Expanded Syllabus for Biology 2012

Expanded Syllabus for Biology 2012

Unit 1 Ecology

|Week/ |NC Stand |Topics |Essential Questions |Reading Assignment |Key Terms |

|Dates | | | | | |

|BL F 8/30-9/2 |5.01 |Introduction to Ecology |What is ecology? What do ecologists study? |Chapter 2, |Ecology |

| | |Abiotic & Biotic factors of an | |p. 35-45 |Abiotic |

|BL S 1/27-2/1 | |Ecosystem |Compare and contrast biotic and abiotic | |Biotic |

| | |Predator/ Prey Relationships |factors. What is their importance in an | |Population |

| | |Symbiotic Relationships |ecosystem? | |Community |

| | | | | |Ecosystem |

| | | |Identify and describe the following symbiotic | |Habitat |

| | | |relationships: mutualism, commensalisms, and | |Niche |

| | | |parasitism. | |Predator |

| | | | | |Prey |

| | | |Describe the relationship of a predator to its | |Symbiosis |

| | | |prey. | |Commensalism |

| | | | | |Parasitism |

| | | | | |Mutualism |

| | | | | |Organism |

| | | | | |Biosphere |

|BL F 9/3-9/7 |5.01. 5.02 |Ecosystem energy flow |Explain the ways in which energy flows through |Chapter 2, p. 46-57 |Autotrophs |

| | |Cycles in an ecosystem |an ecosystem. |Chapter 4, p.91-99 |Heterotrophs |

|BL S 2/2-2/4 | |Limiting Factors |What role does the carbon cycle play in | |Decomposers |

| | |Population Growth Graphs |photosynthesis and cellular respiration? | |Food Chain |

| | | |How are communities influenced? What are the | |Trophic level |

| | | |major limiting factors that influence carrying | |Food web |

| | | |capacity? | |Energy pyramid |

| | | |What do population growth graphs look like? Can| |Biomass |

| | | |you identify them? | |Limiting Factor |

| | | | | |Carrying capacity |

| | | | | |Logistic growth |

| | | | | |Exponential growth |

|BL F 9/8-9/13 |5.03 |Human population growth |What factors affect the growth of human |Chapter 4, p.100-103|Birthrate |

| | |Biodiversity |populations? |Chapter 5, p. |Death rate |

|BL S 2/7-2/10 | |Impacts on the environment |What is biodiversity? Describe the importance |111-125 |Life-history patterns |

| | |Factors influencing climate |of it. | |Biodiversity |

| | |Direct & Indirect influence on |How do both the changes and the needs of a | |Extinction |

| | |natural resources |human populations impact the environment? | |Endangered species |

| | |Conservation |What are the factors that influence climate? | |Threatened species |

| | | |How do humans directly and indirect influence | |Habitat degradation |

| | | |natural resources? What some practices that can| |Acid precipitation |

| | | |be done to improve and conserve the natural | |Ozone layer |

| | | |world? | |Invasive species |

| | | | | |Conservation |

| | | | | |Natural resources |

| | | | | |Renewable Resources |

| | | | | |Sustainable use |

Expanded Syllabus for Biology 2012

Unit 2 Cell Biology

|L F 9/14-9/16 |2.01, 2.03 |Introduction to chemistry |What are organic molecules? |Chapter 6, p. |Organic molecule |

| | |Organic Molecules: composition and| |157-163 |Carbohydrate |

|BL S 2/11-2/15| |function |Describe the composition and function of | |Monosaccharide |

| | | |organic molecules. | |Polysaccharide |

| | | | | |Starch |

| | | | | |Lipids |

| | | | | |Fatty acid |

| | | | | |Proteins |

| | | | | |Amino acids |

| | | | | |Peptide bonds |

| | | | | |Enzyme |

| | | | | |Nucleic Acid |

| | | | | |Nucleotides |

|BL F 9/17-9-22|2.02 |Introduction to Microscopes |What is the proper order of steps when using a |Chapter 7, p. |Cell |

| | |Types of Cells |light microscope? |171-174; p.179-187 |Light microscope |

|BL S 2/16-2/22| |Cell organization |What are the two general types of cells? | |Compound microscope |

