
Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Prekindergarten Programs for Children with Disabilities

Suggested Measurable Goals and Benchmarks


Communication Skills

Receptive-Expressive Language Skills Pages 3-5

• Following Directions

• Choice Making

• Picture Symbol Discrimination

• Communicating Simple Messages

• Conversational Language

• Verbal Behavior

o Receptive

o Expressive

Conforming Behavior Skills / Transitioning / Frustration Tolerance Page 6

• Performing tasks

• Transitioning and Use of Schedules

• Expressing feelings and dealing with frustration

Early Literacy Skills Pages 7-8

• Book Skills

• Oral Language

• Phonological Awareness

o Word awareness

o Rhyming

o Compound words

o Syllable awareness

o Alliteration

• Concepts of Print

• Comprehension

Fine Motor Skills Pages 9-10

• Sensory

• Cutting

• Manipulation

Gross Motor Skills Pages 11-12

On-Task Behavior Skills / Transitioning / Attentive Listening / Attending Pages 13-14

• Attentive Listening/Following Commands

• Attending

• Transitioning and Use of Schedules

• Individual Work Basket System

Play Skills Page 15

• Adapted Play

• Functional Play

Pre-academic Skills Pages 16-17

• Geometry and Spatial Sense

• Algebraic Thinking

• Number Sense and Operations

• Data Analysis and Probability

• Measurement

Pre-writing Skills Page 18

Self-Help Skills Page 19

• Feeding

• Toileting

• Dressing

Social Skills Pages 20-21


These goals and benchmarks were written and/or compiled by the following;

• Lourdes Murphy

• Paula Blair

• Laura Cawley

• Violet McNamara

• Sheila Miguel

• Claudia Monsalve

• Sandy Tables

• Kathy Velazquez

Some goals and ideas from TEAACH.

Communication Skills

Receptive-Expressive Language Skills

|Student will localize to sounds/voices |

| Alerts to sounds/voices |

| Turns eyes/head (to either side, up or down) to find sounds/voices |

|Student will vocalize pleasure sounds in response to voices |

| Smiles and looks at speaker |

| Coos open mouth sounds or babbles |

Following Directions

|Student will respond when name is called |

| Looks to speaker when name is called |

| Comes when name is called |

|Student will follow _____ (familiar/new) one step directions in context |

| Complies with direction with physical/gestural cue |

| Follows direction with picture cue |

|Student will follow _____ (familiar/new) two step directions in context |

| Complies with direction with physical/gestural cue |

| Follows direction with picture cue |

Choice Making

|Student will request recurrence of a simple activity (EX: clapping, rocking, I Love You Ritual) |

| Touches adult’s/peer’s hand to continue the activity |

| Makes a request to “do it again” or similar message (optional: using voice output) |

|Student will choose between 2 objects offered at planning time and use/play with it for _____ minutes |

| Chooses one of two objects offered |

| Plays with a chosen object |

note: (optional: substitute “pictures” for “objects”)

Picture Symbol Discrimination

|Student will purposefully choose an object/activity from an array of ____ pictures |

| Chooses a picture from array of preferred choices and neutral choice(s) |

| Avoids the neutral choice(s) consistently |

Communicating Simple Messages

|Student will direct the actions of an adult/peer during simple play (optional: using eye gaze, pictures, voice output) |

| Chooses an action to be performed with an object/toy |

| Makes a comment about the play activity |

|Student will greet peers/adults at arrival or greeting times (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Looks at peer/adult and respond with a greeting when greeted |

| Initiates a greeting |

Communication Skills

Receptive-Expressive Language Skills


|Student will make a plan for work time activities using _____ word phrases (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Names material(s) and preferred play area |

| Names an action(s) to be performed with the material(s) |

note: see more complex, but similar goal in “Conversational Language” below


|Student will recall work time activities using _____ word phrases (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Names materials used and area played in |

| Names an action(s) performed |

note: see more complex, but similar goal in “Conversational Language” below

Conversational Language


|Student will make a plan for work time activities using at least ____ details in full sentences (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Tells what materials he/she will need and what he/she will do |

