FF ASN Implementation Guide
-104775952500800100-66675000 Advance Ship Notice – IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BSCPASNFF1BOEING (BSCP)1714500494665005257800486410001095703159692EXOSTAR LLC+1.703.561.0500 phone2325 Dulles Corner Boulevard+1.703.793.1763 faxSuite 600Herndon, VA 2017100EXOSTAR LLC+1.703.561.0500 phone2325 Dulles Corner Boulevard+1.703.793.1763 faxSuite 600Herndon, VA 20171Document StatusDocument NameExostar Implementation Guide for BSCP – Flat File Advance Ship NoticeVersion3.3Issue DateMay 26, 2017AuthorExostar LLC and Blackstone Technology GroupDescriptionAn Implementation Guide for Aerospace and Defense industry Suppliers who want to deliver Advance Ship Notices in an Exostar Flat File Format.Document Revision HistoryVersion #DateAuthor’s NameRecords RevisedRevisions Made1.08/8/2014Exostar LLC and Blackstone Technology GroupFirst Published Version.3.006/22/2016Ann LamicaDTLAssigned new field Batch Number to DTL17 which had been marked for future use. Version Number changed to align with EDI IG.3.103/16/2017Ann LamicaAllExostar address modified on cover pageThe following changes have been made for the 2017 Implementation of CAS;1) CAS Buyer Account Code changed to Boeing.CAS.SAP-BGS2) CAS BBS Identifier in CTL changed to CASSAPBGS3) CAS PO Number references modified for the new Originating SAP Purchasing Organization: 5002. PO numbers will be 14 characters in length which includes the Originating SAP Purchasing Organization.4) DTL record updated to designate 3 existing fields that may be used in the future by CAS.5) CAS IG references changed to BGS SAP CAS MS6) Some examples updated to reflect the CAS changes7) Notes added to DTL05 PO Schedule ID about the usage of schedule lines per BBS.3.24/06/2017Ann LamicaFF NameThe Flat File Name format has been modified3.35/26/2017Ann LamicaRulesAdded notes that blank lines are not supported in the FF and that a maximum of 1000 ASNs may be present in one file. Updated notes in the CTL03 & CTL04 about the MPIDs.IntroductionThis Guide is designed for Suppliers who want to send Advance Ship Notices (ASNs) in the Flat File format for the Boeing Supply Chain Platform (BSCP). The Advance Ship Notice is sent by a Boeing Supplier to Exostar in response to a Boeing Purchase Order or Purchase Schedule. The ASN will be posted to BSCP and forwarded to the appropriate Boeing Business System (BBS) for receiving.The overall structure of the Flat File Advance Ship Notice (ASN) is defined on the pages immediately after the Table of Contents. Following the Transaction Set are examples of a typical ASN for every BBS covered by this Implementation Guide. Each is represented individually as requirements may vary by the Boeing Business System and the Supplier will need to meet the requirements of each BBS with which the Supplier is integrated via Exostar.The subsequent pages of this Guide define the usage for each Flat File record and element used within the ASN transaction. Overall file layout and data & technical requirements are noted in the guide. Additionally, there may be notes explaining Boeing’s usage or identifying special requirements by BBS. Differences in data format, field size or content is noted by BBS to assist the Supplier in mapping the ASN transaction properly for each. Examples are located at the end of a record to illustrate any BBS variances. Some Flat File elements will have specific code values indicated in the Guide. If an element comes from an EDI code list or xCBL Code list and there is a small subset of the codes accepted by Exostar then those codes have been identified and defined by BBS. The Unit of Measurement (UOM) and several other values must be returned from the applicable Purchase Order or Purchase Schedule. When so specified, it is necessary that the values match for Exostar or Boeing to properly apply the ASN.For additional information about the usage of this Guide or contents, please contact Exostar. Exostar strongly recommends that the Supplier not undertake any mapping or development activities until the Supplier and Exostar have reviewed the Guide together.Table of ContentsTOC \o "1-4" Document Status PAGEREF _Toc393788099 \h iDocument Revision History PAGEREF _Toc393788100 \h iIntroduction PAGEREF _Toc393788101 \h iiAdvance Ship Notice PAGEREF _Toc393788102 \h 4Transaction Control PAGEREF _Toc393788103 \h 9ASN Header PAGEREF _Toc393788104 \h 11ASN Detail PAGEREF _Toc393788105 \h 16ASNAdvance Ship NoticePurpose: The transaction set can be used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information, and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The transaction set enables the sender to describe the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to convey information.The sender of this transaction is the organization responsible for detailing and communicating the contents of a shipment, or shipments, to one or more receivers of the transaction set. The receiver of this transaction set can be any organization having an interest in the contents of a shipment or information about the contents of a shipment. Heading:Record IDRecord NameReqMax UseRepeatCTLTransaction Control M1HDRASN HeaderM1 Detail:Record IDRecord NameReqMax UseRepeatLOOP ID – DTL500DTLASN DetailM1 FLAT FILE NAME:The Flat File naming is dependent on environment. Test Environment: fromDuns_BSCPTEST_dataType_version_timestamp.txtProduction Environment: fromDuns_BSCPPROD_dataType_version_timestamp.txtBSCPTEST or BSCPPROD is a fixed value that will occur dependent on the Exostar environment the document is being transmitting in.toDuns is same as Supplier MPIDDatatype is ASNVersion is BSCPASNFF1Format for Timestamp is yyyyMMddHHmmssSSSExample File Name: Test Environment: b1bccb95-d87e-4d4e-b6c0-3ca849993f9a_BSCPTEST_ASN_BSCPASNFF1_20151025131026199.txtProduction Environment: b1bccb95-d87e-4d4e-b6c0-3ca849993f9a_BSCPPROD_ASN_BSCPASNFF1_20151025131026199.txtDelimiters:The flat file formatting follows the below delimiter guidelines. Exostar DelimitersRecord IdentifierElement SeparatorRecord TerminatorProductionFirst value before the | (pipe) I (pipe)CRLFTestFirst value before the | (pipe) I (pipe)CRLF Rules:The first value in each record will be the Record ID.The first data element is preceded by the first element separator. The last element is followed by a element separator.The record is terminated with a Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) Blank lines are not supportedElements with null values will be indicated by back to back element separators (see RECORD_2, ELEMENT_B)Example:RECORD_1|ELEMENT_1|ELEMENT_2|ELEMENT_3|LAST_ELEMENT|RECORD_2|ELEMENT_A||ELEMENT_C|LAST_ELEMENT|A maximum of 1000 ASNs can be combined into a single flat file. Each ASN must contain Control, Header and at least one (1) Detail record as described in this Implementation Guide. Flat File ASN Examples:Example BCA ERPLN Advance Ship Notice:CTL|ASN|44444412345678902014080122011220|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|BSCPASNFF1|ERPLNBCA|20140801|22011220||||||HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810|Motor-CommonCarrier|FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555||U77|444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||DTL|0010|999W9999-5|614001099999|0001|1|10|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||DTL|0020|111W9999-5|614001099999|0002|1|10|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||DTL|0030|6566666-4|614001234567|0033|1|5|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||Example BGS SAP CAS MS:CTL|ASN|44444412345678902014080122011220|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|BSCPASNFF1|CASSAPBGS|20140801|22011220||||||HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810|Motor-CommonCarrier|FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555||5002|444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||DTL|0010|999W9999-5|50024512345679|10|3|10|EA|Boeing.CAS.SAP-BGS||||||||||||||DTL|0020|111W9999-5|50024512345678|20|2|5|EA|Boeing.CAS.SAP-BGS||||||||||||||Example BDS Advance Ship