P-5729/08EN Directive, which is expected to be formally ...

P-5729/08EN Answer given by Ms Kuneva on behalf of the Commission (18.11.2008) Contrary to what the Honourable Member claims, the Commission takes consumer protection within the field of travelling and holidays most seriously. The purchase of a holiday constitutes an important part of many households' budget and it is naturally of utmost importance that the consumer feels safe and gets the services he has the right to expect. To mention some examples of recent actions to safeguard consumer's interest in this field: Parliament has voted in favour of a new Timeshare Directive, which is expected to be formally approved by the Council shortly. This new Directive will considerably increase the level of protection for buyers of timeshare and will also cover new holiday products. Moreover, within the new Enforcement Network, the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Network, which links up the enforcement authorities from the 27 Member States and Norway and Iceland, a joint Internet market surveillance (sweep) coordinated by the Commission on the online sale of airline tickets was carried out in 2007. As regards more specifically package tours, the Commission is aware that Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel1 , package holidays and package tours needs to be updated. There is a need for a clearer set of consumer rules adapted to today's market realities. The Directive is one of eight directives subject to the review of the consumer acquis. The Commission services have carried out a public consultation to collect stakeholders' views and input on a possible revision of the Directive. The outcome of the consultation demonstrates that there is consensus for a revision of the Directive. In view of a likely revision of the Directive, the Commission intends to carry out a thorough impact assessment in 2009. The Commission services have also just launched a study on consumer detriment in the field of package travel, the outcome of which will feed into the impact assessment. Subject to the outcome of the impact assessment, to be launched in 2009, the Commission expects to be able to present a proposal in 2010.

1 OJ L 158, 23.6.1990.


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