| Tells how he/she plans to do it |


|Student will recall work time activities using at least _____ details in full sentences (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Tells what materials were used and what she/he did |

| Tells how she/he did it |

|Student will answer questions about play activities recently performed using _____ words (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Tells “what” she/he was doing (describing materials/actions used) |

| Tells “how” she/he did it |

|Student will label and objects and actions during play using _____ words (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Labels objects he/she is using |

| Uses action words/verb forms related to play |

|Student will initiate and maintain a conversational topic in play for at least _____ exchanges (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Gives or responds to a play idea |

| Expands on a play idea by commenting about on-going play/by asking or answering questions about play |

|Student will answer “wh” questions about a story with a complete sentence (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Tells “what” happened and “who” the story is about |

| Tells “where” the story takes place |

note: for a higher goal, “when”, “how” and/or “why” may be substituted for the benchmarks above

|Student will ask 2-3 questions (what, who, how, where) of an adult or a peer to gain information about new materials/activities (optional: using pictures, voice |

|output) |

| Answers questions about the new materials/activities |

| Asks questions about the new materials/activities |

Communication Skills

Receptive-Expressive Language Skills

Verbal Behavior


|Student will identify objects and pictures named from an array of 3 when asked in a variety of ways (EX: “Touch the – “, “Show me the – “, “Find the – “, etc.) |

| Identifies an object named from an array of reinforcing/common objects |

| Identifies a picture named from an array of common items |

|Student will identify body parts named when asked in a variety of ways (EX: “Touch your – “, “Show me your – “, “Find your – “, etc.) |

| Follows directions to touch parts of own body |

| Follows directions to point to pictures of body parts of others |

|Student will follow 1 step functional classroom directions |

| Imitates actions when requested to “Do this” |

| Imitates actions with objects when requested to “Do this” (EX: roll car, bang drum, put block in cup, etc.) |


|Student will ask for at least _____ items that he/she wants (reinforcers) |

| Asks for what he/she wants when the reinforcer is present |

| Asks for items that he/she wants with no reinforcer present |

|Student will label at least _____ (EX: 30, 50, etc.) pictures of common items in the classroom and community |

| Labels reinforcing/common objects found in his/her environment |

| Labels pictures of people in his/her environment |

|Student will label pictures of functional items in the classroom and community |

| Matches common objects/pictures of common objects |

| Labels common objects/pictures of common objects when asked “What is this?” |

|Student will answer questions about the feature, function, or class of common items in the classroom or community (EX: “What do you sleep in?”, “What do you |

|drink?”, etc. |

| Identifies pictures of common items using a feature or function of the item (EX: “Show me the one that has |

|feathers”, or “Show me the one you cut with”) |

| Identify the class of pictures of common items (EX: “Show me all the clothes”, or “Show me all the food” |

|Conforming Behavioral Skills / Frustration Tolerance |

Performing tasks

|Student will perform a non-preferred teacher chosen task for _____ minutes |

| Remains in designated area and attends for _____ minutes with minimal protest |

| Performs task for _____ minutes |

option: increasing increments of time for benchmarks

|Student will put toys and materials back into place at clean up time |

| Puts all items into bins |

| Puts items/bins on shelf |

|Student will work cooperatively with peers (EX: during small group, work time, etc.) |

| Takes turns with at least one other child |

| Asks for help from a peer in group play |


|Student will transition between classroom areas/activities using transition objects independently |

| Checks schedule and removes object from schedule |

| Goes to area/activity represented by object |

|Student will transition between classroom areas/activities using transition pictures (or picture schedule) independently |

| Checks schedule and removes picture from schedule |

| Goes to area/activity represented by picture |

Expressing feelings and dealing with frustration

|Student will ask a peer for help (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Seeks out adult when upset and asks for help |

| Seeks out peer when upset and asks for help |

|Student will state positive self accomplishment (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Demonstrates a work product or action to adult or peer and accepts encouraging statement |

| Says, “I did it” or similar message |

|Student will state feeling(s) and seek solution (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| States feeling when asked by adult |

