Cherry Point Gymnastic Seminar:

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CrossFit Gymnastics Outline by, Jeff Tucker

Gymnastic Specialty Seminar:

This course was developed by Coach Jeff Tucker and is taught by his team of coaches. Scheduling staff is the key determination as to when and where coaches are selected to go and instruct for this course all over the world. Tucker has put together a very talented team of assistants and lead coaches for this course. Our goal is to get you moving and to do so in a way that will empower you as a coach and student of gymnastic body movement. All of us will cover the course materials and add our own bit of flare as well.

The point of this seminar is to educate you in basic gymnastic movements, which in turn will allow you to progress in your CrossFit workouts. Such skills and drills, basic or otherwise, will allow you to develop inline core strength moves and variations in your personal training. This is a completion certification only for level 1 gymnastics and it is meant to allow you to develop and train skills that will become foundational movements in your life.

All of these movements are based on form and the basic progressions toward form with strength and a clear bias of strength in body weight movement. Small moves will bring great rewards – you don’t rush these movements, you LEARN them!

The definition of gymnastics is as follows:

a. (used with a pl. verb) Physical exercises used to develop and display strength, balance, and agility, especially those performed on or with apparatus.

b. (used with a sing. Verb) The art or practice of such exercises (Miriam Webster Dictionary)

Defined for CrossFit: is a bit more simplistic, we are taking the skills from the sport and applying them to WOD’s and or skills to become stronger, more flexible, have better body awareness, and the benefits grow from there toward fitness when applied properly to body weight movements and strength development. Gymnastics is any exercise where you are moving your own body weight through space whether to achieve an isometric position or perform an active ROM or EROM with stability and confidence.


What is the history of gymnastics?

To the Ancient Greeks, physical fitness was paramount, all Greek cities had a gymnasia, a courtyard for jumping, running, and wrestling. As the Roman Empire ascended, Greek gymnastics gave way to military training.

The Romans, for example, introduced the wooden horse. In 393 AD the Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games, which by then had become corrupt, and gymnastics, along with other sports declined. Later, Christianity, with its medieval belief in the base nature of the human body, had a deleterious effect on gymnastics. For centuries, gymnastics was all but forgotten.[4]

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, however, two pioneer physical educators – Johann Friedrich GutsMuths (1759 – 1839) and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn(1778 – 1852) - created exercises for boys and young men on apparatus they designed that ultimately led to what is considered modern gymnastics. In particular, Jahn crafted early models of the horizontal bar, the parallel bars (from a horizontal ladder with the rungs removed), and the vaulting horse.[4]

By the end of the nineteenth century, men's gymnastics competition was popular enough to be included in the first "modern" Olympic Games in 1896. However, from then on until the early 1950s, both national and international competitions involved a changing variety of exercises gathered under the rubric gymnastics that would seem strange to today's audiences: synchronized team floor calisthenics, rope climbing, high jumping, running, horizontal ladder, etc.

During the 1920s, women organized and participated in gymnastics events, and the first women's Olympic competition – primitive, for it involved only synchronized calisthenics - was held at the 1928 Games in Amsterdam. (Wikipedia)

Why do we do perform gymnastics?

It is one of the most important foundations of Cross Fit. If performed properly it will transfer into every aspect of your life especially your fitness goals. The US Navy adopted gymnastics in 1942 to make their naval aviators more fearless; it also allowed them to have better spatial awareness. The 101’st Airborne adopted the same book published by the US Navy Guide to Gymnastics and Tumbling in order to develop soldier’s agility, balance, strength, and confidence.


Basic Spotting and Safety:


• How to spot others. It is a hands-on exercise. Over-spotting.

• Self spot using stationary objects or assistance with power bands

• What to look for when spotting: muscle fatigue, form issues, correction and feedback


• Spotting is used until the movement and form is achieved – You only have one chance at spotting – never have a bad spot if it can be avoided.


All of these drills, skills, and elements will transfer into your daily programming and your inline core strength. More importantly these skills will allow for excellent development of stabilization strength movements. What that means to you the crossfitter is strength gains, kinesthetic awareness, and becoming comfortable with areas of crossfit that may not be your comfort zone. After all, gymnastics is a corner stone of crossfit especially when combined with weight training, and metcon or monstructural workouts.


