Roll and Read

254000-88908394700-97790Roll and Read (Yellow)12345She saved every letter her grandmother gave her.In five years the account would grow to $6,381.41.Nickels, dimes, and quarters quickly add up to dollars. At the end of the year, they compared their money.The teller gave Megan a book to record her deposits.Megan was puzzled about how he did it. If she saved five dollars each week, she would reach her goal.And with the interest earned in a bank savings account, you may be rich in savings sooner than you think. If you need to take money out of your bank account, you will not be fined. Kyle receives an allowance of five dollars a week. Mom explained that Megan and Kyle had saved their money in two different ways.Megan and her mom went downtown to open a savings account. Keep your goal in mind and don’t give up. Your money will earn interest for as long as you keep it in the bank.Kyle donates one dollar to a food bank at the grocery store for people who do not have enough to eat. Mom said that money grows in a bank savings account. Then the teller told Megan about the bank savings club. You’ll have fun watching your money grow! Why do I want to save money? How much do I want to save? Ask an adult to help you get started on a savings plan. Imagine putting $5,000.00 in a savings account for college. Megan was excited to be a savings club member. Megan and Kyle had each saved $10.00 a month for one year. At the bank, Megan wrote her name, address, and other information on a form. Remember to make a plan that allows you to save money but gives you some spending money too.If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read.254000-88908394700-97790Roll and Read (Green)12345If you follow a budget, you might become rich one day!Do you ever think about how much money you spend? Do you have more income or more expenses? Saving money is an important way to plan for your future.A deficit means you don’t have enough income to pay for your expenses. These are expenses. Lunch at school, movie tickets, and toys are expenses.But you didn’t have as much money as you thought you did. But if your expenses are less than your income, you have a surplus! Going to college costs a lot of money. Next, list the things you spend money on. You can borrow money from your parents.First list all the money you received in one week. Deposit that saved money in a bank, and the bank will pay you interest. Interest is money you earn for letting the bank hold your money. You might have been fined for an overdue library book. But then you will have a debt. You will owe your parents some money. Allowance, lunch and snack money, gift money, and money you earn from dong chores are income. Here are some budgeting tips.Make a budget now and start saving for your future! A budget is a play for your money. Maybe you could hold a yard sale. Now you can use your math skills. Maybe you could do chores at home or for neighbors. If your expenses are more than your income, you have a deficit.It helps you know the amount of money you will spend and save.If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read.254000-88908394700-97790Roll and Read (Blue)12345We are standing outside the United States Mint in Philadelphia. Ms. Chesterfield continued to read from the long list.However, we continue to print them with grooved edges. Johnnie had been giving me a tough time before Maggie had beaten him in the battle of the mind game. The next room had panels with large replicas of coins and their histories.On the other hand, you might not know Maggie McGee.This mint makes pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half and whole dollars.Those questions about the men and women on the coins. Our class had brainstormed a list of questions we wanted answered about the mint. I dashed after Maggie as she told me about the people on the coins.The ride to Philadelphia didn’t take long and soon we were standing outside the mint.We just answered question number one, and it only took us a few minutes! Maggie crossed her arms and smiled when I finally caught up and finished filling in the answers. Maggie and I decided right then to be partners. He, too, was the president, and helped write the Declaration of Independence. Maggie and I were especially excited. He surprised his students and announced that they would try them all. The cooks have prepared a lunch for the class. A man in a blue uniform came out and greeted our class. I looked over at the table next to us with new interest. Inside the mint, Ms. Chesterfield reviewed the list of questions that our class had put together. In the next room we stood behind thick plate-glass windows, staring at the huge machines. I couldn’t find my answers to question seven inside the gift show so I left. On the other side of the metal detectors was a huge lobby.Finish up, class. We’ll be learning the mint in a few mints. If you roll a 6, choose 1 block to read. ................

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