| Approaches adult, states feeling, and asks for help |

|Student will calm self when upset and returns to class activity |

| Seeks out comfort object or Safe Place and calms self |

| Returns to class activity |

|Student will resolve a conflict situation with peer(s) (optional: with adult guidance) |

| Identifies a problem, states how he/she feels and/or listens when peer states how he/she feels |

| Gives a resolution idea and/or accepts a resolution idea of a peer |

|Early Literacy Skills |

|Student will demonstrate interest and enjoyment in books |

| Requests to be read to using (words/gestures) |

| Points to pictures of interest for adult to name |

Book Skills

|Student will handle books appropriately |

| Keeps books intact while in use |

| Turns pages one at a time |

|Student will demonstrate understanding of basic patterns of book reading |

| Holds book right side up and turns pages in correct sequence front to back |

| Follows print left to right, top to bottom |

|Student will identify parts of a book when named by adult |

| Identifies title and title page |

| Identifies author and illustrator |

|Student will name parts of a book using (words/picture board/voice output) |

| Names title and title page |

| Names author and illustrator |

Oral Language

|Student will join in the repeated lines during story time (optional: using voice output) |

| Says repeated line upon reader’s expectant pause (optional: or upon presentation of device) |

| Says repeated line with the reader and other children |

|Student will point to _____ named pictures in a book |

| Looks at picture in book that adult names and points to |

| Points to picture in book that adult names |

|Student will name pictures in a book (optional: using voice output) |

| Repeats names of pictures in book |

| Names picture when requested by adult |

Phonological Awareness

Word awareness

|Student will demonstrate word awareness by clapping for each word in a rhyme |

| Claps to some or all of a nursery rhyme with others but not in time with each word |

| Claps for each word |

Rhyming (EX: Down By The Bay)

|Student will demonstrate awareness of rhyming words by rhyming one word with another or make up a phrase or sentence that includes a rhyme (optional: using voice |

|output) |

| Joins in saying or repeating a rhyme (optional: using voice output) |

| Recognizes a rhyming word when read or spoken |

|Early Literacy Skills |

Phonological Awareness (continued)

Compound words (EX: Little Boy Blue)

|Student will create compound words from two named words |

| Pulls pictures, links or blocks apart and says the two word parts of a compound word |

| Pushes pictures, links or blocks together and says the compound word from two words given |

Syllable awareness (EX: Hey Diddle Diddle)

|Student will segment words into two parts and blend the two parts to say the whole word |

| Pulls links or blocks apart and says the two parts of the words |

| Pushes the links or blocks together and says whole words |

Alliteration (EX: Miss Mary Mack)

|Student creates a pair or series of words that start with the same sound |

| Repeats words that have the same beginning sound |

| Listens to rhyme or story and says two or more words beginning with the same sound |

Concepts of Print

|Student will point to a word and a letter |

| Points to words in stories |

| Points to letters in stories |


|Student will repeat/retell story read by adult (optional: using picture boards, voice output) |

| Acts out story with others |

| Retells story when looking at pictures in the book (optional: using picture boards, voice output) |

|Student will comment on or ask a question when a story is being read (optional: using picture boards, voice output) |

| Responds with actions or words to a suggestion, request or question (optional: using picture boards, |

|voice output) |

| Listens to a story and anticipates and fills in a word or phrase (optional: using picture boards, voice |

|output) |

|Student demonstrates understanding of meaning in a story |

| Connects events in the story to real life experiences (optional: using picture boards, voice output) |