Notice:CTL|ASN|44444412345678902014080122011220|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|BSCPASNFF1|BDSNWP|20140801|22011220||||||HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810||FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555|||444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||DTL|0010|732Z4232-15|777666|0001|1|6|EA|Boeing.B2B||||||||||||||DTL|0020|632Z4232-15|777666|0003|2|6|EA|Boeing.B2B||||||||||||||ASN Data Links To Other Documents:This table?identifies the Exostar Data Source from which?an ASN or Bar Code Label?element?may originate.? The Description?defines the?type of business data?shared?across multiple documents.? The specific naming conventions used on the label should be obtained?from Boeing as per instructions in the ASN Header record.? All elements may not be present on all ASNs or?used by all Boeing Business Systems (BBS). ? ? Exostar Data Source PO Flat File (BSCPPOFF1) & POC Flat File (BSCPPOCFF1)Selected Shared Elements ASN Flat File (BSCPASNFF1)Description - Business Data passed to Label process***HDR03 Actual Ship DateActual Date ShippedHDR04 Estimated Arrive DateOn Dock DateHDR17 Total PackagesTotal Number of Boxes/ContainersPO/POC SCH08 – Mode of TransportationHDR05* Mode of Transportation?HDR09 License Plate NumberLicense Plate NumberHDR10 Packing Slip NumberPacking Slip NumberPO/POC NMH05 from NMH01 "Buyer" or?"Seller" – Identification CodeHDR15 Buyer MPIDHDR16 Supplier MPIDPO/POC NMH05 from NMH01 "Supplier" – Identification Code HDR14 Supplier CodePO/POC NMH05 from NMH01 "ShipTo" – Identification CodeHDR13 WarehousePO DTL08 or POC DTL10 – Buyer Part NumberDTL02 Buyer Part NumberBuyer's Part or Item Number**PO/POC DTL01 – Line ID DTL04 PO Line IDPosition/PO Item**PO/POC SCH01 – Schedule IDDTL05 PO Schedule IDPO/POC SCH03?– UOMDTL06 Shipped Quantity?& DTL07 Shipped Quantity UOMUsed in computing the Quantity Shipped?and UOMPO/POC HDR04 – Order NumberDTL03 Order NumberOrder Number**PO/POC HDR02?or agreed upon value – Buyer AccountDTL08 Buyer AccountDTL09 Receiver ReferenceReceiver Reference NumberFrom Purchase Schedule/SEQ onlyDTL14 Call Off NumberCall Off NumberFrom Purchase Schedule/SEQ only?- KIT, VIN or Line Station NumberDTL11 Kit Number DTL12 Vin Number DTL13 Line Station NumberPO/POC NMD01 from "ShipTo" - Ship To Name/AddressNot?present in the ASN, however, all items on the shipment must be scheduled to ship to the same name/addressTO? ?? ?*If an emergency routing change is made, the HDR05 should reflect the actual Transport Mode rather than the mode on the order ? **Under certain conditions, the value in some fields on the label may be "Multiple", however, the ASN will?always contain the actual value ***Information as of the date of initial publication of this IG.? Boeing may revise as business needs arise. ? Note:? An ASN will be rejected if it includes an item that has been closed, cancelled, archived, or if?the?item is not allowed on an ASN (per?the PO DTL28 or POC DTL30 – Shipment Allowed).?Transaction Set Notes:The following is a terminology?cross-reference?to?various transactions within the?Exostar Order Management?Suite.? The most common usage in our Implementation Guides will be the Doc Type. ? Doc TypeNameFF Functional Identifier Code (CTL01)POPurchase OrderPOPOCPurchase Order ChangePOCASNAdvance Ship NoticeASNFAFunctional AcknowledgmentFAPORPurchase Order ResponsePORPOCRPurchase Order Change ResponsePOCR CTLTransaction ControlElements: 13Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/ARepeat: N/A Purpose: To indicate the beginning of an Advance Ship Notice (ASN) and to identify the sender, receiver, dates and transaction control information. Please note throughout the document that an “Id” is present in the left column within the Element Summary. This field is used internally within Exostar and contains no information of value to the Supplier. Element Summary: IDRefElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxCTL01Functional Identifier Code MCode2/4CodeNameASNAdvance Ship Notice CTL02Transaction Control NumberExostar:Supplier’s system generates a unique identifier per transaction, based on the following scheme: Supplier Code + Shipment Number + Timestamp [CCYYMMDDHHmmssSS] MvarChar18/1445CTL03Sender Identification Exostar: Identifies the unique 36 character integrated Exostar Test or