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Graphics 1 - Exit from Microsoft Word











Paste Special[pic]

In MS Word, choose Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog opens.[pic]

Adding a Text Watermark

To add a watermark to your document, you must display your document in either Print Layout or Normal View.

1. From the Format menu, select Background and then Printed Watermark


2. In the Printed Watermark dialog box, click the radio button beside Text Watermark


3. In the Text drop-down box, select the text you would like to use for the watermark

4. You can use the Font, Size, and Color drop-down boxes to specify font formatting for the watermark text

5. Make sure the box next to Semitransparent is checked so that the watermark text doesn’t interfere with the document text

6. You can change the orientation of the text by selecting either Diagonal or Horizontal beside the Layout label

7. Once you have selected your watermark text and applied the formatting options, click OK

The watermark will be applied to your document; you should be able to see it on the screen and when you print the document.

Click on the Insert drop down menu, select the Break command.  The Break dialog box will be displayed.  Select the Column Break option.


How to Turn Off or Turn On Background Repagination

1. In Normal view, click Options on the Tools menu.

2. Select the General tab.

3. Under General options, do one of the following: 

• To have Word repaginate the document whenever you pause while working in a document, select the Background Repagination check box.

• To provide extra working memory and speed, clear the Background Repagination check box.

4. Click OK. 

|[pic] |

|Fig: Options dialog box |

Inserting and Removing Hard Page Breaks

You use the Break command on the Insert menu to insert a hard page break. In Normal view, Word displays a hard page break as a single dotted line, and you can select, move, copy or delete a hard page break just like any other character.


To insert a manual page break

1. Position insertion point where you want the page break.

2. On the Insert menu, click Break.

The Break dialog box is displayed, and the Page break option is selected by default.

3. Click OK.

Alternatively, press CTRL + ENTER to quickly insert a page break.

Word adjusts pagination to accommodate the new page break.


For more column options, select Format|Columns from the menu bar. The Columns dialog box allows you to choose the properties of the columns. Select the number and width of the columns from the dialog box.


Drop Caps

A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text as shown below.


Add a drop cap to a paragraph by following these steps:

1. Place the cursor within the paragraph whose first letter will be dropped.

2. Select Format|Drop Cap from the menu bar.

3. The Drop Cap dialog box allows you to select the position of the drop cap, the font, the number of lines to drop, and the distance from the body text.

4. Click OK when all selections have been made.

5. To modify a drop cap, select Format|Drop Cap again to change the attributes, or click on the letter and use the handles to move and resize the letter.






• Click on the OK button and your screen will now look like this.


• Click within the top box and the Insertion point will allow you to enter text into this top box.


• Enter the text 'Head Office'.




1. Choose Customize on the Tools menu.

2. On the Commands tab, where it says “Save In”, select the template in which you want to save the changes you are about to make; or accept the default, which is usually to save them in your template (which will make your customisation global). If you are new to this, you will probably want to accept the default:


For the sake of older hands: the “Save in” box defaults to “”, unless the current document is another template or add-in, in which case it defaults to that template or addin. If the current document is attached to a template other than, then you will be able to select that template by pulling down the “Save in” List, thus allowing you to make your customisation specific to documents based on that template, if that's what you want.

If you want to make the changes in an add-in, you need to open the add-in as the current document before you start.

If you want to create a new Toolbar, click on the “Toolbars” tab, click New, give the new toolbar a name, and choose which template you want to store the toolbar in:


Figure 1

Or, if you want to create a new menu, click on the “Commands” tab. In the Categories list, click New Menu. In the Commands list, drag the “New Menu” item onto the Menu Bar (or onto a toolbar – any toolbar can act as a menu bar):


Figure 2

1. Then right-click on your new menu, and rename it.

2. Put an ampersand (&) just before the character which you want to be the shortcut key (the underlined character) – for instance if your menu is called “/font>My macros”, and you want the user to be able to invoke it using Alt+M, you should name it  “My ¯os” or “&My macros”.


