Cash Management Configuration Document

STYLEREF "<Insert name of the project>" \* MERGEFORMAT UR FinancialsWorkday Report Book: Prepared For: Company Level & Financial Report Users(Accounts Payable and Grant specific reports excluded)Prepared by: Darren PiccianoLast updated: 11/11/2013Document Control InformationDocument InformationDocument NameWorkday Report Book: Company Level & Financial Report UsersProject NameUR FinancialsDocument AuthorDarren PiccianoDocument Version1.0Document StatusIn ProcessDocument Edit HistoryVersionDateAdditions/ModificationsPrepared/Revised by1.011/7/2013Initial draftPicciano1.111/11/2013DraftPiccianoDocument Review/Approval HistoryDateNameOrganization/TitleComments< dd-mm-yyyy ><Name><Organization/Title><Comments>Distribution of Final DocumentThe following people are designated recipients of the final version of this document:NameOrganization/Title<Name><Organization/Title>Table of Contents TOC \o "1-4" \h \z \u 1Introduction – Reporting Strategy Overview PAGEREF _Toc372202296 \h 61.1Workday = Primary Reporting Tool used for Reporting PAGEREF _Toc372202297 \h 61.2Cognos Financial Data Warehouse = Frozen in July 2014 PAGEREF _Toc372202298 \h 61.3Salary Data & Other Datamarts (i.e Cumulative Salary) = Limited change PAGEREF _Toc372202299 \h 62Primary differences between Workday Reporting and Cognos PAGEREF _Toc372202300 \h 72.1Workday = Structured Financial Statement Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202301 \h 72.1.1Cognos = Multiple summary & detailed reports to create Financial Statements PAGEREF _Toc372202302 \h 72.2Workday = Saving Multiple Prompt Filters in One Report PAGEREF _Toc372202303 \h 82.2.1Cognos = Saving One Prompt Filter in Multiple Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202304 \h 82.2.2Editing Saved Filters PAGEREF _Toc372202305 \h 92.3Workday = Drilling into report details; and Viewing by Worktags (i.e. slicing / dicing) PAGEREF _Toc372202306 \h 92.3.1Cognos = Re-running Repots with new attributes or Running Multiple Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202307 \h 93Financial Statement Functionality PAGEREF _Toc372202308 \h 113.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202309 \h 113.2Replacements for the following reports: PAGEREF _Toc372202310 \h 113.2.1Statement of Activities PAGEREF _Toc372202311 \h 113.2.2Balance Sheet PAGEREF _Toc372202312 \h 113.2.3Ledger Activity and/or Ledger Balance Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202313 \h 113.2.4Management Expense Report PAGEREF _Toc372202314 \h 113.2.5Monthly Ledger PAGEREF _Toc372202315 \h 113.3Financial Statement Overview – Screen shot PAGEREF _Toc372202316 \h 123.4Worktag Prompt and Display by Option Prompt PAGEREF _Toc372202317 \h 133.5Report Content and Comparative Content Sections PAGEREF _Toc372202318 \h 143.6Report Content Start Period and Comparative Start Period PAGEREF _Toc372202319 \h 153.7Report Options PAGEREF _Toc372202320 \h 163.8Saving your prompt selections (i.e. Saving Your Filters) PAGEREF _Toc372202321 \h 173.9Exporting directly into Microsoft Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202322 \h 173.10Analyzing the report PAGEREF _Toc372202323 \h 183.10.1Drill to the transaction details PAGEREF _Toc372202324 \h 183.10.2View By Additional Worktags (Slice and Dice the result set by Worktags) PAGEREF _Toc372202325 \h 193.10.3Filtering the result set further PAGEREF _Toc372202326 \h 203.10.4Creating Charts and Graphs from the result set PAGEREF _Toc372202327 \h 203.10.5Exporting results to Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202328 \h 213.10.6Printing PAGEREF _Toc372202329 \h 214Trial Balance PAGEREF _Toc372202330 \h 224.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202331 \h 224.2Replacements for the following reports PAGEREF _Toc372202332 \h 224.2.1FRS Trial Balance (FBD043) PAGEREF _Toc372202333 \h 224.3Report Layout – Screen shot PAGEREF _Toc372202334 \h 224.4Prompts PAGEREF _Toc372202335 \h 234.5Analyzing the Report PAGEREF _Toc372202336 \h 244.5.1Drill to transaction details PAGEREF _Toc372202337 \h 244.5.2View by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags) PAGEREF _Toc372202338 \h 244.5.3Filtering the result set further PAGEREF _Toc372202339 \h 244.5.4Creating Charts and Graphs from the result set PAGEREF _Toc372202340 \h 244.5.5Exporting results to Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202341 \h 244.5.6Printing PAGEREF _Toc372202342 \h 245Ledger Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202343 \h 255.