Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

eMedia-CS allows you to connect to a Microsoft Excel Database in all versions (Standard, Pro & Expert). You want to create your own Database ? Here are the steps to follow:

1. Creating the Excel File :

Open Microsoft Excel and create a new table. Databases are all structured as columns. The first line is reserved for field names.

Note : The first line should contain none of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | and "space" and none of these words:

After filling in the first line, save your Excel file, taking care to remember the type of extension you used (".xls" or ".xlsx").


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Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

2. Excel Database connection with eMedia-CS

After launching eMedia-CS, go to "Design" mode and press the "Connect your template to your Database" (or Tools -> Connect to Database) If your file extension is ".xls", select MS Excel 97-2003 If your file extension is ".xlsx", select MS Excel 2007-2010

Note : if you have a 64bit Excel installed, please refer to "5. Special case: S6?4lebcitioMnincreozsaolfotrEsxvcoetlr"eafticthieerenExdcoefl ethteapdpoucuyemzesnutr. ? suivant ?. "5. Cas particulier : Microsoft Excel 64 bits" en fin de note. In the "Additional information regarding the handling of the connection", don't fill anything and press next. Select the sheet in which your database is and press "next". Choose Authorizations that eMedia-CS can have on the database (Modify, Add and Delete records) and press next. Select the fields that will be displayed and can be edited then press next. Once this process is finished, you just have to match the fields in your database with the fields on your eMedia-CS template.


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Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

3. Correspondence with the template fields

Select your object on your template. In "Source" select "Database field" and then make the match with your object.

You may repeat this operation as many times as there are objects that you want to connect to your database.


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Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

4. Batch printing

Regarding the ? batch printing ? here are the steps:

Activate the "operating" mode and select the magnifying glass to bring up the search window in the database mode.

Go to "records", enter the first record you want to print and the last.

Click on the "print" button, then the software will print from the first record to the last specified.

In the picture above, The first line to be printed will be recording 1. The last line to be printed will be recording 5. The printed records will be: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Note : the first Excel line being taken by the field names, the line number is shifted with respect to the registration number. Registration X is now X+1 In our example, the first record matches line 2 and the 5th matches line 6. Print records 1 to 5 matches printing lines 2 to 6.


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Use an Excel Data-Base with eMedia-CS

5. Special Case : Microsoft Excel 64 bits

Since Microsoft Excel 2010, 64 bit versions of the software are distributed. However we noticed some compatibility problems with eMedia-CS and the Database connection. The solution for your 64 bit Microsoft Excel Database to be readable by eMedia-CS is as follows:

1. Open your Microsoft Excel Database.

2. Save in ".xls" format.

3. Launch eMedia-CS and choose "Microsoft Excel worksheet (MS-Excel 972003)" in the Database connection.


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