05/10/2021 14:30:35


CS/HB 1 GENERAL BILL by State Affairs Committee; Grant, J. (Similar SB 804) Dues and Uniform Assessments; Requires specified information be provided in employee organization authorization form; prohibits certain information on revocation form; revises when certain deductions commence; provides for termination of authorization for deduction of dues upon specified period or event. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/14/20 HOUSE Filed 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/17/20 HOUSE Referred to Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee 01/17/20 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 01/17/20 HOUSE Now in Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee 01/17/20 HOUSE Added to Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee agenda 01/22/20 HOUSE Favorable by Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee 01/22/20 HOUSE Reported out of Oversight, Transparency & Public Management Subcommittee 01/22/20 HOUSE Now in State Affairs Committee 02/11/20 HOUSE Added to State Affairs Committee agenda 02/13/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by State Affairs Committee 02/14/20 HOUSE Reported out of State Affairs Committee 02/14/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 02/14/20 HOUSE CS Filed 02/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 02/17/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 02/17/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 02/27/20 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/3/2020) 02/28/20 HOUSE Amendment 487875 filed 02/28/20 HOUSE Amendment 884777 filed 02/28/20 HOUSE Amendment 419753 filed 02/28/20 HOUSE Amendment 270071 filed 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 419753 withdrawn 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 270071 withdrawn 03/03/20 HOUSE Read 2nd time 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 487875 Failed 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 884777 Failed 03/03/20 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading 03/03/20 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar 03/04/20 HOUSE Read 3rd time 03/04/20 HOUSE CS passed; YEAS 63, NAYS 52 03/04/20 HOUSE Message sent to senate 03/04/20 SENATE In Messages 03/05/20 SENATE Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Community Affairs; Rules -SJ 468 03/05/20 SENATE Received -SJ 468 03/14/20 SENATE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 SENATE Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability

CS/HB 3 (1ST ENG) GENERAL BILL by Business & Professions Subcommittee; Grant, M.; (CO-SPONSORS) Eagle; Fernandez-Barquin (Similar CS/SB 1336) Preemption of Local Occupational Licensing; Preempts licensing of occupations to state; prohibits local governments from imposing or modifying certain licensing requirements; specifies certain local licensing may not be enforced; specifies certain specialty contractors are not required to register with Construction Industry Licensing Board; prohibits local governments from requiring certain specialty contractors to obtain license; specifies job scopes for which local government may not require license; authorizes counties & municipalities to issue journeyman licenses. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 11/25/19 HOUSE Filed 12/16/19 HOUSE Referred to Business & Professions Subcommittee 12/16/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 12/16/19 HOUSE Referred to Commerce Committee 12/16/19 HOUSE Now in Business & Professions Subcommittee 01/13/20 HOUSE Added to Business & Professions Subcommittee agenda 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/15/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Business & Professions Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Reported out of Business & Professions Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/15/20 HOUSE CS Filed 01/16/20 HOUSE Referred to Commerce Committee 01/16/20 HOUSE Now in Commerce Committee 01/16/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 01/28/20 HOUSE Added to Commerce Committee agenda


CS/HB 3 (1ST ENG) 01/30/20 HOUSE 01/30/20 HOUSE 01/30/20 HOUSE 01/30/20 HOUSE 02/13/20 HOUSE 02/14/20 HOUSE 02/19/20 HOUSE 02/19/20 HOUSE 02/19/20 HOUSE 02/19/20 HOUSE 02/20/20 HOUSE 02/20/20 HOUSE 02/26/20 SENATE 02/26/20 HOUSE 02/27/20 SENATE

03/02/20 SENATE 03/14/20 SENATE

03/14/20 SENATE

Favorable by Commerce Committee Reported out of Commerce Committee Bill released to House Calendar Added to Second Reading Calendar Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/19/2020) Amendment 898579 filed Read 2nd time Amendment 898579 adopted Placed on 3rd reading Added to Third Reading Calendar Read 3rd time CS passed as amended; YEAS 78, NAYS 40 In Messages Message sent to senate Referred to Community Affairs; Innovation, Industry, and Technology; Rules -SJ 363 Received -SJ 363 Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration Died in Community Affairs

