. Europe and America: 1984—Owen Harris
33. Spotlighting the U.N.’s Anti-American Record—9 speeches by Sen. Robert Kasten
34. An American Interest: U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan—Richard V. Allen
35. Reshaping the Joint Chiefs of Staff: A Roundtable of the Heritage Foundation Defense Assessment
Project—edited by Theodore J. Crackel
36. Smashing Liberal Icons: A Collection of Debates—Ernest van den Haag
38. Assessing Strategic Defense: 6 Roundtable Discussions
39. How Immigrants Affect Americans’ Living Standard—Debate between Julian Simon and Roger
41. 3 Nicaraguans on the Betrayal of their Revolution
42. The Privatization Option: A Strategy to Shrink the Size of Gov’t
43. America’s New Pacific Era: 5 Lectures on U.S.-Asian Relations
44. State Dept. vs Ronald Reagan: 4 Ambassadors Speak Out—edited by James Hackett
45. Heritage Roundtable: Interstate Banking: How Much, How Fast?
55. The 2 Chinas: A Contemporary View—edited by Martin L. Lasater
150. U.S.—Republic of China Economic Issues Problems and Prospects—edited by Martin L. Lasater
193. Can Business Save Education—Strategies for 1990s—edited by Jeanne Allen
Box 188—AEI Publications
1. A Conversation with Admiral Thomas B. Hayward: Naval Preparedness in the 1980s
2. Swiss Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in an Inflationary World—Fritz Leutwiler
3. The Uses and Abuses of Analysis in the Defense Environment: a conversation with R. James
4. A Conversation with Alfred E. Kahn
5. A Conversation with Ambassador Hermann E. Eilts: the dilemma in the Persian Gulf
6. U.S. Defense: What Can We Afford?—AEI Forum
7. What Should Be the Role of Ethnic Groups in U.S. Foreign Policy—AEI Forum
8. Foreign Intelligence: Legal and Democratic Controls---AEI Forum
9. Reindustrialization Boon or Bane?---AEI Forums
10. The Economy: Can We Avert Disaster---AEI Forums
11. Privacy Protection Proposals—Legislative Analyses
12. People, Not Hardware: The Highest Defense Priority—Melvin R. Laird, AEI Special Analyses
13. A Discussion of the Rapid Deployment Force w/Lt. General P.X. Kelley, AEI Special Analyses
14. Proposals for a Constitutional Convention to Require a Balanced Federal Budget—Legislative Analyses
15. Gun Control—Legislative Analyses
16. Limiting Presidential and Congressional Terms—Legislative Analyses
17. Constitutionality of the President’s Busing Proposals—Robert H. Bork, AEI Special Analyses
18. The War Powers Bill, Legislative Analysis (2 copies)
AEI Reprints (numbered according to the actual reprint #)
