Personal Finance

Personal Finance

Instructor: Mr. Cooper

Textbook: Managing Your Personal Finances Joan Ryan


The purpose of this course is to orient students to their role as consumers in the free enterprise system and to help them learn basic economic principles. Students will be able to manage their personal resources by making informed choices as consumers in the marketplace.


• Book

• Notebook

• Pencil

Class Rules

• Be on time

• Treat others as you want to be treated

• Follow all rules in student handbook

Grading Scale

90%-100% A

80%-89% B

70%-79% C

60%-69% D

Topics Covered

Ch. 1 Careers

Ch. 2 Planning Your Career

Ch. 3 Getting a job

Ch. 6 Pay and Benefits

Ch. 7 Income Tax

Ch. 8 Budgeting

Ch. 9 Checking Accounts

Ch. 10 Saving

Ch. 11 Investing

Ch. 12 Stocks

Ch. 16 Credit

Ch. 21 Housing

Ch. 23 Automobiles

Ch. 25 Insurance


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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