Social Studies 7 - Mr. Oppedisano's Class... but you can ...

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Social Studies 7

Chapters 1-3 TEST

1. Active citizenship could be shown when:

a. A community raises funds for a hospital

b. A town helps residents rebuild after a tornado

c. People volunteer during a local election

d. All of the above

2. When thinking of the role of a Creator in First Nations culture, which statement sees most appropriate?

a. The “Creator” is a central figure in traditional teachings

b. The “Creator” is important but not central to First Nations people

c. The “Creator” is a symbol that makes First Nations culture unique

d. The “Creator” is the same in all First Nations traditions

3. Many First Nations peoples have shared values relating to their relationship with the Creator, the natural world, other people, and themselves. One of those values may be:

a. People are separate from nature and the non-living world

b. The wisdom and experience of the elders in highly valued

c. A spiritual world exists but plays limited role

d. People must only live in harmony with nature

4. The Indigenous people of Canada are:

a. The original people of the land

b. First Nations people

c. Immigrants

d. Both A and B

5. Which of the following is an example of First Nations traditional teachings?

a. the telling of urban legends within a classroom

b. the analysis of the pictograms in Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park

c. the sharing of traditional oral culture by an Elder with young people

d. the reading of a story about the Haudenosaunee to a class

6. The tradition of stories and legends being handed down from Elder to child established:

a. an oral culture

b. a written history

c. a need for legends

d. a story culture

7. European cultures sometimes judged other cultures using European values and beliefs. This attitude can be described as:

a. individualistic

b. ethnocentric

c. multicultural

d. unilingual

8. The “Iroquois” people identified themselves as the:

a. Cree

b. Huron

c. Nehiyawak

d. Haudenosaunee

9. The “Wendat” people were renamed by Europeans as:

a. Cree

b. Huron

c. Nehiyawak

d. Haudenosaunee

10. The society of the Haudenosaunee was matrilineal, which means that:

a. women chose the leaders in the village

b. women grew wild rice

c. a woman was the head of each longhouse

d. women hunted smaller animals

11. What factor below led to Canada becoming a successful colony?

a. Gold

b. Fish

c. Furs

d. Both b and c

12. The best example of economics affecting the desire to expand territories is:

a. Cabot finding fish near Newfoundland

b. France’s wish to have more colonies than England

c. Jesuit missionaries wanting to expand Catholicism

d. Columbus’ desire to prove he could find a short route to the East

13. Competition for colonies was strong between various European nations because:

a. they were trying to stay ahead of the other countries of Europe

b. some European countries were enemies already

c. there were tremendous riches and wealth to find

d. all of the above

14. The most important discovery that Cartier made in his three voyages to the New World was:

a. the Gulf of St. Lawrence

b. the location for successful, permanent settlement

c. a cure for scurvy from the Haudenosaunee

d. the Gaspe Peninsula

15. After Cartier failed to establish a permanent settlement in the New World, why did Louis XIII want to return to build a colony in North America?

a. Fishing grounds in Newfoundland

b. Furs were plentiful and valuable in Europe

c. He wanted the available fur supply found in North America

d. He wanted to be the most powerful leader in North America

16. The best reason for Louis XIII to grant a trade monopoly to Pierre de Monts was:

a. building a colony was expensive

b. maintaining a colony was risky for France

c. the colony, so far from home, would be expensive to build and support

d. de Monts was a relative to Louis XIII and the monopoly was a gift

17. The most important step that de Monts and Champlain achieved in the New World was:

a. establishing Port Royal for the fur trade

b. discovering the shortest route to Quebec for fishing fleets

c. creating the first successful, long term settlement

d. none of the above

18. What was the greatest benefit to France from Coureurs de bois relationships with First Nations people?

a. New survival skills learned from the first Nations people

b. Extensive trade networks that developed

c. New allies that were made with First Nations people

d. All of the above

19. The coureur de bois Radissons and Grosseilliers are well known in the history of a famous Canadian company. This is because:

a. they were fur traders

b. they developed their relationships with, and were welcome among, the First nations people

c. their extensive knowledge of the wilderness led them to explore Hudson Bay and the surrounding area

d. their explorations of Hudson Bay led to the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Co.

