Movie Analysis Assignment and Rubric

Film Review Assignment Sheet Description: A film analysis is not a review or summary of the plot, it goes deeper into analysis and reaction. IT MUST BE TYPED and double spaced using a 12 point, easily readable font.Introduction Paragraph – Provide basic information about the movie, and a sense of what your review will be about. Include:_____ Title (underlined) + Director _____ Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie. Don’t give too much away._____ Be sure to include a thesis in which you state your argument about the overall quality of the movie in light of its cinematographyBody (3 paragraphs) Analysis and Evaluation In this section you analyze or critique the movie to prove your thesis. Write about your own opinions; just be sure that you explain and support each with an example (s) from the film. Some questions you might want to consider:Is the acting / writing / music effective, powerful, difficult, beautiful, believable?Comment on at least 3 of the four elements of film I have identified. (Mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, sound)Conclusion – Briefly conclude the review by pulling your thoughts together. You may want to say what impression the movie left you with, or emphasize what you want your reader to know about it. Be sure to include a grade, A-F, in your review with a recap of why it earned that grade.What is your overall response to the movie? Did you find it interesting, moving, dull? Why?Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not? Rubric:9- 107-8 5- 6 Redo/ unacceptableContent- used subject specific language; Paragraph construction________/ 10Used subject specific language more than two times. All examples were clear in support of the thesis.Paragraph followed assignment outline Less than 3 uses of subject specific languageOr One example unclear in support of thesisLess than 3 uses of subject specific languageandOne example unclear in support of thesisAssignment outline not followedConventions- Spelling, Punctuation, Word choice _______/ 10 (0.5 weight)No more than two errors3 or 4 four errors5 or 6 errorsMore than 6 errors. Submission demonstrated a lack of attention paid to conventions Total_____/ 15x 2 = _________/ 30 ................

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