Educational Administration Portfolio – My journey through ...

Designated Field Experience E: Induction Plans for Beginning Teachers

Michelle Williams

Grand Canyon University

536 Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

Dr. Gary McDaniel

July 31, 2019

Induction Plans for Beginning Teachers

School-Based Induction Plan

Purpose Statement

The purpose of our induction program is to provide support in order to increase new teacher retention and performance as well as improve skills that will put an end to the loss of new teachers which will lead to our primary goal of student achievement. Data shows that beginning teachers, in particular, report that one of the main factors behind their decision to depart is a lack of adequate support from school administrators (Ingersoll, 2003).

Materials needed for Induction Plan

• Welcome statement from the principal leader and administrative staff

• A copy of the school’s vision and mission and statements

• Staff handbook, curriculum

• School calendar for the year

• Grade level schedule

• Instruction pacing guide

• Classroom management pointers

• Prezi or PowerPoint presentation on technology that is used to deliver instruction.

Session Leaders.

• All administrative and office staff,

• School counselor(s),

• Instructional leader,

• Grade level leads,

• Mentor teachers

• Technology lead

• Student support service leads.

Collaborative Activities and Support for High Expectations

• The principal welcome statement with new staff.

• Participants will participate in getting to know you activities.

• Administrative and office staff will introduce themselves review the school’s vision/ mission and employee handbook.

• Mentor teachers will introduce themselves, lead new staff on a tour of the school campus and begin building a rapport with their mentee teachers through activities created by them.

• Instructional leader will present the curriculum and pacing guide with each grade level as well as grade level and teacher duty schedules.

• Grade- level leads will work with new staff in cooperative groups to write instructional objectives and lesson plans for the 1st 2-weeks of school using the school’s lesson plan format.

• School counselor will review his/her role. Student services would give an overview of supports offered in special education, ELL and 504. (Staff development would be scheduled for each student support department.)

• Technology lead would present the technology used in each grade level to assist with delivering instruction in the computer lab. New staff will get hands on experience with programs being used.

Sequence of Events

The sequence of events for our school-based induction plan would half-day sessions to begin 1 week prior to when the veteran teachers are due to return on teacher workdays. Welcome and introductions would begin on day 1 along with review the school’s vision/ mission, employee handbook and a tour of the campus. Day 2: Mentor/mentee activities created by mentors. Day 3: Curriculum review and planning with grade level leads and instruction leaders. Day 4: New teachers would work with our technology lead in the computer lab. Day 5: Review of the school calendar, daily schedule, teacher duty schedule and an overview of school support from each department. Induction would end with a luncheon.

Mentoring Induction Plan

Criteria for Selecting a Mentor Teacher

Mentoring programs can make a significant difference in the success of a new teacher; while teachers who start their careers without formal mentoring leave the profession at close to seventy percent more often than those who have taken part in a formal mentor program (National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future 2003).

Prospective mentor teachers should have at least 3 years teaching experience have up to date certification in the grade level or area that they will be mentoring, be able to provide both positive and constructive feedback, proficient in his/her own teacher evaluation in all areas and a commitment to attend professional development in order to stay abreast of current teaching trends.

Outline of Mentoring Sequence

1. Applications will be accepted from April 1st to April 30th. Interviews will be conducted from April 30th to May 15th. Teachers will be notified of acceptance around May 31st.

2. Introduction and activity session during new teacher inductions, included would be working on a schedule for biweekly meetings, discussing observations and process.

Budgetary Implications

The coordinator of the mentoring program will receive 2,000.00 per year. Mentors will receive 100.00 dollar stipend for summer training and an additional 1,000.00 per year.

Professional Development

July 8th : Building Relationships, Reaching all Learning Types, and Family Engagement

July 9th : Review of Standards, Student Assessment, Teacher Observations


Ingersoll R. (2003). Is there really a teacher shortage? Philadelphia, PA: University of

Pennsylvania, Consortium for Policy Research in Education

National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (2003). No dream denied: A pledge to

America’s children. New York, NY


Induction for Beginning Teachers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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