9.00 - PeopleSoft Payroll Tax Update 15-B
PeopleSoft Payroll for North America
Tax Update 15-B
Tax Update Notes - Release 9
PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Tax Update 15-B includes updates to U.S. and Canadian tax tables, COBOL program changes, object changes, and redelivered SQRs for U.S. payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:
• Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes
• A list of COBOL program changes
• A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update
• An appendix listing the object changes delivered with this tax update
For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files:
|UPD915180_INSTALL.htm |“PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” |
|UPD915180_CODECHANGES.rtf |PS Print Project Report for Release 9 |
|USF TAS BETC Reporting 15B.doc |(USF) Treasury Interface Schedule Setup, Bulk Payment and SPS Summary Certification Files, and |
| |Invalid TAS/BETC Corrections (Revised April 10, 2015) |
Follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 15-B, you must apply all previous tax updates.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, patch numbers referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.
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Updating Your Tables
Tax Update 15-B includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft system.
|File |Contents |
|upd915180_01.dat |U.S. tax table updates |
|upd915180_01.dms | |
|upd915180_02.dat |Canadian tax table updates |
|upd915180_02.dms | |
|upd915180_03.dms |Database stamp |
| |(There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.) |
|upd915180_04.dat |(U.S.) Taxable Gross Definition table updates |
|upd915180_04.dms | |
|upd915180_05.dat |Garnishment table updates |
|upd915180_05.dms | |
|upd915180_msg_i.dms |Message catalog |
|upd915180_msg.dat | |
The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.
Special Notes – U.S.
Idaho Electronic W-2 Reporting
Tax Update 15-B delivers product modifications to support revised 2014 specifications for creating the electronic file for reporting W-2 data to the State of Idaho.
Effective January 1, 2014, existing split monthly filers changed to a semi-monthly filing frequency. As a result of this change, all fields in the previous RV record specifications that were specific to split monthly filers are no longer required and are changed to filler. Program TAX960ST.SQR is redelivered with modifications to comply with changes to the RV Record.
For a detailed listing of the changes in the RV record and the associated changes delivered to the Create State W-2 File (for Idaho) run control page, see the chart provided with the description of the product modifications made to TAX960ST.SQR in the later section of this document U.S. SQRs delivered in Tax Update 15-B for Release 9.
See the following page for an illustration of the changes to the Create State W-2 File (for Idaho) run control page.
Create State W-2 File (for Idaho) run control BEFORE Tax Update 15-B:
Create State W-2 File (for Idaho) run control AFTER Tax Update 15-B:
(Patch 20223208 posted to My Oracle Support on 19 January 2015)
Maine Quarterly Reporting
Tax Update 15-B delivers product modifications to support revised specifications for reporting quarterly unemployment wage data and state withholding tax data to Maine.
Prior to tax year 2015, Maine quarterly state unemployment wage data and Maine quarterly state withholding tax data were reported to Maine together on the same electronic file. Beginning with reporting for the quarter ending March 31, 2015, Maine requires the submission of two separate electronic files:
A file containing quarterly state unemployment wage data.
The output file generated by TAX810ME.SQR will have the file name “T8MEWAGE”.
Re-name this file “WAGE” before submitting the file to Maine.
A file containing quarterly state withholding tax information.
The output file generated by TAX810ME.SQR will have the filename “T8MEWTAX”.
Re-name this file “WITH” before submitting the file to Maine.
For detailed information on these Main quarterly reporting changes, refer to these website pages:
Maine Department of Labor (unemployment tax):
Maine Revenue Services (withholding tax):
To comply with the new Maine quarterly reporting specifications, Tax Update 15-B redelivers program TAX810ME.SQR. (See the entry for TAX810ME.SQR in the later section of this document U.S. SQRs delivered in Tax Update 15-B for Release 9.)
The Create Quarterly Wage File (for Maine) run control page is also modified to rearrange the fields so that fields related to reporting state unemployment wage data and fields related to reporting state withholding tax data are segregated in separate sections on the run control page, as illustrated on the following two pages of this document. Additional warning messages are also added to ensure that the file passes Maine’s edits for both state unemployment wage and tax data and state withholding tax data.
Create Quarterly Wage File (for Maine) BEFORE Tax Update 15-B (only one file generated):
Create Quarterly Wage File (for Maine) AFTER Tax Update 15-B (two separate files generated):
(Patch 19347239 posted to My Oracle Support on 19 March 2015)
Special Notes – U.S. Federal
TAS BETC Correction Process
Tax Update 15-B delivers new functionality to support the TAS BETC correction process. For detailed information on the product modifications and new functionality, see this separate document delivered with Tax Update 15-B: (USF) Treasury Interface Schedule Setup, Bulk Payment and SPS Summary Certification Files, and Invalid TAS/BETC Corrections (Revised April 10, 2015).
