[Pages:3]11/15/2021 08:26:38


CS/CS/SB 54 (2ND ENG) GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Burgess; (COINTRODUCERS) Rouson (Similar CS/HB 719, Compare CS/HB 273, CS/SB 420 (1ST ENG)) Motor Vehicle Insurance; Repealing provisions which comprise the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law; revising the motor vehicle insurance coverages that an applicant must show to register certain vehicles with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; revising minimum liability coverage requirements for motor vehicle owners or operators; revising financial responsibility requirements for owners or lessees of for-hire passenger transportation vehicles; providing an exception to the circumstances under which a person who is damaged may bring a civil action against an insurer, etc. Appropriation: $83,651. Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for this section, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect January 1, 2022. 01/15/21 SENATE Filed 01/15/21 SENATE Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules SJ 39 01/15/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/26/21, 3:30 pm, 412 Knott Building 01/26/21 SENATE CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 10 NAYS 2 -SJ 178 01/27/21 SENATE Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) (Committee Substitute) 01/28/21 SENATE Now in Judiciary 02/08/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 02/15/21, 2:30 pm, 412 Knott Building 02/15/21 SENATE CS/CS by Judiciary; YEAS 8 NAYS 2 -SJ 179 02/17/21 SENATE Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) (Committee Substitute) 02/18/21 SENATE Now in Rules 03/02/21 SENATE Introduced -SJ 38 03/02/21 SENATE CS by Banking and Insurance read 1st time -SJ 160 03/02/21 SENATE CS/CS by Judiciary read 1st time -SJ 161 03/08/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Rules, 03/11/21, 8:15 am, 412 Knott Building 03/11/21 SENATE Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 12 NAYS 3 -SJ 239 03/11/21 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading 03/22/21 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/25/21 -SJ 312 03/25/21 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar -SJ 311 04/01/21 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar -SJ 341 04/07/21 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar -SJ 378 04/08/21 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar -SJ 408 04/14/21 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 441 04/14/21 SENATE Amendment(s) adopted (824756) -SJ 464 04/14/21 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 464 04/14/21 SENATE CS passed as amended; YEAS 38 NAYS 1 -SJ 464 04/14/21 SENATE Immediately certified -SJ 465 04/14/21 HOUSE In Messages 04/20/21 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 04/20/21 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/23/2021) 04/20/21 HOUSE 1st Reading (Engrossed 1) 04/21/21 HOUSE Amendment 071323 filed 04/21/21 HOUSE Amendment 725879 filed 04/21/21 HOUSE Amendment 440691 filed 04/23/21 HOUSE Substituted for CS/CS/HB 719 04/23/21 HOUSE Read 2nd time 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 440691 adopted 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 725879 adopted 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 071323 adopted as amended 04/23/21 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading 04/23/21 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 725879 replaced by engrossed amendment 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 440691 replaced by engrossed amendment 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 071323 replaced by engrossed amendment 04/23/21 HOUSE Amendment 746715 engrossed amendment (replaces 071323, 725879, 440691) 04/24/21 HOUSE Amendment 569691 filed 04/26/21 HOUSE Read 3rd time 04/26/21 HOUSE Amendment 569691 adopted 04/26/21 HOUSE CS passed as amended; YEAS 99, NAYS 11 04/26/21 HOUSE Amendment 569691 replaced by engrossed amendment 04/26/21 HOUSE Amendment 746715 replaced by engrossed amendment


04/26/21 HOUSE Amendment 958927 engrossed amendment (replaces

746715, 569691)