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202344 \h 255.2Replacements for the following reports PAGEREF _Toc372202345 \h 255.2.1FRS Trail Balance (FBD043) PAGEREF _Toc372202346 \h 255.2.2Ledger Expenses by time periods PAGEREF _Toc372202347 \h 255.2.3Ledger Details PAGEREF _Toc372202348 \h 255.2.4Monthly Transaction Details PAGEREF _Toc372202349 \h 255.3Report Layout – Screen shot – Ledger Detail PAGEREF _Toc372202350 \h 255.4Prompts PAGEREF _Toc372202351 \h 275.5Analyzing the Report PAGEREF _Toc372202352 \h 285.5.1Drill to transaction details PAGEREF _Toc372202353 \h 285.5.2View by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags) PAGEREF _Toc372202354 \h 285.5.3Filtering the result set further PAGEREF _Toc372202355 \h 285.5.4Creating Charts and Graphs from the result set PAGEREF _Toc372202356 \h 285.5.5Exporting results to Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202357 \h 285.5.6Printing PAGEREF _Toc372202358 \h 286Pivot-like Reports (Summary Reports) PAGEREF _Toc372202359 \h 296.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202360 \h 296.2Replacements for the following reports PAGEREF _Toc372202361 \h 296.2.1Monthly Ledger Report (all versions – Date Range, Sponsored Accounts, Multiple Accounts, FBM090, etc.) PAGEREF _Toc372202362 \h 296.2.2FRS Account Activity Crosstab (By Months, By Ledger, By Subcode) PAGEREF _Toc372202363 \h 296.2.3FRS Account Summaries by Subcodes, etc. PAGEREF _Toc372202364 \h 296.2.4Department Level Summaries by Subcodes, etc. PAGEREF _Toc372202365 \h 296.2.5Actuals vs Budget Reports by Subcodes PAGEREF _Toc372202366 \h 296.2.6Current Month vs FYTD Expense Reporting PAGEREF _Toc372202367 \h 296.2.7SL Snapshots PAGEREF _Toc372202368 \h 296.2.8Any Summary Report not covered in Sections 3 - 5 PAGEREF _Toc372202369 \h 296.3Report Layout – Screen shots – PAGEREF _Toc372202370 \h 306.3.1One FAO with 3 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric, Faceted Filtering: PAGEREF _Toc372202371 \h 306.3.2Multiple FAO’s with 4 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric: PAGEREF _Toc372202372 \h 306.3.3Cost Center with 4 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric: PAGEREF _Toc372202373 \h 316.3.4Cost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric: PAGEREF _Toc372202374 \h 316.3.5Cost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 2 Metrics: PAGEREF _Toc372202375 \h 326.3.6Cost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 3 Metrics: PAGEREF _Toc372202376 \h 336.3.7Ledger Account Summary with 3 Rows, 1 Columns, 5 Metrics: PAGEREF _Toc372202377 \h 336.4Prompts PAGEREF _Toc372202378 \h 346.5Analyzing the Report PAGEREF _Toc372202379 \h 346.5.1Drill to transaction details PAGEREF _Toc372202380 \h 346.5.2View by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags) PAGEREF _Toc372202381 \h 346.5.3Filtering the result set further PAGEREF _Toc372202382 \h 346.5.4Creating Charts and Graphs from the result set PAGEREF _Toc372202383 \h 346.5.5Exporting results to Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202384 \h 346.5.6Printing PAGEREF _Toc372202385 \h 347Spreadsheet-like Reports (Detail Reports) PAGEREF _Toc372202386 \h 357.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202387 \h 357.2Replacements for the following reports PAGEREF _Toc372202388 \h 357.2.1Monthly Transaction Details PAGEREF _Toc372202389 \h 357.2.2Any transaction details report not fulfilled by the drilling into reports in sections 3 - 6 PAGEREF _Toc372202390 \h 357.3Report Layout – Screen shots – PAGEREF _Toc372202391 \h 357.3.18 Columns with FYTD Amounts with Subtotaling: PAGEREF _Toc372202392 \h 357.3.27 Columns with FYTD Amounts with Outline Totaling: PAGEREF _Toc372202393 \h 367.3.357 Columns with Debits and Credits (data dump into Excel or Access): PAGEREF _Toc372202394 \h 367.4Prompts PAGEREF _Toc372202395 \h 367.5Analyzing the Report PAGEREF _Toc372202396 \h 377.5.1Drill to Journal PAGEREF _Toc372202397 \h 377.5.2Limited drilling and viewing by Worktags PAGEREF _Toc372202398 \h 377.5.3Filtering the result set further PAGEREF _Toc372202399 \h 377.5.4Exporting results to Excel PAGEREF _Toc372202400 \h 377.5.5Printing PAGEREF _Toc372202401 \h 378Find Journal Lines (Search Reports) PAGEREF _Toc372202402 \h 388.