The Interest-A-Lyzer

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________ Class Period: _____

Welcome to Ms. Brown’s class. Please let me know a little about yourself by filling out this interest sheet.

1. Where have you lived?

2. List five adjectives that describe you.

3. The best thing about you is:

4. Describe a time when you have you felt successful in school.

5. What is the easiest part of school for you?

6. What is the most challenging part of school for you?

7. What is your favorite subject in school?

8. What is your least favorite subject?

9. When is social studies engaging for you?

10. When is social studies difficult for you?

11. Do you prefer to work alone or in a small group?

12. What career goals do you have?

13. Please tell me what your dream college is and what you would like to study there (assume that money is not an issue and neither is admission).

14. If you had to choose just one personal characteristic, would you rather be

a. Good-looking

b. Popular

c. Smart

d. Talented

e. Happy

15. Which clubs, activities, or sports do you participate in or plan to participate in at Arabia?

Please complete the contact-information sheet on the following page.

Student/Parent Information—Please type or print very clearly

Student Name_________________________________________________________________

Course and class period__________________________________________________________

Home Phone Number____________________________________________________________

Student lives with: _____Both Parents ______Mother only ______Father only ____________Other (please specify)

Mother’s /Guardian’s Name________________________

Home Phone Number_____________________

Work Phone Number________________

Cell Phone Number_____________________

Mother’s Email Address___________________________________________________

If I need to talk to you about your child, may I call you at work? _____yes _____no

If I need to talk to you about your child, may I call your cell phone? _____yes _____no

Father’s /Guardian’s Name________________________

Home Phone Number_____________________

Work Phone Number________________

Cell Phone Number____________________

Father’s Email Address___________________________________________________

If I need to talk to you about your child, may I call you at work? _____yes _____no

If I need to talk to you about your child, may I call your cell phone? _____yes _____no


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