Tennessee Child Support Handbook

Child Support


Rev. 07/2022


Child Support Handbook for Custodial and Noncustodial Parents

Table of Contents

Our Mission ................... Page 3

Closing Your Case¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­.Page 20

What is Child Support .. Pages 4-5

Complaint Process¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­Pages 21-22

Services Available¡­¡­¡­.Pages 6-10

FAQs (Custodial Parents)¡­..Pages 23-26

Service Limitations¡­¡­..Pages 10-11

FAQs (Noncustodial Parents)..Pages 27-28

Applying for Services ... Pages 11-12

Resources¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­..Pages 29-34

Payments ....................... Pages 13-18

Glossary¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­..Pages 35-40

Right to Appeal .............. Pages 19

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To build strong families by connecting Tennesseans to employment, education and support services.


Families come in all shapes, forms, and sizes and when parents are members of different households,

ensuring children are supported can be challenging and emotionally taxing for all parties involved. The

Child Support Division at the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) works with the court

system and a variety of partners to help Tennessee parents navigate the challenges of parenting from

different households. Locating parents, establishing paternity, review and adjustment of child support

orders, and enforcing child and medical support orders are all part of this division¡¯s duties.

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About this Handbook

Understanding your rights as a parent or guardian and Child Support program participant can help

ensure your child receives the resources they need to grow and be well.

Use this handbook as a guide for the TDHS Child Support Program and related services, rights and

responsibilities, State fees, cost recovery and distribution policies. Additional information is available

online when you visit .

A glossary of Child Support Program Terms and Frequently Asked Questions can be found at the end of this


What is Child Support and How Does it Work in Tennessee?

Child Support aims to ensure children have their financial and health care needs met by parents and

guardians who may be members of different households.

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What parties are involved with in Child Support?

In Tennessee, child support services and programing may involve a combination the following parties:

? Custodial parents or guardians

? Noncustodial parents or guardians

? Children under 18

? Private attorneys representing parents, guardians, or children

? The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) Child Support Program and/or private

agencies under contract with the State.

? The local District Attorney¡¯s Office

? Employers

Tennessee Department of Human Services and Child Support

Not all child support cases involve the state Tennessee Department of Human Services Child

Support Program. Many cases are handled by private attorneys or by the parents themselves with

no governmental involvement. These cases are usually referred to as ¡°private¡± or ¡°non-IV-D.¡± The

term ¡°IV-D¡± (pronounced ¡°four dee¡±), as in ¡°IV-D program¡± or ¡°IV-D case¡± comes from the location of

the original legislation that created the Child Support Program within Title IV-D of the Social Security


A child support matter becomes an IV-D case when the child and a parent receive public assistance,

Rev. 07/2022



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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