Natalie Kates | Resume…Portfolio…Projects…and…More!

-454025-497205Probe Questions:Why?Can you elaborate?How did that make you feel?Tell me more about it.Rein Them In:Thanks for that comments; it was very interesting, but let’s see what the others have to say.That’s interesting, but let’s try to stay on track00Probe Questions:Why?Can you elaborate?How did that make you feel?Tell me more about it.Rein Them In:Thanks for that comments; it was very interesting, but let’s see what the others have to say.That’s interesting, but let’s try to stay on trackThe FSU Career Center – Career Guide – Student Focus Group Discussion GuideIntroduction: Welcome, this group discussion is to learn how you think and feel about The Career Guide and other related issues. We appreciate your willingness to participate!Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; we want to hear your unbiased opinions!The moderator is independent of the discussion.Everyone should participate; no one should dominate the conversation.Recording is taking place and notes are being taken so we don’t miss anything you say.Let us know if you need to excuse yourself by leaving the focus group early.*Disclose there are some CC employees and student assistants listening to discussions.Warm UpPlease introduce yourselves -Name-Major -Class classification-Hometown-What kind of working environment do you see yourself in? (Career Aspirations)Introductory QuestionsWhat do you do to prepare for a job or internship interview?Have you ever used or heard about The FSU Career Guide? If so, how did you find out about it?If so, for what have you used The Career Guide? Describe your experience reading The Career Guide.What do you like about The Career Guide?What do you dislike about The Career Guide?Objective 1: Determine if The Career Guide is too text heavy for a visual generationWhat portions of the Career Guide have you read? Why? Please skim pages 31-33.Describe your interest level as you’re reading the pages.What would you suggest to improve this section?Objective 2: Learn how we can improve The Career Guide’s navigational easePlease refer to pages 31 to 33 again.Overall, what were your impressions as you were navigating through these pages?Objective 3: Determine which design and layout is most visually appealing to studentsPlease look at past Career Guides we have laid out on the table and refer to them by their designated number when discussing your opinions. After all concepts have been shown and discussed, respondents will be asked to individually write down their top, second, and third favorite past Career Guides. Choices will be tallied and a discussion will be elicited to understand the reasons for their choices.Would you prefer The Career Guide present information like a textbook or a magazine? Why?What are your thoughts regarding matte vs. glossy paper for The Career Guide? (Show samples)How do you feel about the black and white text versus colored editions?If The Career Guide were printed in black and white, what could be done to improve its appeal?How do you feel about the fonts that were used in more recent versus prior editions?How visually appealing was the layout of the 2010-11 edition’s pages compared to other years? What would you suggest to improve or change on the upcoming edition from the most recent? Please feel free to write comments on Post Its and paste them wherever necessary.Objective 4: Learn the students’ preferences on past Career Guide covers and new mock upsPlease look at the cover mock-ups versus a few past Career Guide covers we have laid out on the table and refer to them by their designated number when discussing your opinions. After all concepts have been shown and discussed, respondents will be asked to individually write down their top, second, and third favorite cover concepts in terms of design theme and page layout. Choices will be tallied and a discussion will be elicited to understand the reasons for their choices.Which cover out of new mock-ups do you prefer? Compare your choice to your favorite past Career Guide cover.Would that cover make you more likely to read The Career Guide?Based on its cover alone, what would most encourage you to read the Career Guide?To what extent does the cover affect your desire to read something?What color schemes do you prefer on the cover (garnet and gold or other color combo)?Would you prefer The Career Guide cover look more like a textbook or a magazine? Why? (Introduce University of Melbourne sample)Would you prefer drawn or actual pictures of the campus, students, etc. on the cover of The Career Guide?If students prefer drawn images, ask “Drawn images of what?”If students prefer actual pictures, ask “Of what?”Objective 5: Narrow down the students’ preferences for kinds of Career Guide images to includeWhat did you think of the images from recent years’ Career Guides, if any? What do you think of using stock photos (AKA staged pictures)? Would you prefer drawn images or pictures of the campus? (Show samples)What type of images would you prefer inside? End of group discussion: Any issues pending? Anything not said during the group that you think should be addressed?We very much appreciate your willingness to help! From the Career Center’s Publications and Promotions team, thank you very much! ................

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