FFigure 3

Or, if you want to assign the command or macro to a shortcut menu (otherwise known as a “right-click” menu), click on the “Toolbars” tab, and select “Shortcut menus” in the list of toolbars. The “Shortcut menus” toolbar will be displayed, and you can modify the menus on that in the same way as any other menu:


Figure 4


1. Once you've done that, select the Commands tab

2. In the Categories list, choose All Commands to assign a Word command, or choose Macros to assign a macro. Then in the list on the right, choose a command or macro and drag it onto the menu or toolbar you want it to be part of.

3. If you are customising a menu (including a shortcut/right-click menu), you will need to hold the mouse still until the menu drops down. Then position it, and only release the mouse when you have the command where you want it:


Figure 5

Note: If customising shortcut (i.e. context-sensitive right-click) menus, you may be surprised by how many menus you actually have to customise! For instance, if you want to add a command to the context-sensitive “Table” menus, you may well need to amend all of the menus shown in Figure 6. The trick here is, customise just one menu to start with. Then, when you're sure you've got it right, you can drag your new button, with your Ctrl key held down, to copy it from one menu to another. That way, you won't need to rename your buttons, or assign Tooltips or button images to them, more than once.


Figure 6

Microsoft Word 2003:




Click on the Shading tab.


Most of these options are also available from the toolbar Tables and borders. This toolbar will be explained besides details at the time of explaining how to draw a table.

[pic]Press the Horizontal rows button.


[pic]Press the Cancel button.

[pic]From the menu table, select the option automatic Format of table.


Header and Footer tool bar.





nce this option is selected, the "Tables and Borders" toolbar will pop up (we will cover this toolbar more in-depth in a little bit).


The Tables and Borders Toolbar:

You'll primarily be using the Tables and Borders toolbar for formatting and modifying the appearance of your table. To open the toolbar, go to the “File” menu and select “Toolbars” >> “Tables and Borders.”




1. Draw Table: Lets you create a table by drawing it freehand (see above section).

2. Eraser: You can remove parts of your table by using the eraser to click and drag on lines, rows and columns.

3. Line Style: Click on the small triangle to show the drop down menu. From here, you can choose a line style for your borders, such as solid, dotted, dashed, and more.

4. Line Weight: Click on the small triangle to show the drop down menu. Using this, you can choose a line thickness for your table line borders. The bigger the line weight, the thicker the line.

5. Border Color: By clicking on this button, you can access the color template that will allow you to apply a color to your line borders.

6. Borders: To apply a certain border style to the borders of specific cells, or to remove the borders from specific cells completely, use your mouse to select the desired cells. Then, use the Borders menu to apply or remove borders from those selected cells. You can identify the cells that have borders by the border type icons that are a light shade of gray in the Borders menu.

7. Shading Color: You can apply a background color to cells, rows, and columns by accessing the color palette that appears when you click on the small triangle next to the paint bucket.

8. Insert Table: Clicking on this icon brings up the "Insert Table" window which allows you to input specific information about the look and design of your table (see above section on "Insert Table").

9. Merge Cells: Merging cells is the act of selecting more than one separate cell and merging them so that they become one. First, select the cells that you want to merge with your mouse (by clicking and holding within one cell and dragging the mouse across the cells you want to select), and then click on the "Merge Cells" icon. Word will automatically merge the two cells together.

10. Split Cells: Splitting a cell is the act of selecting a specific cell, and dividing it into one or more rows or columns. Select the cell that you want to split, and then click on the "Split Cells" icon. Once you do this, the "Split Cells" window will appear. From here, you can decide how many rows or columns you wish to create from the one cell.


11. Align: Choosing an alignment from the drop-down menu allows you to format the text or content within a cell. From here, you can make your text right, left, and centered aligned. There are also other alignments to choose from, such as different horizontal and vertical alignments.

12. Distribute Rows Evenly: Makes the heights between rows equally spaced. Select the desired rows that you wish to format, and then click on the "Distribute Rows Evenly" icon.