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202403 \h 388.2Replacements for the following reports PAGEREF _Toc372202404 \h 388.2.1Monthly Transaction Details PAGEREF _Toc372202405 \h 388.2.2Transaction Search Reports PAGEREF _Toc372202406 \h 388.2.3Any transaction search report PAGEREF _Toc372202407 \h 388.3Report Layout – Screen shots – PAGEREF _Toc372202408 \h 388.3.1Approximately 12 - 20 Columns PAGEREF _Toc372202409 \h 388.4Prompts PAGEREF _Toc372202410 \h 388.5Analyzing the Report PAGEREF _Toc372202411 \h 398.5.1Limited analysis due to the purpose of this report. PAGEREF _Toc372202412 \h 399Worklets PAGEREF _Toc372202413 \h 409.1Description PAGEREF _Toc372202414 \h 409.2Default Worklets PAGEREF _Toc372202415 \h 409.3Customized Worklets PAGEREF _Toc372202416 \h 41Introduction – Reporting Strategy OverviewThe purpose of this document is to provide an overview of Workday Reporting for Company Level and Financial Report users. This document excludes Accounts Payable and Grant specific reporting, but many of the Workday features describe in this document will also apply to these two groups. In addition, some Grant specific reports will leverage the reports outlined in this document. Disclaimer: The material presented in this document is provided to introduce reporting concepts, types of Workday reports, and reporting capabilities. The final report layouts are still in process and will continue to evolve to Go-Live. In addition, features in WD22 (April 2014) will be incorporated in the final report build to best meet users needs. Workday = Primary Reporting Tool used for ReportingUpon Go-Live, Workday will be the primary reporting tool used for financial reporting. Workday will be updated with one year of historical summary / balance data in order to produce reports with prior year analysis.Cognos Financial Data Warehouse = Frozen in July 2014Upon Go-Live, the Cognos Financial Data Warehouse will be frozen in July 2014 after fiscal year close. However, Cognos will still be accessible in FY2014 and after for historical reporting needs. The Cognos Data Warehouse will still be in the FRS Chart of Account terms.Salary Data & Other Datamarts (i.e Cumulative Salary) = Limited changeUpon Go-Live, Cumulative Salary and other Cognos datamart systems will be accessed in a similar manner as of today; but will be in Workday terminology.Primary differences between Workday Reporting and CognosWorkday = Structured Financial Statement ReportsCognos = Multiple summary & detailed reports to create Financial Statements The first major difference between Workday and Cognos is Workday’s ability to create Financial Statements such as the Statement of Activities and the Balance Sheet. Cognos does not provide Financial Statements.The following is a screenshot of the Financial Statement Function front screen in Workday.Workday = Saving Multiple Prompt Filters in One Report Cognos = Saving One Prompt Filter in Multiple Reports In Workday, users will have the ability to save their prompt filters (i.e. save their answers to the prompts) for almost every report. A user can save an unlimited amount of prompt filters and also manage the prompt filters for each report that allows for it (which is most).In Cognos, users need to copy / save a report each time the user wants to save different prompt filters.The following is a screenshot showing a user saving their prompts. Also note the user has 14 Saved Filters for this one report.The user can then manage each Filter separately. The following is a screenshot showing the user’s 14 Saved Filters. Notice the “Edit” button.Editing Saved FiltersIn the previous example, the user had 14 Saved Filters --- in the below picture the user is editing the 024 Balance Sheet Filter to change their selections.Workday = Drilling into report details; and Viewing by Worktags (i.e. slicing / dicing) Cognos = Re-running Repots with new attributes or Running Multiple ReportsIn Workday, users have the ability to drill, slice, and dice their report in numerous ways. In Section 3 of this document, these features are explored more fully, but this is a very powerful tool in Workday.In Cognos, users would need to re-run a report with new attributes or run multiple reports to replicate this feature.See the following screenshots for example.The following is a screenshot the Worktag View