Worksheet 5: Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha - SFR

Worksheet 5: Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

Pages 221 – the end

What is happening in each of these situations? Who is speaking and to whom? What do they tell us about the situation and how Paddy is feeling?

Person A: Quotes 1,2,3,4

1. « They were fighting all the time now. They said nothing but it was a fight. » (page 221) and « I didn't understand. She was lovely. He was nice. » (page 222)

2. « I wanted to go over and help him, but I didn't. » (page 224)

3. « Do your ma and da have fights » (page 228)

4. « Henno had said that my eyes were red. He said I hadn't got enough sleep. » (page 231) and « I'd kept myself awake; I'd done it, right through » (page 232) and « I was in the headmaster's office.' (page 235)

Person B: Quotes 5,6,7,8

5. « Something happened: I started crying. I wnet to thump (hit) him and before I had a fist made I was crying. » (page 241)

6. « She was lovely. He was nice. ... » and « She looked thinner and he looked older. » (page 244)

7. « I was playing football with Charles Leavy. I was getting up close to him. » (page 247)

8. « I wanted to look at my ma and da and not feel anything. » (page 250)

Person C: Quotes 9, 10, 11, 12

9. « They were both to blame. It took two to tango. It didn't take three; there was no room for me. » (page 255)

10. « Why didn't da like ma? She liked him; it was him didn't like her. What was wrong with her? » (page 257) « My da had more wrong with him than my ma. » (page 258) « I wanted to be on both sides. » (page 259)

11. « He'd found out; he'd found out. I'd wanted him to talk because I was scared. » (page 260)

12. « The funeral would be colossal. And a flag on his coffin. » (page 267)

Person D: Quotes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

13. « I wanted to run away to frighten them and make them feel guilty, to push them into each other. » (page 269)

14. « The pain was nice. It wasn't bad. It didn't matter. He did it again, not as good. ... This was great. » (page 273) « None of the talked to me, none of them. » (page 279)

15. « He'd hit her again and I saw him, and he saw me. He thumped her on the shoulder. » (page 280)

16. « Paddy Clarke – Paddy Clarke- Has no da. Ha Ha Ha. » (page 281)

17. « He came home the day before Christmas Eve, for a visit. » (page 281) « How are you? He said........ Very well, thank you. » (page 282)

Homework: each person prepares their ideas for the group. Make notes on your particular quotations.

Lesson 1: 20 minutes in groups. Each group will have a person A,B,C and D. Organise your ideas under the following headings:

a) Paddy's Friendships

b) Paddy's relationship with Sinbad

c) Paddy's relationship with ma and da

d) The marriage

e) How does the world now seem to Paddy?

f) Development of Paddy's character.

Present your ideas on a Powerpoint presentation or OHP or flipchart with key ideas for each theme.

Think about Point – Evidence – Explanation (PEE).

Lesson 2 : present your ideas to the rest of the class.

10 minute presentation maximum and each person in the group should present one part. Only the powerpoint will be allowed – no other notes or speeches.


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