13. Distribute Columns Evenly: Makes the widths between columns equally spaced.

14. Table AutoFormat: Clicking on this icon brings up the Table AutoFormat window. There are a number of pre-made design table templates you can use to apply to your table. You can customize colors, fonts, borders, and other table features.




15. Change Text Direction: This allows you to modify the orientation of text within a cell. The default setting is horizontal, but by clicking on this icon, you can change the orientation of the text to display vertically.

16. Sort Ascending: Sort a selection of text in cells in ascending order.

17. Sort Descending: Sort a selection of text in cells in descending order.

18. AutoSum: Automatically calculates formulas within cells.

Inserting Text and Content into a Table:

To begin adding text to a table, click your cursor in the cell where you want the text to be placed. Begin typing (or paste text from another source) into the cell. To move from one cell to another, hit the "Tab" button on your keyboard, and continue typing in the cell as needed. You can format the text within the cell using the Formatting toolbar, just as you would edit any other text in Word (see Word Introduction tutorial).

Inserting an Image into a Table:

Place your cursor into the cell where you wish to insert an image. Then, go to the menu bar, and select Insert >> Picture, and then choose from "Clip Art" or "From File." Locate a picture, and click on "Insert" to put the image into a cell.


Modifying a Table:

Not only can you edit your table using the Tables and Borders toolbar, but you can also use your mouse to physically alter a table.

Move a Table:

To move an entire table to a new location in your document, move your cursor over the table until you see the icon that appears in the upper left-hand corner of the table, shaped like a square with crosshair arrows inside.


When you see this appear, click on it. You will see that it selects the entire table. With the table selected, you can drag it to any new place in your document.

Change Row/Column Heights/Widths:

If you need to increase or decrease the height or width of a row or column, you can do so by clicking and dragging the borders of rows or columns. Drag the borders until you create the desired amount of space between rows or columns.

Table Properties:

At any time, you are free to change the properties of your table.  Right-click inside of any table and select “Table Properties.”


A new window with four tabs will appear.  Within these tabs, you can adjust every minor detail about the table including alignment, spacing, text wrapping, etc.


Microsoft Office 2003

This is a word processing software use for process word. But this is not only software soft ware that use for word processing software that used for word processing task. We can use software like note pad, word pad and Page maker for this word processing task.


How To Open Microsoft Word 2003

Step one:

Start> All Programs> Microsoft Office 2003> Microsoft Word 2003

Step Two:

Type “winword” in the run dialog box.


Basic Requirement for MS Word

To work on Microsoft Word we need following basic requirement.

• Basic tool bar

• Page layout

• The ruler

• Page Setup

Working with toll bar

Tool bar is the most important item in the Microsoft Word. Using this tool bars word processing word processing task more easily than use of menu bar. To work in Microsoft Word to we need following basic tool bars.

*        Sanded tool bar

*        Formatting toolbar

*        Drawing tool bar

View Or Hide Toolbar

To view or hide tool bar we can use two basic methods.

1. Under view menu go to the menu option named toolbars. Then select the toolbar that you want to view or hide.

2. Right click on a any tool bar and select the tool bar that you want to view or hide.

 Using move pointer, that located on the beginning of the of the tool bar. We can move tool bars to the any location on the word window.

Customize the Page Layout

We can select deferent page layouts. The layouts are as follows.

*        Normal

*        Web layout

*        Print Layout

*        Outline

To switch between these layout select the layout option under view menu. The most of file layout we work on the Microsoft word is the Print layout.

Using this layout we can print our document.

View or hide the ruler

Ruler is the most important item on the Microsoft Word. To view or hide ruler select ruler option on the view menu.

Customize the page setup

To customize the page setup we can use page setup dialog box. That appears when we select page setup option on the file menu.

            Under margins tab we can select margins for our document under gutter option. We can select the size of the binding. Under gutter position option we can select top or left as the binding side. Under Orientation option we can select portrait and landscape option to change the page orientation.

            Under paper tab we can select the paper that we going to print our document. Under paper size option we can select standard paper size and under Wight and height. We can select custom size for the paper.

Saving a Document

Select save icon on the standard tool bar. Then on the save as dialog box select location, file type and type file name. Then select save button to complete the task.

