centertop0DENVER BRONCOS QUOTES (10/23/19)RUNNING BACK PHILLIP LINDSAYOn his reaction to WR Emmanuel Sanders being traded to San Francisco“Emmanuel and I have really close friendship. It built over time especially during the injuries we both had. I learned a lot from that man. I’m going to be able to cherish every moment. I always talk to him every day, so I’ll continue to do that. We’ll work out in the offseason together. For Emmanuel, I just think it was time for him for something different, different scenery for him. This is his last probably couple of years playing. At the end of the day, it’s what’s best for him and his family. If he’s happy, I’m happy. I just want the best for him. I think he’s put in a good situation.”On why he thinks it was time for a change in scenery for Sanders “For him, I just think that everybody has their time no matter who you are. You could be [QB] Peyton Manning, you could be Emmanuel Sanders, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day it’s just—you don’t ever want to have to leave, but that’s just the name of the game. It’s the business.”On if he expects opposing defenses to take a similar approach to the one taken when Sanders was injured last season“This year they kind of did what they did at the end of last year. They went nine-in-a-box. They’re going to continue to do that. Until we can put points on the board, they’re going to put nine in a box. We have some great receivers, some young ones that are developing now. You have [WR] Courtland [Sutton] that’s showcasing that he’s a top receiver. Now it’s time for [WR] DaeSean [Hamilton] to continue to show that he’s a main receiver and now it’s time for the young ones. You have [WR] Fred Brown and you have [WR] Juwann Winfree who is really talented. There’s a lot of them. [WR] Diontae [Spencer]’s out there and he’s doing the punt returns and kick returns and he’ll probably be put in there a lot more. There’s just a lot of talented receivers that we have. We just have to get everybody involved.”On if he expects his role to expand as a receiver“I’m going to do what I have to do. If it is receiving, then it is. If it’s running, it’s running. I’m just going to do my role and I’m going to star in my role and go from there.”On if TE Noah Fant is a player that can step up “Yeah, Noah’s young. People don’t understand that the tight end position is a hard position because you’re a lineman and a receiver. You have to know a lot of different things going on and different blocking schemes when it comes to blocking. Then you have to be able to turn it on as a receiver with your routes and catching. He’s young. He’s going to have some ups and downs, but he’s a talented tight end. He needs to continue to keep his confidence because that’s what this league’s about. Sometimes things don’t go your way, but you have to keep the confidence. If he does that, he’s going to be in a great spot and he’ll showcase it this week.”On if the offense can get better after trading Sanders “Like I said, sometimes it seems like when you trade somebody it’s the end of the world, but it helps for other players coming up as well. That’s just how it goes. For example, a lot of people wouldn’t be seen if somebody later on down the line didn’t get hurt and they didn’t get the opportunity. Now it’s time for people to get their opportunities. You don’t really understand why or really won’t know until they get out there, they step out there, they get put on the spot and they have to produce. Like I said, Emmanuel was a great receiver here. People are going to understand how it is to be, like you said, receiver one, receiver two. It’s not easy, but you have to be able to get that opportunity.”On at what point he takes a loss like the one against the Chiefs personally“You take it personally all the time. It was embarrassing. It really is. We came off of winning two games in a row, feeling good Thursday night and things just not going your way. That’s the NFL for you. The good thing about this is that’s just one game. We can go back to work and put ourselves in a good situation. There are a lot of games left. We just have to stay focused and stay positive. As long as the locker room is feeling good and we’re all on the same page. things will turn around. All it takes, for myself, make more plays. There were a couple plays I left out there that I should have had. Those plays are turning points and I know that.”On if there is anything he says to Winfree to encourage him “You don’t need to because he’s excited as it is. Someone like that you have to make sure you calm down. All kinds of emotions are running through him. Nerves are running through, but when it comes down to it it’s just football. If he goes out there and he does what he’s supposed to do with his route running and catching abilities, then we’re going to be in good shape. That’s all I would have to tell him is just stay focused and be patient. I think that even for myself, you always think that you get to the NFL and everything speeds up, but sometimes you have to slow your mind down because you slow it down and everything starts to develop.”On how G Dalton Risner has done and if he has exceeded his expectations“Dalton has done great. He’s acting like a vet. That’s great because years to come that’s going to continue to rub off on different people that we need. He’s a great leader. We’re going to continue to build with him and that’s a great thing.”On what kind of personality he desires the most out of a quarterback “The thing is everybody has different personalities. Everybody is different. You can’t tell somebody to be somebody they’re not. [QB] Joe [Flacco]’s not a ra-ra dude, but he’s smart and he handles his business. We have to help him out. Everybody wants to say ‘Joe this. Joe that,’ but we have to get open for him. We have to get open for him and we have to protect longer. Everybody gets paid to do a certain job and we have to do our job. Joe’s not going to be one that’s going to get in your face and talk a lot, but he is one that talks to you and e takes accountability for his mistakes just like us, and we move on at the end of the day.”On if he believes that the younger players on the team are ‘taking over’“The thing is, you go in there and you just play football. You let things develop. I’m not going to sit here and say, ‘It’s my team. It’s Courtland’s team.’ As a team, this is our team together and we just need to stick together. Everybody has to do their part. If you do your job and you do it to the best of your abilities and leave everything out there, you’ll win a lot more games.”On what he can do to motivate teammates “This is the thing. You do this and you play the game because you love the game. You shouldn’t have to tell another man to come on because this is their job. This is why they get paid. Every time they wake up and they see their family, they see their little kids, they see their wife, that should motivate them enough right there to be like, ‘I need to handle my business.’ Because as fast as you’re here you’ll be gone just like that. I shouldn’t sit here and have to baby somebody and tell them let’s go. It should be more like we come together, we get closer and we learn more about each other because the more you know about that person that you’re playing on the left and right for the more you’re going to battle for that person. The more you know their family, their background with their kids and their wives and everything like that, it makes you play harder. That’s what I mainly focus on with it. I don’t focus or baby somebody and tell them, ‘Come on you need to do this or you need to do that.’ They know that. They’ve been around for a while and they understand that this is a job. It’s no hard feelings, but if you don’t do your job you will not play.”On what he thinks about “ra-ra” leadership“The thing about the ra-ra stuff is you want somebody to be vocal. The thing about this league is hype, after a couple plays, it goes away. But being able to talk to somebody and be there and talk to them all the time, that stays. That lasts in a game long. Hype—after you get hit in the mouth one good time, you’re done being hype (laughing). You get hit in the mouth and you know that man left and right of you is going to be there for you, then you know that you have a good team. We have a great team and we have a great defense. We have to build around them. We have to help them out. I can’t say nothing about the defense, but I can say about the offense. We just have to find ways to make plays. I have to do a better job of making plays. [RB] Royce [Freeman] has to do a better job of making plays. Courtland does; Flacco does. That’s just how it goes, but the better you are to know your teammates, the better off you’re going to be.” ................

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