Production MPID assigned to the Seller/Supplier. The Seller/Supplier integrated MPID used in the ASN must be on the Order or Purchase Schedule at the time of the ASN. MvarChar36/408CTL04Receiver Identification Exostar: Identifies?the unique 36 character integrated Exostar?Test or Production MPID assigned to?the?Buyer. Boeing:See "Boeing (Buyer) MPIDs" below Boeing (Buyer) MPIDs:Production: a1d8e6d8-7802-1000-bfb4-ac16042a0001Test: e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001MvarChar36/40CTL05FF Version Control Number Exostar: FF ASN Version Control Number: BSCPASNFF1 MvarChar1/12CTL06Boeing Business System Identifier BCA ERPLN: Uses “ERPLNBCA”BGS SAP CAS MS: Uses “CASSAPBGS”BDS: Uses “BDSNWP” OvarChar1/10CTL07Transaction DateExostar: Format CCYYMMDD MDate8/8CTL08Transaction Time Exostar: Format HHmmssSS MTime8/8CTL09Reserved for futureOvarChar1/128CTL10Reserved for future OvarChar1/128CTL11Reserved for future OvarChar1/128CTL12Reserved for future OvarChar1/128CTL13Reserved for future OvarChar1/128Example Transaction Control Record:CTL|ASN|44444412345678902014080122011220|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|BSCPASNFF1|ERPLNBCA|20140801|22011220||||||Boeing Business System Identifier:The Boeing Business System Identifier will vary depending on the Boeing Business System (BBS) for which the data are intendedBoeing Business System (BBS) IdentifiersBCA ERPLNBGS SAPBDS NWPProduction & Test????ERPLNBCACASSAPBGSBDSNWP HDRASN HeaderElements: 35Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/ARepeat: N/A Purpose: To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data relating to the Advance Ship Notice (ASN) transaction. Please note throughout the document that an “Id” is present in the left column within the Element Summary. This field is used internally within Exostar and contains no information of value to the Supplier. Element Summary: IDRefElement NameReqTypeMin/Max24HDR01Purpose Exostar: The supplier may send an original ASN, one or more replacement ASNs, and may cancel the ASN. While the same Shipment Number may be sent to Exostar multiple times, it should only be used to identify the shipment to which that number was originally assigned. One of the following purpose codes must be used: MCode6/12Purpose Original Cancellation Replace 1HDR02Shipment Number Exostar: A Unique identifier assigned to the shipment by the Supplier.? The assigned?identifier should never be used to identify a different shipment. Boeing: Accepts?a maximum?of 10 characters MvarChar1/6417HDR03Actual Ship Date Exostar:Actual departure?date of the shipment.Format CCYYMMDD MDate8/818HDR04Estimated Arrive Date Exostar:Date that the shipment is expected to arrive at the Buyer’s Ship To site.?Also referred to as the On Dock Date. Format CCYYMMDDBoeing: The Estimated Arrival Date is a Supplier calculated field that equates to the Ship Date plus transit time. The Estimated Arrival Date should never be earlier than the Actual Ship Date. MDate8/8196HDR05Mode of Transportation Exostar:The Transport Mode codes used by Exostar are listed below. If the transport is via road then use “Motor-CommonCarrier” as the code value.BCA ERPLN: Plans future use.? Provided on the PO/POC.BGS SAP CAS MS: RequiredBDS: Not used OCode3/64Mode of Transportation AirRailMotor-CommonCarrierOceanOther12HDR06Carrier Company Exostar:Carrier Name associated with the SCAC from the Exostar code list. Exostar prefers the Carrier Name be present on all ASNs, however, it is required by some BBS.BCA ERPLN:RequiredBGS SAP CAS MS:RequiredBDS:Used OvarChar1/6412HDR07Carrier Code Exostar: Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) unique code used to identify a carrier from the Exostar code list.BCA ERPLN:RequiredBGS SAP CAS MS:RequiredBDS:Required MvarChar3/64306HDR08Map Number Exostar: Assign a value of "1"?to indicate?the?ASN is?for BSCP MInteger1/10112HDR09License Plate Number Exostar: Bar coded serial numberBoeing: The?License Plate Number is 21 characters.? For details, see the section at the end of this record marked "Boeing ASN Bar Code Information". MvarChar21/25615HDR10Packing Slip Number Exostar: Assigned