Worth County Primary School - Weebly

[pic][pic] [pic] [pic] Worth County Primary School [pic] [pic][pic][pic]

The Lamb’s Yarn May 2016

Jared Worthy, Principal Jenny Worn & Kim Pritchard, Assistant Principals

[pic]A Word from Mr. Worthy:  

Dear Parents,

This year has been awesome, and the teachers, staff, parents, and students have been outstanding. Please take time and read the letters sent home concerning Field Day and Award’s Day. This summer we encourage you to have your child read and write every day. We are looking forward to another fantastic year at WCPS when school begins on August 1, and hope the students enjoy their summer break.

All parents and guardians are welcomed at WCPS and encouraged to communicate with the teachers so the students can see we are all in this together. It is our wish that you will feel wanted and welcome at Worth County Primary School, and that you will become involved in some of the many opportunities available to you while your child is a student here.


Jared Worthy


[pic]2015-2016 Annual Title I Parental Involvement Survey All WCPS parents/guardians have the chance to tell us what they think, and the 2015-2016 Parental Involvement Survey is ready for you to complete. The address that will take you directly to the online version of the survey is , and it has been placed on the following sites for your convenience:

-Worth County Primary School’s Website ()

-Worth County Primary School’s Facebook Page (worthprimary)

-Worth County School’s Facebook page (worthcountyschools)

You may complete the online version of this survey on a computer at your home, at the Worth County Board of Education Computer Lab, at the Margaret Jones Public Library, at Worth County Primary School, or on a smartphone. (Please contact Mrs. Singletary at (229)776-8660, if you would like to complete the survey at WCPS.)

If you would like a paper copy of the survey to complete, please let me know by giving me a call at (229)776-8660, by emailing me at tsingletary@ , by sending me the Survey Request Form (located on the last page of this newsletter) in your child’s agenda, or by stopping by the school to request a copy of the survey.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey by Friday, May 20th. Your opinion counts here at WCPS, and we use your input to improve our school each year. Thank you in advance for letting us know what you think!

[pic]WCPS Parent Input Meeting: Worth County Primary School will hold a Parent Input Meeting on Tuesday, May 10, at 5:30. Parents will be given an opportunity to give input on the WCPS School Improvement Plan, the WCPS Compact, and the WCPS Parental Involvement Plan for the 2016-2017 school year. Additional information will be sent home as this date approaches. Please make plans to join us for this meeting. Your input is a valuable resource at WCPS!

[pic]Teacher Appreciation Week: Be sure to let your child’s teacher know how much you appreciate them during the week of May 2nd-6th. The WCPS PTO will be doing some special things to show the teachers and staff of WCPS that what they do makes a world of difference in the lives of numerous children.

[pic]National School Nurse Day: WCPS has an outstanding nurse, Kelly Cooper. Please show your appreciation for all she does to take care of the students health needs here at WCPS. May 11th is National School Nurse Day. Thank you Nurse Cooper for all that you do!!!

[pic]WCPS Nature Trek: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students will be tromping through the woods for Nature Trek on Tuesday, May 10th. Rangers from the Department of Natural Resources, Forestry Commission, and a plantation manager will have several stations set up to teach our students about our natural resources, and native animals. All students should wear sturdy walking shoes.  

[pic]WCPS Field Day: Field Day for K, 1st & 2nd grades is planned for Friday, May 13th, and will be filled with fun activities and WATERSLIDES!!! It will begin at 9:00 for all three grades. The schedule is as follows: 9:00-11:00 = Events, 11:00-12:00 = Lunch, 12:00-2:00 = Events. Please note that activities are for WCPS students ONLY. Students from other schools will be asked to leave the campus. Parents/ Guardians are welcome to attend. Let’s have FUN!!!

[pic]WCPS Awards Days & Times: May 18th = 1st Grade Awards @ 9:00

May 18th = 2nd Grade Awards @ 1:30

May 19th = Kindergarten Awards @ 1:00

May 20th = Pre-K Family Day Program @ 9:30

[pic]News from Mrs. Singletary, WCPS Parent Involvement Coordinator: It has been a pleasure serving as the Parent Engagement Coordinator for the students and parents of WCPS during the 2015-2016 school year. If you have any suggestions about activities or workshops you would like to see our school provide in the coming school year, please take a minute to contact me. If you feel like your child may need some extra resources to help them with math or reading skills over the summer, please let me know. Just give me a call at (229)776-8660, stop by the school for a visit, or drop me an email at tsingletary@.