2. Economic Priorities in the 1970s and Moving Toward External and Internal Economic Balance—Paul W.
4. Subsidies in Federal Credit Programs—Murray L. Weidenbaum
12. Vietnam’s Electoral Roadblock—Howard R. Penniman
13. The Challenge to Our System—Alan Greenspan
19. Japan: Its Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy—Donald C. Hellmann
20. The Changing Character of Japan-U.S. Economic Relationships—Paul W. McCracken
21. Two Essays on the Future of the International Monetary Order—Gottfried Haberler
24. Defending Europe with Blunderbusses—Earl H. Voss
25. Competition and Market Concentration in the American Economy—Paul W. McCracken
and Thomas Gale Moore
27. The Oil Crisis and World Monetary Arrangements—Edward Mitchell & Weitze Eizenga
34. Where Are We Headed?—G. Warren Nutter
59. Dissenting from Liberal Orthodoxy: A Black Scholar Speaks for the “Angry Moderates”—Thomas Sowell
60. Foreign Policy as Public Policy—G. Warren Nutter
69. The War Powers Resolution: Striking a Balance Between the Executive and Legislative Branches—
Gerald R. Ford
75. Capitalism and the Corporate Executive—Robert H. Bork
83. The Government and Capital Formation: A Survey of Recent Issues—George M. von Furstenberg and
Burton G. Malkiel
86. Testimony on Electronic Surveillance for National Security Purposes—Laurence H. Silberman
87. The Nature and Function of the Patent System—Edmund W. Kitch
89. The Critical Choices We Face—William J. Baroody, Jr.
104. Can Capitalism Survive?—Paul W. McCracken
107. Dictatorships and Double Standards—Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
106. Surveying Recent Econometric Forecasting Performance—W. Allen Spivey and William J. Wrobleski
112. The International Monetary System Under Stress: What Can We Learn from the Past?—Otmar
113. How Inflation Influences Our Lives—Arthur F. Burns
116. Capitalism—If You Can Keep It—Herbert Stein
118. The Great Depression of the 1930s: Can it Happen Again?—Gottfried Haberler
119. Flexible-Exchange-Rate Theories and Controversies Once Again—Gottfried Haberler
120. The Bearing of Risk Aversion on Movements of Spot and Forward Exchange Relative to the Dollar—
William Fellner
Box 189—Heritage Foundation Publications
1. The Value Added Tax: Facts and Fancies—Norman B. Ture
2. Philanthropy in America: The Need for Action—Stuart M. Butler
3. Towards a Stable Monetary Policy—a debate between Allan Meltzer and Alan Reynolds
4. Corrigible Capitalism, Incorrigible Socialism—Arthur Seldon
5. Domestic Oil: The Hidden Solution—Milton R. Copulos
6. Confrontation at Seabrook—Milton R. Copulos
7. East Germany: Marxist Mission in Africa—John M. Starrels
8. Confronting Moscow: An Agenda for the Post-Détente Era—edited by W. Bruce Weinrod
9. Enterprise Zones: Pioneering in the Inner City—Stuart M. Butler
10. U.S. Aid to the Developing World: A Free Market Agenda—edited by Doug Bandow
11. Closing the Nuclear Option—Milton R. Copulos
12. The Failure of Socialism: Learning from the Swedes and English—Arthur Shenfield
13. The World Bank: How It Can Serve U.S. Interests—E. Dwight Phaup
14. Strategic Minerals: the Economic Impact of Supply Disruption—James Bennett & Walter Williams
15. Banking and Monetary Reform: A Conservative Agenda—Catherine England
16. China and the Abrogation of Treaties—Barry M. Goldwater
17. Verification and Salt: The State of the Art and the Art of the State—Amron H. Katz
18. Taiwan: Facing Mounting Threats—Martin L. Lasater
19. The Reagan Doctrine and U.S. Foreign Policy—Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
20. The U.S.-Third World Conflict: a glossary—John M. Starrels
21. The World Health Organization: Resisting Third World Ideological Pressures—John M. Starrels
22. The International Labor Organization: Mirroring the U.N.’s Problems—Walter Galenson
23. The Food and Agriculture Organization: A Flawed Strategy in the War Against Hunger—Georges Fauriot
24. The United Nations Development Program: Failing the World’s Poor—Richard E. Bissell
25. The Family, Feminism and the Therapeutic State—Onalee McGraw
Box 190 —Arlene Tyner Acquisition
Addition to Box 119—Gus Hall; Eugene Dennis
1. The Colonial Plunder of Puerto Rico: Why Puerto Rico is the most profitable address in the USA, Gus Hall, 1972
Addition to Box 123-126—Pro-Communist
2. Dialectical and historical materialism, Joseph Stalin, 1940
3. On the theory of Marxism, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, 1948
4. Marxism and linguistics, Joseph Stalin, 1951
5. Preparing for October: Historic 6th Congress of the Bolshevik Party, 1917
6. Terrorism: Is it revolutionary? Gil Green, 1970
Addition to Box 133—Jews/Anti-Semitism
7. Jewish Affairs, 1971
8. The Jewish Defense League: A new face for reaction, Hyman Lumer, 1971
9. What letters tell, Daird Dragunsky, 1984
10. Zionism: Is it racist? Hyman Lumer and Meir Vilner, 1975
Addition to Box 134-135—African-Americans
11. Black coal miners in the United States, Paul Nyden, 1974