            Under “Save as” type option we can select more different types of filters like, .doc, .rtf, .html, .xml, .txt.

Typing on the Microsoft Word

When we typing on Microsoft Word. We use space bar to keep space between words. But we can use only one space between to words. We can press enter key to start a new paragraph. Until that we should type previous paragraph without pressing enter key.

            Same times when we typing some words will be underline with a red or green line. Red under line represent a spelling mistake in that word. Green under line represent grammar mistake on that word.

How to correct spelling and grammar mistake

To check spelling and grammar mistake one our document. We can use two methods.

1. Right click on the words that have any grammar or spelling mistake. Then select the correct word on the top of appeared menu.

2. Select grammar and spelling option on the tools menu. Then we can see the dialog box name “Spelling and grammar”

Using this dialog box we can do any following things using buttons on the right side.

• Ignore Once

• Ignore All

• Add to dictionary

• Change

• Change all

• Auto correct

To correct any spelling or grammar mistake select the correct word under suggestions, And then select change button. Using Ignore button we can ignore any mistake. Using “Add to dictionary” button we can add new words to the dictionary.

Formatting a Paragraph

When we start new paragraph we create one big space after the courser by pressing enter key. Using back space key on the keyboard. We can erase text or space to the left of the courser. Using delete key on the key board key board we can erase text or space to the right side of the courser.

Indent of a paragraph

There are four different indents on a paragraphs.

•        First line indent: - Represent the start position of the first line in a paragraph.

•        Left line Indent: - Represent the left start poison of a paragraph.

•        Hanging Line Indent: - Represent the start position of the all lines. Except first line.

•        Right indent:- Represent the end position of a paragraph.

Use of the indent on the paragraph


By dragging above indent on the ruler you can change the indent position on a paragraph.

Format Fonts

To do any formats to the fonts you should select the fonts by dragging mouse point over the fonts that you want to formats.

To format fonts we can “Formatting tool bar” and fonts dialog box.

Format font using font dialog box

Fonts dialog box appears when we select font option on the format menu. Using this dialog box we can do all the formats to the selected text.

Under fonts tab we can change the fonts type using fonts list. Using font styles we can select font styles like bold, italic, and underline. Using size options we can type or select any font size on the font size list.

Under “Font color” list box we can type or select any color for the selected text. Using “Under line style” list box we can select any underline style from the list. Using “Under line color” option we can select a color for the under line style.

Using formatting toolbar we can do about some task by selecting tools.

On the fonts dialog box , under “Effect” option we can make special effect for the font on our document. There two very special effect name “Super script” and “Sub script”.

H2 sub script = ctrl + +

X2 super script = ctrl + shift + +

Under character spacing tab on the font dialog box we can change scale, scale spacing and position of a selected text.

 Using text effect tab we can add some effect to the selected text. But we cannot print our document with these effects.

Formatting Paragraph

Using paragraph dialog box that appear when we select paragraph option on the format menu. We can customize some setting on the paragraph.

Under alignment tab we can arrange the text alignment by selecting “Left, Center, Right and justify options in the list box. Also we can use alignment tools on the formatting tool bar.

Under indentation option we can change indents on paragraph.

Under spacing option we can change the spacing between paragraph and lines.

Bullets and Numbering

Bullet Tab

Using bullet and numbering dialog box we can add customize and remove bullets or number from our document.

Under bullet tab we can add bullets by selecting bullet styles on the list. Using customize button we can customize the bullet style, bullet and position on a bullet list.

Number Tab

Under number tab we can select any numbered style to the selected list. Using customize button we can customize the numbered style.

Using out line number tab we can select any style from the list. If you want to customize out line numbered style select customize button and customize outline numbered level by selecting a level.

Using “Bullets and Number” tools on the formatting tool bar we can add or remove bullets or number.

Boarder and Shading

Using this border and shading dialog box that appear when we select “Boarder and shading” option we can add page borders paragraph borders and shading to the document.

