Alvah and Forglen Comunity Council

Alvah and Forglen Community Council

19th September 2016

Alvah and Forglen Community Council are looking into the possibility of starting a community broadband project, with support from Community Broadband Scotland (CBS).

Currently, most postcodes especially in the Alvah area will not benefit from the main Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme, which is rolling out fibre broadband across Scotland. However, working together with CBS, we are looking to find the best technical solution for our area to receive a better broadband service through an alternative method.

Who are CBS?

Community Broadband Scotland (CBS) is a Scottish Government initiative delivered by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), which supports rural and remote communities like ours to gain access to superfast broadband where fibre broadband is not being rolled out.

CBS works with communities across Scotland, offering them specialist advice and expertise as well as capital funding so that community-led broadband solutions can flourish, narrowing the digital divide.

What we need you to do

In order for a community broadband project to proceed, we need to gather information from the local community to determine the level of interest in any proposed local broadband scheme.

We kindly ask you to fill out the questionnaire about your current broadband service and your expectations from an improved broadband service.

Any information you give will only be used in relation to the provision of broadband services in your area and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire or the proposed community broadband project, please contact secretary.alvahforglencc@

Thank you for your help.

Alvah and Forglen Community Council

Community Broadband Questionnaire

Name of Community: Postcode:

Your Current Broadband Service

1. Are you a home or a business?

Home Business

2. Are you able to use the internet at this address? Yes

If you are unable to access broadband, please proceed to Q7

3. Which internet service provider are you currently subscribed to? (i.e. BT, Virgin, Sky etc.)

4. How much do you currently pay for your broadband each month?

5. If you are tied into your current contract, state how long for (if known):

6. How would you rate your current broadband connection (please tick)?

Poor Satisfactory Excellent

7. Speed Test: Please run the speed test at and enter your results below:

Download Speed (mbps): Upload Speed (mbps):

A Community Broadband Project

8. Would you be interested in accessing a faster broadband network? Yes / No

8.1 Ideally, what speed would you like to be able to access in megabits per second (please tick)?

Up to 15mbps 16-30mbps 30mbps+

NB: With a speed of 10mbps, you should be able to stream good quality video to one device. A speed of around 20mbps will allow multiple devices to be connected to the internet simultaneously. For a business, speeds of 30mbps+ will allow your employees to work effectively at the same time, swap large files and access the cloud.

8.2 If yes, how much would you be willing to pay per month for a faster broadband (please tick)?

£10-£19 £20-£29 £30-£39 £40-£49 £50+

8.3 If you had a faster broadband connection, would you use it for home or business use (please r tick)?

Home Business Both

9. How many users in your home or business would want/need access to the network?

Adults Children

10. Would you be interested in using a community-owned broadband network? Yes / No

11. If you had access to a faster connection, do you think it would enable your household to increase its income (e.g. homeworking, new markets for your business etc.)? Yes / No

11.1 If yes, how much extra income do you think your household would gain per month?

N.B. We are asking this simply to evaluate what benefit a faster broadband network would have on the local community.

12. If you had a faster broadband connection, what would you use it for? (Tick all that apply)

Browsing the internet/email Working from Home

Streaming TV/Films (e.g. Netflix) Accessing Public Services

Running your own business Social Networking (Facebook, Skype)

Other (Please Specify)

13. Do you have any other comments related to your internet service?

14. Would you be willing to become involved or support a local community organisation seeking to deliver a high-speed broadband service?

Interested in getting involved in my local area

May consider offering sponsorship or other support

I am not interested at this time

15. Please provide us with your contact details. These will only be used in relation to the provision of broadband services in your area and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent.



Postcode: Telephone Number:


Please tick if you do not want the above information kept on file to contact you with further information as to the progress of this feasibility study. Your contact information will be kept strictly private and not passed to any third parties without your written consent.

Thank you for taking part in this survey.

For information on Community Broadband Scotland, please visit:

Please Return Completed Surveys by 21st October 2016 to:

Alvah and Forglen Community Council

E-mail: secretary.alvahforglencc@

or via mail to:

The Secretary

Alvah and Forglen Community Council

The Cottage

Kirkton of Alvah

Banff AB45 3US

All personal data will be destroyed following completion of this survey and processing of it's results.

Only anonymised summary data will be retained such as current broadband speeds, desired broadband speeds, costs etc.

By default your contact information will be kept on file to provide further information to you on any Community Broadband initiative unless you have indicated in Question 15 above that you do not wish for this to be done.

I consent to the processing of any personal information provided in this questionnaire for the purposes of this survey. I understand that such information will be treated in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.




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