| | |Animals vs. plant Cells |Describe each. | |Organelles |

| | |Cell Organelles: Structure & |How are cells organized? | |Prokaryotes |

| | |Function |What are the differences in plant and animal | |Eukaryotes |

| | | |cells? | |Nucleus |

| | | |Identify and describe the following cell | |Plasma membrane |

| | | |organelles: nucleus, plasma membrane, cell | |Cell wall |

| | | |wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts, and| |Mitochondria |

| | | |ribosomes. | |Vacuoles |

| | | |How does structure relate to the function of a | |Chloroplasts |

| | | |cell’s organelle? | |Ribosomes |

| | | |How are cells specialized? | | |

| | | |How do cells communicate with one another? | | |

|BL F 9/20-9/24|Benchmark Test #1 |

| | |

|BL S 2/22-2/25| |

| | |

|BL F 9/23-9/28|2.03 |Investigate and analyze the cell |How is homeostasis maintained? How are |Chapter 7.2, 7.3 |Plasma membrane |

| | |as a living system including: |temperature, pH, blood glucose and water |Chapter 6.2 |Homeostasis |

|BL S 2/23-2/28| |Maintenance of homeostasis. |balanced? |Chapter 8.1 |pH |

| | |Movement of materials into and out|What is the difference between active and | |osmosis |

| | |of cells. |passive transport? What is a semi permeable | |diffusion |

| | | |membrane? | |active transport |

| | | |What is osmotic pressure; can you predict | |passive transport |

| | | |changes? (isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic) | | |

| | | | | |semi-permeable |

| | | | | |membrane |

|BL F 9/29-9/30|2.03, 2.04 |Investigate and analyze the cell |What is the source of energy for cell activity?|Chapter 9.1 |Energy |

| | |as a living system including: |How do cells store and use energy with ATP and |Chapter 6.3 |ATP |

|BL S 3/1-3/2 | |Energy use and release in |ADP? | |ADP |

| | |biochemical reactions. |What is the function of an enzyme? | |Enzyme |

| | |Investigate and describe the |What are key components of enzymes that allow | |Substrate |

| | |structure and function of enzymes |them to complete a task? | |Catalyst |

| | |and explain their importance in |What factors affect enzymes? | | |

| | |biological systems. | | | |

|BL F 10/1-10/5|2.05 |Investigate and analyze the |What are the reactants and products of cellular|Chapter 9.2, 9.3 |Photosynthesis |

| | |bioenergetic reactions: |respiration and photosynthesis? | |Chloroplast |

|BL S 3/3-3/7 | |Aerobic Respiration. |What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?| |Glucose |

| | |Anaerobic Respiration. |Respiration? | |Chemosynthesis |

| | |Photosynthesis. |Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic | |Respiration |

| | | |respiration? Which one is more efficient at ATP| |Aerobic |

| | | |creation? Which organelles are involved? | |Anaerobic |

| | | |What types of organisms use aerobic | |Mitochondria |

| | | |respiration? Anaerobic respiration? | |Glycolsis |

| | | |What are the types of anaerobic respiration? | |Fermentation |

Expanded Syllabus for Biology 2012

Unit 3 Genetics

|BL F |3.01 |Analyze the molecular basis of |Compare and contrast DNA and RNA. What is |11.1, 11.2, 11.3 |DNA |

|10/7-10/18 | |heredity including: |complimentary base pairing? What does DNA code | |RNA |

| | |DNA replication. |for? What does RNA code for? | |Nucleic acid |

|BL S 3/9-3/18 | |Analyze the molecular basis of |How and where is DNA replicated? What does it | |Nucleotide |

| | |heredity including: |mean to be semi-conservative? | |Hydrogen bonds |

| | |Protein synthesis (transcription, |Why are hydrogen bonds important to DNA | |Complementary base |

| | |translation). |structure? | |Pairing |

| | |Gene regulation |What are the two parts of protein synthesis? | |Double helix |