• Spot – various techniques will be shown

• Active Muscles – muscles doing work, they will be active yet transitional in many movements

• Hollow – used for stability, various uses for hollow positions in gymnastic movements, for some many newbie’s this takes time to learn

• Kip – moving from one lower plane to a higher plane

• Kipping swing/hollow swing – used to create momentum

• Load – body weight in movement

• Core – Tightness, used to control the load and momentum created

• Form – Proper form and being tight in the movements

• Striving toward perfection of the forms

• Static vs. Dynamic Apparatus, stable static apparatus vs. apparatus that moves… each client should be checked out on static planes before advancing to dynamic planes like rings. A dip on bars before we require dips on rings is the best approach, to explain this.

• Skill sets – training for form and strength before going for time. Breaking the skill sets into 5 or 10 second isometric holds to a completion of total seconds with rest can be an hour long workout

• Strength prowess – are you strong enough? A question all of us should ask before doing body weight moves

It is important for trainers to know the techniques for spotting all of these moves for your respective boxes or for your own personal training. Another goal for this specialty cert is to allow you to become comfortable in observing nuances of the movements, and becoming comfortable in breaking them down when correct or incorrect… Our goal is that you develop your instructional cues so instruction for gymnastic drills for your WOD’s become more fluid and allow for. I want you to become comfortable using the language taught for instructing how to hollow, showing people how to be tight with body forms, proper form execution, and how to train dynamic or static plane skills when training. More so it is very important to know when and how to introduce gymnastic training into your box and or WOD’s.


High Bar/Pull Up Bar Variations

• Grip – using the thumb

• Stretch – many approaches, but the stretch and warm up should meet the demands of the programming don’t get stuck in a rut with the same stretch

• Flexibility – huge part of what we do in CF, and everyone overlooks this

• Pull ups and chin ups need to be in your basic strength training…. Period!!!

• Dead hang chin ups/ Scaled power bands / or negatives

• Dead Hang pull ups/ Scaled power bands / or negatives

• Momentum – sometimes we use it sometimes we don’t

• KTE – knees to elbow – we do this move strictly for the cert to engage core without momentum

• Ball Up – tuck toward inversion, larger strength move tuck under bar

• Pass through - can be done on a bar but flexibility is needed, easier on rings because we have no horizontal plane like a bar to manipulate under

• Kipping / Scaled power bands

• Inversion Progressions

• Dislocates

• Skin the cat / pull back through to dead hang on bar and rings

• L-sit raise – Dead hangs

• L-sit pull ups

• Wipers – Around the worlds, can be done with obstacle or not

• KTE / Ball Up

• Muscle Ups / strict, scaled, with false grip, or with kip

• Back Levers / scaled with tuck, vertical lowered with degrees, spots, and full on

• Front Levers / scaled with tuck, vertical lowered with degrees, spots, and full on

• Ice Cream Makers’ / pop out to front lever

• Iron Cross / scaled with leverage and degrees of strength requirement


Ring Transitions:

• Spot from behind using waist to spot – do NOT grab rings

• Supports – rings parallel to body

• Support with 45 degree turnout

• Support with turnouts – tuck body – then l-sit holds

• Support with parallel - tuck – l-sit

• Ring dips – scale with bands

• Planche ring dips – dip maintain 45 degree turnout

• Planks

• V-outs

• Pushups

• Ins and Outs then Rights and Lefts – in lower support push up with rings 10 inches off the ground

• Then both arms – tuff movement



Is key in gymnastic movements… for this cert we will train with thumbs around the bar, and around the rings… always have your thumb around the bar we spent millions of years developing the opposable thumbs, lets try and use these to our advantage shall we… You will notice increased grip strength and you will also increase your safety level exponentially by using your thumbs! It took our ancestors millions of years to develop the opposable thumb – we should take advantage of it.

Stretching: Maintain your flexibility – it will always serve you well and allow you to become more agile in your movements – this will transfer into all of your CF WOD’s We will go over many stretches to use for warm ups – and there are a plethora of fantastic resources for good stretching techniques. Seek out the experts and use these skills – I tell people you should stretch every day, twice a day, make it part of your routine! In short - We stretch 20 to 30 seconds per controlled stretch with most movements being focused on wide full body rotations and static stretches. We do so before during and after our workouts where gymnastics’ is the focus. Below Gillian has graciously put together a FAQ and examples of stretches we use for the cert.

Warm-ups and Stretching as a Means of Improving Performance and Reducing the Risk of Injury

Why do we warm-up?

To prepare the body for activity by raising body temperature, bringing oxygen rich blood to muscle, and lubricating joints. Additionally, warming-up gives the body a chance to acclimate to the demands that are going to be placed upon it.

Why do we stretch? When do we stretch?