Under page border tab we can select a border style or a boarder art to the document. Under settings option select the border style and under style option select any border style using color weight and art option we can change the selected boarder style.

 Using boarder tab on the boarder and shading dialog box we can apply a boarder to the paragraph or text on the paragraph. To apply paragraph boarder we can use the same method that we use in page boarder tab.

Under shading tab we can add a shading color to the selected text under fill option select any color from the color list. Under style option we can selecta option for as style.

Format columns

By selecting columns option on the format menu we can we can divide our document into several columns. To do this task on the columns dialog box select how many columns that you want under “Number of columns” option. Under weight and spacing option we can select weight and space for the columns. By selecting or deselecting “Line between” check box you can apply a line between to columns.

By selecting paragraph we can apply columns to the selected paragraph. Other vice column weight will be apply to the whole document.

Drop Cap

Using drop cap option on the format menu we can drop first letter on a paragraph. Using “Drop cap” dialog box that appears when we select drop cap options on the format menu. Select “dropped” option in “Margin” option we can select a drop method. Under lines to drop option select how many lines that you want to display on the right side of dropped letter. By selecting “Distance from text” option you can select space between dropped letters and dropped lines.

Change case

Using ‘Change case” dialog box” that appear when we select “Change case” option on the format menu. We can switch between capital and simple letters on the selected text.

Under Following option

•        Sentence case

•        Lower Case

•        UPPLE CASE

•        Title Case

•        tOGGLEcASE

Insert Page Number

Using “Insert” dialog box that appear when we select page number option on the insert menu. We can add page number to the our document. On this dialog box under position option select the position (top or bottom) that you want to display the number on the page. Under alignment option select any alignment option from the list.


Using dialog boax that appears when we select data and time option on the insert menu you can apply a data or time to the document. On that dialog box under “Available formats” option select any format style from the list. By selecting “Update automatically” option you can update this date and time when you open the document.


Using “Auto correct” option on the insert menu we can add and convert some words auto metrically.

The dialog box name “Auto correct” that appear when we select auto text option under auto text option in the insert menu. We can add or auto correct some words to the documents.

Under auto text tab on that dialog box we can select a word from the list and by selecting insert button we can add selected word to the document.

Under auto correct option we can replace some miss use of capital letters by selecting check boxes. Also we can replace some text with spelling errors in to the current text. Using “Replace” option, “weight” option and add new auto correct text to the auto correct list.


Sing symbol dialog box that appear when we select symbol option on the Insert menu. We can apply special character and special symbols to our document. To add these symbols select the font style on the font list. Then select symbol and press enter button.


Using word art option on the insert menu under picture option we can add any text with a word art as a object. After selecting word art option select any word art style from the word art gallery dialog box. And then press ok button. On the edit word art dialog box type the text that you want to add with above word art. Then select ok button.


After inserting a word art we can edit word art text by selecting edit text tool on the word art tool bar. Or we can edit text by double clicking on the word art.

We can format our word art using “Format word art” dialog box that appears when we select word art option on the format menu.

            On the format word art dialog box we can format our word art under following tabs.


| |

|Under this tab we can customize the fill color and line style on the word art. |

|Under fill option we can select a fill color or a fill effect to the word art. |

| |

| |

2. Colors and Lines:-

Using fill effect dialog box that appear when we select fill effect option on the color pallet. We can add “Gradient, styles, tetchier, patterns” or a picture to the word art as fill.

      Under line option we can select a line color a line style and line weight for the word art.

2. Size Tab:-Under this tab we can change the size of our

word art. Also we can change our word art size

by dragging using selection point.

Top of Form

3. Layout Tabs:-

Under layout tab we can customize the layout of the word art.

By selecting layout option we can select the style word art will display with the text.

Bottom of Form



We can insert a clip art to the document using “Clip art task pane” that appears when we select insert clip art option on the drawing tool bar or selecting clip art option under picture option on the insert menu.


On clip art task pane type a keyword that you want to search a clip art under search for option then select go button. Under search result click on any clip art to insert that clip art to the document.

Using format clip art dialog box that appears when we select picture option on the format menu we can format our clip art under following tabs.