By feature (i.e. slicing the data)353695013843000Picture below shows a View By Spend Category and Period.Financial Statement FunctionalityDescriptionThe Financial Statement Functionality provides users the ability to select a variety of Financial Statement Definition templates. The primary use is to allow users to create traditional financial statements such as the Statement of Activities and Balance Sheet, but users will also use this functionality to review reports by Workday Ledger Accounts.Replacements for the following reports:Statement of Activities Balance SheetLedger Activity and/or Ledger Balance ReportsManagement Expense ReportMonthly LedgerFinancial Statement Overview – Screen shotThe primary selections in the Financial Statement are the following:CompanyFinancial Statement Definition (i.e. Statement of Activities, Balance Sheet, etc)Translation Currenty (note: defaulted to US after company selection)WorktagsDisplay by OptionThe picture below shows the full prompt screen for the Financial Statement. The user needs to make selections for all of the * Prompt Fields.Worktag Prompt and Display by Option PromptA user can filter the report by selecting a particular Worktag or Worktag Hierarchy; and the user can then display these Worktag selections as column headers on the report output. Picture below shows the selection of Cost Center Workday and Displaying by Months. (Period in Workday)Picture below shows the output of selecting one Cost Center and Displaying by Period (i.e. months).Report Content and Comparative Content SectionsA user has the ability to select the report content to be one of the following:Ledger ActualsLedger BudgetsA user also has the ability to select the comparison values to compare the Report Content by the following:Ledger ActualsLedger BudgetsA user could then compare by the following:Actuals This Year vs Actuals Prior YearActuals This Year vs Budgets This YearBudgets This Year vs Budgets Prior YearPicture below shows the selection of Actuals This Year vs Actuals Prior Year.Report Content Start Period and Comparative Start PeriodA user has the ability to select time periods for the Report Content and Comparative Content by the following:One specific Period (Month)Multiple Periods (Months)Summary Period (Quarters)Yearly TotalYear to DateFrom PeriodPicture below shows the selection of Actuals from April 2013 through September 2014.Picture below shows the Statement of Activities report with the above date range.Report OptionsA user has the ability to select the following to include or exclude from the report contents:Perform EliminationsInclude AdjustmentsInclude Final AllocationsInclude Pro Forma AllocationsExpand to DetailMark as FinalThe picture below shows the Ledger Details in the Revenue Ledger Category (using “Expand to Detail”).Saving your prompt selections (i.e. Saving Your Filters)The picture below shows the ability how a user can save their prompt selections by using the featured in Workday called “Saving Your Filters”.This particular user has 14 Saved Filters.Exporting directly into Microsoft ExcelThe picture below shows a button called “Send to Excel” – when a user selects this button the report content will be sent directly to Microsoft Excel.Analyzing the report Drill to the transaction detailsThe user has the ability to drill into any number that is highlighted in blue by simply clicking the number.Picture below shows a blue number and the subsequent drill into the details.248080764444200The drill path allows the user to drill into the Journal Line transaction details. The picture below shows the Journal Lines of the drill path.View By Additional Worktags (Slice and Dice the result set by Worktags)131570712668200The user has the ability to slice and dice any highlighted blue number by available Worktags by using the related action triangle ( ). The user can select two Worktags to view the data by.The user can then drill into the details of the newly created view.353060010148900Picture below shows a View By Spend Category and Period.Filtering the result set furtherThe user has the ability to further filter the result set by using the filter icon. The picture below shows a selection of one Spend Category using the filter function.Creating Charts and Graphs from the result setThe user has the ability to create a variety of charts and graphs from the View By result set by