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1. Open a WORD document. Type your name. Hit ENTER once. Type Activity 11. Hit ENTER twice.

2. Hit ENTER multiple times to scroll the cursor down to the bottom of the page. This will make it easier later to position the cursor where you want it, because you can’t put the cursor somewhere “where it hasn’t gone before”!

3. Make sure the Drawing Frame has been removed. If you can’t remember how to remove it, go back and check at Activity 5 for directions.

4. Click on the WordArt icon in the drawing toolbar. It is the large blue A. Click on the first example, in the upper left corner. Type your first and last name. Hit OK.

5. Click on the Word Art name to select it. With the picture toolbar or Word Art toolbar, Text wrap (text doggie!) on Tight or Behind Text.

6. Copy and paste your WordArt name until you have four examples, one above the other. You are going to make changes to each of these to discover many of the options WordArt offers.

7. Click on the first example of your name. The WordArt toolbar should appear. (If it doesn’t? Go to View-Toolbars-WordArt and get it!) Click on the paint bucket in the middle of the toolbar to FORMAT WordArt. Under FILL-COLOR, click on the down arrow. You can put any color here, but we are going to Click on FILL-EFFECTS at the bottom. Click on gradient. Choose either two colors on your own OR click on pre-set colors. When you have made your choice, click on OK. Click OK again. Your first example should show a gradient change of colors.

8. Click on the second WordArt example and follow the directions in #6 to Fill-Effects. This time click on Texture. Make a texture selection and hit OK, then OK again.

9. Repeat Step 6 two more times on the final two examples, trying the pattern and picture options. (Use the preprogrammed pictures – you’ll have to browse).

10. Click to insert WordArt again. Select ANY of the format options. Hit OK and type in Baker Middle School. Hit OK. Text wrap “behind text”. You might need to adjust the size to widen the words so they are readable. Click on the word. Click on the Word Shape icon in the WordArt toolbar. Select any of the shapes to change the shape of your WordArt BMS words. The Word Shape icon is the “mis-shapen” blue A.

11. Type the word DAWGS into a new WordArt – any style. Text wrap to “behind text”. Click on the WordArt Vertical Text icon (third from right on toolbar) and change text to read vertically. Place along the right side of the page next to your name samples.

12. Type the word DAWGS into WordArt one more time using a different style. Alter the shape so that the WordArt fills the remaining blank space on the bottom of the page.

13. You should have 7 examples on your finished paper: 4 of your name, 1 Baker Middle School and 2 DAWGS. See the example for help. Save as Activity 11 and submit using Edmodo.

Teacher Sample

Activity 11



Nothing better than combining language with the beauty of art, there is!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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