(Patch 19346280)
U.S. Changes
Federal / State Tax Table
| | | |
|State |Effective Date of |Table Update Description |
| |Table Entry | |
|DC |01/26/2015 |A new table entry effective-dated 01/26/2015 includes revised 2015 withholding tax changes which were published on January |
| | |26, 2015, by the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue in OTR Tax Notice 2015-01, which issued a newly updated |
| | |edition of D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue Publication 2015 FR-230. |
| | | |
| | |OTR Tax Notice 2015-01: |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue Publication 2015 FR-230 (Rev. 01/15): |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |The latest revised edition of District of Columbia Publication 2015 FR-230 includes the following differences from the |
| | |earlier original publication of District of Columbia 2015 withholding tax changes: |
| | | |
| | |The value of the annual allowance amount is increased from $1,725 to $1,775. |
| | |There are no longer three different tax rate tables to be used for different tax filing statuses. Instead, the same tax |
| | |rate tables are now used for all tax filing statuses. |
| | |The tax rate applicable to annual taxable wages in the $40,000 to $60,000 |
| | |range is changed to 7 percent. |
| | | |
| | |(Patch 20432199 posted to My Oracle Support on 09 February 2015) |
| | | |
| | | |
|MA |01/01/2015 |The table entry effective-dated 01/01/2015, which was originally delivered in Tax Update 14-F and redelivered in Tax Update|
| | |15-A, is updated to include the 2015 decrease in the Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (EMAC) tax rate from 0.0036 |
| | |to 0.0034. |
| | | |
| | |
| | |utions.html |
| | | |
| | |(Patch 20474195) |
| | | |
SWT Marital Status Table
The Description fields for District Columbia SWT Marital Status values “B” and “M” are updated to match the wording of the selections shown on the 2015 revision of Form D-4 DC Withholding Allowance Certificate.
(Patch 20757548)
| | | | |
|State |SWT |Updated Description |Effective |
| |Marital | |Date |
| |Tax Status| | |
|DC |B |Married filing separately OR |01/01/2015 |
| | |Married/domestic partners filing separately on same return | |
| |M |Married/domestic partners filing jointly OR |01/01/2015 |
| | |Surviving spouse | |
Local Tax Table
| | | | | | |
|State |Locality |Locality Name |OLD Rate/Amt |NEW Rate/Amt |Effective Date |
|KY |16750 |Columbia |New entry |0.010000 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |(Patch 20758996) | |0.010000 / Nonresident | |
| | | | | | |
|OH |2004 |Hicksville Exempted Village |0.015000 / Resident |0.007500 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |School District |0.000000 / Nonresident |0.000000 / Nonresident | |
| | |(Patch 20730842) | | | |
| |36610 |Huber Heights |0.020000 / Resident |0.022500 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |(Patch 20447565) |0.020000 / Nonresident |0.022500 / Nonresident | |
| | | | | | |
| | | |Taxing Entity Code = 384 |Taxing Entity Code = blank |correcting entry |
| | | |W2 Reporting Agency = RITA |W2 Reporting Agency = blank | |
| | | | | | |
| |52416 |Moscow (tax repealed) |0.010000 / Resident |0.000000 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |(Patch 20447565) |0.010000 / Nonresident |0.000000 / Nonresident | |
| | | | | | |
| |54908 |New London |New entry |0.015000 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |(Patch 20447565) | |0.015000 / Nonresident | |
| | | |The new Local Tax Table entry for Locality OH-54908 (New London) is delivered to replace the |
| | | |existing Local Tax Table entry for Locality OH-54922 (New London), which was originally |
| | | |delivered in error. 54908 (not 54922) is the correct Federal Information Processing Standard |
| | | |(FIPS) code for the City of New London in Huron County, Ohio. Any employees subject to taxation|
| | | |by New London, Ohio, who are currently setup with Locality OH-54922 should be re-assigned to the|
| | | |correct Locality OH-54908 no later than before the first payment of wages on or after January 1,|
| | | |2016. Tax Update 15-E will deactivate the erroneous table entry for Locality OH-54922 effective|
| | | |December 31, 2015. |
| | | | |
| |64346 |Port Washington |0.010000 / Resident |0.015000 / Resident |01/01/2015 |
| | |(Patch 20447565) |0.010000 / Nonresident |0.015000 / Nonresident | |
| | | | | | |
Local Tax Reciprocity Table
| | | | | | |
|Locality of |Locality of |Effective Date |Credit |Credit |Reciprocity Rule / |
|Residence |Employment | |Reduction |Limit |Reason for Change |
| | | |Percent |Rate | |
|OH-83902 |OH-$DFLT |01/01/2015 |n/a |n/a |Rule 1: Withhold both work locality tax and residence locality |
|West Milton | | | | |tax on work locality wages. |
| | | | | | |
|(Patch 20447565) | | | | |Reason for Change: |
| | | | | |New table entry added. Effective January 1, 2015, West Milton, |
| | | | | |Ohio, no longer gives a credit against its resident tax for taxes|
| | | | | |paid to other jurisdictions. |
| | | | | | |
Local Tax Table – Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax
Tax Update 15-B includes updates to Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table based on data downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Table updates are delivered for Local Tax Table entries for Local Earned Income Taxes for which previously existing tax rates do not match the current information downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the Pennsylvania website. All updates to Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table delivered in this tax update are effective-dated 01/01/2015.
These Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax rate changes downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the Pennsylvania website are documented separately in these files delivered with this tax update:
PA32EIT15B.doc Word document
PA32EIT15B.xls Excel spreadsheet
(Patch 20730879)
Taxable Gross Definition Table
Note: Any user-defined entries you may have previously added to the Taxable Gross Definition Table entries for the jurisdictions listed below will need to be re-added after applying this tax update. User-defined entries are not carried forward when Taxable Gross Definition Table entries are redelivered.
| | | |
|State/ |Effective Date |Table Update Description |
|Locality |of Table Entry | |
|FL |01/06/2015 |A new table entry is added to indicate that effective January 6, 2015, the cost of benefits provided to an |
| | |employee’s same-sex spouse are excluded from the definition of taxable wages subject to the application of Florida |
| | |state unemployment tax. |
| | | |
| | |For: |
| | |Taxable Gross = Unemployment |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |Base Gross = FUT |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = SSP |
| | |Other Rate ID = Children - SS Rate / Deduction Class = Before-Tax |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = Changed from “Adds to” to “No Effect” |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = SSP |
| | |Other Rate ID = Children - SS Rate / Deduction Class = Nontaxable Benefit |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = Changed from “Adds to” to “No Effect” |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = SSP |
| | |Other Rate ID = Spouse - SS Rate / Deduction Class = Before-Tax |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = Changed from “Adds to” to “No Effect” |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = SSP |
| | |Other Rate ID = Spouse - SS Rate / Deduction Class = Nontaxable Benefit |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = Changed from “Adds to” to “No Effect” |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = SSS |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = Changed from “Adds to” to “No Effect” |
| | | |
| | |(Patch 20313470) |
|PA |05/01/2015 |An updated row is added to the table entry for Philadelphia to indicate that employee (HSA) and employer (HSR) |
|510101 | |contributions to an employee’s Health Savings Account are not excluded from the definition of taxable wages subject |
|(Philadelphia) | |to the Philadelphia wage tax. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |For: |
| | |Taxable Gross = Withholding |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |Base Gross = FWT |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = HSA |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = “Adds to” |
| | | |
| | |Taxable Gross Component ID = HSR |
| | |Tax Gross Effect = “Adds to” |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |(Patch 20747674) |
Garnishment Rules Table (U.S.)
| | | | |
|State |Rule ID |Effective Date |Action |
|$U |LEVY/B |01/01/2015 |Table entries containing the values used to calculate the amounts exempt from U.S. |
| |LEVY/B/ADD | |Federal tax levies in the year 2015 are added to the Garnishment Rules Table. |
| |LEVY/H | | |
| |LEVY/H/ADD | | |
| |LEVY/M | | |
| |LEVY/M/ADD | | |
| |LEVY/S | | |
| |LEVY/S/ADD | | |
| | | | |
|AZ |LEVY/B |01/01/2015 |Table entries containing the values used to calculate the amounts exempt from Arizona|
| |LEVY/B/ADD | |tax levies in the year 2015 are added to the Garnishment Rules Table, per |
| |LEVY/H | |confirmation from the Arizona Department of Revenue that Arizona will use the same |
| |LEVY/H/ADD | |exemption values published in the 2015 update of IRS Pub. 1494. |
| |LEVY/M | | |
| |LEVY/M/ADD | | |
| |LEVY/S | | |
| |LEVY/S/ADD | | |
| | | | |
(Patch 20365899 posted to My Oracle Support on 26 January 2015)
Canadian Changes
Canadian Tax Table Changes
|Page |Province |Field |Old |New |Effective |
| | | |Amount |Amount |Date |
|Provincial Rates |YT |WCB Limit |$84,537.00 |$84,837.00 |01 Jan 2015 |
| | | | | |Correcting Entry |
(Patch 20304652)
Tax Update 15-B - COBOL and Store Statement Changes for Release 9
All payroll users must apply all COBOL and store statement changes included in Tax Update 15-B.
Changed COBOL Modules
This tax update includes the modified COBOL programs and copy members listed below. Customers should incorporate the source programs into their source libraries and recompile and relink. For delivered copy members, any modules affected by the changed copy members must also be recompiled. For your installation, if you do not have a tool to determine which COBOL modules are affected by the changed copy member(s), we recommend that you recompile all modules.
Changed Store Statements
This tax update includes the modified store statements listed below. They are located in the COBOL directory. Replace your current version and rerun your store statements using DataMover.
|For Release 9 |Changes are made to COBOL programs: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Changes are made to copy member: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Changes are made to store statements: |
| | |
| | |
Patch Numbers
COBOL and Store Statement changes for the patch numbers listed below are included in this tax update.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, patch numbers referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.
