Strategic Planning Workshop 2017 - Amazon S3

Strategic Planning Workshop Worksheets?2017 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SHRM.Table of ContentsPageAgenda3Mission Statement Worksheet4Vision Statement Worksheet5Environmental Scanning Worksheet6Environmental Scanning Worksheet – SWOT analysis7Environmental Scanning Worksheet – gap analysis8Primary Objectives Worksheet9SMART Goals Worksheet10Action Plan Worksheet11Budgeting Questions12Execution Worksheet13Evaluation Worksheet14Dulles SHRM - Strategic Planning Workshop JK Moving, Sterling, VA9:00-4:00WORKSHOP OBJECTIVESDiscuss the value of Strategic PlanningWalk through the Strategic Planning Life Cycle Facilitate activities to write clear Mission and Vision StatementsFacilitate activities to identify Primary ObjectivesFacilitate activities to develop SMART GoalsFacilitate activities to develop Action PlansDiscuss the fundamentals of Strategic BudgetingDiscuss execution of the Strategic Plan Discuss evaluation of the Strategic PlanPREP WORKWORKSHEET ACTIVITY: Dulles SHRM Mission & Vision StatementsWORKSHEET ACTIVITY: Dulles SHRM Environmental Scanning and Analysis (Highs/Lows Analysis)AGENDA15 minutesWelcome / IntroductionsKaren Edmonds30 minutesIntroduction to Strategic Planning What is Strategic Planning and Why Plan Strategic Planning Life CycleKaren Edmonds60 minutesStrategic Planning Life Cycle – CLARIFY Mission & Vision StatementsKaren Edmonds10 minutesBreak90 minutesStrategic Planning Life Cycle – CLARIFY Finalize Highs/Lows AnalysisKaren Edmonds Gap Analysis & SWOT AnalysisAll30 minutesLunch / NetworkingAll90 minutesStrategic Planning Life Cycle – PLAN Primary Objectives, SMART Goals, and Action PlanningGROUP ACTIVITIES: Determine Primary Objectives Develop SMART Goals Develop Action PlansKaren EdmondsAll10 minutesBreak15 minutesStrategic Planning Life Cycle – PLAN Strategic Budgeting Karen Edmonds30 minutesStrategic Planning Life Cycle – EXECUTE & EVALUATE Execution & Evaluation PlansGROUP ACTIVITIES: Develop Execution & Evaluation PlansKaren EdmondsAll15 minutesWrap-up / Closing RemarksBeth van BurkMission Statement WorksheetA Mission Statement defines the organization’s purpose and the reason why it exists. It clarifies who is being served and what products or services the organization provides. It is different from, but correlates to the vision.Review the sample mission statements below. Individually circle the words on the words you feel most closely resemble the chapter/state council’s purpose.Next, at your table come up with the words the group feels should be included in the chapter/state council’s mission statement.Sample Mission Statements:Texas Bay Area SHRM: The mission of Texas Bay Area SHRM is to provide a personalized experience for Human Resources professionals and serve our members by providing a collaborative environment where our members can leverage the shared knowledge, while also providing developmental opportunities and resources to advance the profession.North Texas SHRM: The North Texas Society for Human Resource?Management (NTSHM) is the SHRM chapter for the?Denton area. With?hundreds of members?representing dozens of?area employers and more than 30 hours of?continuing education?opportunities each year, NTSHRM is the place to network, share, and learn with the HR community. NTSHRM serves as a?catalyst to facilitate the?organized effort of?professional growth and?development in the?business community?pertaining to current and emerging?human resource issues.Hill Country Human Resource Management Association: HCHRMA’s vision is to elevate the recognized value of Human Resource professionals as essential strategic business partners.HCHRMA’s mission is to provide area human resource professionals with an active membership community in which they gain knowledge, support and networking opportunities for the enhancement of their career satisfaction and professional contributions.Stillwater Area Human Resource Association: To be recognized and respected as an organization, which promotes the development of Human Resource professionals into strategic business partners within their organizations by providing professional growth through development programs, networking opportunities, and community service projects.SHRM Rio Grande Valley: Our mission is to:Facilitate growth and advancement of HR professionals through education, research, and advocacy.Build and sustain partnerships between members to add value to their respective organizations.Create a strong network of knowledgeable HR professionals within our community.Lower Valley SHRM: Lower Valley Chapter’s mission is to promote professionalism, effectiveness, and understanding in the Human Resource Management field by offering members a wide variety of professional development opportunities and a common forum for sharing ideas and experiences. LVC serves its members by:Providing a range of educational programming and activities that allow members to develop their expertise in the functional areas of Human Resource Management; Fostering increased awareness and understanding of the Human Resource profession throughout the business community and the general public; Encouraging the highest standards of integrity through our Code of Ethics; Providing a regular forum for members to meet and exchange information in addressing current human resource issues. Williamson County HRMA (WilcoHR): WilcoHR’s mission is to serve the Professional, Advance the Profession.San Antonio HRMA: The mission of the San Antonio Human Resource Management Association is to achieve and maintain the highest level of membership