20. The main reason France wanted to explore the Mississippi River was:

a. it had many fur bearing animals like beaver

b. it possibly led to the Pacific Ocean

c. the Spanish were a threat from the south

d. the French anted to control all water ways

21. New France relied on France for colonists, supplies and military protection. In return, New France provided furs and fish to France. For New France, this relationship could best be described as:

a. independence from France

b. dependence on France

c. interdependence with France

d. competition with France

22. The women of New France were important to the development of the colony. Their primary role was to:

a. raise families in New France

b. become filles du roi or “King’s Daughters”

c. care for children and manage family finances

d. both a and c

23. Mercantilism, when compared to Imperialism, is:

a. exactly the same

b. different because it is based on economics

c. similar because it relies on colonies controlled through Imperialism

d. both b and c

24. Mercantilism is important to exploration and settlement because:

e. it causes leaders to want to find new trade routes to Asia

f. it allows countries to develop home country resources like gold

g. when explorers find new, resource rich colonies, it allows countries to make money from the resources

h. settlement is needed to get access to new resources found in new colonies

i. both c and d

25. The competition for land and resources in North America was between 2 main countries. This was mostly between:

a. France / Britain

b. France / Spain

c. Britain / Portugal

d. Portugal / Spain

26. The main economic reason that Britain wanted to build a colony in North America was:

a. competition with other nations who had been successful in colonizing

b. social conditions in over crowded cities made colonizing necessary

c. the people of Great Britain wanted to expand territories for factories

d. all of the above

27. There are many factors influencing the success of the colonies in North America. The most important factor influencing the growth and success of the population in the colonies was the:

a. climate of New France made life more comfortable

b. opportunities for making a living were far better in the 13 Colonies

c. religious freedom allowed many religions in New France

d. allowance of trade with many nations from both colonies

28. The development of Atlantic Canada began with the explorations of:

a. John Cabot

b. Giovanni Caboto

c. Samuel de Champlain

d. Both a and b

29. The most influential discovery that the Coureurs de bois (Pierre Radisson and Sieur des Groseilliers) made was:

a. ocean access to the fur trade on the St. Lawrence river

b. the development of fishing in the Hudson Strait

c. finding ocean access to excellent fur trading and the heart of North America

d. a mysterious body of water that was the Mississippi river

30. In the space below draw a flow chart to demonstrate imperialism.

Give a quick explanation describing imperialism.


31. In ___________ Jacques Cartier sailed to Newfoundland and into the Gulf of the ____________________. It was here that he encountered a group of native peoples called ________________________. When Cartier landed in Gaspe in 1534, he met First Nations people called the _____________________ and their leader Donnacona. After taking two sons of the _____________________ leader back with him to France, Cartier returned and setup a winter camp at Stadacona. What happened to the French settlers and how did the Haudenosaunee help them?


32. Why did Cartier force Donnacona and 9 others to return to France with him? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

33. On Cartier’s last visit in 1542 the Haudenosaunee became hostile to the French. Explain why. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

34. List and explain 2 reasons why The French King, Louis XIII, decided to build a colony in North America. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

35. What is mercantilism? Who benefits the most from this system? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

36. State the perspective on mercantilism of each of the following

a. First Nations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. King of England: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. English colonist: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

37. Using the attached comparison chart. Show how different the French and English Colonies were.

| |New France |The Thirteen Colonies |

|Different Goals |Priority: |Priority: |

|The Climate |Weather: |Weather: |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Farming: |Farming: |

|Employment |Based on: |Based on: |

|Religion |Type of religion: |Type of religion: |

| | | |

| |Allowed: |Allowed: |

|Trade |Which country did they trade with? |Which countries did they trade with? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |What did they trade? |What did they trade? |


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