HCR 5 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION by Sprowls (Identical SCR 1180) Joint Session for Purpose of Receiving Governor's Message; Provides that the House of Representatives and the Senate convene in Joint Session for the purpose of receiving a message from the Governor. 12/20/19 HOUSE Filed 01/03/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 01/14/20 HOUSE Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SCR 1180 (Adopted) 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)

CS/CS/HB 7 (1ST ENG) GENERAL BILL by Judiciary Committee; Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; Fine; (CO-SPONSORS) Beltran; Roach; Sabatini (Similar SB 1340) Legal Notices; Provides for website publication of legal notices; provides criteria for such publication; authorizes fiscally constrained county to use publicly accessible website to publish legally required advertisements & public notices; requires government agency to provide specified notice to residents concerning alternative methods of receiving legal notices. Effective Date: 07/01/2021. 12/13/19 HOUSE Filed 01/03/20 HOUSE Referred to Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 01/03/20 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 01/03/20 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 01/03/20 HOUSE Now in Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 01/13/20 HOUSE Added to Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee agenda 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/15/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Reported out of Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 01/16/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/16/20 HOUSE CS Filed 01/16/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 01/20/20 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 01/20/20 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 01/20/20 HOUSE Now in Judiciary Committee 01/28/20 HOUSE Added to Judiciary Committee agenda 01/30/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Judiciary Committee 01/31/20 HOUSE Reported out of Judiciary Committee 01/31/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/31/20 HOUSE CS Filed 02/03/20 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 02/03/20 HOUSE Now in State Affairs Committee 02/03/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2) 02/04/20 HOUSE Added to State Affairs Committee agenda 02/06/20 HOUSE Favorable by State Affairs Committee 02/06/20 HOUSE Reported out of State Affairs Committee 02/06/20 HOUSE Bill released to House Calendar 02/06/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 02/10/20 HOUSE Amendment 004829 filed 02/27/20 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/3/2020) 02/28/20 HOUSE Amendment 982613 filed 03/03/20 HOUSE Read 2nd time 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 004829 adopted 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 982613 adopted



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CS/CS/HB 7 (1ST ENG) 03/03/20 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading 03/03/20 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar 03/04/20 HOUSE Read 3rd time 03/04/20 HOUSE CS passed as amended; YEAS 71, NAYS 47 03/04/20 HOUSE Message sent to senate 03/04/20 SENATE In Messages 03/05/20 SENATE Referred to Judiciary; Community Affairs; Rules -SJ 468 03/05/20 SENATE Received -SJ 468 03/14/20 SENATE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 SENATE Died in Judiciary

CS/HB 9 GENERAL BILL by Civil Justice Subcommittee; Leek; (CO-SPONSORS) Sabatini; Stone (Compare CS/CS/SB 1668) Damages; Requires certain medical expenses in personal injury claims to be based on certain usual & customary amounts received; specifies what usual & customary amount means for certain purposes. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 01/08/20 HOUSE Filed 01/13/20 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee 01/13/20 HOUSE Referred to Commerce Committee 01/13/20 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 01/13/20 HOUSE Now in Civil Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/27/20 HOUSE Added to Civil Justice Subcommittee agenda 01/29/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Civil Justice Subcommittee 01/30/20 HOUSE Reported out of Civil Justice Subcommittee 01/30/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/30/20 HOUSE CS Filed 01/31/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 02/02/20 HOUSE Referred to Commerce Committee 02/02/20 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 02/02/20 HOUSE Now in Commerce Committee 02/18/20 HOUSE Added to Commerce Committee agenda 02/20/20 HOUSE Favorable by Commerce Committee 02/20/20 HOUSE Reported out of Commerce Committee 02/20/20 HOUSE Now in Judiciary Committee 02/24/20 HOUSE Added to Judiciary Committee agenda 02/26/20 HOUSE Favorable by Judiciary Committee 02/26/20 HOUSE Reported out of Judiciary Committee 02/26/20 HOUSE Bill released to House Calendar 02/26/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died on Second Reading Calendar