| Sequences or carries out steps of procedure outlined in the story |

|Fine Motor Skills |

|(see also Pre-writing Skills) |


|Student will maintain open hands and move slightly to touch textures |

| Relaxes body and opens hands to stimulation |

| Opens hands and moves across textures |

|Student will explore sensory materials with a variety of hand movements |

| Pats or pokes sensory materials |

| Rubs sensory materials in circular, side to side, front to back motions |


|Student will tear paper into pieces with fingertips |

| Tears a paper into two pieces with full hands |

| Pinches paper between thumb and forefinger and tears |

|Student will snip paper (optional: using adapted scissors) |

| Holds paper in one hand and scissors in the other |

| Squeezes scissors closed and pulls them open on paper |

|Student will cut across a piece of paper (optional: using adapted scissors) |

| Makes a full scissor blade cut |

| Uses continuous opening and closing of scissor blades |

|Student will cut on a straight line (optional: using adapted scissors) |

| Cuts out a shape but not on the line |

| Cuts on bold lines |

|Student will cut out a shape |

| Cuts a slight curve |

| Cuts a line with 90 to 45 degree angles |


|Student will grasp and shake a noise making toy |

| Reaches for toy and grasps it |

| Shakes toy |

|Student will put _____ small objects into a container |

| Reaches out and grasps small object |

| Releases object into container |

|Student will complete and inset puzzle of _____ pieces |

| Matches picture/pattern/shape of puzzle piece with the inset on puzzle board |

| Rotates puzzle piece to fall into place |

|Student will complete an interlocking puzzle of ______ pieces |

| Fits pieces together by shape |

| Adds pieces by picture |

|Fine Motor Skills |

|(see also Pre-writing Skills) |

| Student will build a tower with _____ large blocks – 1 ½” |

| |

| Stacks _____ large blocks |

| Stacks _____ large blocks |

note: increasing increments in benchmarks

|Student will build a tower with _____ small blocks – 1” |

| |

| Stacks _____ small blocks |

| Stacks _____ small blocks |

note: increasing increments in benchmarks

|Student will complete a string of _____ (small/large) beads |

| Pushes pipe cleaner through bead and pulls through other side |

| Puts string through beads and pulls through other side |

| |

|Gross Motor Skills |

|Student will roll from back to stomach to play with a toy |

| Rolls back to side to reach/see a toy |

| Rolls side to stomach to reach/see a toy |

|Student will tailor sit on the floor independently for ___ seconds/minutes |

| Prop sits on arms forward or to the side |

| Lifts arms from prop position and balances |

|Student will pick up object/toy without losing balance |

| Bends over while holding on to support to pick up object/toy |

| Bends knees and lets go of support to pick up object/toy |

|Student will cruise around furniture |

| Pulls to stand holding on for ____ minutes |

| Takes _____ steps while holding on |

|Student will take at least ____ steps independently across open space |

| Takes steps with hand/ hands held |

| Takes steps from one piece of furniture to another |

|Student will ambulate using (walker/gait trainer) around the classroom |

| Takes steps when adult pushes (walker/gait trainer) forward |

| Pushes (walker/gait trainer) and takes steps independently |

|Student will move around the (classroom/school) in wheelchair |

| Propels self forward ____ (feet/minutes) without tiring |

| Maneuvers around large obstacles |

|Student will carry materials using 2 hands in the (classroom/cafeteria/outside) while walking |

| Carries materials with physical assistance |

| Carries materials with verbal reminders |

|Student will climb stairs, two feet per step |

| Takes steps up with adult assistance |

| Takes steps holding on to handrail |

|Student will climb stairs with alternating feet |

| Takes alternating steps with adult assistance |

| Takes some alternating steps with verbal reminders |

|Student will ambulate around school environment without falling |

| Walks around obstacles/steps over low obstacles |

| Navigates over uneven surfaces |

|Student will kick a large rolling ball without falling |

| Walks up to a ball and kicks it |

| Stands and kicks a ball rolled by adult |

|Gross Motor Skills |

|Student will catch a (beanbag/small ball/large ball) thrown (underhand/overhand) |

| Catches with two hands against body |

| Catches with two hands in front |

|Student will ride a tricycle independently |

| Maintains feet on pedals and steers when being pushed |

| Pedals with rhythm |

|Student will slide down playground slide |

| Climbs (stairs/ramps/ladder), gets into position, and propels self forward |

| Lands with two feet |

|Student will swing on playground swing |

| Gets into swing and holds on while being pushed |

| Propels self by kicking legs |

| On-Task Behavioral Skills / Transitioning / Attentive Listening / Attending |

Attentive Listening/Following Commands

|Student will follow a (familiar/new) one step command consistently |

| Looks at speaker and moves to comply with command |

| Fully complies with command by completing task |


|Student will remain with the group for a teacher directed group activity (EX: small group, large group) |

