Fix the Sentences A-6 - Super Teacher Worksheets


Fix the Sentences A-6

ann has a Pen. 2 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________ What will ann draw. 2 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences

look at the silly bird? 2 errors



_________________________________________ the Bird is Pink. 3 error



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Fix the Sentences A-8

How old is tom. 2 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________ he is six Years old. 2 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences

do u see the shell. 3 errors



_________________________________________ It is a Clam 2 errors



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Fix the Sentences A-10

we Can spin the top 3 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________ It spins fur a long time 2 errors _________________________________________ _________________________________________

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A-6 through A-10 ANSWERS

Fix the Sentences

A-6 ann has a Pen. 2 errors _A_n_n__h_a_s__a__p_e_n_.__________________________________ What will ann draw. 2 errors _W__h_a_t_w__ill_A__n_n__d_r_a_w_?______________________________

A-7 look at the silly bird? 2 errors _L_o_o_k__a_t_t_h_e__si_ll_y_b__ir_d_._____________________________ the Bird is Pink. 3 error _T_h_e__b_ir_d__is_p__in_k_.__________________________________

A-8 How old is tom. 2 errors _H_o_w__o__ld__is__T_o_m__?_________________________________ he is six Years old. 2 errors _H_e__is__s_ix__y_e_a_r_s_o_l_d_._______________________________

A-9 do u see the shell. 3 errors _D_o__y_o_u__s_e_e__th_e__s_h_e_l_l?_____________________________ It is a Clam 2 errors _I_t _is__a_c__la_m__._____________________________________

A-10 we Can spin the top 3 errors W__e__c_a_n__s_p_i_n_t_h_e__to__p_. _____________________________ It spins fur a long time 2 errors I_t_s_p_i_n_s_f_o_r_a__l_o_n_g__ti_m__e_. ___________________________

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