Name: Fix the Sentences B-1 - Super Teacher Worksheets


Fix the Sentences B-1

max iz walking in the rain 3 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

he has rain boots on his foot. 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences B-2

I think maya want to swim. 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

do you want to go in the pool 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences B-3

Paco is only tree years old 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Is ana taller than her brother 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences B-4

This horse liks to drink water 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

do yo want to ride the horse 3 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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Fix the Sentences B-5

Maya haves a Bunny and a Doll 4 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Dom has a teddy Bear 2 errors ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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B-1 through B-5 ANSWERS

Fix the Sentences

B-1 max iz walking in the rain 3 errors _M__a_x_i_s_w__a_lk__in_g__in__t_h_e__ra_i_n_.________________________ he has rain boots on his foot. 2 errors _H_e__h_a_s__ra__in__b_o_o_t_s_o__n_h_i_s_f_e_e_t_. _____________________

B-2 I think maya want to swim. 2 errors _I_t_h_in_k__M__a_y_a__w__a_n_ts__to__s_w__im__. ______________________ do you want to go in the pool 2 errors _D_o__y_o_u__w_a__n_t_t_o_g__o_i_n_t_h_e__p_o_o__l?____________________

B-3 Paco is only tree years old 2 errors _P_a_c_o__i_s_o_n_l_y_t_h_r_e_e__y_e_a_r_s_o__ld_.______________________ Is ana taller than her brother 2 errors _I_s_A_n__a_t_a_l_le_r_t_h_a_n__h_e_r__b_r_o_th_e__r?_____________________

B-4 This horse liks to drink water 2 errors _T_h_is__h_o_r_se__l_ik_e_s__to__d_r_in__k_w__a_t_e_r._____________________ do yo want to ride the horse 3 errors _D_o__y_o_u__w_a__n_t_t_o_r_id__e_t_h_e__h_o_r_s_e_?____________________

B-5 Maya haves a Bunny and a Doll 4 errors M__a_y_a__h_a__s_a__b_u_n_n__y_a_n__d_a__d_o__ll_. ____________________ Dom has a teddy Bear 2 errors D__o_m__h_a__s_a__te__d_d_y__b_e_a__r.___________________________

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