The Illinois police training college

Letter of intent (individual)

Student Information

Legal Name: Last First Middle Initial

LEA Agency/Military Unit (if applicable) Rank

Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Home Phone: Work Phone: Fax:

E-Mail: Country of Birth:

Country of Citizenship (List All):

Training Requested

Primary Course Date

Additional Course Date

This letter will confirm the intentions of the Prospective User, _______ ____("Individual") with respect to the proposed Kill House Inc. arms training facility (“Facility”).


That in mutual consideration by each of the parties it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:

The Individuallisted above hereby states as follows:

1. That I have examined the documentation presented by Sean McNulty concerning the proposed kill house arms training facility.

2. That I am currently in the field and I currently possess a valid FOID card.

3. That as a gun owner, I am interested in the opportunities presented in the proposed kill facility.

4. It is my opinion that the opportunities including the safety issues presented by this facility would be highly beneficial to me.

5. I would highly recommend this facility to my colleagues and friends.

6. I would anticipate that my use of this facility would approximate __ _ times per month.

7. I am anxious to participate in this exciting opportunity and wish to be included on the Proposed User list for this Facility.

8. I am interested in reviewing and executing an agreement for membership in this proposed facility.

9. That I understand that the rules and regulations by which this facility will

operate will be necessary for the safety and security of all members and personnel, and that my adherence to said rules and regulations is of utmost importance.

10. That I understand that I will have the opportunity to visit and view the facility once it has been completed prior to my becoming a member.

11. I further understand that the projected completion date is estimated to be in __________, 2010

12. I have read the foregoing, understand same, am of legal age and ability to enter into this Agreement, voluntarily and of my own free will

By signing, I understand, represent and agree that:

1. I am a citizen of the U.S.

2. My written credentials meet the requirements outlined by TIPTC Including proof of citizenship and legal status in the United States, and that at arrival at TIPTC I will positively identify myself as the same person certified in the application.

3. I will be at least 18 years of age at the time of training and of good moral character with no felony record.

4. My only purpose for seeking the training, which I have requested TIPTC to provide to me.

Print Name _____________________________________


X _________________________ Date_____________

The Illinois police training college


8139 W. BrynMawr Norwood park IL 60631


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