Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly

Goals for this unit:

1. Students will learn about eight colors and to talk about art.

2. Students will talk about feelings and learn about responses to emotional situations.

Student Assignment Reminder: Activity 8 - Students bring in a painting or other

work of art from home.

Materials Needed for this Unit

Activity 1: Overhead transparencies of 3 colors: red, blue, yellow; colored stickers of

six colors; colored paper in the same six colors.

Activity 2: Pictures or overheads of four faces: happy, sad, angry, afraid.

Activity 3: Copy of “Getting to Know You” worksheet for each student and an overhead transparency.

Activity 4: Pictures or overheads of fruit (from Unit 6, Fruits and Vegetables)

Activity 5: Magazines, scissors, glue, construction paper; a collage of pictures showing a feeling.

Activity 7: Copy of dictation sheet for each student and an overhead transparency.

Activity 8: Students bring artwork from home.

Activity 1 – Introduction to Colors

1. Introduce the three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue. Hold up a colored piece of paper as you say each color name. Show 5 or 6 examples in the classroom of each color – in students’ clothing, posters on the walls, and other objects, saying the name of the color each time.

2. Ask students to show examples of red, yellow, and blue in the classroom.

3. Next, place a red transparency on the overhead and cover it with a yellow transparency. Ask if anyone knows the color name (it will be orange). Follow with blue and red (purple) and blue and yellow (green).

4. Ask students to show examples of orange, purple and green in the classroom.

5. Ask the students several questions to help them practice the names of colors.

Hold up a color sheet and ask, “Is this yellow or green?”

Hold up another sheet and ask, “What color is this?”

Point to an item in the room and ask, “Is this red or blue?”

Point to a student and ask, “What color is his/her shirt?”

Continue asking questions until you have practiced all seven colors and every student has had a chance to participate.

6. Write the names of the six colors on the board. Tape a piece of paper in the matching color next to each name. Give each student the colored stickers and have them put the sticker on a flashcard and write the name of the color next to it. Do not use the pink sticker - it will introduce too many new colors for this unit.

Activity 2 – Feelings

1. Show students pictures of feelings. Show happy, sad, angry, and afraid.

2. Demonstrate the four feelings on your face. Write the words on the board.

3. Ask a student to come to the front of the class and show a feeling. The class should shout what the feeling is.

4. Ask another student to come to the front. The class should shout a feeling and the student should show it on his/her face.

5. Divide the class into pairs. One student should show a feeling on his/her face and the other students should say what it is. Then one student should say a feeling and the other student should show it on his/her face. The students should take turns showing and saying the feelings.

6. Have students write the words on their flashcards and illustrate them with simple drawings. Walk around and help anyone who needs it.

Activity 3 – Getting to Know You

1. Give every student a copy of the “Getting to know you” worksheet provided at the end of this unit. Read every question together with the class. Make sure that everyone understands all the questions.

2. Tell students to walk around and ask each other the three questions. Allow at least 15 minutes for this activity.

3. Put a copy of the worksheet on the overhead projector. Ask students to share what they learned about other students in the class. Encourage them to use pronouns such as he/she, her/his. Write some of their answers on the board.

Activity 4 – Culture Talk - What do Colors Mean?

1. Ask students to tell you what their favorite color is. Do they have things (clothing, furniture, blankets) in that color? What color is their favorite flower?

2. Show the overheads of the fruits (from Unit 10). Can the students name the colors of the fruits?

3. Introduce the colors white and black. Show several examples of each color in the room. Write the words on the board and have students write them on their flash cards.

4. Ask, “What do colors mean?” Give students an example such as: “In China, red is for weddings. In America, white is for weddings.” Can students give other examples of what colors mean? Is white also the color for weddings in their home country? Some other meanings for colors in America are:

Red – Danger or angry.

Blue – Sad or depressed

Yellow – Happy

Black – Death, evil

Green – Energy, growing things

5. Are there cultural differences between the meaning of particular colors? One example is the different colors used for weddings in China and America. Another example of a cultural difference is that in Bosnia, yellow means sickness or unhealthy. What do colors mean in the students’ home country?

6. Write the meanings down for America and the home country. Read all the colors and feelings together. Have students copy these words in their notebooks.

Activity 5 – Feelings Collage

1. Bring old magazines to class – enough for each student to have at least one. Review the feelings and colors you have been learning.