| Remains in vicinity/area without protest |

| Remains in designated spot/seat |

|Student will attend to a designated task for _____ minutes |

| Begins a task and returns to it with redirection |

| Stays on task during entire activity |

|Student will attend to a easy/familiar task for _____ minutes |

| Attends for _____ minutes |

| Attends for _____ minutes |

note: increasing increments of time for each benchmark

|Student will attend to a difficult/novel task for _____ minutes |

| Attends for _____ minutes |

| Attends for _____ minutes |

note: increasing increments of time for each benchmark

|Student will complete a task (EX: in small group, work time, etc.) |

| Gathers and uses materials |

| Puts materials away |

|Student will complete a sequenced play activity (EX: during work time, small group, 3:1 time) |

| Uses representational toys /hands-on art materials |

| Plays simple games involving matching, putting things in/on or connecting/building |

Transitioning and Use of Schedules

|Student will transition between classroom areas/activities using transition objects independently |

| Checks schedule and removes object from schedule |

| Goes to area/activity represented by object |

|Student will transition between classroom areas/activities using transition pictures independently |

| Checks schedule and removes picture from schedule |

| Goes to area/activity represented by picture |

|Student will transition from one area of the classroom to another using an individual object schedule with at least _____ objects |

| Removes only 1 object at a time and in assigned sequence |

| Matches object in corresponding assigned location in classroom |

|Student will manipulate sequenced individual picture schedule |

| Removes only 1 picture symbol at a time and in assigned sequence |

| Matches picture symbol in corresponding assigned location in classroom |

| On-Task Behavioral Skills |

|Student will transition between classroom activities/areas independently |

| Responds to direction that it is time to finish activity by cleaning up materials with visual/verbal reminders |

| Checks schedule and moves to next activity with minimal re-direction |

Individual Work Basket System

|Student will begin and finish a sequence of 3 activities independently |

| Matches visual cues on strip to corresponding visuals on activity/task container |

| Takes materials out of container, completes task, and places completed task in finished basket |

|Play Skills |

Adapted Play

Direct Mode (For students using a switch with a toy or device)

|Student will activate simple cause/effect toy/computer activity for _____ minutes |

| Activates switch to turn on toy/computer and reacts |

| After toy/computer turns off, searches for switch to turn on toy/computer again |

Timed Mode (For students using a control unit or a switch latch and timer)

|Student will reactivate music/device with a switch when in timed mode at least _____ times in a row |

| Activates music/device and stops clicking switch to watch/listen |

| After music/device has stopped, touches switch and looks toward music/device in anticipation |

Single Switch Scanning

|Student will choose a song/activity from an array of 3 choice on the computer screen using single switch scanning |

| Visually tracks the highlighted items on the screen |

| Waits until the preferred song/activity is highlighted on the screen and clicks |

Functional Play

|Student will manipulate a toy for _____ minutes independently (EX: shake a rattle, roll a car, etc.) |

| Holds and explores toy with simple movements (optional: stabilized with Velcro, dycem, etc.) |

| Discovers movement which is appropriate to the toy |

|Student will play appropriately with at least _____ new toys |

| Imitates use of a toy |

| Uses familiar toys in different ways |

|Student will demonstrate _____ new play schemes (EX: push car, put block in bucket, feed baby, etc.) |

| Imitates adult play behavior |

| Acts out play behavior spontaneously |

|Student will use _____ new objects for the intended purpose (EX: paintbrush - paint, legos - stack, etc) |

| Uses object appropriately within structured activity with prompts |

| Uses object appropriately when encountered in unstructured play |

|Student will find a hidden object (optional: indicates location using eye gaze or reaching) |

| After watching adult partially hide object, reaches for object hidden by adult |