E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government
USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government
|Patch |Description |
|17382133 |Patch 17382133 modifies PSPPYNET.CBL, PSPTCALC.CBL, PSPTCALC.DMS, PSPTCSRC.CBL, PSPUSTAX.CBL, and copymember PSCGRSWK.CBL to |
| |correctly calculate residence state withholding tax on supplemental wages paid to an employee for work performed in a state other |
| |than the employee’s residence state, when the following conditions are present: |
| | |
| |For the employee’s residence state, Supplemental Method = Aggregate, Aggregate-No Annualize, or Aggregate-No Tax else Percent. |
| |For the residence state/work state combination covering the wages paid to the employee, the State Tax Reciprocity Table specifies |
| |Reciprocity Rule = State Rule 2: “Calculate residence state and work state withholding separately on work state wages. Withhold |
| |100% of calculated work state withholding. Withhold calculated residence state tax on work state wages to extent that calculated |
| |residence state withholding exceeds calculated work state withholding.” |
| |The following sequence of wage payments is processed for the employee in the same pay period: |
| |The first wage payment calculated for the pay period may or may not include Regular earnings with Tax Method = Annualized. |
| |Subsequent wage payments (calculated as separate checks) for the pay period include either (a) only earnings with Tax Method = |
| |Supplemental or Special Supplemental, or (b) a combination of earnings with Tax Method = Annualized and earnings with Tax Method =|
| |Supplemental or Special Supplemental. |
| | |
| |The state tax reciprocity calculation process is modified to include the correct tax withholding amounts from payments made to the|
| |employee during the period from (a) subsequent to the most recent paycheck calculation that included regular earnings with Tax |
| |Method = Annualized, up until (b) the calculation of the current check in payment of supplemental wages. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, the aggregation in the state tax reciprocity calculation for supplemental paychecks did not apply the |
| |correct work state withholding tax credit if the resident state taxes were less than the work state taxes on the previous regular |
| |check. In some cases this resulted in the employee’s residence state withholding tax being over withheld on subsequent |
| |supplemental paychecks. |
| | |
| |An example illustrating the issue and the impact of the product modifications is presented on the following page. |
| | |
| |For additional information on the modifications delivered in Patch 17382133, refer to Knowledge Document 1990074.1 on My Oracle |
| |Support. |
| [pic] |
| |
| |
| |
|Patch |Description |
|18536336 |Patch 18536336 modifies PSPTARRY.DMS to correctly calculate Additional Medicare tax when the following conditions are present: |
| |On the Company-Default Settings page, the “Single Check for Multiple Jobs” checkbox is selected (this is the default setting); and |
| |Employee #1 and employee #2 are each paid amounts greater than $200,000 on an On-Cycle payroll; and |
| |Subsequently, an Off-Cycle payroll is processed using the right-hand side of the Run Control Page (Process Request Parameter(s) = |
| |Off-Cycle Run), where (a) both employees are entered on the same page with a different line number and (b) employee #1 has two or more |
| |payline entries. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, employee #1 was taxed correctly, but on the Off-Cycle payroll, the system failed to calculate any Additional |
| |Medicare tax for employee #2, and taxable wages and associated taxes for OASDI, Unemployment, and Additional FUTA were incorrectly |
| |calculated for employee #2 despite the fact that YTD maximum amounts had already been reached. |
| |Note: The results were correct if the Off-Cycle payroll was processed using the left-hand side of the Run Control Page (Process Request |
| |Parameter(s) = On-Cycle or Off-Cycle Run). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Before Modifications |
| |After Modifications |
| | |
| |1st payroll (On-Cycle) |
| | |
| |Employee #1 |
| | |
| |Employee #2 |
| |$250,000 Bonus |
| | |
| |$250.000 Bonus |
| |All taxes correct. |
| | |
| |All taxes correct. |
| |No change. |
| | |
| |No change. |
| | |
| |Subsequent Off-Cycle payroll (Process Request submitted from left-hand side of Run Control Page) |
| | |
| |Employee #1 |
| |3 paylines, each $10,000 |
| | |
| |Employee #2 |
| |1 payline, $10,000 |
| | |
| | |
| |$30,000 |
| | |
| | |
| |$10,000 |
| | |
| |All taxes correct. |
| | |
| | |
| |OASDI wages $10,000 and associated tax $620 calculated, despite annual maximum taxable wage limit already exceeded. |
| | |
| |Unempl wages and associated tax calculated, despite annual maximum taxable wage limit already exceeded. |
| | |
| | |
| |Addl FUTA wages calculated despite annual maximum wage limit already exceeded. |
| | |
| |Addl Med not calculated. |
| | |
| |No change. |
| | |
| | |
| |OASDI wages/tax not generated. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Unempl wages/tax not generated. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Addl FUTA wages not generated. |
| | |
| | |
| |Addl Med wages $10,000; Addl Medicare tax $90.00. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|19327216 |Patch 19327216 modifies PSPMFLSA.CBL and PSPMFLSA.DMS to. CBL to correctly associate an override entered for an employee on the Additional|
| |Data payline (e.g., Department) with FLSA adjustments in the following sequence of events: |
| |Employee has Department #1 set up on the Job record and the first paycheck is calculated; then |
| |On a subsequent payroll, Additional earnings (e.g., Bonus) that impact the FLSA calculated rate are added to the Paysheet; and |