2. Tell each student they will make a picture of feelings. You should make one in advance to demonstrate. Your students should choose one feeling and then look in the magazine to find pictures that show that feeling. Or, if they prefer, they can find pictures that show every feeling you have discussed in class.

3. Have students cut out all the pictures and glue them on a piece of construction paper. Then ask students to show their picture to the class and tell what feelings are represented. Display all the artwork in class.

Activity 6 – How are you feeling?

1. In this activity, you will talk about how to respond to other people’s feelings. Allow your students enough time to think of ways to respond to each situation before you give them the answer.

Say, “My friend is happy. She has a new baby. What should I say?”

The response can be, “Congratulations! I am happy for you.”

Say, “My friend is sad. His cat died. What should I say?”

The response can be, “I am sorry for your loss.”

Say, “My friend is angry. His money was stolen. What should I say?”

The response can be, “Don’t worry. It’s okay. Let’s call the police.”

2. On the board, write each feeling and the appropriate response next to it. Read each response and have the class repeat them out loud.

3. Create a dialogue for each situation. Ask a student to come to the front of the room. Pretend you are meeting each other in a store. The teacher should express a feeling, for example, “I am so happy today!” Encourage the student to ask “Why are you feeling happy (or sad, or angry)?” Then the teacher should give the reason and the student should give the right response.

4. Repeat the dialogue several times. Ask two other students to choose a situation and demonstrate the dialogue to the class.

5. Divide the class into pairs. Have them practice talking about each situation and giving the right response.

6. Now ask the whole class some questions:

My friend is angry. Should I say “Congratulations?” What should I say?

My friend is sad. Should I say, “Let’s call the police?” What should I say?

My friend is happy. Should I say, “I am so sorry for your loss?” What should I say?

Allow the students to give you the correct response to each question.

7. Have students copy each sentence into their notebooks.

8. For more advanced students: If your students are able to read some English, play this matching game as a follow up to Activity 6. Write each response learned in Activity 6 on yellow pieces of paper. Then write an equal number of situations that fit each response on white pieces of paper. (You can use any color paper that you have available.) Divide the class in half. Give half the class responses and half the class situations. They should walk around the room and read their papers to each other. When they find a situation that matches their response, they should raise their hands. The students should know that if they are holding a yellow paper, they need to find someone who is holding a white paper. Allow enough time for all the students to find their match. Then have each pair read their situation and the response that matches.

Activity 7 – Dictation

1. Give each student a copy of the dictation sheet provided at the end of this unit. Remind them of the instructions. You will say a color from each line. They should listen and circle the word they hear.

2. Put a transparency of the dictation sheet on the overhead projector. Have students come up and circle their answer and say the color.

Activity 8 – Art

1. Ask students who have brought in a picture or other art work from home to show to the class. What colors are in it? What do other students feel when they look at it?

2. What kinds of art are important in the home country? What things are considered art? Painting and sculpture? Stained glass or carvings of wood? What about embroidery or other fancy sewing? If students have examples of different art at home, encourage them to bring them in at the next class session. You may even plan a class art show and invite others to attend.

3. Is anyone in the class an artist? Does anyone know an artist? What is the artist’s message? What feelings does the artist show in his art?

Activity 9 - Field Trip to the Chicago Art Institute

1. Plan a field trip to the Chicago Art Institute. The museum is free on Tuesdays. Ask the class about any questions or concerns they may have about this field trip.

2. Generate a list of questions for the students to answer on the trip:

• What did we see

• What did we like

• What was very beautiful

• What is considered art but we think it’s ugly

• How many colors did we see; what were they

• What strong feelings did any of the art have for us

3. It is a short walk from the Art Institute to the Buckingham Fountain. Take the class to the Fountain (if there is time). It is a gift to the city from a woman named Kate, in honor of her brother, Charles. It is the largest fountain in the world. The fountain water is on from May through October.

4. Enjoy the lake!

Activity 10 – Field Trip Follow-up

1. Back in the classroom, do follow up activities from Unit 3, Field Trips.

2. Ask the class if they would like to make a class art project, or work in small groups to make an art project.

Teacher Reminder: Remember to write down the new words from each class. Also, write that day’s date. This list should coincide with the words your students have added to their flashcards. Go over the list of words from every class at the beginning of the next class.

Example: 3/16/03





Assignment: Ask students to bring in a problem they have that needs English in order to be solved.

Name ________________________ Date____________________

Dictation – Colors

Unit 9, Activity 7

Listen. Circle.










Unit 9

Colors, Feelings, and Art























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