
-93345-19240500CSG Playgroup Newsletter10th June 2019This week at playgroupDear Parents and Carers319849598615500This week we did lots of secret activities around Father’s Day, starting with some funny and painting of our daddies.?Some of us cut pictures of the dads of Playgroup children and made a nice display board with them.?We have started to learn how to write the word “daddy” too.?Some of the mums joined us to help with making the presents which we will give to the daddy’s next this week!We painted outside and practiced our throwing and catching too. Some of us sorted some toys according to size, colour or numbers. We also enjoyed playing with soil and “planting” bulbs in little pots using gardening tools.15875-227901500We welcome Bodhi and Isabella this week. All of the children that started last week have settled well and have enjoyed their time at playgroup.This week we will continue working with the children on father day activities as well as doing some activities on flowers and things that we have seen on our walks including animals, grass, trees rocks and tracks. We welcome our training provider WMC on Tuesday – Lisa is completing her Level 3 and both Jane and Sarah are completing their level 2 qualification. We will be going to the woods on Wednesday this week please remember to dress your child appropriately.Warm Rainy Day Clothing Base Layer: Lightweight, synthetic material t-shirt and long sleeve; lightweight, synthetic material trousers (quick-dry material is ideal); socksOuter Layer: Durable, WATERPROOF raincoat and rain-trousers; waterproof boots/welliesWarm Dry Day Clothing Base Layer: Lightweight, long trousers; long sleeved light top ,lightweight socksOuter Layer: fleece or jacket; closed toe running shoes or hiking boots; sun hatWe ask that children do not wear jean as they are extremely slow to dry when wet from play. Contact staff if you have any questions about clothing or where to purchase the necessary items. Note that the weather in the forest is typically not as warm as it can be in town.DONATIONSWe are asking if anyone has any paper, pens, paintbrushes, pencils, crayons they would kindly donate, as you can imagine we get through lots of this on a daily basis.Father’s Day Gifts –A message from LisaThere has been a problem with the key ring making – the paint has come off while cooking. I have now changed the activity and all of the children will get another attempt. Sorry for any inconvenience.REMINDERSPlease remember to put sun cream on your children before they arrive, we will top up during the day when necessary.104775-24384000Please label sun cream and put it in your child’s bag.Children will also need to have sun hats, please make sure these are also named. Please make sure you all log onto Babysdays and sign ALL policies, permissions, contracts and accident forms 60960-423989500TREASURER VACANCYWe now are looking for a new?Treasurer! If you or any of your family and friends have a financial background or are training in that field then we would love you to join us. We are also always looking for new members who would like to join our committee.Being a trustee is a great opportunity to meet new people and become part of a great team. We work alongside the Management team so that we are always making informed decisions regarding the Playgroup.?Becoming a trustee means you will be part of a team who help lead the charity. This means making?decisions that will make a difference to the future of Playgroup and the future children of the village. The Playgroup is a big part of the village so its a great way to get involved with the community.?Trustee’s can use their skills and experience to support the Playgroup, helping them achieve their aims. Trustee’s also often learn new skills during their time on the board.?If you would be interested in becoming?Treasurer?or a member of the committee please feel free to contact myself, any of the trustee’s or Rebecca and Sarah.? 133354635500LITTLE CRCIKETS BABY AND TODDLER GROUPDon’t forget every Friday we have our toddler group at the cricket pavilion.?1.50 per family 9-11 this includes hot drinks and biscuits for the adults and a snack for the children. (drop in no need to book)ALL children are welcome even if they attend playgroup already. This is a lovely group for meeting other children and parents in the area and a great introduction to playgroup life. Any questions please contact Lisa or email csg_playgroup@You will also find information on the Facebook page. Important DatesSummerWeek commencing 8th July – Sports Day (date and time TBC)18th?July –?term?finishes for children? ................

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