CS/HB 21 GENERAL BILL by Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee; Hill (Compare CS/CS/CS/HB 391, CS/CS/SB 78 (2ND ENG)) Transportation Facility Designations; Provides honorary designation of certain transportation facility in specified counties; directs DOT to erect suitable markers. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/02/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 11/06/19 HOUSE Added to Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee agenda 11/13/19 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 11/14/19 HOUSE Reported out of Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 11/14/19 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 11/14/19 HOUSE CS Filed 11/25/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee 11/25/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 11/25/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 02/06/20 HOUSE Added to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee agenda 02/10/20 HOUSE Favorable by Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee

CS/HB 21 02/10/20 HOUSE

02/10/20 HOUSE 03/14/20 HOUSE

03/14/20 HOUSE

Reported out of Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee Now in State Affairs Committee Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration Died in State Affairs Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 78 (Ch. 2020-185)

CS/CS/HB 23 (1ST ENG) GENERAL BILL by PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee; PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee; Gottlieb; Daley; (CO-SPONSORS) Bell; Beltran; Bush; Casello; Cortes, J.; Driskell; Duran; Eskamani; Fern?ndez; Fetterhoff; Geller; Good; Gregory; Grieco; Hart; Hill; Hogan Johnson; Jacobs; Jenne; Joseph; LaMarca; Latvala; Leek; McGhee; Mercado; Overdorf; Polo; Polsky; Slosberg; Stark; Valdes; Webb; Willhite; Williams; Yarborough; Zika (Similar CS/CS/SB 70 (3RD ENG)) Panic Alarms in Public Schools; Requiring each public school, including charter schools, to implement a panic alert system for specified purposes; providing requirements for such system; providing an appropriation, etc. Appropriation: $8,000,000. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/02/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Education Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/16/20 HOUSE Added to PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee agenda 01/21/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee 01/22/20 HOUSE Reported out of PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee 01/23/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/23/20 HOUSE CS Filed 01/23/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 01/24/20 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 01/24/20 HOUSE Referred to Education Committee 01/24/20 HOUSE Now in PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 01/31/20 HOUSE Added to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee agenda 02/04/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 02/07/20 HOUSE Reported out of PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 02/07/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 02/07/20 HOUSE CS Filed 02/10/20 HOUSE Referred to Education Committee 02/10/20 HOUSE Now in Education Committee 02/10/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2) 02/24/20 HOUSE Added to Education Committee agenda 02/26/20 HOUSE Favorable by Education Committee 02/26/20 HOUSE Reported out of Education Committee 02/26/20 HOUSE Bill released to House Calendar 02/26/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 03/02/20 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/5/2020) 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 647803 filed 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 844933 filed 03/03/20 HOUSE Amendment 931007 filed 03/04/20 HOUSE Amendment 844933 withdrawn 03/05/20 HOUSE Read 2nd time 03/05/20 HOUSE Amendment 931007 withdrawn 03/05/20 HOUSE Amendment 647803 adopted 03/05/20 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading 03/05/20 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar 03/06/20 HOUSE Temporarily postponed, on 3rd Reading 03/09/20 HOUSE Temporarily postponed, on 3rd Reading 03/09/20 HOUSE Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 70 (Ch. 2020-145)

HB 25 GENERAL BILL by Jones; (CO-SPONSORS) Cortes, J.; Eskamani; Geller; Grieco; Joseph; Mercado; Polo; Polsky; Sabatini; Stark (Similar SB 242) Cannabis Offenses; Reduces criminal penalties for possession of specified amounts of cannabis & products containing specified amounts of THC; specifies that juvenile violators of certain provisions are eligible for civil citation or prearrest diversion programs. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/05/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Justice Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)




