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Completati datele si veti primi un mesaj de confirmare


Click pe mesajul albastru



Click sign in now


Click Sign in


Click create


Browse file from your computer


Selectati – open


write the puzzle names (Scrie numele puzzle)

select how many puzzle pieces have (move your mouse cursor left or right) – cate piese doriti (mutati cursorul spre stanga sau dreapta)

select shape (selectati gorma pieselor)

create (down)

click embed


Selectati codul ( the cod)


Click right to cod selected, Copy (click dreapta pe cod, Copy)

In TwinSpace, Project activityes, I’m, We are…., blog


Add blog entry

Write title (scrie titlul)

Click Sursa


Click right Paste (Click dreapta, Paste)


Click Publish


and here the result: (Si iata rezultatul)


Nu uita sa salvezi. Il vei regasi in My Public Puzzles)

Do not forget to save the puzzle! (saved Games) ! You will find in My Public Puzzles.


Ok? Succes!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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