Ms. Mc Nelis Science Teaching Resources - Classes

FoodA balanced diet is a diet that contains the right amount of:carbohydrates (including fibre),protein, fats,vitamins, minerals and water .NutrientFound inFunctionCarbohydrates(1) starch(2) sugar(3) fibre(1) potatoes, pasta, bread, cereal(2) honey, jam, fruit, soft drinks(3) wholemeal bread & cereals, green vegetablesStarch & sugar:To provide energyFibre: To prevent constipationProteinslean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nutsFor the growth and repair of cellsFatsoil, butter, cheese, creamFor insulationTo provide a store of energyVitamins(1) vitamin C(2) vitamin D(1) citrus fruits(2) dairy products (the sun)To keep the body healthy and functioning properly(1) for healthy skin and gums(2) strong bones and healthy teethMinerals(1) iron(2) calcium(1) red meat, liver, cabbage(2) dairy productsTo keep the body healthy and functioning properly(1) to make red blood cells(2) for healthy bones and teethFood PyramidHow to use the food pyramid to plan a healthy diet:The food pyramid shows approximate quantities of the different foods you should eat. A healthy diet includes more of the foods at the bottom of the pyramid and very little of those at the top. The amount of food a person requires varies with age, gender and activity levels but in general, one should eat:six servings a day of the food at the bottom of the pyramid (bread, cereals), four servings a day of the next level (fruit and veg)four servings of dairy producetwo servings of meat, fish etc. and rarely have any from the top level (cakes and biscuits).Food testsNutrientChemical or TestInitial ColourFinal Colour if Nutrient is PresentStarchA few drops of iodineIodine = orange-brownBlue-blackFatBrown paper----Translucent spot appearsProteinAn equal volume of sodium hydroxide + a few drops copper sulphate solutionBlueVioletReducing SugarHeat with Benedict’s solutionBlueBrick-redAdd sample to test tube.Add chemical (e.g. iodine/Benedict’s solution)If colour change occurs, ________________ is present. Food labelAmount in 40g:Protein ___________Fat ____________Carbohydrate ___________Experiment: To Investigate the Conversion of Chemical Energy in Food to Heat EnergyAdd water to test-tube.Note initial temperature using a thermometer.Place piece of food (e.g. cracker/crisp) on needle.Light food with match.Hold the food under the test-tube.Note the final temperature of the water.Result: The temperature of the water rises.Conclusion: The chemical energy in the food is converted into heat energy, which heats the water. Food contains energy. ................

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