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HB 25 03/14/20 HOUSE

03/14/20 HOUSE

Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HB 27 GENERAL BILL by Bell (Linked HB 29, Identical CS/SB 108, Compare HB 1135 (2ND ENG), CS/SB 110, CS/CS/SB 412) Specialty License Plates; Directs DHSMV to develop Florida State Beekeepers Association license plate; provides for distribution & use of fees collected from sale of plates. Effective Date: October 1, 2020, but only if HB 29 or similar legislation takes effect. 08/05/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 1135 (Ch. 2020-181)

HB 29 GENERAL BILL by Bell (Linked HB 27, Identical CS/SB 110, Compare HB 1135 (2ND ENG), CS/SB 108) Specialty License Plate Fees; Establishes fee for Florida State Beekeepers Association license plate. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 27 or similar legislation takes effect. 08/05/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 1135 (Ch. 2020-181)

HB 31 GENERAL BILL by Hill; (CO-SPONSORS) Killebrew; Sabatini (Compare CS/HB 1251, SB 1690) Monuments and Memorials; Designates act "Soldiers' and Heroes' Monuments and Memorials Protection Act"; defines "remembrance"; prohibits damage to or removal of certain remembrances; prohibits removal or other specified activities concerning remembrances on public property; grants certain persons standing for enforcement. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/05/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HCR 33 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION by Jenne; (CO-SPONSORS) Hattersley (Similar SCR 74) Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; Acknowledges injustices perpetrated against targets of Florida Legislative Investigation Committee between 1956 & 1965, & offers formal & heartfelt apology to those whose lives, well-being, & livelihoods were damaged or destroyed by activities & public pronouncements of those who served on committee. 08/06/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Public Integrity & Ethics Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Civil Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee

HB 35 GENERAL BILL by Duran; (CO-SPONSORS) Fern?ndez; Grieco; Mercado (Similar SB 42) Donor Human Milk Bank Services; Authorizes AHCA to pay for donor human milk bank services as optional Medicaid service under certain conditions; specifies eligibility criteria; adds such services to list of Medicaid services authorized for reimbursement on fee-for-service basis & list of services covered by managed care plans. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/08/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Market Reform Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Health Market Reform Subcommittee 12/23/19 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction

CS/HB 37

GENERAL BILL by State Affairs Committee; Zika; Slosberg; (CO-

SPONSORS) Beltran; Brown; Caruso; Cortes, J.; Daniels; DiCeglie;

DuBose; Eagle; Fernandez-Barquin; Fine; Gregory; Grieco; Hart; Leek;

Maggard; Overdorf; Perez; Polsky; Smith, D.; Watson, C. (Identical

CS/SB 290)

School Bus Safety; Revises civil penalties for certain violations relating to

stopping for school bus. Effective Date: 01/01/2021.

08/08/19 HOUSE Filed

09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Infrastructure


09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations


09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee

09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee

12/04/19 HOUSE Added to Transportation & Infrastructure

Subcommittee agenda

12/11/19 HOUSE Favorable by Transportation & Infrastructure


12/11/19 HOUSE Reported out of Transportation & Infrastructure


12/11/19 HOUSE Now in Transportation & Tourism Appropriations


01/13/20 HOUSE Added to Transportation & Tourism Appropriations

Subcommittee agenda

01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)

01/15/20 HOUSE Favorable by Transportation & Tourism Appropriations


01/15/20 HOUSE Reported out of Transportation & Tourism

Appropriations Subcommittee

01/15/20 HOUSE Now in State Affairs Committee

01/28/20 HOUSE Added to State Affairs Committee agenda

01/30/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by State Affairs Committee

01/30/20 HOUSE Reported out of State Affairs Committee

01/30/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)

01/30/20 HOUSE CS Filed

01/31/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)

02/02/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar

02/02/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar

02/13/20 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/19/2020)

02/19/20 HOUSE Read 2nd time

02/19/20 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading

02/19/20 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar

02/20/20 HOUSE Read 3rd time

02/20/20 HOUSE CS passed; YEAS 118, NAYS 0

02/26/20 SENATE In Messages

02/26/20 HOUSE Message sent to senate

02/27/20 SENATE Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary;

