GRADE 3: September

GRADE 3: Wednesday 8th September

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Learning intention Focus: Visualising

We are learning to understand how to use visualisation to help our predictions.

Success Criteria I can predict and visualise what a day in the life of a crayon would be like.

I can write a recount about the crayon's day.

Task ACTIVITY 1: Read for 15 minutes independently ? You can read a book of your choice from home, or a story from Sunshine Online, Reading Eggs/Eggspress or Kids News.

ACTIVITY 2: Yesterday we watched the story The Day the Crayons Quit. First, listen to the story again. CLICK HERE

Today, you are going to visualise yourself as one of the crayons, and think about what adventures you might have! The title of your work will be:

A Day in the Life of _____ Crayon

Try to be creative and include something funny in your recount. For example, maybe you roll off the table and fall onto the floor. The dog thinks you are a treat and tries to eat


Learning intention Focus: Cursive (joined) handwriting

We are learning to understand how to join letters together when we are handwriting, to write faster. Success Criteria I can write the letters of the alphabet with an entry and exit point.

I can join 2 or more letters together.

Task Watch the following video about how to do entries and exits on letters, ready for cursive writing.

Cursive handwriting allows us to write faster, which means we can write more in an allocation of time. It can also look very neat, fancy and professional if it is done correctly!

ACTIVITY: Get yourself some lined paper or rule some lines to practise your handwriting on. Pause the video after each letter of the alphabet and try to copy the letter with a clear entry and exit point. Keep going until you have tried every letter of the alphabet. Some are tricky, so you may wish to make more than one attempt in your book.

At Bellbridge, we use Sassoon font. A copy of the letters of the alphabet in Sassoon font is attached for you. (see below)


Learning intention Focus: Division

We are learning to understand how to solve division problems using arrays.

Success Criteria I can solve division problems by using groups and arrays.

I can solve division by using counting patterns. Task WARM UP: Watch the video below on how to use arrays to solve division equations.

ACTIVITY: As we have already discovered, arrays are a group of objects that can be arranged in rows and columns. Arrays can be used to solve multiplication and division problems.

Today you will be solving some division problems using arrays. Make sure you use a pencil to identify the groups, so that you can solve the problems correctly.

For example: 12 ? 6 =? Look at the array below of 12 smiley faces.


Learning intention Focus: Personal Strengths We are learning to identify our personal strengths.

Success Criteria I can identify one of my personal strengths.

I can explain how to perform my skill.

Task Today you are going to continue working on the presentation of your skill/strength. This will be the third section of your presentation.


If you were going to teach someone else how to do this thing that you are good at, what would you tell them?

Write up a set of instructions to teach your classmates so that they can learn your skill too! Think carefully, others might have never tried this skill before, so make sure you include lots of detail.

you. You have to run and hide in all different places around the house. You can be whichever crayon you like. Come up with your own exciting adventures!

Choose how to present your work. You may:

If you have time, try some easy horizontal joins. Horizontal joins are the easiest to do because they go straight across. The following letters lead into a horizontal join: o, r, v, w and x

I need to make 6 groups, because the problem is 12 ? 6, so I used a red pencil to make 6 groups.

1. Draw a Comic Strip (see template below)

2. Write a recount with a matching illustration

3. Create a PowerPoint presentation with text and pictures

Try joining these letters together: o to s, r to a, v to e, w to n, x to y

Now look and see how many smiley faces are inside each group ? the answer is 2 faces.

Therefore, 12 ? 6 = 2

How would you solve the following problems using arrays?

1. 20 ? 5 = 2. 16 ? 4 = 3. 27 ? 3 = 4. 14 ? 7 = 5. 24 ? 3 = 6. 10 ? 5 = 7. 24 ? 6 = 8. 28 ? 7 =

Too hard? Use the Comic Strip template (see below) or click on the following link for some different free comic templates. CLICK HERE

Too hard? If cursive writing is too hard for you and you are still working on trying to do printed handwriting neatly, use the attached handwriting poster to copy the letters of the alphabet exactly as they are on the chart without joining.

Too hard? Grab some items from around your house, such as clothes pegs, matchbox cars, or other small toys. Make different arrays in as many ways possible for the following numbers: 10, 12, 15, and 20. For each number, there are a number of ways to make the array. Look carefully at the rows and columns to see all the ways you can make the arrays.

Too hard? N/A

Too easy? Write a recount ensuring that the crayon has a number of different problems to deal with. Try and include an interesting twist at the end!

Too easy? If you become expert, have a go at joining a 3-letter word. E.g.

Too easy? Make different arrays or groups to show the following numbers: 18, 21, 28, 36 and 42.

Too easy? N/A

For each number, you need to write as many division number sentences e.g. For the number 15, I could write: 15 ? 3 = 5 OR 15 ? 5 = 3 OR 15 ? 15 = 1 OR 15 ? 1 = 15

Don't have a printer? If you want to do the comic strip but can't print the template, create your own template on a piece of paper.

Don't have _________? N/A

READING: Comic Strip Template

Don't have _________? N/A

Don't have _________? N/A



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