using the graph icon. The picture below shows a line graph of Expenses for three months. Note: Users have the choice of selecting a variety of chart types.Exporting results to ExcelThe user has the ability to export the results to Microsoft Excel by using the Excel Icon. Printing The user has the ability to print the report to a PDF by using the printer icon. The picture below shows a PDF view of a Balance Sheet.Trial BalanceDescriptionView a trial balance by companies / company. The consolidated trial balance displays only the ending balance. Replacements for the following reportsFRS Trial Balance (FBD043)Report Layout – Screen shotThe report layout displays:Ledger AccountsByBeginning BalanceDebit AmountCredit AmountEnding BalanceThe picture below shows the standard report layout of a Trial Balance.PromptsThe user can select the following prompts:CompanyLedgerBookYearSummary PeriodPeriodWorktagsFund AffiliateDisplay by OptionDisplay by Worktag TypeThe picture below shows the Prompt screen of the Trial Balance Report.Analyzing the ReportDrill to transaction detailsView by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags)Filtering the result set furtherCreating Charts and Graphs from the result setExporting results to ExcelPrintingThe user has the ability to analyze the Trial Balance in the above stated features. Please review section 3.10 for these details. Ledger ReportsDescriptionView Ledger Detail and Ledger Summary Reports by using the following Workday delivered reports:Ledger DetailLedger Account Activity SummaryLedger Account Activity Summary By SourceReplacements for the following reportsFRS Trail Balance (FBD043)Ledger Expenses by time periodsLedger DetailsMonthly Transaction DetailsReport Layout – Screen shot – Ledger DetailThe report layout displays:Ledger AccountsByPeriod (optional)Worktags (optional)Beginning BalanceDebitCreditEnding BalanceThe picture below shows the standard report layout including Spend Category included.The picture below shows the standard report layout including Spend Category by Period.PromptsThe user can select the following prompts:CompanyYearSummary PeriodsPeriodsLedgerDisplay Worktag LedgerWorktagsFund AffiliateBookLedger AccountsThe picture below shows the Prompt screen of the Ledger Detail Report.Analyzing the ReportDrill to transaction detailsView by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags)Filtering the result set furtherCreating Charts and Graphs from the result setExporting results to ExcelPrintingThe user has the ability to analyze the Ledger Detail in the above stated features. Please review section 3.10 for examples of these features. Pivot-like Reports (Summary Reports)DescriptionPivot-Like Reports in Workday are called “Matrix Reports” and have the ability to display transaction summaries by the following:4 Row Types2 Column TypesMany Metric Types: Actuals, Budgets, Debits, Credits, or Calculated Fields like “Variance to Budget”Analytical IndicatorsReplacements for the following reportsMonthly Ledger Report (all versions – Date Range, Sponsored Accounts, Multiple Accounts, FBM090, etc.)FRS Account Activity Crosstab (By Months, By Ledger, By Subcode)FRS Account Summaries by Subcodes, etc.Department Level Summaries by Subcodes, etc.Actuals vs Budget Reports by SubcodesCurrent Month vs FYTD Expense ReportingSL SnapshotsAny Summary Report not covered in Sections 3 - 5Report Layout – Screen shots – One FAO with 3 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric, Faceted Filtering:3 Rows: Ledger Account, Financial Account Category Name, Financial Account Category ID2 Columns: Year and Months1 Metric: Actual SpendFaceted FilteringAnalytical Indicator of Red Flag >= $100kMultiple FAO’s with 4 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric:4 Rows: Financial Activity Object (FAO), Ledger Account, Financial Account Category Name, Financial Account Category ID2 Columns: Year and Months1 Metric: Actual SpendAnalytical Indicator of Red Flag >= $100kCost Center with 4 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric:4 Rows: Cost Center, FAO (Financial Activity Object), Ledger Account, FAC (Financial Account Category)2 Columns: Year and Months1 Metric: Actual SpendAnalytical Indicator of Red Flag >= $100kCost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 1 Metric:2 Rows: Cost Center and FAO 2 Columns: Ledger Type and Ledger1 