by Supplier to uniquely ID?the contents of the shipment. BCA ERPLN: max length: 30 charBGS SAP CAS MS: max length: 35 charBDS: max length: 40 char MvarChar1/6414HDR11Bill Lading/Tracking Exostar:ID assigned by the carrier to identify and track the shipment. If multiple tracking numbers apply to the shipment send only one.Boeing: No Tracking Number is needed for "BLT" and "STRK" shipments.BCA ERPLN: Tracking Number preferred BGS SAP CAS MS: Tracking Number preferred BDS:A Tracking Number is required when shipping by a commercial carrier. OvarChar1/6425HDR12RFID Exostar:The Radio Frequency Identification NumberBCA ERPLN: Use RFID only when instructedBGS SAP CAS MS: Use RFID only when instructedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/6413HDR13Warehouse Exostar:The Buyer assigned Warehouse Code or other Ship to Site Identifier?indicates where the shipment is to be delivered.Boeing:All items contained within the ASN?must ship to the same warehouse/location/address.BCA ERPLN:RequiredBGS SAP CAS MS:Required, including shipments for 3rdParty POs (Drop Ships and Direct Ships)BDS:Not used OvarChar1/6411HDR14Supplier Code Exostar:Buyer assigned Supplier Code to which the PO or Purchase Schedule was issued.? Also referred to as a Vendor Number. MvarChar1/645HDR15Buyer MPID Exostar:Identifies?the unique 36 character integrated Exostar?Test or Production MPID assigned to?the?Buyer. Boeing:See "Boeing (Buyer) MPIDs" below MvarChar36/40Boeing (Buyer) MPIDs:Production: a1d8e6d8-7802-1000-bfb4-ac16042a0001Test: e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c0900018HDR16Supplier MPID Exostar:Identifies?the unique 36 character integrated Exostar?Test or Production MPID assigned to the Seller/Supplier. The Seller/Supplier integrated MPID used in the ASN?must be on the Order or Purchase Schedule at the time of the ASN. MvarChar36/4019HDR17Total Packages Exostar:Total number of containers, cartons or packages in the shipment. Exostar: Elements HDR18-35 are currently not used by Boeing on the ASN. Each null element should be represented by back to back element separators. Example: ||| MInteger1/1022HDR18Gross Weight OFloat1/1523HDR19Weight UOM OCode2/6428HDR20Shipment Payment Method OCode1/12866HDR21Ship To Company OvarChar1/6476HDR22Ship To Name 2 OvarChar1/6467HDR23Ship To Address 1 OvarChar1/6468HDR24Ship To Address 2 OvarChar1/6469HDR25Ship To Address 3 OvarChar1/6470HDR26Ship To Address 4 OvarChar1/6472HDR27Ship To City OvarChar1/6473HDR28Ship To State OvarChar2/6474HDR29Ship To Country OvarChar2/6475HDR30Ship To Zip OvarChar2/64HDR31Reserved for future OvarChar1/128HDR32Reserved for future OvarChar1/128HDR33Reserved for future OvarChar1/128HDR34Reserved for future OvarChar1/128HDR35Reserved for future OvarChar1/128Example ASN Header Record:Example BCA ERPLN:HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810|Motor-CommonCarrier|FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555||U77|444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||Example BGS SAP CAS MS:HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810|Motor-CommonCarrier|FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555||5002|444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||Example BDS:HDR|Original|1234567890|20140801|20140810||FEDEX GROUND|RPSI|1|UN5995995991234567890|1234567890|2Z8776665433555555|||444444|e78ab758-78a0-1000-b1a4-0a1c0c090001|99ff9999-7960-1000-819c-0a1c0c099991|3|||||||||||||||||||Boeing ASN Bar Code Information:Bar Coded Serial Number Format (License Plate Number) The License Plate Number is 21 characters in length and consists of three sub-sections: Positions??Content???????????? 1-2???????????? UN??(“UN” is a literal value) 3-11?????? ??? 9-digit Supplier’s DUNS Number 12-21??????? 