12. Spain in my heart, Henry Winston, 1976
Addition to Box 136—Civil Liberties/Dealing with ACLU; Civil Rights
13. A short history of chicano workers part 2, Lorenzo Torez
14. Woman against myth, Betty Millard, c1948
Addition to Box 141—Fascism; Trade Unions
15. 36 years: The worker-drawings 1924-1960
16. The formation of the working men’s part of the U.S., 1976
17. How to make leaflets: A manual on the their design, production, distribution, Joe Ford, 1960
18. Showdown in coal: Struggle for rank and file unionism, Linda & Paul Nyden, 1978
Addition to Box 144—Spain
19. No pasaran: A story of the Battle of Madrid, Upton Sinclair, 1937
Addition to Box 147-148—Cuba
20. Cuba: Hope of a hemisphere, Joseph North, 1961
21. The Cuban revolution, National liberation and the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro, 1974
22. Jose Marti and Cuban liberation, Carlos Rafael Rodrigues, 1953
Addition to Box 149-150—China
23. The prison diary of Ho Chi Miah, 1971
Addition to Box 151—China; South Africa
24. Resistance: Against Fascist enslavement in South Africa, 1953
Addition to Box 155-156—Soviet Union
25. Soviet Anti-semitism: A cold war myth, Hyman Lumer, 1964
Addition to Box 157-159—Misc. Countries
26. The anatomy of poverty in British Guiana, Cheddi Jagan, 1964
27. Puerto Rico: Island paradise of the U.S. imperialism, Patricia Bell, 1967
Addition to Box 164-165—Military, Defense, National Security
28. Operation overlord, Oleg Rzheshevsky, 1984
Addition to Box 183-185—Miscellaneous Topics
29. Danielle: Wonderful story of Danielle Casanova, leader of the women of France, who gave her life in the resistance to the Nazis, Simone Tery, 1953
Box 191 —Additions
Addition to Box 123-126—Pro-Communist
1. Anarchism or socialism—Joseph Stalin, 1950
2. Dialectical and historical materialism—Joseph Stalin, c1940
3. The heritage we renounce—V.I. Lenin
4. Marxism and linguistics—Joseph Stalin, c1951
5. Social Progress: A Marxian point of view—S. Feinstone, c1935
6. Socialism: Petty-bourgeois and proletarian—V. I. Lenin, 1954
7. The teachings of Karl Marx—V.I. Lenin, 1937
8. Trotskyism: Counter-revolution in disguise—M.J. Olgin, 1935
9. Where to begin? Party organization and party literature, the working class and its press—V.I. Lenin
Addition to Box 10-13—Pro-Socialism
10. Socialism in our time: A challenge to professionals and intellectuals, 1936
Addition to Box 16-17—African American
11. America’s tenth man: A brief survey of the Negro’s part in American history, [1936]
12. Education and race relations
13. Every tenth pupil: The story of Negro schools in the south—Edwin R. Embree, [not before 1932]
14. Inter-racial co-operation in Georgia: Georgia conference on welfare—William Anthoney Aery
15. The Negro of today: Remarkable growth of fifty years—Robert R. Moton, [not before 1921]
16. The Negro wants full equality—Roy Wilkins, [1945]
17. School books and racial antagonism: A study of omissions and inclusions that make for misunderstanding—R.B. Eleazer, 1935
18. Ten years of collecting and publishing the records of the Negro—Carter G. Woodson, [not before 1925]
19. Terror in Tennessee: The truth about the Columbia outrages—Oliver W. Harrington, [ca. 1946]
20. Voting restrictions in the 13 southern states, [not before 1944]
Addition to Box 18—Civil Liberties/Dealing with ACLU; Civil Rights
21. First paralyzing blow at freedom of the air in the United States—William S. Paley, [not before 1941]
22. The vigilantes hid behind the flag—Isobel Walker Soule, 1937
23. What shall we do with our Indians? A present-day question, 1925
Addtion to Box 19—Peace/Pacifism
24. Peace: President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech at Chautauqua, New York, August 14, 1936
Addition to Box 20—Human Rights
25. Just***ice for Tom Mooney, [1932]
26. Tom Mooney Molders Defense Committee: Receipts and Disbursements, 1931
Addition to Box 25—African Liberation Movements
27. The Future of Pan-Africanism—Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1961
Addition to Box 31-32—China
28. New China as we saw it—Homer G. Brown, Muriel J. Brown, 1957
29. The origin and development of the differences between the leadership of the CPSU and ourselves, 1963
30. Problems of art and literature—Mao Tse-tung, c1950
31. A proposal concerning the general line of the International Communist Movement, 1963
32. Red Roads to Mandalay—William Manchester, c1953
Addition to Box 37-38—Soviet Union
33. Social Security: USSR, [ca.1970]
34. Soviet children—A. Didusenko,
Addition to Box 46-48—Military, Defense, National Security
35. How the War came to America, 1917
36. President Wilson’s War Address to Congress April 2, 1917
Addition to Box 59—Anti-Communist
37. How to tell a Communist and how to beat him—William F. Russell, 1938
Addition to Box 65-67—Miscellaneous Topics
38. Primer on Democracy—George Frank Larsen, c 1950
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