| | | |What does transcription produce? | |DNA replication |

| | | |Describe the 3 types of RNA and their function.| |Genetic code |

| | | | | |Messenger RNA |

| | | |What is the role of an amino acid in protein | |Transfer RNA |

| | | |synthesis? | |Ribosomal RNA |

| | | |What is the importance of gene expression? How | |Protein synthesis |

| | | |are cells differentiated? | |Transcription |

| | | |Are different cells required to produce | |Translation |

| | | |different amounts of proteins? What are the | |Codon |

| | | |advantages and disadvantages of overproduction,| |Anticodon |

| | | |underproduction or incorrect timing of | |Protein |

| | | |proteins? | |Amino acid |

| | | |How do mutations affect DNA? | |Mutatgen |

| | | | | |Mutation |

| | | | | |Frameshift mutation |

| | | | | |Point mutation |

| | | | | |Chromosomal |

| | | | | |Mutation |

|Mitosis |3.02 |Compare and contrast the |Define the difference between sexual and |8.2,10.2 |Asexual |

|BL F 10/6 | |differences between asexual and |asexual reproduction. | |reproduction |

| | |sexual reproduction |Explain the process of mitosis. What occurs in | |Sexual |

|BL S 3/8 | | |each step? What type of reproduction is | |reproduction |

| | | |mitosis? | |Mitosis |

|YL 12/1-12/7 | | |Describe the process of meiosis. What occurs in| |Cancer |

| | | |each step? | |Meiosis |

|Meiosis | | |What is the importance of meiosis in sexual | |Homologous |

|BL F | | |reproduction? | |Chromosomes |

|10/19-10/20 | | |Compare and contrast mitosis to meiosis? How is| |Tetrad |

| | | |chromosome number different? Is there a change | |Haploid |

|BL S 3/21-3/25| | |in the number of divisions? In cellular | |Diploid |

| | | |material? How many cells are produced at the | |Gamete |

| | | |end of each cycle? | |Fertilization |

| | | |What are primary sourcesof genetic variation | |Genetic Variation |

| | | |that occur during meiosis? Mitosis? Describe | |Crossing over |

| | | |each type of variation. | |Nondisjunction |

| | | | | |Independent assortment |

| | | | | | |

| | | |What are the advantages/disadvantages of | | |

| | | |asexual reproduction vs. sexual reproduction? | | |

|BL |Benchmark Test #2 |

|F10/24-10/28 | |

| | |

|BL S 3/21-3/25| |

|BL F |3.03 |Interpret and predict patterns of |Define genotype and phenotype. |10.1, 12.1, 12.2, |Genotype |

|10/21-10/28 | |inheritance. |What is a phenotype the result of? |12.3, 13.1 |Phenotype |

| | |Dominant, recessive, and |List Mendel’s laws of heredity. Explain each. | |Mendel |

|BL S 4/4-4/11 | |intermediate traits. |How do dominant traits mask recessive traits? | |Law of segregation |

| | |Multiple alleles |Give an example. | |Law of Independent |

| | |Polygenic inheritance |How do the location of genes relate to | |Assortment |

| | |Sex-linked traits |chromosomes in meiosis? | |Monohybrid |

| | |Independent assortment |Why does independent assortment in meiosis lead| |Allele |

| | |Test cross |to greater genetic diversity? | |Gene |

| | |Pedigrees |How are genotypes identified using a pedigree? | |Chromosome |

| | |Punnett squares |What is a monohybrid cross? How is it used to | |Dominant |

| | | |determine ratios of offspring? | |Recessive |

| | | |What is a test cross used to determine? | |Homozygous |

| | | |What are the forms of intermediate patterns of | |Heterozygous |

| | | |inheritance? Describe and given an example of | |Inheritance |

| | | |each. | |Probability |

| | | |How is codominance expressed in human blood | |Test cross |

| | | |typing? | |Pedigree |

| | | |Are traits controlled by more than one gene? If| |Punnett Square |

| | | |so what is this called and describe how it | |Incomplete dominance |

| | | |works. | |(Partial Dominance) |

| | | |Describe and define autosomal patterns of | |Codominance |

| | | |inheritance. What are some examples? | |Multiple alleles |

| | | |What are the sex chromosomes? What affect do | |Blood types |

| | | |they have on inheritance? What are sex-linked | |Polygenic traits |

| | | |traits? | |Autosome |

| | | |Why are males more likely to express sex-linked| |Sex-linked traits |

| | | |traits? | |Sex chromosomes |

|BL F 11/1-11/2|3.04 |Assess the impact of advances in |What are the most common human genetic |13.2, 13.3 |Sickle cell anemia |