[pic]Counselor’s Corner: The school year is quickly coming to an end and our 2nd graders are preparing to make the move to a new school. To help make this a smooth transition, on Tuesday, May 11th, the 2nd grade classes will take a trip over to Worth County Elementary School. They will tour the school they will be attending during the 2016-2017 school year. Please be sure to return your child’s permission form to their teacher by Tuesday, May 10th. This tour will only be for the 2nd grade students and their teachers. WCES is making plans to have a night for parents to visit WCES in the near future.

It has been a great school year, and I have enjoyed serving your children. Mrs. Bartley, WCPS Counselor

[pic] [pic]: [pic][pic]Change of Clothes: Please be sure to pack a full change of clothes in your child's book bag to prevent having to take off work to bring your child a change of clothes in case of an accident or a spill.

[pic][pic]Clothes Closet Needs: Shorts/Pants (size 5 or larger please) & NEW Girl’s/Boy’s Underwear

We appreciate any and all donations! Thank you! Nurse Cooper, WCPS School Nurse

[pic]FREE ACCESS TO DIGITAL BOOKS ALL SUMMER! myON Reader has partnered with the Get Georgia Reading Campaign to provide every child in Georgia FREE access anytime, anywhere to a library of more than 8,000 enhanced digital books with multimedia supports — over the entire summer!

These digital books really bring stories to life and provide audio support that creates a truly magical experience for kids and teens, making the joy of reading fun for all!

Go to:  

Login information: School Name = Get Georgia Reading Username and password = read


[pic]Thank you to WCPS PTO for sponsoring the April 2016 Good Citizen Breakfast!!!! If you know of a business that would like to sponsor or help sponsor the May 2016 WCPS Good Citizen Breakfast, please notify Mrs. Tonya Singletary at (229)776-8660.

[pic]PTO Info: Thank you to all of the WCPS families and staff who have supported the WCPS PTO during the 2015-2016 school year! Because of your support with fundraisers, WCPS teachers and students have been able to benefit. WCPS PTO is preparing to serve during the 2016-2017 school year.

[pic]PTO Interest Meeting: If you are interested in being on the 2016-2017 WCPS PTO

Board or being a member of PTO and you will have a child in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade, please

make plans to attend a meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 12th at 5:15 here at WCPS. Hope to see

many of you at this meeting!

[pic]Lost & Found: If your child has lost a jacket during this school year, please feel free to stop by and look at all of our lost and found items. We have an overabundance of items that would love to be reunited with their owners. Jackets/items that are not picked up will be donated to local organizations that provide jackets for those who are in need.

How Can You Help Your Child’s School in 2016?

[pic]News from the Music Department: Tyson Project A+™ Program, Box Tops for Education, and Labels for Education are programs that help WCPS earn money for music supplies, teaching materials and equipment. Please continue to collect the following types of labels:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Labels can be turned in all through the year. Please send in what you have collected to Mrs. Welch before the last day of school on May 20th. Mrs. Welch would like to thank all students, parents and faculty who send in these labels.

[pic]News from the Art Department: [pic]My Coke Rewards for Schools is a program that Mr. Seth Bridges, WCPS Art Teacher, sponsors. This program helps Worth County Primary School collect monies to purchase art supplies to be used in art class. It involves collecting plastic bottle caps from participating Coke brands and the Coke Reward labels located inside the cardboard coke can packages. Participating brands include the following: Barq’s, Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, DASANI, Fanta, Fresca, FUZE, Mello Yello, Minute Maid, Pibb, POWERADE, Sprite, & TaB. Coke Rewards bottle caps and labels can be turned in all year long to Mr. Seth Bridges. Mr. Bridges would like to thank all students, parents, and faculty who send in My Coke Rewards caps and labels.

Ways to Stay Informed About WCPS

[pic]WCPS NEWS Remind Texts: Simply text @wcpsn to 81010.

[pic]Email Information Requested: If you would like to receive WCPS NEWS emails, please send Mrs. Singletary a note in your

child’s agenda including your name, child’s name, and email address. If you prefer, you may email Mrs. Singletary at

tsingletary@ to let her know that you would like to receive emails from WCPS. Please reply with WCPS EMAIL in the

subject line and include your name and child’s name in the message box.

[pic]Updated Phone Numbers: WCPS sends call-outs to primary phone numbers to keep families up to date on what is happening

at WCPS. If your phone number(s) change, please be sure to update this information with your child’s teacher and the school’s front

office so that you continue to get these informing phone calls.

[pic]Worth County Schools on Facebook: Check out Worth County School System’s Facebook page at

worthcountyschools. Check out Worth County Primary School’s Facebook page at worthprimary.

