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Unit 3 Introduction

Essential Question 1: How does literature shape or reflect?

A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about the first Essential Question in the Introduction, about the relationship between the writer and society. All the information you need is in the Unit 3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. Literary Forms for Expressing Social and Political Issues

a. What were spirituals and what did they communicate? ________________________________


b. Give examples of autobiographical writings of the period. _____________________________


c. Muckrakers focused on revealing _________________________________________________


2. Popular Literature

a. What do “rags-to riches” stories tell about? _________________________________________


b. The surprise ends of O. Henry’s short stories stress ___________________________________

c. Give two examples of popular “escapist” writers. ____________________________________

3. Realism, Naturalism, and the Social and Political Issues

a. How did the Civil War change American optimism? __________________________________


b. The fiction of Realism depicted __________________________________________________


c. Two poets who wrote of ordinary people were _______________________________________

d. Writers of the Naturalist movement took Realism a step further by ______________________


B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions that include the Essential Question Vocabulary words.

1. What did spirituals like “Go Down, Moses” lament in society? _________________________


2. As industry grew, how did industrial-age American society feel about the western frontier?


3. What level of society would Mark Twain’s realistic vernacular dialogue portray? __________


Name_________________________________________________ Date____________________

Unit 3 Introduction

Essential Question 2: What is the relationship between place and literature?

A. DIRECTIONS: On the lines provided, answer the questions about the second Essential Question in the Introduction, about the relationship between place and literature. All the information you need is in the Unit 3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. Northern Writers and the Physical Environment

a. Technological advances in the North encouraged people to _____________________________


b. What issues caused by urban growth did Civil-War-era writers focus on? _________________


2. Southern Writers and the Physical Environment

a. How did the Civil War change the physical environment in the South? ___________________


b. In contrast to Northern writers, Southern writers focused more on _______________________


3. Expressions of Place in Civil-War-Era Writing

a. “Local color” writing featured ___________________________________________________


b. Give examples of local color writers. ______________________________________________


c. Give examples of writers who used urban settings. ___________________________________


B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence stems based on the Essential Question Vocabulary words.

1. Mining California’s resources, Bret Harte wrote _____________________________________


2. Edith Wharton wrote urban novels about ___________________________________________


3. Two regional writers exploring Midwestern rural society were __________________________


Name_________________________________________________ Date____________________

Unit 3 Introduction

Essential Question 3: What makes American literature American?

A. DIRECTIONS: On the lines provided, answer the questions about the third Essential Question

in the Introduction, about what makes American literature American. All the information you

need is in the Unit 3 Introduction in your textbook.

1. Literary Elements Contributing to the American Style

a. Give examples of the types of settings to be found in American literature at this time.


b. What two types of speech were typical of American writing? ___________________________

c. In American writing, humor often served the purpose of _______________________________


2. Roles of Civil-War Era Writers

a. In contrast to Romantic writers, Realistic writers _____________________________________


b. What did writers who specialized in local color depict, and how? ________________________


c. What were some European influences on Naturalistic American writers? __________________


d. Naturalistic writers believed that human behavior was controlled by _____________________


3. Turn-of-the-Century America as Portrayed in Literature

a. The Romantic beliefs of the American Renaissance had given way to ____________________


b. What view of war replaced the idealism of “Old Ironsides”? ____________________________


c. Emerson’s self-reliance was succeeded by __________________________________________

d. Exceptional heroes were being replaced by _________________________________________

e. What attitude toward science is revealed in the millions visiting the 1893 World’s Fair in

Chicago? ______________________________________________________________________

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence stems based on the Essential Question Vocabulary words.

1. Expressing pessimism about self-reliance were ______________________________________

2. American writing grew more realistic after _________________________________________

3. Americans sought a fortune of gold in _____________________________________________


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