loyalty and provide our members with unsurpassed value, satisfaction, service, and opportunity for personal and professional growth. Mission Statement WorksheetWrite your group’s current Mission Statement:Document the chapter Mission Statement. Vision Statement WorksheetA Vision Statement defines an optimistic view of the organization's future. It provides long-term direction and a sense of purposeful action. It is far reaching, but attainable and correlates to the mission.Review the sample vision statements below. Individually circle the words you feel most closely resemble the chapter/state council’s long-term direction.Next, at your table come up with the words the group feels should be included in the chapter/state council’s vision statement.Sample Vision Statements:Texas Bay Area SHRM: Texas Bay Area SHRM is an affiliate of the Society of Human Resource Management serving the Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris County communities. Texas Gulf Coast SHRM is dedicated to empowering its members by serving the professional and advancing the profession in human capital management, industry best practices, networking, collaboration and advocacy for all Human Resources experiences.Coastal Bend SHRM: The vision of the Coastal Bend SHRM is to advance the HR profession as a leading resource for HR professionals in education, personal growth and collaboration with other organizations.We are an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management. Whether you are new to the HR field or have many years of experience, we are a local starting point for networking, information, professional development and continued support of excellence in Human Resources.Williamson County HRMA (WilcoHR): WilcoHR strives to be the leader in strategic human resource management by advancing the profession and supporting our members and the community we serve. We commit to do this by: Continuing to gain recognition as the leader in human resource managementProviding high-quality dynamic and responsive programs and services for our membersBeing the voice of the profession responding to HRM issues in the local areaSupporting the development of current and aspiring HR professionalsFacilitating the development and guiding the direction of the HR profession in the local area while promoting the highest standards of ethics and diversity Encouraging cooperation and networking among members and their organizationsContinuing to support SHRM and its efforts to establish, monitor and update standards for the professionSan Antonio HRMA: The San Antonio Human Resource Management Association is the collective voice of human resource professionals in Central and South Texas, and the leader of choice in advancing the human resources profession in all communities served through strategies, mission critical ideas, and forums.Vision Statement WorksheetDocument your individual brainstorm to draft or revise the Vision Statement. Document your group’s draft or revised Vision Statement. Environmental Scanning WorksheetHistorical trend analysis is the process of comparing business data over time to identify any consistent results or trends. Trend analysis provides insights on factors that impact organizational performance so that strategies can be developed to respond to trends. Document the historical HIGHS and LOWS for your organization over the last three years. In addition, document the KEY internal and external factors impacting the HIGHS and LOWS. HIGHSWhat are our celebrations from the last three years? Where have we made a difference?LOWSWhat were the disappointments? What didn’t happen as planned?Environmental Scanning Worksheet – SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a review by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats. The quality of the SWOT analysis will be determined in large part by the research done prior to it. Consider the below questions and document your organization’s SWOT. Strengths: What positive internal elements should we use, which are or could be better than other organizations? Weaknesses: What negative internal elements should we stop as they could potentially give others an edge?Opportunities: What positive external conditions should we focus on for potential strategic benefit?Threats: What negative external conditions require awareness and possible defense to not impede our success? STRENGTHSINTERNALPositive element that is under your control and through planning you could USE it to create competitive advantage WEAKNESSESINTERNALNegative element that is under your control and through planning you can STOP to avoid objective/goal derailmentOPPORTUNITESEXTERNAL Positive condition that is out of your control, but through planning, you could BENEFIT FROM it as an advantageTHREATSEXTERNALNegative condition that is out of your control, but through planning, you could DEFEND AGAINST it to reduce the impactEnvironmental Scanning Worksheet – GAP Analysis Gap analysis is the process of identifying the gaps you need to overcome to get from where you are now, or your current state, to where you want to be, or your desired state. Document your organization’s current state and desired state. Results of the SWOT Analysis and Historical Trend Analysis (Highs/Lows) are sources for documenting your current state priorities. Identify performance gaps and what will need to be adopted, eliminated, changed, or overcome to achieve your vision.Current StateWhere are we now?Desired StateWhere do we want to be?GAPKey factors for change?PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Worksheet PRIMARY OBJECTIVES and