04/26/21 HOUSE Message sent to senate

04/26/21 SENATE In returning messages

04/30/21 SENATE Amendment(s) to House amendment(s) adopted

(731398) -SJ 1003

04/30/21 SENATE Concurred in House amendment(s) as amended -SJ


04/30/21 SENATE CS passed as amended; YEAS 37 NAYS 3 -SJ 1011

04/30/21 HOUSE In Messages

04/30/21 HOUSE Added to Senate Message List

04/30/21 HOUSE Amendment 731398 Concur

04/30/21 HOUSE Concurred in Senate amendment(s) to House


04/30/21 HOUSE CS passed as amended; YEAS 100, NAYS 16

04/30/21 SENATE Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 1290

04/30/21 HOUSE Message sent to senate


Signed by Officers and presented to Governor


Vetoed by Governor, companion bill(s) passed, see

CS/SB 420 (Ch. 2021-96)

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B)

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message referred to Rules

SB 146 (1ST ENG)

GENERAL BILL by Brandes (Identical HB 611)

Civic Literacy Education; Requiring the Commissioner of Education to develop

criteria for a civic literacy practicum that meets certain goals beginning in a

specified school year; authorizing time spent on specified civic engagement

activities to count toward requirements for certain scholarships and academic

awards; establishing the Citizen Scholar Program within the University of

South Florida, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2021.

12/04/20 SENATE Filed

12/09/20 SENATE Referred to Education; Appropriations -SJ 48

01/25/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Education, 02/03/21, 9:00 am,

412 Knott Building

02/03/21 SENATE Favorable by Education; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 175

02/03/21 SENATE Now in Appropriations

03/02/21 SENATE Introduced -SJ 48

03/08/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 03/11/21, 11:30

am, 412 Knott Building

03/11/21 SENATE Favorable by- Appropriations; YEAS 17 NAYS 0 -SJ 247

03/12/21 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading

03/15/21 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/18/21 -SJ 270

03/18/21 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 269

03/18/21 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 269

03/18/21 SENATE Passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 269

03/18/21 SENATE Immediately certified -SJ 270

03/18/21 HOUSE In Messages

03/25/21 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar

03/25/21 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/31/2021)

03/25/21 HOUSE 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)

03/26/21 HOUSE Amendment 100821 filed

03/31/21 HOUSE Substituted for CS/HB 611

03/31/21 HOUSE Read 2nd time

03/31/21 HOUSE Amendment 100821 adopted

03/31/21 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading

03/31/21 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar

04/01/21 HOUSE Read 3rd time

04/01/21 HOUSE Passed as amended; YEAS 114, NAYS 0

04/07/21 SENATE In returning messages

04/07/21 HOUSE Message sent to senate

04/28/21 SENATE Concurred in 1 amendment(s) (100821) -SJ 796

04/28/21 SENATE Passed as amended; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 796

04/28/21 SENATE Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 796


Signed by Officers and presented to Governor


Vetoed by Governor

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B)

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message referred to Rules



11/15/2021 08:26:38


CS/SB 166

PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Criminal Justice; Perry; (CO-

INTRODUCERS) Gruters (Linked SB 274, Similar HB 95, Compare HB


Public Records/Nonjudicial Record of the Arrest of a Minor; Providing an

exemption from public records requirements for a nonjudicial record of the

arrest of a minor who has successfully completed a diversion program; providing

for retroactive application; providing for future legislative review and repeal of

the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc. Effective Date: On

the same date that SB 274 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation

is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes a


12/04/20 SENATE Filed

12/09/20 SENATE Referred to Criminal Justice; Governmental Oversight

and Accountability; Appropriations -SJ 49

01/15/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 01/26/21, 9:00

am, 110 Senate Building

01/26/21 SENATE CS by Criminal Justice; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 178

01/26/21 SENATE Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) -

(Committee Substitute)