| | |genomics on individuals and |disorders and what are their effects? | |Colorblindness |

|BL S 4/12-4/13| |society. |What are methods that used to determine human | |Cystic fibrosis |

| | |Human genome project |genetic and chromosomal disorders? | |Hemophilia |

| | |Applications of biotechnology |Why was the human genome project established? | |Huntington’s disease |

| | | |What purposes has it served? What field of | |PKU |

| | | |research has it benefited? | |Tay-Sach |

| | | |Gel electrophoresis is a technique used by many| |Karyotype |

| | | |researchers. Explain the general purpose and | |Down syndrome |

| | | |what is used to analyze. | |Human Genome Project |

| | | |Explain how DNA fingerprinting is used. | |Biotechnology |

| | | |What are transgenic organisms? What industries | |Genomics |

| | | |have benefited from this technology? | |Gel electrophoresis |

| | | |List some ethical implications of genomics and | |Restriction enzymes |

| | | |biotechnology. | |Transgenic organism |

| | | | | |DNA fingerprinting |

| | | | | |Gene therapy |

| | | | | |Cloning |

| | | | | |Recombinant DNA |

| | | | | |Stem Cells |

Expanded Syllabus for Biology 2012

Unit 4 Evolution and Biodiversity

|BL F 11/3-11/8|3.05 |Examine the development of theory |What is the historical timeline of the theory |14.1, 14.2, 15.1, |Natural selection |

| | |of evolution by natural selection |of evolution by natural selection? Define the |15.2 |Galapogos islands |

|BL S 4/14-4/19| |including; |important components that contributed to the | |Biogenesis |

| | |Development of the theory |theory. | |Spontaneous generation |

| | |The origin and history of life. |Compare and contrast biogensis and spontaneous | |Endosymbiosis |

| | |Fossil and biochemical evidence. |generation? | |Relative dating |

| | |Mechanics of evolution. |Describe the early atmosphere and the | |Absolute dating |

| | |Applications (pesticides and |components that made it up. How did this | |Fossil record |

| | |antibiotic resistance) |contribute to the earliest known organism? | |Anatomical similarities |

| | | |Describe the evolution of eukaryotic organism. | |Biochemical similarities |

| | | |Of aerobic organisms? | |Mimicry |

| | | |What can be inferred from the fossil record? | |Camouflage |

| | | |What does it mean for fossils to share | |Adaptation |

| | | |biochemical similarities? Anatomical | |Divergent evolution |

| | | |similarities? | |Speciation |

| | | |How do variations contribute to material that | |Geographic isolation |

| | | |influences natural selection? | |Reproductive isolation |

| | | |What is the role of geographic isolation as it | |Adaptive radiation |

| | | |contributes to speciation? | | |

| | | |How does the environment play a role in the | | |

| | | |selection of adaptations? | | |

| | | |In specific species both and antibiotic and | | |

| | | |pesticide resistance genes have been expressed.| | |

| | | |Give an example of these organisms and explain | | |

| | | |how this is a result of natural selection. | | |

| | | |How did the Galapagos finches provide evidence | | |

| | | |of natural selection? | | |

| | | |What evidence supports natural selection? | | |

| | | |What are some circumstances that lead to | | |

| | | |speciation? | | |

|BL F |4.01 |Analyze the classification of |What is the basis for classifying organisms? |17.1, 17.2 |Binomial nomenclature |

|11/9-11/10 | |organisms according to their |How and why has the classification system | |Classification key |

| | |evolutionary relationships. |changed? | |Phylogenetic tree |

|BL S 4/20-4/21| |Historically and changing nature |How is a dichotomous key used to identify | |Domain |

| | |of classification. |organisms? | |Kingdom |

| | |Similarities and differences |What are the fundamental characteristics of the| |Phylum |

| | |between the eukaryotic kingdoms. |2 domains? | |Class |

| | |Classify organisms using keys. |What are the fundamental characteristics of the| |Order |

| | | |6 kingdoms? | |Family |

| | | | | |Genus |

| | | | | |Species |

| | | | | |Protists |

| | | | | |Fungus |

| | | | | |Plants |

| | | | | |Animals |

| | | | | |Archaebacteria |

| | | | | |Eubacteria |

| | | | | |Unicellular |

| | | | | |Multicellular |

|BL F |4.01, 4.03 |Similarities and differences |How do viral structures allow them to be |18.1, 18.2 |Virus |