goals are loosely interchangeable; goals are subset of objectives. Primary objectives result from the prioritization of the critical issues. They are broad statements describing the end state, towards which goals and action plans are directed. Think directional and save specific and measurable language for SMART Goal development.Given the results of the environmental scan and SWOT analysis, what are the TOP 3-5 Primary Objectives your organization should focus on for the next 3-5 Years. Document your organization’s primary objectives. Document one Primary Objective that your group is assigned for the chapter:Primary Objective What are the perceived barriers?SMART GOal Worksheet SMART Goals are your most important strategies and are driven by your primary objectives. They provide detail to primary objective direction and set targets so that action plans can be developed. Consider the below questions and document your organization’s SMART Goals.Specific: Answers questions like: Who is involved? What will we accomplish? How much change is needed?Measurable: Answers questions like: How much? How many? How will we know when it is accomplished?Attainable: List resources needed; consider if you have the resources needed or if you can obtain them.Relevant: Answers questions like: Why this is important to our customer? How does this align to strategy? Time-bound: Ensure a clearly defined time-frame including deadline.Document at least one SMART Goal for the Primary Objective your group is assigned for the chapter:SMART GoalsACTION PLAN Worksheet ACTION PLANS provide a road map to implement strategy. They reflect the key actions associated with SMART Goals. Action Plans involve specific activities, responsibility levels, time frames, and outcomes.Consider the below questions and document your organization’s Action Plans.WHAT specifically needs to be done? START WITH A SMART GOALHOW will it be done? PLAN SPECIFIC ACTION ITEMSWHO will be responsible? ESTABLISH OWNERSWHEN will it get done? ESTABLISH A TIMELINE, MILESTONES, AND A COMPLETION DATE What will the OUTCOMES look like? ENSURE GOAL OWNERS ARE WELL-ACQUAINTED WITH TARGETSAction PlanNING OVERVIEW(What?)Primary Objective:SMART Goal: Resources:Action PlanAction Item (How?)Owner (Who?)Due Date(When?)Outcome(TARGET)CONTINGENCY PLANNING(WHAT IF?)Potential Barriers:Contingency Plan:Budgeting questions Do you spend money and budget to further the mission?Do you spend money or budget for anything that is not in your mission/goals?Where is the money spent? Do you track what your cost centers are? Do you have a one-year strategic plan? How about a 3-year and a 5-year plan?Does your budget cover only one year? What do you want to accomplish in 3 or 5 years? Do you have a budget plan for that? Does your strategic plan show who will do what by when and for how much?If you no longer had income from your primary sources (dues, conferences, sponsors), where would your income originate? What other ways could you earn income?Have you considered how the changing markets might affect your budget or goals?Are your officers accountable for staying within budget and cost-cutting?Do you develop your budget well in advance of the upcoming fiscal year, or after the year begins?Do you align your revenue to your expenses?Do you monitor the budget all year, or is that left to only the treasurer? Consider a strategic planning/budgeting committee who is tasked with aligning the goals and strategic plan to the budget and monitoring progress.Do you change the budget during the year to meet unforeseen circumstances, or do you leave it until the end of the year?Your budget should not just be the monthly checking account statement and/or a list of income and expenses. Explain in writing any variances between the original budget and year-to-date financial resultsDocument expenditures and revenue trends so you will see where money is being spentIncorporate the current year’s spending trends into next year’s budgetUpdate the strategic plan and budget based on thisAlways allow for a budget surplus to meet any unforeseen expenses; budget should be flexible, not static; always have a contingency planBudget conservatively, but with a bit of padding to meet any overagesDo you conduct a quarterly (at least) analysis of variance to make budget corrections as you go?EXECUTION Worksheet Execution is the most important and difficult thing about strategic planning. It is critical to ensure that your organization is aware of the strategic plan and that habits are established to foster an execution mindset with FOLLOW THROUGH. Consider the below questions and document your organization’s habits to foster an execution mindset. How and to whom will we communicate our primary objectives/goals?Who will be on the implementation teams?What roles will everyone have?What training and development is necessary to better position us for the future?EVALUATION Worksheet EVALUATION is monitoring the right data at the right time to help people make better decisions, learn what doesn’t work and correct it. Test for visibility to what works well it can be adapted and replicated. Consider the below and document your organization’s evaluation plan. How often should we meet to review our status? Ensure continual review of progress against goals and gaps in planning.Watch for changes in membership, finances, local competition, and other items from your original Environmental Scanning and SWOT Analysis.If something is not working, re-think the use of valuable resources and consider alternate plans. ................

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