10-digit Packing Slip Number or any unique Supplier assigned number that?cannot be used to identify a different shipment ASN Bar Code Label References Please review the appropriate label documentation: D36001-1 Barcode Standards and D37512-3 Advance Ship Notice Label accessible in the Product Standards Data System (PSDS) to determine actual label requirements. Accessing PSDS at The Boeing Company: Boeing Packaging standards are available to authorized users in the?Product Standards Data System (PSDS). These standards will not be found by doing an internal Boeing web search. ? BCA, BGS and BDS suppliers to The Boeing Company gain access to PSDS through the?Boeing Partners Network (BPN). To get a BPN account the supplier will need to work with its Boeing procurement agent to gain a supplier code (BEST code) and to sign an Electronic Access Agreement (EAA). The supplier then submits an?Account Request Form with PSDS listed on the Application(s) Required field to the?Boeing Access Support Group. Processing this request may take up to three full business days.DTLASN DetailElements: 21 Max: 1Detail – MandatoryLoop: DTLRepeat: 500 Purpose: Identifies item level information pertaining to the contents of the shipment including the relationship of the item to a PO or Purchase Schedule Agreement. A new ASN Detail Record should be created for every PO Line/Schedule Line that is included in the shipment. Please note throughout the document that an “Id” is present in the left column within the Element Summary. This field is used internally within Exostar and contains no information of value to the Supplier. Element Summary: IDRefElement NameReqTypeMin/Max40DTL01ASN Line ID Exostar: The ASN Line Number is a unique number assigned to the position on the ASN by the Supplier. MInteger1/2047DTL02Buyer Part Number Exostar: The Buyer's Part Number must?match the Buyer Part Number on the PO, POC or Purchase Schedule.Boeing:Any value contained in the Buyer Part Number?on the?order must be returned on the ASN, including "Not Applicable" which is the default value when no Buyer Part Number is available. MvarChar1/6443DTL03Order Number Exostar: Only shipments for Purchase Order Numbers or Purchase Schedule Numbers which were received from Exostar should be included within an integrated ASN.BCA ERPLN: PO Number must match a BCA ERPLN PO or Purchase Schedule Number. An ASN may contain multiple PO Numbers.BGS SAP CAS MS: PO Number must match a BGS SAP CAS MS PO Number. An ASN may contain multiple PO Numbers.BDS: PO Number must match a BDS PO. An ASN may contain only one PO. MvarChar1/64347DTL04PO Line ID Exostar: Assigned Line/Position/Item Identifier from the Buyer’s PO, POC or Purchase Schedule. The value and format must match the originating document.Boeing:The format of the PO Line/Position/Item variables with the Boeing Business System (BBS) and the ASN?must match the PO/POC.?In general,?a Boeing PO Line/Position/Item Identifier?could?include: A number with a fixed length, including leading zeroes. Example: 0010 (always 4 characters)A number with a maximum length without leading zeroes. Example: 10 (1 to 5 digits, no leading zeroes)An identifier with a combination of alpha, numeric and special characters. Example: 3-Shipment 1 (combination of character types)BCA ERPLN: The PO Line/Position format is four characters with leading zeroes padding the number to four positions. Example: 0001, 0010.BGS SAP CAS MS: The PO Line/Position/Item format is a maximum of five digits withoutt leading zeroes. Example: 1,10, 20.BDS: The PO Line/Position format is four characters with leading zeroes padding the number to four positions. Example: 0001, 0010. MvarChar1/6446DTL05PO Schedule ID Exostar:Schedule Line Identifier from the PO, POC or Purchase Schedule against which this line is being shipped. Example: 1, 2, 3BCA ERPLN: Currently has only 1 schedule line per PO LineBGS SAP CAS MS: May have 1 or more schedules per PO Line.BDS: May have 1 or more schedules per PO Line. A separate ASN line is required for each PO Line/Schedule Line that is shipped on the ASN. If the ASN Line fails to match a shippable open PO Number, PO Line, PO Schedule Line, Buyer Part Number and UOM, then the ASN will fail. MInteger1/1978DTL06Shipped Quantity Exostar: Quantity shipped against the PO Schedule ID. The quantity should be based on the purchase unit of measurement.BCA ERPLN: Max of 4 decimal placesBGS SAP CAS MS: Greater than zero, max of 3 decimal placesBDS: Greater than zero, max of 3 decimal places