• The verb “to hurt” in Spanish is a “backwards” verb.

• The only two forms used are DUELE or DUELEN.

• Use DUELE if what hurts is singular.

• Use DUELEN if what hurts is plural.


• Use an indirect object pronoun in front of duele or duelen to tell who is feeling the pain.


TE OS + DUELE / DUELEN + the body part / parts

LE** LES**

**When you use LE or LES, place “a + the person” in front, so you know who the LE or LES represents.

A mí may precede ME A nosotros may precede NOS

A ti may precede TE A vosotros may precede OS.

Examples: Me duele la boca. My mouth hurts.

Me duelen los pies. My feet hurt.

¿Te duele la garganta? Does your throat hurt?

¿Te duelen los pies? Do your feet hurt?

A mi madre le duele la oreja. My mom’s ear hurts.

A los estudiantes les duelen las manos. The students’ hands hurt.

¿Qué te duele? What is hurting you?

Práctica: Translate the following sentences.

1. My throat hurts.

2. My dad’s arm hurts.

3. Our fingers hurt.

4. Does your head hurt?

5. Yáll’s knees hurt.

Web practice--


1. Doler means ___________________________ and is used like the verb gustar.

2. The patterns for a sentence using doler are:

(A + indirect object) Indirect object pronoun + duele + the singular body part.

(A + indirect object) Indirect object pronoun + duelen + the plural body part.

3. The 6 indirect object pronouns are:

a mí = a nosotros =

a ti = a vosotros =

a él, ella, Ud. = a ellos, ellas, Uds. =

Escriban Uds. qué parte del cuerpo le duele a cada persona.

1. [pic] A mí ____________________________________________________

2. [pic] A Teresa ___________________________________________

3. [pic] A ti ___________________________________________________

4. [pic] A nosotros _____________________________________________

5. [pic] A ellos ______________________________________________


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