Rules -SJ 363

03/02/20 SENATE Received -SJ 363

03/05/20 SENATE Withdrawn from Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary;

Rules -SJ 427

03/05/20 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading

03/05/20 SENATE Substituted for CS/SB 290 -SJ 427

03/05/20 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 427

03/05/20 SENATE Placed on 3rd reading

03/06/20 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 507

03/06/20 SENATE CS passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 507

03/06/20 HOUSE In Messages

03/06/20 HOUSE Ordered enrolled


Signed by Officers and presented to Governor


Approved by Governor


Chapter No. 2020-64



05/10/2021 14:30:35


CS/CS/CS/HB 39 GENERAL BILL by State Affairs Committee; Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee; Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; Gottlieb; (CO-SPONSORS) Daley; Fern?ndez; Good; Hart; Polo; Polsky; Slosberg; Webb (Similar SB 340, CS/CS/SB 364 (1ST ENG)) Independent Living Task Force; Establishes Independent Living Task Force within Florida Housing Finance Corporation; provides for duties, membership, & meetings of task force; requires task force to submit report to Governor & Legislature by specified date; provides for expiration. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 08/08/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 10/30/19 HOUSE Added to Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee agenda 11/06/19 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 11/06/19 HOUSE Reported out of Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee 11/06/19 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 11/06/19 HOUSE CS Filed 11/07/19 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee 11/07/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 11/07/19 HOUSE Now in Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee 12/05/19 HOUSE Added to Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee agenda 12/12/19 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee 12/16/19 HOUSE Reported out of Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee 12/16/19 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 12/16/19 HOUSE CS Filed 12/18/19 HOUSE Referred to State Affairs Committee 12/18/19 HOUSE Now in State Affairs Committee 01/14/20 HOUSE Added to State Affairs Committee agenda 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2) 01/16/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by State Affairs Committee 01/16/20 HOUSE Reported out of State Affairs Committee 01/16/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 01/16/20 HOUSE CS Filed 01/16/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 3) 01/20/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 01/20/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 02/19/20 HOUSE Amendment 811917 filed 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died on Second Reading Calendar

HB 41 GENERAL BILL by Grieco; (CO-SPONSORS) Casello; Cortes, J.; Duran; Eskamani; Fern?ndez; Geller; Goff-Marcil; Good; Gottlieb; Hattersley; Jacobs; Jenne; Mercado; Polo; Polsky; Silvers; Slosberg; Smith, C.; Stark; Watson, C.; Webb; Willhite (Similar SB 180) Conversion Therapy; Prohibits specified licensees & practitioners from practicing or performing conversion therapy on individual who is younger than specified age; provides that such licensee or practitioner is subject to disciplinary proceedings by DOH & appropriate board. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/09/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Health Quality Subcommittee

CS/HB 43 (1ST ENG)

GENERAL BILL by Health & Human Services Committee; Latvala;

Valdes; (CO-SPONSORS) Brown; Caruso; Cortes, J.; Daniels; Fernandez-

Barquin; Fetterhoff; Fine; Geller; Grall; Hill; Jones; Magar; Massullo;

McGhee; Plakon; Polo; Polsky; Roach; Sprowls; Tomkow; Watson, C.;

Webb; Williams; Zika (Compare CS/CS/HB 1105 (1ST ENG), HB 7085 (1ST

ENG), CS/CS/SB 122, CS/CS/SB 1324, CS/SB 1548)

Child Welfare; Requiring the Florida Court Educational Council to establish

certain standards for instruction of circuit and county court judges for

dependency cases; requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to provide

certain information to law enforcement officers relating to specified individuals;

requiring Child Protection Teams to be capable of providing certain training

relating to head trauma and brain injuries in children younger than a specified

age; requiring the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission to

establish standards for the instruction of law enforcement officers in a specified

subject, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2020.