•        Color and line

•        Size

•        Lay out


| |

|Using this picture tab we can crop our picture from ‘Left, Right, Top and Bottom” side. And we can control image |

|colors by selecting color option on the color list. |

| |


By selecting organize clip option on the clip art task pane we can see the window name “Microsoft clip organizer” on that window brows for clip arts under “Office collection” folder to insert a selected clip art copy and past the clip art to the document.

After inserting a clip art we can edit that clip art by selecting “Edit picture” option on the right click menu.


By selecting insert picture tool on the drawing tool bar or by selecting “From file” option under picture option on the insert menu we can a new picture.

            On the insert picture dialog box “Brows” for picture and select that picture. Then press insert button to insert the picture.

            Using format picture dialog box that appears when we select picture option from the format menu. We can format our picture under following tab.

• Size tab

• Lay out tab

• Picture tab


We can inert auto shapes using auto shapes tool on the drawing tool bar or using auto shape tool bar that appears when we select auto shapes option under picture option on the insert menu.

To insert a auto shape select the auto shape and drag and drop on to the documents. Using format auto shapes dialog box that appear when we select auto shape option on the format menu. We can format auto shape under following tabs.

• Color and line tab

• Size tab

• Lay out tab

• Picture tab


By selecting “Organization chart” option under picture sub menu on the insert menu. We can add an organization chart to the document. Also by selecting organization chart option on the diagram dialog box that appear when we select dialog option on the insert menu. We can add organization chart.

      Using insert shape tool on the organization chart tool bar. We can apply following shapes to the organization chart.

•        Subordinator

•        Coordinator

•        Assistant

Using lay out tool we can customize all subordinators layout by selecting following layout option.

•        Standard

•        Left hanging

•        Right hanging

•        Auto hanging

•        Both hanging

Using select tool we can select shapes in the organization chart under following options.

• Level

• Branch

• All assistance

• All connecting lines

After selecting organization chart we can format the organization chart using format organization chart dialog box that appears when we select organization chart option on the format menu.

After selecting shapes we can format the shapes using format auto shapes dialog box. That appear when we select auto shape option on the format menu.

      Using auto format tool on the organization too bar. We can apply many different types of style using the dialog box name “Organization chart style gallery”


Using diagram dialog box that appear when we select diagram option on the format menu. We can apply six different types of diagram.

•        Organization chart

•        Circle diagram

•        Pyramid diagram

•        Vane diagram

•        Target diagram

Using diagram tool bar we can insert new shapes, Auto format and change current diagram in to a different diagram. Also we can format shapes in these diagram using format auto shape dialog box. That appears when we select auto shape option on the format menu.


Using chart option under picture option on the insert menu. We can apply a standard chart to the document.

            After inserting the chart we can edit chart content using data sheet. Using right click menu we cam format our chart under following options.


            By selecting this option we can see the dialog box name format chart area. On this dialog box under pattern tab we can customize the border and the fill style of the chart area. Under fonts tab we can customize the font style on the chart area.


By selecting this option we can change the chart type using “Chart type” dialog box. On this dialog box select the chart type and the chart sub type then press ok button.


Using this option we can change some option on our chart.

Under title tab we can add title to the chart.

Under axe tab we can display or hide axis by selecting or deselecting check boxes.

Under grid line tab we can view or hide grid lines by selecting grid line check boxes.

Under legend tab we can view or hide the legend. And we can select the location legend should be place.

Under data tables tab we can show or hide data label on the chart.


Using this option we can customize the 3D view of our chart.


Using data sheet and clear option on the right click menu we can view or hide data sheet and clear the chart area.


Using object option on the insert menu we can insert different types of objects to the document.

On the object dialog box we can select many different types of objects under object type list.

By selecting “Microsoft Equation” object we can insert many different equations using the tool bar name “Equations”.


Using header and footer option on the view menu we can add header and footer to the document.

On the header area we can type or insert any object also in the footer area, we can do the same as the header area.

Using “Header and footer” tool bar we can insert page number of page date and time to the header or footer area.

