August 12, 2002

August 19, 2019Dear Parents,It is indeed a pleasure to have your child in my class. To start off the year right, I am sending you this Parent Handbook that has been assembled to help you understand my homework requirements in conjunction with other vital information that will enable us to make this a very positive and rewarding year. I feel as though open lines of communication between the parent, student, and teacher are the key to promoting an educational climate that is conducive to learning. I am looking forward to working with you and your child. Together we can make a difference! Please feel free to contact me at any time if there is a question or situation you would like to discuss. I look forward to building a relationship with you and your child and thus providing the best education that I am capable of giving. Sincerely, Mrs. Gonzalez8th Grade Math Supply ListSingle Subject Spiral Notebook-any color with at least 70 pages, stays with student and brought to class everyday 2 Packs of pencils- 1 stays with student, 1 stays in classGlue- Can be bottled or glue sticks, stays in class Dry Erase Markers- can stay in class or with student (Students will frequently write on whiteboards in class) Tissue Box- stays in class (optional)Late Work PolicyYour child will have several assignments during the school year for which he or she is responsible. If your child for any reason is unable to complete an assignment and turn it in on time, there will be a zero in the grade book until your child has turned in the assignment completed (With the exception of when a student is absent; more information in makeup work policy section). If a student does not turn an assignment in on time, they will have one week from the due date to turn it in with no points taken off. If the assignment is complete and turned in within a week after the due date, the student’s zero will be replaced with their acquired grade. When the week commences, the student can only make corrections to the assignment in which they will only receive a 70 at the highest with all problems done correctly. It is the student’s responsibility to complete missing/late work WITHOUT any reminders from the teacher. Important dates will be available on my classroom website as well as sent through Remind weekly. Students are expected to adhere to these due dates as well. Please talk to your child about the importance of completing assignments on time. This policy does not apply to homework assignments. If homework is not done by the due date, students will receive the grade earned that week (this includes if they are absent during the week). The only exception is if a student does not have internet available at home. Make Up Work PolicyIf your child is absent from school, they will have the number of days they were absent to make up the daily work they missed before it becomes a zero in the gradebook. If they are absent on a day when an assignment is due, please have your child turn it in the day before or the day after their absence. If the assignment is not turned in, it will remain as a zero in the gradebook until turned in. There is a missing work bin located in the classroom, so if a student misplaces work, they can always find an extra copy from this location. Students can also access all work online through Google Classroom on their chrome book. Redoing Assignments/Retaking Tests The student and/or parent must request to redo an assignment or retake a test within five days from the earlier of the date the assignment or test was returned to the student or entered into the student grading system. The student will be provided an opportunity for tutoring or re-teaching prior to retesting. This may occur during class time, before or after school, or at another time agreed upon by the teacher and student. A teacher may require the student to complete missed homework, test corrections, or other items as part of the re-teaching process. A student must redo the assignment or retake the test within five school days from the earlier of the date the assignment or test was returned to the student or the date the grade was entered into the student grading system. A teacher may provide longer than five school days if necessary. Assignments offered for redo or retaken tests may be different from the original assignment or test so long as the concepts/content assigned or tested are the same. Re-testing or redo assignment guidelines do not apply to grades received due to failure to adhere to the established late work guidelines approved by the principal and disseminated to students. Any retests will be administered on the campus. The grade the student receives on the redone assignment or retaken test will be no higher than a 70. A failed semester exam cannot be retaken. If more than 50% of the students in a class fail to demonstrate mastery on a summative assessment, except a benchmark, a teacher is encouraged to reteach and retest the class. The higher of the two grades will be recorded. A student who passed the original test can elect to retake the test. Reassessments should occur within five school days from the date the test is returned with feedback to the student.CorrectionsStudents can make corrections to any formative or summative assignment. Students cannot make corrections to homework. If a student fails an assignment, they can receive a 70 at the highest