Metric: Actual SpendAnalytical Indicator of Red Flag >= $100kCost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 2 Metrics:2 Rows: Cost Center and FAO 2 Columns: Ledger Type and Ledger2 Metrics: Actual Spend and BudgetAnalytical Indicator of Red Flag >= $100kCost Center with 2 Rows, 2 Columns, 3 Metrics:2 Rows: Cost Center and FAO 2 Columns: Ledger Type and Ledger3 Metrics: Actual Spend, Budget, Variance Against BudgetLedger Account Summary with 3 Rows, 1 Columns, 5 Metrics:3 Rows: Ledger Account Summary, Period, Spend Category 1 Columns: Year5 Metrics: Current Month Spend, Current YTD Spend, Prior YTD, Prior Year End, % of Final PromptsThe user can from many prompts, but the typical prompts will be:CompanyLedger Account and SummaryYearPeriodsCost CenterFinancial Activity ObjectJournal SourcesThe picture below shows the Prompt screen of a typical Summary Report.Analyzing the ReportDrill to transaction detailsView by Additional Worktags (slice and dice the result set by Worktags)Filtering the result set furtherCreating Charts and Graphs from the result setExporting results to ExcelPrintingThe user has the ability to analyze the Ledger Detail in the above stated features. Please review section 3.10 for examples of these features. Spreadsheet-like Reports (Detail Reports)DescriptionSpreadsheet-like Reports in Workday are called “Advanced Reports” and these reports have the ability to display transacition details by the following: Unlimited Columns (essentially there is not a limit)Unlimited Metrics (essentially there is not a limit)Subtotaling and Outline totalingAnalytical IndicatorsBut, very limited drilling into the dataReplacements for the following reportsMonthly Transaction DetailsAny transaction details report not fulfilled by the drilling into reports in sections 3 - 6Report Layout – Screen shots – 8 Columns with FYTD Amounts with Subtotaling:Subototaling in the blue rows7 Columns with FYTD Amounts with Outline Totaling:Rows can be expanded using the + sign.57 Columns with Debits and Credits (data dump into Excel or Access): A report like this could be used to build additional reports in Excel or AccessFirst 10 columns are visible in the below picturePromptsThe user can from many prompts, but the typical prompts will be:CompanyLedger Account and SummaryYearPeriodsCost CenterFinancial Activity ObjectJournal SourcesThe picture below shows the prompts for the report created in Section 7.3.Analyzing the ReportDrill to JournalSome of the transaction detail reports will allow the user to drill into the Journal detail.Limited drilling and viewing by WorktagsFiltering the result set furtherExporting results to ExcelExcellent for exporting to ExcelPrintingThe user does not have the same amount of flexibility as summary reports, but the user can still leverage some features to anlayze the report. Please review section 3.10 for examples of these features. Find Journal Lines (Search Reports)DescriptionFind (Search) Reports provide users with the ability to search for Journals and then drill into the Journal details. Replacements for the following reportsMonthly Transaction DetailsTransaction Search ReportsAny transaction search reportReport Layout – Screen shots – Approximately 12 - 20 Columns PromptsThe user can select from many prompts, but the typical prompts will be:CompanyLedger Account and SummaryYearPeriodsJournal NumberStatusJournal SourcesWorktagsThe picture below shows the typical prompt page for Find JournalsAnalyzing the ReportLimited analysis due to the purpose of this report.WorkletsDescriptionWorklets are designed to provide users with “at a glance” information to help the user review, monitor, and/or make quick decisions based on a very specific report criteria. Worklets appear on the user’s home screen in Workday and can be lists or graphs.Default WorkletsPrior to Go-Live, a set of default Worklets may be created for groups of users.An example of a Default Worklet is “Manage Favorites”. The following is a screen shot of “Manage Favorites”.Customized WorkletsPrior to Go-Live, a set of customized Worklets may be created for groups of users. An example of a Customized Worklet is a report that highlights very specific criteria. The following is an example of a Worklet that highlights Supplier Payments over $25,000 with a Red Flag. ................

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