Nomination Information Form

Connectional Lay Council African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

12th Quadrennial Convention Dr. Victor J. Tulane Servant-Leadership Award

|Eligibility for Nomination: All nominees for the Dr. Victor J. Tulane Servant-Leadership Award must have been an active member of the Connectional Lay Council for a|

|minimum of (4) four consecutive years prior to the convention and must provide evidence of significant accomplishments as a leader. Each must submit letters of |

|recommendation from each of the following: Local Pastor, Presiding Elder, and Bishop of the area. Additional recommendations may be submitted from an elected local |

|community official, class leader, district or conference Lay Council President. |

|Card carrying member of the Lay Council and attend meetings and/or functions at|Member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years? |

|one or more levels on a consistent basis. (__ Yes or __ No) |(__Yes or __ No) |

(Please type or print)

|(Check one) |Last Name |First Name |Middle Initial |__Sr., |

|__Mr. __Mrs. __Ms. __Dr. | | | |__Jr. |

|Street Address |Apt. # |City |State |Zip Code |

| | | | | |

|Email address |Home Telephone # |Cellular # |Fax # |

|Local Church Name: |Pastor’ Name: |

|Street Address |City |State |Zip Code |Telephone # |

|1) Briefly describe nominee’s involvement as a lay leader in two out of the four categories noted below. 2) Briefly describe significant accomplishments that embrace|

|mentoring, qualities of a servant- leader and General Conference legislation that improved the governance and privileges of lay members in The African Methodist |

|Episcopal Zion Church. In addition, a double-sided one-page vitae may be attached to this nomination form. |

|1. List Servant-leadership positions in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: (Include tenure) |

|2. List Servant-leadership positions in Civic Organizations: (Include tenure) |

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|3., Briefly describe the nominee’s valiant tenure in the U.S. Military Service: |

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|4. Briefly describe nominee’s role and contributions as a vital administrator, member of the faculty or Staff in a college or university: (Include Tenure) |

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| Note significant accomplishments that embraced mentoring; exhibited qualities of a servant- leader (servant first….leader second) and General Conference legislation|

|that improved the governance and privileges of lay members in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. |

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(Print) Submitted by: ____________________________________________________________

Telephone # ___________________________ Email __________________________________

It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit the Nomination Form to the CLC Office on or before the scheduled submission date of June 15th. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 26770 Charlotte, NC 28221-6770. Forms not submitted on time may be disqualified.


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