MFloat1/2079DTL07Shipped Quantity UOM Exostar: Suppliers receiving integrated orders should use the UOM code from the PO, POC or Purchase Schedule. Suppliers obtaining orders via the Exostar Portal must use the 2 character code equivalent to the UOM on the PO or POC.? Example:? code value for Each is “EA”. MCode2/27DTL08Buyer Account Exostar:Buyer Account Code Buyer assigned Account Code from the PO or POC. Format and length varies. Example format:?Company.site.divisionBDS: BDS Suppliers may elect to use “Boeing.B2B” as a default Account Code on all integrated ASNs or can return the current Account Code from the order. MvarChar1/36342DTL09Receiver Reference Exostar:Supplier "Internal PO Number" or other reference number?typically used?on a shipment to a BCA ERPLN?Consuming Partner to help identify the order. BCA ERPLN: Receiver Reference is used?by Suppliers shipping to Consuming PartnersBGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/64287DTL10Order Reference Exostar:The exact usage for this field has not yet been defined by Boeing. BCA ERPLN: May be used?in the futureBGS SAP CAS MS: May be used?in the futureBDS: Not used OvarChar1/6482DTL11Kit Number Exostar:Kit Number from a BCA ERPLN Purchase Schedule - SEQ transaction. BCA ERPLN: Used?by Suppliers?shipping against?Purchase Schedule - SEQ transactions BGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/64348DTL12Vin Number Exostar:Airplane line number for the shipment from a BCA ERPLN Purchase Schedule - SEQ transactionBCA ERPLN: Used?by Suppliers?shipping against?Purchase Schedule - SEQ transactions BGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/64340DTL13Line Station Number Exostar:Identifies the control code position from a BCA ERPLN Purchase Schedule - SEQ transaction.BCA ERPLN: Used?by Suppliers?shipping against?Purchase Schedule - SEQ transactionsBGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/128339DTL14Call Off Number Exostar:Identifies the specific point of use requirement for an item from a BCA ERPLN Purchase Schedule - SEQ transaction.BCA ERPLN: Used?by Suppliers?shipping against?Purchase Schedule - SEQ transactionsBGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/12884DTL15Asset Mgmt Tag(s) Exostar:Unique identifier related to a part or service number.? Asset Management Tags have a max length of 25 characters each separated by a comma. Exostar will accept a maximum of 255 characters per Detail Record.BCA ERPLN: May be used?in the futureBGS SAP CAS MS: Not currently usedBDS: Not used OvarChar1/25583DTL16Serial Number(s) Exostar:Unique identifier associated with a specific item for tracking purposes.? Serial Numbers have a max length of 20 characters each separated by a comma. BCA ERPLN: May be used?in the futureBGS SAP CAS MS: May be used?in the futureBDS: Not used OvarChar1/255345DTL17Batch NumberExostar:Identifies the Manufacturing Batch Number that applies to the quantity shipped on the ASN Line. One Batch Number is permitted per line with a max length of 16 characters.If more than one batch number applies to the PO Line/Schedule Line being shipped, a separate ASN line must be created for each applicable batch number and its associated quantity. BCA ERPLN: Not usedBGS SAP CAS MS: May be used?in the futureBDS: Not used OvarChar1/128DTL18Reserved for future OvarChar1/128DTL19Reserved for future OvarChar1/128DTL20Reserved for future OvarChar1/128DTL21Reserved for future OvarChar1/128Example ASN Detail Record: Example BCA ERPLN:DTL|0010|999W9999-5|614001099999|0001|1|10|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||DTL|0020|111W9999-5|614001099999|0002|1|10|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||DTL|0030|6566666-4|614001234567|0033|1|5|EA|Boeing.Puget Sound.BAAN ERP-BCA||||||||||||||Example BGS SAP CAS MS:DTL|0010|999W9999-5|50024512345679|10|3|10|EA|Boeing.CAS.SAP-BGS||||||||||||||DTL|0020|111W9999-5|50024512345678|20|2|5|EA|Boeing.CAS.SAP-BGS||||||||||||||Example BDS:DTL|0010|732Z4232-15|777666|0001|1|6|EA|Boeing.B2B||||||||||||||DTL|0020|632Z4232-15|777666|0003|2|6|EA|Boeing.B2B|||||||||||||| ................
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