01/28/21 SENATE Now in Governmental Oversight and Accountability

02/08/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and

Accountability, 02/17/21, 9:00 am, 37 Senate Building

02/17/21 SENATE Favorable by Governmental Oversight and

Accountability; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 176

02/17/21 SENATE Now in Appropriations

03/02/21 SENATE Introduced -SJ 49

03/02/21 SENATE CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 166

03/26/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 03/31/21, 1:00

pm, 412 Knott Building --Not Considered

03/29/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/01/21, 9:00

am, 412 Knott Building

04/01/21 SENATE Favorable by- Appropriations; YEAS 20 NAYS 0 -SJ 342

04/01/21 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading

04/01/21 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/07/21 -SJ 378

04/07/21 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 375

04/07/21 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 375

04/07/21 SENATE CS passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 375

04/07/21 SENATE Immediately certified -SJ 378

04/07/21 HOUSE In Messages

04/23/21 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar

04/23/21 HOUSE Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/26/2021)

04/23/21 HOUSE 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)

04/26/21 HOUSE Read 2nd time

04/26/21 HOUSE Placed on 3rd reading

04/26/21 HOUSE Added to Third Reading Calendar

04/27/21 HOUSE Read 3rd time

04/27/21 HOUSE CS passed; YEAS 114, NAYS 0

04/27/21 SENATE Ordered enrolled -SJ 745

04/27/21 HOUSE Message sent to senate


Signed by Officers and presented to Governor


Vetoed by Governor

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B)

11/12/21 SENATE Veto Message referred to Rules

SB 274 GENERAL BILL by Perry; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Taddeo; Gruters; Farmer (Linked CS/SB 166, Identical HB 93, Compare HB 95, SB 164) Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction; Requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to expunge the nonjudicial arrest record of certain minors who have successfully completed a diversion program for any offense, rather than only a misdemeanor offense; authorizing a minor who successfully completes a diversion program for any offense, rather than only for a first-time misdemeanor offense, to lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge certain information, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2021. 12/15/20 SENATE Filed 01/11/21 SENATE Referred to Criminal Justice; Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Appropriations -SJ 57 01/15/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 01/26/21, 9:00 am, 110 Senate Building 01/26/21 SENATE Favorable by Criminal Justice; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 176 01/26/21 SENATE Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice

SB 274 02/01/21


02/09/21 03/02/21 03/26/21


04/01/21 04/01/21 04/01/21 04/07/21 04/07/21 04/07/21 04/07/21 04/07/21 04/23/21 04/23/21 04/23/21 04/26/21 04/26/21 04/26/21 04/27/21 04/27/21 04/27/21 04/27/21 06/28/21 06/29/21 11/12/21 11/12/21







On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice, 02/09/21, 2:00 pm, 37 Senate Building Subcommittee Recommendation: Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 179 Now in Appropriations Introduced -SJ 57 On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 03/31/21, 1:00 pm, 412 Knott Building --Not Considered On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/01/21, 9:00 am, 412 Knott Building Favorable by- Appropriations; YEAS 20 NAYS 0 -SJ 342 Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/07/21 -SJ 378 Read 2nd time -SJ 370 Read 3rd time -SJ 370 Passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 370 Immediately certified -SJ 378 In Messages Bill referred to House Calendar Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/26/2021) 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) Read 2nd time Placed on 3rd reading Added to Third Reading Calendar Read 3rd time Passed; YEAS 117, NAYS 0 Ordered enrolled -SJ 745 Message sent to senate Signed by Officers and presented to Governor Vetoed by Governor Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B) Veto Message referred to Rules

CS/CS/SB 1892 TRUST FUND/GENERAL BILL by Appropriations; Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; Diaz (Identical CS/HB 1595, Compare CS/CS/SB 2006 (2ND ENG)) Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund; Creating the Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund within the Executive Office of the Governor; providing for the deposit and use of funds; providing for future review and termination of the fund, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2021. 02/26/21 SENATE Filed 03/04/21 SENATE Referred to Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development; Appropriations -SJ 210 03/10/21 SENATE Introduced -SJ 210 03/18/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security, 03/23/21, 3:30 pm, 37 Senate Building 03/23/21 SENATE CS by Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 313 03/24/21 SENATE Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) (Committee Substitute) 03/25/21 SENATE Original reference(s) removed: Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development 03/25/21 SENATE Remaining references corrected to Appropriations -SJ 332 03/25/21 SENATE Now in Appropriations 03/25/21 SENATE CS by Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security read 1st time -SJ 322 03/26/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 03/31/21, 1:00 pm, 412 Knott Building --Not Considered 03/29/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/01/21, 9:00 am, 412 Knott Building 04/01/21 SENATE CS/CS by- Appropriations; YEAS 20 NAYS 0 -SJ 378 04/02/21 SENATE Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2) (Committee Substitute) 04/02/21 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading 04/07/21 SENATE CS/CS by Appropriations read 1st time -SJ 381