| |The associated Department Code for the Bonus earnings is manually overridden with a different Department Code (e.g., Department #2) than |
| |the Department Code associated with the Job record; and |
| |The manually entered earnings are split into separate FLSA periods when PAYCALC is processed; and |
| |The overtime is recalculated using the new FLSA rate and the adjusted overtime earnings are correctly charged to the original Department |
| |Code #1. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, in the above scenario, the FLSA re-calculation incorrectly reported the Department Code that was initially |
| |specified as an override on the Paysheet (Department Code #2) instead of the Department Code associated with the employee’s Job record |
| |(Department Code #1). |
| | |
| |Note: The modifications also apply to other overrides besides Department Code, such as Business Unit, Job Code, Position, GL Pay Type, |
| |Tax Periods, Pay Frequency, Tax Method, and FICA status. Tax Update 07-C delivered similar modifications to report the correct Combo Code|
| |in this scenario. |
| | |
|19354529 |Patch 19354529 modifies PSPPYNET.CBL, PSPTGBTB.CBL, PSPTGCTB.CBL, and copymember PSCGRSWK.CBL to correctly calculate state taxable gross |
| |wages when an employee’s pay calculation includes all of the following: |
| | |
| |A negative amount is processed for an earnings code that is taxable for U.S. Federal withholding tax, but not taxable for state |
| |withholding tax. |
| |A positive amount is processed for a different earnings code that is taxable for both U.S. Federal and state withholding taxes. |
| |A before-tax deduction is processed. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, state taxable gross wages were not calculated correctly in the situation described above, because the |
| |before-tax deduction was not included in the calculation, as illustrated in this example: |
| | |
| | |
| |Prior to Modifications |
| |After Modifications |
| | |
| |Earnings “ABC” |
| |U.S. Federal withholding tax = taxable |
| |State withholding tax = not taxable |
| |(Taxable Gross Definition entry) |
| |(300.00) |
| |(300.00) |
| | |
| |Earnings “DEF” |
| |U.S. Federal withholding tax = taxable |
| |State withholding tax = taxable |
| |200.00 |
| |200.00 |
| | |
| |Before-tax deduction |
| |175.00 |
| |175.00 |
| | |
| |State taxable gross wages |
| |200.00 |
| |(incorrect) |
| |25.00 |
| |(correct) |
| | |
| | |
|19933084 |Patch 19933084 modifies PSPDARRY.CBL and PSPDARRY.DMS to correctly apply arrears payback amounts in the following sequence of events: |
| |Initially the employee is enrolled in a Benefit Plan with the coverage code “1” tied to deduction code “ABC”. |
| |Because the employee has insufficient earnings, the deduction amount is placed in arrears. |
| |Subsequently the employee changes from coverage code “1” to coverage code “2,” which is tied to deduction code “DEF”. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, when the payroll was processed, instead of applying the deducted amount towards the arrears generated for |
| |deduction code “ABC”, the amount was incorrectly applied towards the current deduction code “DEF”. |
| | |
| |Notes: |
| | |
| |Patch 17973058 was initially delivered in Tax Update 14-E to resolve this problem, but due to unforeseen issues, the program modifications|
| |in Patch 17973058 were subsequently reversed in Tax Update 14-F. |
| | |
| |Patch 19912780 was delivered in Tax Update 14-F to reverse the program modifications which had been delivered in Tax Update 14-E for Patch|
| |17973058, to revert the modules to their former Tax Update 14-D versions. |
| | |
|20303610 |Patch 20303610 modifies PSPCPCAL.CBL, PSPPYGRP.CBL and store statements PSPCPCAL.DMS and PSPPYGRP.DMS so that a date of January 1 is |
| |processed as a Paycheck Issue Date for a pay period in Canadian Payroll, only when it is defined as a Paycheck Issue Date through the pay |
| |calendar. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, if the first pay period of a biweekly payroll contained a January 15th Paycheck Issue Date, the Pay |
| |Calculation process treated January 1 as the first pay period and January 15 as the second pay period even though a pay calendar with a |
| |January 1 Paycheck Issue Date did not exist. This resulted in a variance in the calculation of income tax. |
| | |
| |(Patch 20303610; posted to My Oracle Support as Patch 20326915 on 27 January 2015) |
| | |
|20382585 |Patch 20382585 modifies PSPCNTAX.CBL to include code changes that were missing from the Tax Update 15-A version of the module. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, Canadian income tax (CIT) was calculated incorrectly due to the missing code changes. |
| | |
| |(Patch 20382585 posted to My Oracle Support on 03 February 2015) |
| | |
|20447287 |Patch 20447287 modifies PSPSLSTX.CBL to determine the correct percentage to use when calculating Quebec sales tax on insurance (QSTI) when|
| |the employee either resides in Quebec and works in another province, or works in Quebec and resides in another province. The percentage |
| |that will be applied depends on whether the deduction is employee or employer paid as well as the province of employment and residence |
| |combination that is being calculated. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, the QSTI was not calculated correctly if an employee either worked in Quebec and resided in another province, |
| |or resided in Quebec and worked in another province. |
| | |
U.S. SQRs delivered in Tax Update 15-B for Release 9
Descriptions of SQR modifications are followed by the patch number. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, patch numbers referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.
