Notice to All 2000-2001 AP US History Students

Notice to All 2010-2011 AP US History Students

RE: Summer 2010

Dear Junior and Seniors,

First, let us say what a pleasure it was to accept such qualified, motivated students into next year’s AP course. We are looking forward to spending the next year exploring US History with you. Next year should be challenging but not impossible; difficult, but also fun. In that vein, this summer we would like you to do the following:

1) Two books to read about the experiences of Americans confronting the American dream:

Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck AND The Jungle By Upton Sinclair.

When you return you will have an essay exam on these books; you may wish to jot down notes or journal as you read, from which one handwritten (both sides) page will be able to be used on the exam, not one from each book-one only.

2) Watch the following 8 films for a multiple choice quiz on the first day of class:

1. Last of the Mohicans

2. Amistad

3. Glory

4. Episode One of Band of Brothers

5. The Fog of War

6. Malcolm X

7. Mississippi Burning

8. Born on the Fourth of July

********Some of these films are R-Rated. Please clear these with your parents.

When you return you will have a multiple choice test on the eight films along with your essay test on the novels.

3) If you need to, work on your grammar with and ask your English teacher for what they think are your weaknesses in your writing and practice this summer. You may also wish to review (or learn for the first time) some basic US Geography. For fun, try visiting the museum of your choice, my recommendations in the local area are Greenfield Village, the State Historical Museum at the State of Michigan Library, and the Detroit Historical Museum. The Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids is also nice.

Have a great break. The above should help to enrich next year’s experience as well as cut down on next year’s workload. We will be also doing these this summer with you, so we will all have something to discuss when we return.

Congratulations again and enjoy.

Mr. Smith, Mrs. Ives, and Mr. Wood.

(any questions/concerns stop by, email at danielle.ives@ , brad.wood@ , or christopher.smith@ or call 351-7900)


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