11/15/2021 08:26:38


CS/CS/SB 1892 04/16/21 SENATE 04/21/21 SENATE 04/21/21 SENATE 04/22/21 SENATE 04/22/21 SENATE 04/22/21 HOUSE 04/26/21 HOUSE 04/26/21 HOUSE 04/26/21 HOUSE 04/27/21 HOUSE 04/27/21 HOUSE 04/27/21 HOUSE 04/28/21 HOUSE 04/28/21 HOUSE 04/28/21 HOUSE 04/28/21 SENATE 06/01/21 06/08/21

11/12/21 SENATE 11/12/21 SENATE

Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/21/21 -SJ 559 Read 2nd time -SJ 537 Placed on 3rd reading Read 3rd time -SJ 578 CS passed; YEAS 37 NAYS 0 -SJ 578 In Messages Bill referred to House Calendar Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/27/2021) 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2) Read 2nd time Placed on 3rd reading Added to Third Reading Calendar Read 3rd time CS passed; YEAS 113, NAYS 1 Message sent to senate Ordered enrolled -SJ 846 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor Vetoed by Governor, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 2006 (Ch. 2021-8) Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B) Veto Message referred to Rules

SB 2500 (2ND ENG) 04/16/21 HOUSE

04/16/21 HOUSE 04/16/21 SENATE

04/16/21 SENATE

SB 2500 (2ND ENG) GENERAL BILL by Appropriations (Similar HB 5001, Compare HB 5003, HB 5005, HB 5007, HB 5009, HB 5011 (1ST ENG), HB 5101 (1ST ENG), HB 5201, HB 5301 (1ST ENG), HB 5401, HB 5501, HB 5601 (1ST ENG), HB 5701, CS/CS/SB 1954 (1ST ENG), SB 2502 (1ST ENG), SB 2504 (1ST ENG), SB 2506, SB 2508, SB 2512 (1ST ENG), SB 2514, SB 2516 (1ST ENG), SB 2518 (1ST ENG), SB 7018 (1ST ENG)) Appropriations; Providing moneys for the annual period beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, and supplemental appropriations for the period ending June 30, 2021, to pay salaries, and other expenses, capital outlay buildings, and other improvements, and for other specified purposes of the various agencies of state government, etc. Appropriation: $101,543,642,583. Effective Date: 07/01/2021 except as otherwise provided. 03/26/21 SENATE Submitted for consideration by Appropriations 03/26/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 03/31/21, 1:00 pm, 412 Knott Building 03/29/21 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/01/21, 9:00 am, 412 Knott Building 03/31/21 SENATE Submitted as Committee Bill and Reported Favorably by Appropriations; YEAS 20 NAYS 0 04/01/21 SENATE Filed 04/01/21 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading 04/01/21 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/07/21 -SJ 378 04/01/21 SENATE Introduced -SJ 343 04/07/21 SENATE Read 2nd time -SJ 358 04/07/21 SENATE Amendment(s) adopted (995041, 995042, 995043, 995044, 995045, 995046, 995047, 995048, 995049, 995050, 995051, 995052, 995053, 995054, 995055, 995056, 995057, 995058) -SJ 359 04/07/21 SENATE Read 3rd time -SJ 363 04/07/21 SENATE Passed as amended; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 363 04/07/21 SENATE The Senate requests that the House pass the bill as passed by the Senate or agree to include the bill in the Budget Conference -SJ 368 04/07/21 SENATE Immediately certified -SJ 368 04/07/21 HOUSE In Messages 04/07/21 HOUSE Bill referred to House Calendar 04/07/21 HOUSE Amendment 220777 filed 04/07/21 HOUSE 1st Reading (Engrossed 1) 04/07/21 HOUSE Added to Second Reading Calendar 04/08/21 HOUSE Substituted for HB 5001 04/08/21 HOUSE Read 2nd time 04/08/21 HOUSE Amendment 220777 adopted 04/08/21 HOUSE Read 3rd time 04/08/21 HOUSE Passed as amended; YEAS 104, NAYS 14 04/08/21 HOUSE Passed the Senate bill as amended by House and we accede to conference 04/08/21 HOUSE Immediately certified 04/08/21 SENATE In returning messages 04/08/21 HOUSE Message sent to senate