E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government
USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government
Annual Reporting SQRs
|SQR |Description |
|TAX960ST.SQR |TAX960ST.SQR (and TAX962ST.SQR), in conjunction with TAXMMREF.SQC and PRTMMREF.SQC, reports W-2 wage and tax data to |
|TAXMMREF.SQC |states using the EFW2 format. |
| |The programs are modified to comply with changes to the file format specifications for Idaho. Effective |
| |January 1, 2014, existing split monthly filers changed to a semi-monthly filing frequency. As a result of this change, |
| |all fields in the RV record that were specific to split monthly filers are changed to filler, and fields on the run |
| |control page which were used to populate fields on the RV record are no longer required on the run control page, as |
| |detailed in the chart on the following page. |
| | |
|TAX960ST.SQR |Refer to the 2014 version of Idaho Form 967 for the current line information/instructions that correspond to the revised|
|TAXMMREF.SQC |Idaho run control page. |
|(continued) |RV Record |
| |2013 Run Control/RV Record |
| |2014 Run Control/RV Changes |
| | |
| |Position 25 |
| |Filing Cycle |
| |Filing Cycle: |
| |Y = Annual |
| |M = Monthly |
| |Q = Quarterly |
| |B = Split Monthly |
| |Filing Cycle: |
| |Y = Annual |
| |M = Monthly |
| |Q = Quarterly |
| |B = Semi-monthly |
| |(label change only; no program modifications required) |
| | |
| |Positions 43-53 |
| |Total Idaho Tax Withheld on W-2s |
| |Program obtains from employee tax balance records. |
| |Program obtains from employee tax balance records (unchanged). |
| | |
| |Withholding Payments Made |
| |During the Year |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Positions 54-64 |
| |If Filing Cycle=Split Monthly then Line 3b enterable; otherwise, if any other Filing Cycle (Annual, Monthly, or |
| |Quarterly) then Line3 enterable. |
| |Lines 3a, 3b, and 3d are removed. |
| |Line 3 is enterable regardless of Filing Cycle, and reported in positions 54-64. |
| | |
| | |
| |Positions 65-86 are filler (zero-fill) for all Filing Cycles. |
| | |
| | |
| |Positions 65-75 |
| |If Filing Cycle=Split Monthly then Line 3a enterable; otherwise if any other Filing Cycle (Annual, Monthly or Quarterly)|
| |then Line3a NOT enterable. |
| | |
| | |
| |Positions 76-86 |
| |If Filing Cycle=Split Monthly then Line 3d enterable; otherwise if any other Filing Cycle (Annual, Monthly or Quarterly)|
| |then Line3d NOT enterable. |
| | |
| | |
| |Positions 87-97 |
| |Remaining Tax Due or Refund |
| |If Filing Cycle=Split Monthly then program calculated as value in positions 43-53 minus value in positions 76-86. |
| | |
| |If Filing Cycle = Annual, Monthly, or Quarterly, then program calculated as value in positions 43-53 minus value in |
| |positions 54-64. |
| |Regardless of Filing Cycle, |
| |program calculates as value in positions 43-53 minus value in positions 54-64. |
| | |
| | |
| |All other RV Record positions remain the same as they were for tax year 2013 reporting. For further information, refer |
| |to the Idaho State Tax Commission W-2 Electronic Report Manual. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |See the previous Special Notes – U.S. section of this document for an illustration of the run control page modifications|
| |delivered in this tax update to comply with the 2014 Idaho W-2 reporting changes. |
| | |
| | |
| |(Patch 20223208 posted to My Oracle Support on 19 January 2015) |
|TAX960US.SQR |TAX960US.SQR creates the W-2 Print File for reporting annual wage and tax data on Form W-2 for U.S. employees. The |
| |program is modified to correctly report local wage and tax data in boxes 18, 19, and 20 on Form W-2 for customers |
| |processing on the OS390 platform when the State/Locality sort option is selected on the US/Territory Print run control |
| |page. This sort option creates a W-2 print file that contains records only for those W-2 forms which include local wage|
| |and tax data. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, for OS390 customers only, data for these Form W-2 boxes was erroneously excluded from the |
| |print file when the State/Locality sort option was selected: |
| | |
| |Box 18 Local wages, tips, etc. |
| |Box 19 Local tax |
| |Box 20 Locality name |
| | |
| | |
| |(Patch 19801964) |
Quarterly Reporting SQRs
|SQR |Description |
|TAX810DC.SQR |TAX810DC.SQR reports employee quarterly wage and tax data to the District of Columbia in the ICESA format. The program |
| |is redelivered with the following modifications: |
| |The program is modified to remove all references to cartridge and tape reporting on the log file, etc., since electronic|
| |is now required. |
| |The program is modified to create a separate file for each Company; the output file names are T81DCxxx where “xxx” is |
| |the 3-character Company code. |
| | |
| |For further information, refer to this page on the District of Columbia Department of Employment services website: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Note: Tax Update 14-F (Patch 19653182) removed the Reporting Medium field from the run control page. |
| | |
| |(Patch 20276012) |
| | |
|TAX810FL.SQR |TAX810FL.SQR reports employee quarterly wage and tax data to Florida in an XML format. The program is modified to |
| |correctly report Out of State (OOS) wages. Prior to the modifications, if an employee transferred out of Florida to a |
| |different state before the end of the reporting quarter, the OOS wages amount incorrectly reflected the wages paid to |
| |the employee in the subsequent state. An OOS wages amount should only be reported for an employee who was paid in a |
| |different state prior to working in Florida. |
| | |
| |(Patch 19775316) |
| | |
|TAX810ME.SQR |TAX810ME.SQR reports employee quarterly unemployment wage data and quarterly state withholding tax data to Maine in the |
| |ICESA format. The program is modified to comply with new quarterly reporting specifications which are effective |
| |beginning with data reported for the quarter ending March 31, 2015. |
| | |
| |Prior to tax year 2015, Maine quarterly state unemployment wage data and Maine quarterly state withholding tax data were|
| |reported to Maine together on the same electronic file. Beginning with reporting for the quarter ending March 31, 2015,|