[pic]Dates to Remember:

5/2-6 = Teacher Appreciation Week

5/2-6 = Children’s Book Week

5/6 = Worth County Relay for Life

5/8 = Mother’s Day

5/10 = Pre-K Field Trip to Calhoun’s Strawberry Patch

5/10 = Nature Trek

5/10 = Parent Input Meeting 5:30

5/11 = National School Nurse Day

5/11 = Good Citizen Breakfast (By Invitation Only)

5/11 = Aloha Day (2nd Graders Visit WCES)

5/12 = PTO Board & Membership Interest Meeting 5:15

5/12 = Parent Transition Night: Pre-K to Kindergarten 6:00

5/13 = WCPS Field Day for K, 1st & 2nd

5/18 = 1st Grade Awards 9:00 & 2nd Grade Awards 1:30

5/19 = Kindergarten Awards 1:00

5/20 = Pre-K Family Day 9:30

5/20 = Last Day to Complete Parent Involvement Surveys

5/20 = Last Day of School


Worth County Primary School is a Title I Schoolwide School.

School Purpose:

To ensure a quality education for all students leading to

graduation and productive citizenship.

Worth County School District Direction:

• Our direction for the Worth County School District is for our graduation rate to reach 80% or above, and for students to meet or exceed established accountability measures.

• We will achieve this direction by providing high expectations, a relevant and rigorous curriculum, data driven standards-based instructional practices, appropriate interventions, and celebrations of success as we move forward.

• As a result of our success we will attract and retain high quality teachers, provide a foundation for community economic growth, and prepare graduates for post-secondary success

Worth County School District Beliefs:

• All students can learn and are unique learners;

• Education is a shared responsibility of the student, home, school and community;

• Schools should maintain a safe and structured learning environment;

• All students should meet or exceed educational standards provided by a rigorous and relevant curriculum;

• All decisions should be driven by accurate and relevant data;

• College and career readiness activities prepare students for the future workforce;

• Students engaged in co- and extra-curricular activities perform better;

• Readily accessible technology resources improve teaching and learning;

• The system should employ and retain highly qualified personnel who demonstrate a high degree of professionalism;

• Job embedded professional learning results in improved instruction and increased student achievement;

• Prompt and regular attendance by all leads to improved performance;

• Effective and open communication is essential for the achievement of educational goals.

| |

|[pic][pic] [pic]May [pic][pic][pic] |

|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|Teacher |Children’s Book Week | |[pic] | |Worth County Relay for|[pic] |

|Appreciation Week |[pic] | | | |Life | |

|[pic] | | | | |[pic] | |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|Mother’s Day | |Nature Trek |National School |PTO Board |WCPS Field Day |[pic] |

|[pic] | |[pic] |Nurse Day |& Membership Interest|(K, 1st, & 2nd) | |

| | |********** |[pic] |Meeting |[pic] | |

| | |Parent Input Meeting |********** |5:15 | | |

| | |5:30 |Good Citizen |********** | | |

| | | |Breakfast |Parent Transition | | |

| | | |(By Invitation Only) |Night: | | |

| | | |********** |Pre-K to K | | |

| | | |Aloha Day |6:00 | | |

| | | |2nd Graders | | | |

| | | |Visit WCES | | | |

|15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |

| | | |1st Grade Awards |Kindergarten |Last Day |[pic] |

| |[pic] | |9:00 |Awards |of School | |

| | | |********** |1:00 |********** | |

| | | |2nd Grade Awards |[pic] |Pre-K Family Day | |

| | | |1:30 | |Program | |

| | | |[pic] | |9:30 | |

| | | | | |********** | |

| | | | | |Deadline to Return | |

| | | | | |Parental Involvement | |

| | | | | |Surveys | |

|22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|[pic] |Teacher |Teacher |[pic] | |[pic] | |

| |Workday |Workday | | | | |

|29 |30 |31 |June 1 |June 2 |June 3 |June 4 |

| |Memorial | | | | | |

| |Day | | |[pic] | |[pic] |

| |[pic] | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

2016-2017 WCPS PTO Board Interest Form

Please fill out and return this form to WCPS by Thursday, May 12th, if you are interested in being on the 2016-2017 PTO Board or in being a member of the WCPS PTO.

__________ I am interested in being on the 2016-2017 PTO Board.

__________ I am interested in being a member of the WCPS PTO

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Home Number: ________________________________________________________________

Cell Number: __________________________________________________________________

*If you are interested, please plan to attend the PTO Board & Membership Interest Meeting planned for Thursday, May 12th, at 5:15 at WCPS.

2015-2016 Parental Involvement Survey

Request Form

Please fill out and return this form to WCPS by Wednesday, May 18th, if you would like to have a paper version of the 2015-2016 Title I Parental Involvement Survey to be sent home with your child.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________



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