with all questions done correctly. If a student made higher than a 70, but are not happy with their grade, they can correct it and will receive half credit back from their original grade. For example, if they make a 70, their new grade will be an 85. HomeworkStudents will be assigned homework almost daily unless otherwise stated. Please join Remind so that you can receive daily updates on homework for the week. There is more information about Remind later in this packet. I will be conducting a Flipped Classroom this year. What this means is that students will watch videos of the lesson for homework and will practice the concept they learned when they come to class the next day. Notes will be completed along with each video. It is pertinent that students complete their homework on time so that they are aware of what is being discussed the next day in class. If videos and notes are not completed, it will affect students other grades such as their daily work, spiral grade, and test grade. If a student watches their video and completes their notes on time, they will receive a 100 for participation. If a student does not watch their video, but has notes, they will receive a 50 until their video is watched. Once the video is watched, if late, they will only receive a 70 at the highest. Same thing applies to if students watch the video, but do not complete the notes on time. Videos are no more than 15 minutes long. If you do not have internet at home, please indicate on the last page. If a student is absent, they can access the videos and notes online. TutoringMy tutoring hours are subject to change throughout the year due to me coaching. I will send out a Remind to parents every Sunday with the tutoring schedule for the upcoming week, as well as write it on the whiteboard at the front of my room for students to see on Monday. I will have lunch tutoring available every day. Tutoring is beneficial for students who need help with make-up work, video homework, bobcat sheets, or test corrections. Also, students who struggle with specific math standard/TEKS on Math STAAR. Ms. Ocampo’s Guidelines for Grading 10%Homework 50%Summative (Tests/Quizzes/Projects) 40%Formative (Daily Work/Interactive Spiral)In order to provide our students with the excellent educational climate they deserve, the following Discipline Plan will be in effect at all times.Mrs. Gonzalez’s Classroom RulesListen, pay attention, and follow directions given by teacher Arrive on time to class with necessary materialsWork during all work timesTurn in quality work on timeRespect yourself, others, and objectsIf a student chooses to not follow classroom rules, dojo points will be lost/taken away. For each dojo point lost, a classroom consequence will be put into place. Each student will have a Class Dojo account. If a student is breaking a classroom rule, the student will lose a dojo point. Below you will find consequences for each dojo point lost. Rules are subject to change or a new rule may be added, but parents and students will be notified through Remind if such a situation were to occur. For every six weeks, student’s Class Dojo accounts will start as a clean slate. Several rewards will be given for positive dojo points each six weeks. 8th Grade Consequences for Lost Dojo Points(Per Six Weeks):-1 dojo point= Verbal Warning-2 = Student Conference with teacher-3 = Parent Phone Call (Student makes this call)-4= Lunch Detention (If student misses/skips a lunch detention, they will automatically move down to step 7; there are no second chances or reminders to attend)-5= Lunch Detention-6=Lunch Detention-7= Teacher/Parent Conference (Only 1 per semester)-8= Removal from class-9= Referral Written *After -9, students will be written a new referral for each dojo point lost Students are responsible for attending lunch detention without a reminder from me. If a student misses lunch detention, they will move to -7 dojo points automatically and a request for a parent/teacher conference will be made. If the parent does not respond to request within 24 hours, I will continue with the discipline plan for the six weeks. Students’ conduct grade for the six weeks will be affected based on how many dojo points are lost. 0-2= Excellent (E)3-5= Satisfactory (S)6-8= Needs improvement (N)9 and up = Unsatisfactory (U)Students may also receive a phone call home for the following reasons: 1. Frequently Tardy2. Student is failing 3. Student is doing well in class. 4. Student is frequently not bringing necessary materials to class or not completing homework 5. In case of an emergency regarding the student. 