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Lesson Plan “Symbols of Great Britain”

Date: __________ Class: __________


✓ Speaking

✓ Oral presentation

✓ Creative writing

✓ Artistic

✓ Computer

✓ Collaboration

|Time |Activities |Materials |

|15 |Brainstorm: |Taboo cards |

|min. |Taboo game: ask students to take a card and explain what’s on the card (they cannot use any of the words | |

| |typed on the card). | |

|35 |Travel Guide flyer/booklet: |Crayons |

|min. |Divide the class into 4 groups. |Colored paper |

| |Each group should develop a travel guide for tourists using British symbols appeared in the video they |Pictures/photos from magazines |

| |watched at home + students can add any credible information they know or can find in the Internet. |Stickers |

| |Students should use all words and phrases from the video they watched at home. | |

| |The travel guide should include both text and pictures. | |

|20 |Tour Add: |Electronic devices |

|min. |Explain students that they are travel agents and they should make tourists buy the tour, which they |Access to the Internet |

| |developed in a previous group activity. | |

| |Students should use PowerPoint, Haiku Deck, Prezi or other presentation software. | |

|40 min. |Tour Presentation: |Projector |

| |Each group presents its tour for 7 minutes including questions. |White screen |

| |Every student in the group should speak. |Electronic devices |

| |When all presentations are finished students anonymously vote for the best tour and flyer using Nearpod. | |

|Homework/Assignment: Reflection “The place in Great Britain I want to visit”. Students should use all words and phrases |Rubric |

|from the video they watched before at home (length: 350 words). | |

During the traditional class students practice pronunciation of the words with a teacher, do vocabulary exercises, read the required text “Symbols of Great Britain”, and finally answer the reading-comprehension questions. It takes about 55 minutes. I think it is too long and too boring. The next 55 minutes include the Taboo game and Travel Booklet activities. Since we can spend only 110 minutes for one topic on culture, the traditional class prevents enhancement of students’ oral presentation and computer skills as we simply don’t have enough time. I think flipped class helps students to gain deeper understanding of the language concepts and learn more about the culture of the target language people. It also encourages students to become active participants in the classroom as well as to discover principles for themselves.



| | |Buckingham Palace | |

|Big Ben |Pub | |Shakespeare |

| |London |Schotland |Manchester United |

|Tower Bridge | | | |

|Yeoman Warders |Bobby |Union Jack |English Jokes |

| |Queen | |Red Telephone Box |

|Thames | |Bentley | |

| | |The Beatles | |

|Wimbledon |Stonehenge | |Double-decker bus |

|Royal Coat of Arms |David Beckham |Simon de Montfort |God Save the Queen |

Reflective Writing Rubric

|Skills |5 sdscdsfsdfdsg++- |4-- |3 |2 |1 |

|Depth of reflection |Demonstrate a conscious and |Demonstrate a thoughtful |Demonstrate a basic |Demonstrate a limited |Demonstrate little or no |

| |thorough understanding of the |understanding of the writing |understanding of the writing |understanding of the writing |understanding of the writing |

| |writing prompt and the subject |prompt and the subject matter. |prompt and the subject matter. |prompt and subject matter. This |prompt and subject matter. This |

| |matter. This reflection can be | | |reflection needs revision. |reflection needs revision. |

| |used as an example for other | | | | |

| |students. | | | | |

|Use of video evidence and |Use specific and convincing |Use relevant examples from the |Use examples from the video to |Use incomplete or vaguely |No examples from the video are |

|historical context |examples from the video studied |video studied to support claims |support most claims in your |developed examples to only |used and claims made in your own|

| |to support claims in your own |in your own writing, making |writing with some connections |partially support claims with no|writing are unsupported and |

| |writing, making insightful and |applicable connections between |made between video. |connections made between video. |irrelevant to the topic at hand.|

| |applicable connections between |video. | | | |

| |video. | | | | |

|Language use |Use stylistically sophisticated |Use language that is fluent and |Use basic but appropriate |Use language that is vague or |Use language that is unsuitable |

| |language that is precise and |original, with evident a sense |language, with a basic sense of |imprecise for the audience or |for the audience and purpose, |

| |engaging, with notable sense of |of voice, awareness of audience |voice, some awareness of |purpose, with little sense of |with little or no awareness of |

| |voice, awareness of audience and|and purpose, and the ability to |audience and purpose and some |voice, and a limited awareness |sentence structure. |

| |purpose, and varied sentence |vary sentence structure. |attempt to vary sentence |of how to vary sentence | |

| |structure. | |structure. |structure. | |

|Conventions |Demonstrate control of the |Demonstrate control of the |Demonstrate partial control of |Demonstrate limited control of |Demonstrate little or no control|

| |conventions with essentially no |conventions, exhibiting |the conventions, exhibiting |the conventions, exhibiting |of the conventions, making |

| |errors, even with sophisticated |occasional errors only when |occasional errors that do not |frequent errors that make |comprehension almost impossible.|

| |language. |using sophisticated language. |hinder comprehension. |comprehension difficult. | |



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