| Looks for and finds a hidden object |

| Pre-academic Skills |

Geometry and Spatial Sense

|Student will point to four basic shapes |

| Points to circle and square |

| Points to triangle and rectangle |

|Student will name four basic shapes |

| Names circle and square when presented with shape in environment |

| Names triangle and rectangle when presented with shape in environment |

|Student will demonstrate understanding of 4 spatial concepts |

| Given oral direction, puts item IN/OUT of a container |

| Given oral direction, places object OVER/UNDER ________ (specify location) |

Algebraic Thinking

|Student will point to eight basic named colors |

| Finds objects in environment that are red, yellow, orange, or blue |

| Finds objects in environment that are green, purple, black, or brown |

|Student will name eight basic colors |

| Finds and names red, yellow, orange, or blue objects during clean up time |

| Finds and names green, purple, black, or brown objects during clean up time |

|Student will sort toys/materials into appropriate bins at clean up time |

| Puts all toys of a certain type into the appropriate bin |

| Discriminates toys into separate labeled bins |

|Sorts objects by one attribute (specify one: size, color, shape, type) |

| Finds an object that is the same (size, color, shape, type) as model |

| Finds all objects that are the same (size, color, shape, type) from a group of objects |

|Sorts objects by two or more attributes (specify: size, color, shape, type) |

| Finds an object that is the same (size, color, shape, type) and (size, color, shape, type) as model |

| Finds all objects that have the same two attributes from a group of objects |

|Student will use concrete materials to represent a simple pattern |

| Alternates two colors to form simple pattern (red, blue, red, blue) |

| Forms simple pattern for at least three repetitions (red, blue, red, blue, red, blue) |

Number Sense and Operations

|Student will compare the size of groups of _____ objects (EX: up to 5 objects, 5 to 10 objects, etc.) |

| Compares groups of objects using “more” and “less” |

| Compares groups of objects using “the same” |

|Student will rote count up to _____ (EX: 5, 10, 20, etc.) |

| Imitates a sequence of numbers modeled by adult/peer |

| Recites numbers in order to _____ |

| Pre-academic Skills |

|Student will count objects up to (EX: 5, 10, 20, etc.) |

| Touches objects and recites numbers in order with each touch |

| Touches each object only once and recites numbers in order to _____ |

|Student will point to named numerals to 10 |

| Points to numerals 1-5 |

| Points to numerals 6-10 |

|Student will name printed numerals to 10 |

| Names printed numerals 1-5 |

| Names printed numerals 6-10 |

Data Analysis and Probability

|Student will interpret data from a bar chart |

| Points to bar chart category with the MOST and LEAST |

| Points to bar chart category with the SAME |

|Student will interpret and name data from a bar chart |

| Uses term MOST and LEAST when describing data from a bar chart |

| Uses term SAME when describing data from a bar chart |


|Student will measure two objects to determine length |

| Comparing two objects, points to object that is shorter and longer |

| Comparing two objects, points to objects that are the same/equal |

|Student will measure two objects to name length |

| Comparing two objects, names object that is shorter and longer |

| Comparing two objects, names objects that are the same/equal |

|Student will measure two objects to determine height |

| Comparing two objects, points to object that is shorter and taller |

| Comparing two objects, points to objects that are the same/equal |

|Student will measure two objects to name height |

| Comparing two objects, names object that is shorter and taller |

| Comparing two objects, names objects that are the same/equal |

|Pre-writing Skills |

|Makes marks on paper with a variety of tools (optional: adapted grip, adapted tool, etc.) |

| Uses large arm movements and hand/wrist/finger movements in paint or other media |

| Grasps a writing/drawing tool and marks on paper |

|Student will imitate basic strokes (vertical, horizontal, circular, cross, H, V) |

| Imitates vertical, horizontal and circular strokes |

| Imitates a cross, H, and V |

|Student will copy basic strokes from a model (vertical, horizontal, circular, cross, H, V) |