04/19/21 04/30/21 04/30/21 04/30/21


04/30/21 04/30/21 04/30/21 04/30/21 04/30/21


04/30/21 04/30/21 06/01/21 06/02/21 06/02/21 06/03/21


11/12/21 SENATE 11/12/21 SENATE

Bill placed in Conference (Appropriations Conference Committee) Conference Committee appointed Bill placed in Conference (Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations) Conference Committee appointed: Appropriations Conference Committee/Appropriations: Stargel (Chair), Bean (At Large), Book (At Large), Farmer (At Large), Gibson (At Large), Mayfield (At Large), Passidomo (At Large), Perry (At Large), Rouson (At Large); Appropriations Conference Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government/Agriculture & Natural Resources: Albritton (Chair), Ausley, Berman, Boyd, Bradley, Brodeur, Garcia, Mayfield, Powell, Rodrigues, Stewart, Thurston; Appropriations Conference Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government/State Administration & Technology: Albritton (Chair), Ausley, Berman, Boyd, Bradley, Brodeur, Garcia, Mayfield, Powell, Rodrigues, Stewart, Thurston; Appropriations Conference Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice/Justice: Perry (Chair), Baxley, Bracy, Brandes, Gainer, Pizzo, Rodriguez, Torres; Appropriations Conference Committee on Education/Higher Education: Broxson (Chair), Cruz, Diaz, Gibson, Gruters, Hutson, Polsky, Wright; Appropriations Conference Committee on Education/PreK-12: Broxson (Chair), Cruz, Diaz, Gibson, Gruters, Hutson, Polsky, Wright; Appropriations Conference Committee on Health and Human Services/Health Care: Bean (Chair), Book, Brodeur, Burgess, Diaz, Farmer, Harrell, Jones, Rodrigues, Rodriguez, Rouson; Appropriations Conference Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development/Infrastructure & Tourism: Gainer (Chair), Ausley, Boyd, Cruz, Garcia, Gibson, Hooper, Mayfield, Perry, Taddeo, Wright; -SJ 507 Message sent to senate Conference Committee Report received -SJ 1027 Conference Committee Report adopted (511738) Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 1057 In Messages Conference Committee Report considered Amendment 511738 adopted Conference Committee Report adopted Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 117, NAYS 1 Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 1290 Message sent to senate Signed by Officers and presented to Governor Governor vetoed specific Line Item(s) Approved by Governor Chapter No. 2021-36, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5011 (Ch. 2021-43), HB 5101 (Ch. 2021-44), HB 5301 (Ch. 2021-45), HB 5601 (Ch. 2021-46), CS/CS/SB 1954 (Ch. 2021-28), SB 2502 (Ch. 2021-37), SB 2504 (Ch. 2021-38), SB 2512 (Ch. 2021-39), SB 2514 (Ch. 2021-29), SB 2516 (Ch. 2021-40), SB 2518 (Ch. 2021-41), SB 7018 (Ch. 2021-42) Line Item Veto Message received (2021 Special Session B) Line Item Veto Message referred to Rules




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