When we insert header and footers it will apply to the all pages in the document.

OFFICE CLIP BOARDER Office clip boarder content twenty four items of we have cutter or copied. We can show or hide this clip board by selecting office clip boarder option on the edit menu. Office clip board view as a task pane on the right side. Using this clip board we can past twenty four items that we have cut or copy. To past that item click on that icon on the clip board task pane. Using past all button we can past all the content to the document. Using clear all button we can empty the clip board.


By selecting undo option on the edit menu, we can cancel the task we have previously did.

Using redo option we can cancel undo task we have previously did.

We can undo using undo tool on the standard menu. Or by pressing ctrl + z on the key board. We can redo using redo tool on the standard tool bar or by pressing ctrl + y on the key board.


By selecting find replace and go to options, we can find a word replace a word or go to a any location on the document.

To do this task we can use tabs on the find and replace dialog box that appear when we select find replace or go to option on the edit menu.


Select table option under insert sub menu on the table menu.

On the insert table dialog box select or type how many columns and row that you want, then select ok button.

Select draw table option on the table menu.

Select draw table tool on the table and boarders tool bars.

Draw the table area by dragging.

Divide table area by drawing lines for apply columns and rows.


Using this option we can convert. Select cells in to one cell. To do this task,

• Select erase tool on the table and boarder tool bar.

• Click on the lines that you want to erase.


• Select all the cells that you want to merge

• Select merge cells option on the table menu or select merge cells tool on the tool box.


Using this option we can split one cell in to columns and rows.

To do this

• Select the draw tool on the tool bar and draw lines in the cell.

• Select the cell and press split cells option on the table menu or

• Select the cell and press split cell tool on the tool bar

• On the split cells dialog box type how any columns and rows that you need. Then select ok button.


• Select the location that you wan to insert a new column or row

• Select column to the left or insert row above options under insert sub menu on the table menu.

• Select insert column or row option under insert table tool on the tool bar.


On the table menu under delete option we can delete any selected column or row by selecting column or row options.


• Select the area or table that you want to format.

• Under line style tool select the line style

• Under line weight tool select size

• Under line color tool select color

• Draw on the lines that you want to format or

• Under boarder tool select a area that you want to format


Using cell alignment tool on the table and border tool bar we can align text on a cell under following options.

Alignment left top

Alignment left cater

Alignment right top

Alignment right canter

Alignment center

Alignment right bottom

Alignment left bottom

Alignment bottom corner

Alignment top center


Using text direction tool; on the tool bar we can change the direction that we type on the cell.


Using this tool bar we can make selected columns or rows even


By selecting this tool on the tool bar we can apply many different types of formatted table styles for the our table.


By selecting insert text box tool on the drawing tool bar or by selecting text box option on the insert menu we can apply a text box to the any location on the word document.


Using this option under tools menu we can merge same data in a ailing list database in to a document. To do this task

• Select mail merge option under letters and mailing sub menu on the tools menu

• On the mail merge task pane select mail which type of document that you want to merge. Then select next option.

• Select how you want to setup your letter. You can start your document using current document , template or existing document then select next button

• Select the recipient list that you want to mere. You cam create a new list out look contact or use existing list options, then click next button

• Using write your letter step we can write our letter by adding merge field using more item option, then select next button.

• Using recipient button we can preview our merged document then select next button.

• By selecting print or edit individual letters options we can complete our mail merge task.


• Select print option on the file name

• On the print dialog box select the printer that you want to print

• By selecting properties button select some setting on the printer like, print both side and print order.

• Under page range select or type the page range that you want to print

• Under number of copies option select how many copies that you want to print.

• Under print list box select even or odd page to print.

• Select ok button.

Using WordArt

1. To display the Word Art Gallery , choose Insert, Picture, WordArt or click the WordArt icon on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Double-Click a WordArt style.

3. Word opens the Edit WordArt dialog box.

4. Type the text you want and it will replace the sample text.

5. Choose a font, font size, and style.

6. Click OK to close the WordArt Gallery and see your text.







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