08/09/19 HOUSE Filed

09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee

09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Appropriations Committee

09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee

09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee

10/17/19 HOUSE Added to Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee


10/24/19 HOUSE Favorable by Children, Families & Seniors


10/24/19 HOUSE Reported out of Children, Families & Seniors


10/24/19 HOUSE Now in Appropriations Committee

01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)

01/27/20 HOUSE Added to Appropriations Committee agenda

01/29/20 HOUSE Favorable by Appropriations Committee

01/29/20 HOUSE Reported out of Appropriations Committee

01/29/20 HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee

02/04/20 HOUSE Added to Health & Human Services Committee agenda

02/06/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health & Human Services


02/07/20 HOUSE Reported out of Health & Human Services Committee

02/07/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)

02/07/20 HOUSE CS Filed

02/07/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)

02/10/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar

02/10/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar

02/13/20 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/19/2020)

02/19/20 HOUSE Read 2nd time

02/19/20 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading

02/19/20 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar

02/20/20 HOUSE Read 3rd time

02/20/20 HOUSE CS passed; YEAS 117, NAYS 0

02/26/20 SENATE In Messages

02/26/20 HOUSE Message sent to senate

02/27/20 SENATE Referred to Rules -SJ 363

03/02/20 SENATE Received -SJ 363

03/05/20 SENATE Withdrawn from Rules -SJ 421

03/05/20 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading

03/05/20 SENATE Substituted for CS/CS/SB 122 -SJ 421

03/05/20 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 421

03/05/20 SENATE Amendment(s) adopted (755426) -SJ 421

03/05/20 SENATE Placed on 3rd reading

03/06/20 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 484

03/06/20 SENATE CS passed as amended; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 485

03/06/20 HOUSE In Messages

03/12/20 HOUSE Added to Senate Message List

03/12/20 HOUSE Amendment 755426 Concur

03/12/20 HOUSE CS passed as amended; YEAS 113, NAYS 0

03/12/20 HOUSE Ordered engrossed, then enrolled

03/12/20 HOUSE Message sent to senate


Signed by Officers and presented to Governor


Approved by Governor


Chapter No. 2020-40; companion bill(s) passed, see

CS/CS/HB 1105 (Ch. 2020-138)

HB 45 GENERAL BILL by Eskamani; (CO-SPONSORS) Cortes, J.; Geller; GoffMarcil; Good; Gottlieb; Grieco; Hattersley; Jenne; Polo; Polsky; Slosberg; Smith, C.; Valdes; Webb (Identical SB 56) Private School Eligibility Requirements; Revises private school eligibility requirements for state school choice scholarship program. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 08/09/19 HOUSE Filed




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HB 45 09/23/19 09/23/19 09/23/19 09/23/19 01/14/20 03/14/20


03/14/20 HOUSE

Referred to PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee Referred to Education Committee Now in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration Died in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee

HB 47 GENERAL BILL by Stark; (CO-SPONSORS) Cortes, J.; Fern?ndez; Good; Polo; Polsky; Smith, C. (Identical SB 114) Risk Protection Orders; Allows an individual who has biological or legal parentchild relationship with, who is legal guardian of, or who is spouse or sibling of a person to seek a risk protection order. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/12/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Justice Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HB 49 GENERAL BILL by Killebrew (Compare CS/CS/CS/HB 209, SB 1084 (1ST ENG)) Emotional Support Animals; Provides individual with disability who has emotional support animal is entitled to access to housing accommodation; prohibits housing accommodation from requiring such individual to pay extra compensation; authorizes housing accommodation to request written documentation verifying individual's disability or disability-related need; specifies individual is liable for damage done by emotional support animal; prohibits falsification of written documentation or other misrepresentation; provides penalties. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/12/19 HOUSE Filed 08/12/19 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 1084 (Ch. 2020-76)