Stretching activates muscle tissue and brings blood supply to the muscle. It helps joints move through a safe and increased range of motion by keeping the muscle elongated while allowing the joint to function properly and optimally. Stretching prepares our joints and muscles for the range of motion that we will be putting it through during exercise.

Research is inconclusive about stretching, but anecdotal evidence suggests that stretching should be performed pre workout following an adequate warm-up period, during the workout (if possible) and post workout.

A combination of sufficient warming up and stretching may enable us to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.

What kind of warm-up and stretching should we do for gymnastics?

Warm-up should include full body active range of motion, addressing and utilizing muscle on all sides of the joints. Heart rate and respiration should be elevated. Warm-ups may include but are not limited to monostructural exercise (i.e. jumping rope, running), calisthenics, and dynamic ROM. Balance, agility, and proprioceptive neuromuscular awareness should be addressed. This is not only true of gymnastics but of all other activities including weightlifting.

Stretching should be a combination of static, active/dynamic, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) methods. The goal that we are to keep in mind is how to most safely and effectively prepare the body for upcoming activity and optimize function and performance.

Warm-ups should include the mobilization of all joints and the utilization of core musculature for stability while performing the exercises.

10 minute warm-up (perform 1-2 sets of 10-15 repetitions for most of the following exercises)

Jumping jacks

BW Squats

Standing toe and heel raises

Standing BW Good Mornings

Stationery lunges

Toe-touch walk outs


Prone and side planks (static hold)

Supine Double and Single leg hip extension

Supine torso flexion (sit-up)

Side lying hip rotation

Prone Back extension

10 Minute Stretch Sequences

Dynamic walking hamstring stretch

Dynamic walking IT Band stretch

Dynamic walking Quad/hip flexor stretch

Figure 4 dynamic piriformis/glute stretches

Side to side adductor stretch

Kneeling quad/ham alternating stretch

Prone kneeling spine stretch

Prone kneeling lat/shoulder stretch

Partner seated pec stretch

Kneeling bicep/forearm/triceps stretch

Standing PVC torso rotation

PVC Shoulder dislocates

PVC Shoulder circles

5 Minute Neuro Muscular Coordination/Balance/Agility Sequence (perform 1 set of 10-15 repetitions of each of the following unless otherwise indicated)

Standing side to side uni-leg swings

Standing front to back uni-leg swings

Single leg balance holds (ankle knee hip flexion at 90 degrees) 30 seconds

Standing airplane (scale/arabesque) 30 seconds

Single leg PNF toe touches

Kipping Swing


Kipping: There are many videos out on this movement on CF, we will only demonstrate the most efficient form for this movement. It is an important element for CF and it needs to be shown, demonstrated, and trained properly to prevent injury to the body but also to allow metcon workouts to be performed quickly when using kipping momentum. Our technique is based on an open and closed movement of the chest as the beginning progression for the kipping… We will show you how the gymnastic straight leg kip is utilized and how its efficiency works for chin to the bar or chest to the bar. The bent knee kip can be used as well with our progression.

Bullet points:

• A kip starts with an individual being able to complete dead hang chin ups and demonstrating controlled strength for the movement. Without proper strength you risk injury. This needed strength will be very helpful for the and eccentric

• Knowing how to begin the movement or swing with the open (forward momentum of the chest) and the closed movement (reverse movement of the back) will create your momentum. Practice the kipping swing and become efficient at it first – find your kinesthetic / body awareness.

• The kip starts with a small movement then becomes larger one as the open and closed body form is well executed. The kipping swing needs to be achieved and then you will add yet another element, a hollow form on the closed part of the swing.

• Hollow/Closed form on the kipping swing - Knowing how to combine the open and closed position, with a hollow body position in the swing itself – allows the load to be transferred above the bar. It is important to note that body position and swing create a heavier load, but the efficiency of this kip will allow for better management of the created load.

• This gymnastic kip is executed without initiating the swing from the lower legs and without opening or closing the hip; this merely creates uncontrolled momentum and a pendulum swing on the bar. It is initiated from the open/closed form of the upper body momentum with a solid hollow body position, body awareness, good timing, fluid movement, and repetitive training.

• Once the nuances of the requirements for strength, active muscles, properly created momentum, fluid kipping swing, open and closed forms, and hollow finish out is digested… Then repetitive attempts to gain timing are needed and can be achieved over time…

• Power bands can be used to train the body position and develop kinesthetic awareness and develop timing, a fluid swing, and certainly to scale load created by this movement.

• Some tips for you and cues to use will be discussed in class and during demonstrations.