| |Maine requires the submission of two separate electronic files: |
| | |
| |A file containing quarterly state unemployment wage data. |
| |The output file generated by TAX810ME.SQR will have the file name “T8MEWAGE”. |
| |Re-name this file “WAGE” before submitting the file to Maine. |
| | |
| |A file containing quarterly state withholding tax information. |
| |The output file generated by TAX810ME.SQR will have the filename “T8MEWTAX”. |
| |Re-name this file “WITH” before submitting the file to Maine. |
| | |
| |In conjunction with the modifications to TAX810ME.SQR, the run control for Maine quarterly wage reporting is modified to|
| |rearrange the fields so that fields related to reporting state unemployment wage data and fields related to reporting |
| |state withholding tax data are segregated in separate sections on the run control page. Additional warning messages are|
| |also added to ensure that the file passes Maine’s edits for both state unemployment wage and tax data and state |
| |withholding tax data. |
| | |
| |See the previous Special Notes – U.S. section of this document for illustrations of the run control page modifications |
| |delivered in this tax update to comply with the 2015 Maine quarterly reporting changes. |
| | |
| |For further information, refer to these website pages: |
| | |
| |Maine Department of Labor (unemployment tax): |
| | |
| | |
| |Maine Revenue Services (withholding tax): |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |(Patch 19347239 posted to My Oracle Support on 19 March 2015) |
Other U.S. SQRs
|SQR |Description |
|(FGPY043.SQR) |FGPY043.SQR produces the TAS BETC Summary Report. New functionality is added so that agencies will be able to correct |
|USF |invalid TAS BETC information reflected on the SPS file (FGPY042.SQR). If corrections have been submitted, they will be |
| |reflected on an updated version of FGPY043.SQR with the notation “TAS BETC Adjustment(s) Applied”. Note that there are |
| |no modifications specific to FGPY043.SQR in this Tax Update; the TAS BETC correction functionality was previously |
| |delivered in Tax Updates 14-E and 14-F in anticipation of delivering the remaining changes necessary to complete this |
| |functionality. Tax Update 15-B delivers online page changes and message script changes. With the delivery of the new |
| |SPS TAS BETC Adjustments page in Tax Update 15-B, TAS BETC corrections can be submitted, and this new functionality is |
| |now complete. |
| | |
| |For detailed information on the TAS BETC correction process, see the separate document which is delivered with Tax |
| |Update 15-B: (USF) Treasury Interface Schedule Setup, Bulk Payment and SPS Summary Certification Files, and Invalid |
| |TAS/BETC Corrections (Revised April 10, 2015). |
| | |
| |(Patch 19346280) |
| | |
|DDP003.SQR |DDP003.SQR is the Direct Advice program. |
|PAY003.SQR |PAY003.SQR is the Paycheck Print program. |
| | |
| |The programs are modified to correctly reflect pay period begin and end dates for the prior period and future period |
| |earnings for employees paid in California, Colorado, Hawaii, or New York, when the Create PDF Paychecks or Create PDF |
| |Advice Forms process is run in Scenario 1 as described below: |
| | |
| | |
| |Before Modifications |
| |After Modifications |
| | |
| |Scenario 1 (all of the following are paid on the same check): |
| | |
| |Current time (addl 0) |
| |Prior time (addl 1) |
| |Future time (addl 2) |
| |Current time (addl 3) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Paycheck information pay period begin and end dates not displayed for the prior period and future period earnings |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Paycheck pay period begin and end dates correctly displayed for the prior and future period earnings |
| | |
| |Scenario 2 (all of the following are paid on the same check): |
| | |
| |Current time (addl 0) |
| |Prior time (addl 1) |
| |Future time (addl 2) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Paycheck information pay period begin and end dates correctly displayed for the prior period and future earnings |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |No change |
| | |
| | |
| |The column headings on the online paycheck view pages (for both employee self service view and the administrator view) |
| |are also modified as illustrated below, to reflect the fact that earnings period date detail information may a future |
| |earnings period as well as a prior earnings period. This change was previously delivered for the PDF versions of |
| |paychecks and deposit advices in Tax Update 14-D (Patch 18389097). |
| | |
| |[pic] |
| | |
| |[pic] |
| | |
| |Earnings column headings BEFORE Tax Update 15-B: |
| | |
| |[pic] |
| | |
| |Earnings column headings AFTER Tax Update 15-B: |
| | |
| |[pic] |
| | |
| |(Patch 20326947) |
|PAYGL01.SQR |PAYGL01.SQR is the Payroll General Ledger Interface Process. The program is modified to correctly reflect/distribute an|
| |employee’s paid tax and/or deduction liability in the following situation: |
| |A paycheck is calculated for an employee on which there is no earnings code with a net total amount greater than zero |
| |(e.g., for each earnings code, negative amounts offset positive amounts, resulting in a total net dollar amount of $0.00|
| |for the earnings code); and |
| |At least one employee-paid deduction and/or tax is processed with a positive amount. |
| | |
| |Prior to the modifications, in the above situation, the program ran to a successful conclusion, but the HR Accounting |
| |Line was out of balance due to the omission of an employee-paid tax and/or deduction liability, as shown in the first |
| |example below. |
| | |
| |Example 1. Before the modifications, when the net earnings amount for earnings code REG = 0.00, the employee-paid tax |
| |amount was incorrectly omitted from the HR Accounting Line. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |HR Accounting Line |
| |Before Modifications |
| |HR Accounting Line |
| |After Modifications |
| | |
| | |
| |REG Earnings |
| |+ 750.00 |
| |Correct |
| |Correct (no change) |
| | |
| |REG Other Earnings |
| |- 750.00 |
| |Correct |
| |Correct (no change) |
| | |
| |Vol/Dis Employee Tax |