| Copies vertical, horizontal and circular strokes |

| Copies a cross, H, and V |

| Student will draw basic shapes (circle, square, triangle) |

| Reproduces shapes using a template |

| Reproduces shapes with a visual model |

|Student will print first name |

| Prints _____ letters of name in capital letters |

| Prints first letter in capital, rest of name in lower case |

Self-Help Skills


|Student will drink from a cup with minimal spilling |

| Drinks from cup/sip cup with handles |

| Drinks from a cup/sip cup without handles |

|Student will feed self with a spoon with minimal spilling |

| Brings spoon to mouth |

| Scoops some food from plate and bring food to mouth |


|Student will indicate the need to go to the toilet |

| Uses toilet immediately after placed |

| Signals adult the need to use the toilet |

|Student will urinate in the toilet |

| Walks to the bathroom, pulls down pants, and urinates in toilet |

| Pulls up pants after urinating in toilet |

|Student will wash hands |

| Puts soap on from a dispenser and lathers hands |

| Puts soap on, lathers and rinses hands |


|Student will pull on pants |

| Pulls pants from knees to waist |

| Puts both feet into pants and pulls pants up |

|Student will put socks on |

| Pulls socks up from heels |

| Pulls socks up from toes all the way up |

|Student will put shoes on |

| Slips toes into shoe |

| Pulls shoe over heel after pushing down toes into shoe |

|Student will tie shoes |

| Makes a knot and first and second loops of bow |

| Ties second knot after making loops of bow |

|Student will put on a pullover shirt |

| Puts arms in and pulls shirt down to waist |

| Puts shirt over her head, puts both arms in and pulls down to waist |

|Student will button a shirt |

| Inserts button halfway through buttonhole and pulls it through using both hands |

| Inserts button through buttonhole and pulls through button |

|Social Skills |

|Student will recognize and respond to a familiar adult |

| Makes eye contact |

| Smiles when approached by familiar adult |

|Student will engage in playful give and take with an adult (EX: peek-a-boo, I Love You Ritual, etc.) |

| Seeks out/Looks at or touches adult’s face |

| Participates in interactive activity with adult |

|Student will play alongside peer(s) for _____ minutes |

| Plays in same classroom area as another child/children |

| Goes to area where children are and plays |

|Student will greet peers/adults at arrival or greeting times (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Responds with a greeting when greeted |

| Initiates a greeting |

|Student will imitate peers during classroom play activities |

| Imitates use of object(s) during play |

| Imitates body movements during teacher-directed activity |

|Student will take turns with peers in a teacher-directed activity (optional: using pictures, voice output) |

| Asks for and waits for a turn |

| Offers a turn to peer |

Social Skills Curriculum (optional for all below: using pictures, voice output)

|Student will respond when peer gets his attention |

| Responds by turning his head when an adult gets his attention |

| Responds by turning head when peer gets his attention |

|Student will accept a toy from a peer |

| Looks at peer when peer taps her/him on the shoulder and says her/his name |

| Puts hand out and accepts toy when peer gets his/her attention and says, “Here.” |

|Student will get a peer’s attention |

| Taps peer on the shoulder |

| Looks at peer and says her/his name |

|Student will give a toy to a peer(s) |

| Gets a peer’s attention by: tapping her/him on the shoulder, looking at her/him and saying her/his name |

| Offers a toy and says, “Here.” |

|Student will enter ongoing play with peer(s) |

| Gets a peer’s attention by: tapping her/him on the shoulder, saying her/his name, looking at her/him |

|and saying “Can I play?” |

| Gives a play idea and joins in |

|Social Skills |

|Student will share an item and a play idea with a peer |

| Gets a peer’s attention by tapping her/him on the shoulder, saying her/his name, looking at her/him |

|and giving an item |

| Accepts an item and a play idea |

|Student will ask a peer for help |

| Gets a peer’s attention by tapping her/him on the shoulder, saying her/his name, looking at her/him |

|and saying “Help me, please” or similar message |

| Accepts help from peer |

|Student will identify a classmate as a friend |

| Initiates contact with a child by calling his/her name |

| Talks about other children using their names |

|Student will work with other children to solve a problem |

| Gets a peer’s attention by tapping her/him on the shoulder, saying her/his name, looking at her/him |

|and gives an idea for the solution |

| Accepts an idea for the solution from a peer |


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