Gulliver’s Travels: Film Analysis

Name: ___________________________________________ Period: _______

Film Analysis – Inherit the Wind

Directions: Compare and contrast the version you read in class with what you view on the film by completing the chart below. You should be citing specifics and address ideas such as character traits/behaviors, setting images, events/experiences described, etc.

|Same as I Visualized |Different from What I Visualized |

|Day #1 |

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|Day #2 |

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|Same as I Visualized |Different from What I Visualized |

|Day #3 |

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Questions to Answer Upon Completion of the Film

Directions: Answer below questions on a spate sheet of paper using complete sentences and submit with your viewing chart.

1. Identify and explain numerous differences between the textual and film version of the play. What additions, eliminations, or changes has the director made?

2. Who does the film director seem to support in the trial? – Same or different from the text?

3. Describe the two most suspenseful scenes and explain how seeing them was different from reading them in the text version

4. Choose two characters and explain how the film presentation of them was the same or different from what you imagined while reading the play.


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