| |31.00 |
| |Incorrect (item missing) |
| |Correct (item now included) |
| | |
| | |
| |Example 2. In this example, since the net earnings amount for earnings code BNS was greater than zero, the resulting HR|
| |Accounting Line was correct, and no modifications were required. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |HR Accounting Line |
| |Before Modifications |
| |HR Accounting Line |
| |After Modifications |
| | |
| | |
| |REG Earnings |
| |+ 750.00 |
| |Correct |
| |Correct (no change) |
| | |
| |BNS Earnings |
| |- 750.00 |
| |Correct |
| |Correct (no change) |
| | |
| |Vol/Dis Employee Tax |
| |31.00 |
| |Correct |
| |Correct (no change) |
| | |
| | |
| |(Patch 19678065) |
| | |
Appendix: Object Changes delivered in Tax Update 15-B
|Name |Description |881 |890 |900 |910 |
|Name |Description |881 |890 |900 |910 |
|EARNS_END_DT |Patch 20326947 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new label. | | | | |
|GVT_ADJ_BETC_CD |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified field description and settings for default label. | | | | |
|GVT_ADJ_NOTE |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified field label. | | | | |
|GVT_ADJ_TAS_GWA |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified field description, added new label and set it to default | | | | |
| |label. | | | | |
|GVT_PAM_REM_PB |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new field. | | | | |
|GVT_PAM_SEL_PB |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new field. | | | | |
|STATE_WITHLNG_FILE |Patch 19347239 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new field. | | | | |
|SWT_TOTAL_AMT_DUE |Patch 19347239 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new field. | | | | |
|UI_TOTAL_PAYMENT |Patch 19347239 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified field label. | | | | |
|UNEMPLOYMENT_FILE |Patch 19347239 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Added new field for a new group box label. | | | | |
Message Catalog:
|Message Set Number |Message Number |Description |881 |890 |900 |910 |
|1640 |129 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified message text. | | | | |
|1640 |130 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified message text. | | | | |
|1640 |141 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified message text. | | | | |
|1640 |145 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new message. | | | | |
|1640 |146 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new message. | | | | |
|1640 |147 |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new message. | | | | |
|Name |Description |881 |890 |900 |910 |
|GVT_SCHDFN_CTL_SEC |Patch 19346280 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Replaced buttons. | | | | |
| |Modified Page Activate PeopleCode. | | | | |
|PY_IC_PI_DATA |Patch 20326947 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified PageActivate PeopleCode and two field labels. | | | | |
|PY_IC_W4_DATA |Patch 19636218 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified PageActivate PeopleCode. | | | | |
|PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA |Patch 20326947 | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified PageActivate PeopleCode and two field labels | | | | |
|RUNCTL_TAX960ST |Patch 20223208 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified page by removing fields no longer required. | | | | |
|RUNCTL_TAX810ME |Patch 19347239 |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |Modified page. | | | | |
|Name |Field |Description |Create/ Alter |881 |890 |900 |910 |
|GVT_PAM_DERIVED |FUND_CODE |Patch 19346280 | | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| |GVT_TAS_GWA |Modified prompt record for FUND_CODE. | | | | | |
| | |Added new prompt for GVT_TAS_GWA. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | |Added new fields. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| |GVT_PAM_SEL_PB | | | | | | |
| |GVT_PAM_REM_PB | | | | | | |
|GVT_TASFUND_VW | |Patch 19346280 |Create | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new view. | | | | | |
|GVT_TAS_ADJ_VW | |Patch 19346280 |Create | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new view. | | | | | |
|JOB |TAX_LOCATION_CD |Patch 18808902 | | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified SavePreChange PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|PY_IC_PI_SUM_VW |OPRID |Patch 20326947 | | | |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified FieldFormula PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|PY_LBL_WRK |STATE_WITHLNG_FILE |Patch 19347239 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new field to work record. | | | | | |
|PY_LBL_WRK |UNEMPLOYMENT_FILE |Patch 19347239 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new field to work record. | | | | | |
|R_TAX810ME |TAX_CLASS |Patch 19347239 |Alter |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added existing field to the record. | | | | | |
|RC_QTR_UI |REPORTING_MEDIUM |Patch 20276012 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified FieldChange, RowInit, SaveEdit| | | | | |
| | |and PreSaveEdit PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|RC_TAX810ME |SWT_TOTAL_AMT_DUE |Patch 19347239 |Alter |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added new field to the record. | | | | | |
|RC_TAX960ID |FILING_CYCLE |Patch 20223208 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified FieldChange, RowInit and | | | | | |
| | |SaveEdit PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|STATE_TAX_DATA |NON_RES_DECLARED |Patch 19230341 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Added RowInsert and RowInit PeopleCode.| | | | | |
|STATE_TAX_DATA |RESIDENT |Patch 19230341 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified FieldChange PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|STATE_TAX_DATA |STATE |Patch 19230341 | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified FieldChange PeopleCode. | | | | | |
|YE_W2CP_TXFRM_V | |Patch 20611527 |Create |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| | |Modified Sybase SQL. | | | | | |
Translate Values:
|Name |Description |881 |890 |900 |910 |
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