• Supports

• Inversions

• Ring position / strap position / arms close to the body

• False grip

• Muscle Up progression – training the muscle memory

• Muscle UP

• Iron Cross variations/progressions

• Ring transitions

• Spotting

• Types of rings – wood verses plastic – tapping rings

• Using the hollow in ring movements and or tight arch

Dynamic vs. Static training apparatus: Rings are fun, but they can be dangerous if you have not checked out your client’s abilities on such apparatus. Make sure that you have seen your clients’ stability control on a static plane before allowing clients to use rings… Core control and strength are needed for all of the moves on rings, even simple support moves. I like to make sure that clients have shown me good push up, dead hang pull ups, good dips on dip stations before we move to a dynamic training on rings.

Inversion: Getting comfortable upside down holding on to stuff – nuff said!

I will show you how to do this… You will take lots of notes ( Spotting is everything in getting people comfortable on rings and into these movements.

False grip: Let’s just say this… It is needed and you will learn it and we can give you tips on protecting your writs and hands… for the false grip and the damage it can do to wrists – say like when you do 30 of them!

Muscle ups: Scalability of this movement will allow you to train it properly and thus result in learning how to train your muscle groups to perform this movement. We can teach you a muscle up transition in 60 seconds!



• Spotting – Controlled kick up - Controlled falling

• Lunge – spotting the lunge from compromised to standing positions

• Balance is found from the wrist up to the knuckles once body form is achieved

• Using the hollow

• Chin positions – neutral to looking at the floor

• Head Stands – pros and cons

• Handstands – how to lunge and kick up to your spot

• Body position, width of hands, hollow body, active shoulders, head positions, legs together, toes pointed

• Wall support – kicking up – walking up –

• Pulling from wall to balance on the floor and parallettes

• HSPU – Hand Stand Push Ups

• ROM - handstand on the ground with head touching and pressing up

• EROM – handstand on elevated platform and letting head drop below then pressing up

• Power Bands harness – self spotting technique

• Straddle Press Handstands

• One armed balance work

Exit strategy out of a fall is to turn hips immediately and brings legs pointed back behind you to standing support; basically this is a reverse lung or back out of a cartwheel but it is controlled. Another method is forward roll – but this is basic tumbling and requires strict form and good teaching and repetition. One can enroll in a basic gymnastic class and learn this skill.

Forward roll: Why do I need to know how to do a forward roll? Because you need to know how to fall with control, you may also need to know how to have an exit strategy from a handstand. Important to note that we will dissect this movement fully so it will integrate into a handstand forward roll and much must be explained and executed properly for protection to the cervical spine… We must observe, practice, and learn this movement and know how to spot it safely, learn how to cue it safely, and learn how to use it properly.

Handstands: We get many questions about this process – we will break this down precisely and show how to use various scale movements for HSPU’s, HS inversion holds, and how to use your body to work toward perfect from. Whether u are using a wall, power bands, or a spotter to perform a handstand you must always push for form in handstands… Repetition will be key for this movement as it will for all gymnastic drills.. Patience also comes into play… Continual patience will be key as you work toward good form. Perfection is the goal but never achieved, form - form – form and repetition.

Parallettes and Body Movements:



• Spotting

• Blocking

• Tuc supports

• L-sit and progression – 5 second holds

• Tucked V-sits

• Planche tuc holds

• Push Ups and the EROM

• Handstands


• Press Handstands

Parallettes: The mini parallel bar equivalent is an awesome tool to use in your strength development for body weight work… make this tool part of your daily warm up or put it into your WOD. The progressions for such will again have transference into your movements for gymnastics and CF – for both strength control gains and advanced movements…

When using these apparatus - again a word of caution, you want to make sure that those you are training have the strength for these moves basic or advanced.

Implementation of Gymnastic Work for your programming: There are many ways to add such instruction for your programming… If you follow the WOD on line with HQ then be aware that you implement proper scalability for newbie’s and even your fire breathers. Always assess your clients and do not press them once fatigue sets in - save to train such moves when clients are more rested if you need to… Always assess these moves as cfers work them and strive for form and strength, not mere repetition. Rest can be your friend and in some cases is needed - so be smart about programming gymnastic drills. Feel free to have a gymnastic day, keep it fresh and have fun with it…

Q and A

Service, is the highest calling we have to offer one another, there is no higher calling. I encourage you all to offer service to your fellow man no matter what level of service you are called to give.

I hope we have been of service to you in this weekend’s events. I appreciate your efforts and your attentions.








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