70 years Israel 1948-2018 50 years Jerusalem 1968-2018 ...

[Pages:1]The Jewish Time Calculation from the Creation of the World

The truth of the calendar of G-d

70 years Israel 1948-2018 50 years Jerusalem 1968-2018 6000 years G-d, Millennium of G-d

Bloodmonde - Lunar Tetrad (German) Pictures about lunar tetrad List of 21st-century lunar eclipses List of solar eclipses in the 21st century

Foundation of Israel 14.05.1948 (1948-1950)

State of Israel


5930-5932 5708-5711 1948-1950

Beginn. Israel 30.01.5930 30.01.5708 09.05.1948 Nissan May Day 1, Sunday

State of Israel 05.02.5930 05.02.5708 14.05.1948 Iyar-May

Day 6, Friday

Solar eclipse 29.07.5930 29.07.5709 01.11.1948 Tishrei-Nov. Day 2, Monday

1. Passover

15.01.5931 14.01.5709 13.04.1949 Nissan-April Day 4, Wednesday

2. Sukkot

15.07.5931 14.07.5710 07.10.1949 Tishrei-Oct. Day 6, Friday

3. Passover

15.01.5932 15.01.5710 02.04.1950 Nissan-April Day 1, Sunday

Jew. New Year 01.07.5932 01.07.5711 12.09.1950 Tishrei-Sept. Day 3, Tuesday

4. Sukkot

15.07.5932 15.07.5711 26.09.1950 Tishrei-Sept. Day 3, Tuesday

Total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse

Independence Day Period 1940-1949 worldwide


UTC Period 1950-1959 worldwide

02:30:00 Solar Eclipse 1948, 8./9. May

State of Israel


06:07:00 Solar Eclipse 1948, 1. November


05:13:00 1. Lunar Eclipse 1949, 13. April


05:56:00 2. Lunar Eclipse 1949, 7. October


22:44:00 3. Lunar Eclipse 1950, 2. April

03:40:00 Solar Eclipse 1950, 12. September


05:28:00 4. Lunar Eclipse 1950, 26. Sept.

Total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse

Six-Day War of Israel 5.06.-10.06.1967 (1967-1968)


5949-5950 5727-5729 1967-1968

1. Passover

15.01.5949 14.01.5727 24.04.1967 Nissan-April

Beg. Juni-War 26.02.5949 26.02.5727 05.06.1967 Iyar-June

End Juni-War 02.03.5949 02.03.5727 10.06.1967 Sivan-June

Jerusalem conquers

2. Sukkot

15.07.5949 14.07.5728 18.10.1967 Tishrei-Oct.

solar eclipse 29.07.5949 29.07.5728 02.11.1967 Tishrei-Nov.

3. Passover

15.01.5950 15.01.5728 13.04.1968 Nissan-April

Jerusalem Day 28.02.5950 28.02.5728 26.05.1968 Iyar-May

Jew. New Year *) 01.07.5950 29.06.5728*) 22.09.1968 Elul-Tishr.-Sept.

4. Sukkot

15.07.5950 14.07.5729 06.10.1968 Tishrei-Oct.

*) 01.07.5729 one day afterwards

Six-Day War

Day 2, Monday Day 2, Monday Day 7, Shabbat

Day 4, Wednesday Day 3, Tuesday Day 7, Shabbat Day 1, Sunday Day 1, Sunday Day 1, Sunday

Jerusalem Day

Period 1960-1969 worldwide



12:06:00 1. Lunar Eclipse 1967, 24. April

Six-Day War

Salvation Jerusalem Isa. 52: HE promises salvation to Jerusalem

Zion, city of David 2 Samuel 5:7

10:15:00 2. Lunar Eclipse 1967, 17./18. Oct.

05:38:00 Solar Eclipse 1967, 2. November


05:08:00 3. Lunar Eclipse 1968, 13. April

Salvation Jerusalem Joel 3


13:39:00 Solar Eclipse 1968, 22. September

11:41:00 4. Lunar Eclipse 1968, 6. October

translated in English on 7.09.2017 JTC-V16en Jewish time Calculation

24 Page

Copy Right 16.04.2017 Time calculator: Hubert Brumm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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