6. To schedule a parent/teacher/student conference. In the event of a more serious offense such as blatant disrespect to a teacher, cursing, fighting, damaging school property, etc., the student will be sent to administration for immediate action. All students are responsible for maintaining procedures and will be held accountable.ConferencesIf you would like to schedule a conference, please send a note with your child, send me a message through Remind, call the school, or send an e-mail. I will try to coordinate a time that is convenient for everyone involved. The school phone number is 817-815-7100. If you contact the school, you will have to leave a message. Please leave me a phone number to contact you by if you decide to leave a message. The most efficient way to contact me will be by e-mail at melina.gonzalez@ or through Remind. I will do my best to respond within 48 munication I will be using several different forms of communication to keep in contact with you and your students as well as allow you to keep in contact with me. Below I will explain each form of communication in more depth: EmailPlease feel free to email me at any time at Melina.gonzalez@. I will do my best to answer all emails within 48 hoursRemind If you would like to receive reminders about homework, tutoring hours, or other important events that are happening in my class directly to your cell phone, please text the below code to the number. If your child would like to sign up to receive Reminds, they must have your permission to do so unless they are 13 or older. You can also send me private messages through this app if you are concerned about your child’s grades or behavior in class. I can also sign you up if you allow me permission at the bottom of the form. If you sign up for Remind, your child will receive an extra credit 100 on a daily work grade. If your child is in Period 1- Text @gonza01 to 81010If your child is in Period 2- Text @gonza02 to 81010If your child is in Period 3- Text @gonza03 to 81010If your child is in Period 4- Text @gonza04 to 81010If your child is in Period 6- Text @gonza06 to 81010If your child is in Period 7- Text @gonza07 to 81010Weebly- I have created a classroom website through Weebly where you can find classroom resources, homework assignments, a calendar of school events, our weekly classroom agenda, and more. You can also directly contact me through my website. The address to my classroom website is: Dojo- This is the discipline system that I will be using in my classroom. Students can earn green dojo points for different positive actions or red dojo points for negative actions. Your student will be sent home with a paper about this system later on this week or next week. If you decide to sign up, you can view how your student is doing behaviorally in class every day. If your student earns the most green dojo points in class for the six weeks, they will receive a reward from me. Class dojo points start over every six weeks. A great feature about Class Dojo is that you can privately message me if you have questions or concerns about your child’s behavior in my class. I will also be making notes on how many class dojo points each student has lost on weekly progress reports that will be sent home every Tuesday. If you sign up for Dojo, your child will receive an extra credit 100 on a daily work grade. Edpuzzle- This is the website through which students will watch their homework videos. They can access it through Google Classroom. MyPath- Students will be using this program anytime they finish work early in class. It is individualized to meet the needs of each student based on a pre assessment. Technology Expectations/Focus Parent LogStudents will be required to use technology for their homework on . Students will also use their assigned chrome books to complete assignments in class. In order to check your student’s progress in class as far as grades and attendance are concerned, please login to Focus for updated information.First Time Users:Using Chrome/Mozilla Firefox, go to Click on FAMILIESOn the left side of the page, click on LOG IN TO PARENT PORTALFrom there, you must REQUEST ACCESS TO THE PARENT PORTAL and follow the stepsRepeat Users: Using Chrome/Mozilla Firefox, go to out the Username and Password fieldsClick LoginOtherPrerequisites for class- students must have taken 7th grade Math to advance to 8th grade Math. PLEASE SIGN & RETURN THIS SHEET TO MRS. GONZALEZ BY OR BEFORE FRIDAY, August 23, 2019 for a homework gradeI have read the Parent Handbook and discussed the necessary content with my child.Parent Name ________________________Child’s Name_______________________ Period # _________________Parent Phone #_____________________________________________Parent e-mail_____________________________________________Comments_________________________________________________ (I am bilingual, please let me know if you prefer to communicate in Spanish) I am signed up for Remind: (Please check next to answer that applies to you) Yes ___________ No, I’m not sure how, please sign me up ___________No, I’d rather not ____________I am signed up for Dojo: (Please check next to answer that applies to you) Yes _________No, I’m not sure how, please send me an email with instructions __________No, I’d rather not ____________My student has internet access to complete homework videos. ___yes __noPlease inform me of the best way to communicate with you or reach you_____________________________________________________ (Ex. Email, Text, Phone Call, Remind, Class Dojo, Etc.)Students will be building an interactive spiral throughout the year and I will need parent volunteers to help with pre-cutting foldables. If you are interested, please check here: ______ (I will contact you through Remind a week before foldable is needed) I have read and discussed the parent information packet with my child and they are aware of the discipline procedures along with the academic expectations for the year. Please sign and return this page to school by or before August 23rd, 2019.________________________ ______________________ Parent SignatureChild Signature ................

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