HR 51 RESOLUTION by Eskamani; (CO-SPONSORS) Geller; Grieco; Jenne; Joseph; Polo; Polsky; Smith, C. (Compare CS/CS/SR 214) White Nationalism and White Supremacy; Rejects & condemns white nationalism & white supremacy as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to values that define people of Florida & United States. 08/13/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Judiciary Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee; companion bill (s) passed, see CS/CS/SR 214 (Adopted)

HB 53 GENERAL BILL by Gottlieb; (CO-SPONSORS) Grieco; Hattersley; Polsky (Compare HB 277, SB 1184) Statute of Limitations for Sexual Offenses; Extends statute of limitations period for civil actions for certain offenses committed against minor victims. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/14/19 HOUSE Filed 09/20/19 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction

HB 55 GENERAL BILL by Jones; (CO-SPONSORS) Caruso; Duggan; Fern?ndez; Joseph; Killebrew; LaMarca; Polsky; Smith, C.; Thompson; Webb (Similar SB 132, SB 1004) Sunshine Scholarship Program; Establishes Sunshine Scholarship program; provides program & student requirements; provides for funding & rulemaking. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/14/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Higher Education & Career Readiness Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Education Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Higher Education & Career Readiness Subcommittee

HB 55 01/14/20 HOUSE 01/17/20 HOUSE

01/22/20 HOUSE

01/22/20 HOUSE

01/22/20 HOUSE 03/14/20 HOUSE

03/14/20 HOUSE

1st Reading (Original Filed Version) Added to Higher Education & Career Readiness Subcommittee agenda Favorable by Higher Education & Career Readiness Subcommittee Reported out of Higher Education & Career Readiness Subcommittee Now in Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration Died in Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee

CS/HB 57 GENERAL BILL by Health & Human Services Committee; Willhite; (COSPONSORS) Cortes, J.; Daniels (Similar CS/SB 100) Dispensing Medicinal Drugs; Authorizes hospitals to dispense limited supply of medicinal drugs to patient of emergency department of hospital or patient discharged from hospital; provides drug supply requirements for prescribing or dispensing of such drugs in specified areas; authorizes prescriber to provide patient with prescription for medicinal drugs for use beyond initial prescription period. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/14/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee 10/30/19 HOUSE Added to Health Quality Subcommittee agenda 11/06/19 HOUSE Favorable by Health Quality Subcommittee 11/06/19 HOUSE Reported out of Health Quality Subcommittee 11/06/19 HOUSE Now in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 01/13/20 HOUSE Added to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee agenda 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/15/20 HOUSE Favorable by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Reported out of Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee 02/04/20 HOUSE Added to Health & Human Services Committee agenda 02/06/20 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health & Human Services Committee 02/07/20 HOUSE Reported out of Health & Human Services Committee 02/07/20 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 02/07/20 HOUSE CS Filed 02/07/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 02/10/20 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 02/10/20 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 03/14/20 HOUSE Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration 03/14/20 HOUSE Died on Second Reading Calendar

CS/CS/HB 59 (1ST ENG) GENERAL BILL by Health & Human Services Committee; Health Quality Subcommittee; Willhite; (CO-SPONSORS) Daniels; Davis; Fernandez-Barquin; Sabatini (Similar CS/CS/SB 708) Automated Pharmacy Systems; Authorizes community pharmacy to use automated pharmacy system; provides certain medicinal drugs stored in automated pharmacy system for outpatient dispensing are part of inventory of pharmacy providing services through such system; requires community pharmacies to adopt policies & procedures. Effective Date: 07/01/2020. 08/14/19 HOUSE Filed 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 09/23/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee 09/23/19 HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee 10/30/19 HOUSE Added to Health Quality Subcommittee agenda 11/06/19 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health Quality Subcommittee 11/07/19 HOUSE Reported out of Health Quality Subcommittee 11/07/19 HOUSE Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) 11/07/19 HOUSE CS Filed 11/12/19 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 11/12/19 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee 11/12/19 HOUSE Now in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 01/13/20 HOUSE Added to Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee agenda 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) 01/14/20 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1) 01/15/20 HOUSE Favorable by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee 01/15/20 HOUSE Reported out of Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee





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