|11/12-11/16 | |between prokaryotic and eukaryotic|successful? | |Lysogenic cycle |

| | |organisms. |Identify the organelles within a prokaryotic | |Lytic cycle |

|BL S 4/22-4/26| | |cell. | |Ribosome |

| | |Assess, describe, and explain |How are prokaryotic cells different from | |Cell wall |

| | |adaptations of disease-causing |eukaryotic cells? | |Plama membrane |

| | |viruses. |What are uses of bacteria in industry and | |Cytoplasm |

| | | |medicine? | |Prokaryote |

| | | | | |Bacteria |

|BL F |Benchmark Test #3 |

|11/30-12/3 | |

| | |

|BL S 4/25-4/29| |

|BL F |4.02 |Analyze the process by which |1. How are different groups of protists |19.1 |Protist |

|11/17-11/18 | |organisms representative of the |distinguished? | |Paramecium |

| | |following groups accomplish |2. Why is the Kingdom Protista so difficult to | |Amoeba |

|BL S 4/27-4/28| |essential life functions |define? | |Euglena |

| | |including: | | |Pseudopodia |

| | |Unicellular protists, . . . | | |Flagella |

| | |Transport, excretion, respiration,| | |Cilia |

| | |regulation, nutrition, synthesis, | | | |

| | |reproduction, & growth/ | | | |

| | |development. | | | |

|BL F |4.03, 4.04 |Assess and describe and explain |What type of cells are involved in the immune | |Immune response |

|12/19-12/20 | |adaptations affecting survival and|response? | |Genetic disease |

| | |reproductive success. |What is the difference between specific and | |Mutagen |

|BL S 4/29-5/2 | |Disease-causing viruses and |non-specific immunity? | |Pathogen |

| | |microorganisms |What is the purpose of a vaccine? | |Toxin |

| | |Co-evolution |What is the effect of genes and environment on | |Parasite |

| | |Analyze and explain the |phenotypic outcome of disease? | |Nutrition |

| | |interactive role of internal and |What diseases are caused by genetics? Bacteria?| |Cancer |

| | |external factors in health and |Viruses? Protists? | |Hemophilia |

| | |disease. | | |Sickle Cell Anemia |

| | |Genetics | | |Red-Green Colorblindness |

| | |Immune response | | |Tay-Sachs |

| | |Nutrition | | |PKU |

| | |Parasites | | |Huntington’s |

| | |Toxins | | |Cystic Fibrosis |

| | | | | |Malaria |

| | | | | |Influenza |

| | | | | |HIV |

| | | | | |HPV |

| | | | | |Small Pox |

| | | | | |Chicken Pox |

| | | | | |Herpes |

| | | | | |Strep Throat |

| | | | | |MRSA |

|BL F 11/23 |5.02 |Analyze the flow of energy and the|1. How are fungi useful within an ecosystem? |20.1 |Fungi |

| | |cycling of matter in the |2. How do some fungi show mutualism within the | | |

|BL S 5/3 | |ecosystem. |nitrogen cycle? | | |

| | | | | | |

|BL F |4.02, 4.03 |Analyze the process by which |1. What important role do plants play in the |18.1, 18.2, 21-32 |Vascular plants |

|11/-29-12/3 | |organisms representative of the |flow of energy in nature? | |Non-vascular plants |

| | |following groups accomplish |2. How do plants structures determine their | |Xylem |

|BL S 5/4-5/9 | |essential life functions |function; in particular how they perform | |Phloem |

| | |including: |internal transport of materials, excretion of | |Gymnosperm |

| | |non vascular plants, gymnosperms, |wastes, respiration, nutrition, regulation, | |Angiosperm |

| | |& angiosperms. |synthesis, reproduction, and growth and | |Transpiration |

| | |Transport, excretion, respiration,|development? | |Stomata |

| | |regulation, nutrition, synthesis, |3. Distinguish between the three groups of | |Guard cell |

| | |reproduction, & |plants. | |Tropism |

| | |growth/development. |4. How are form and function related in plants?| | |

| | |Assess and describe and explain |5. Describe examples of plant structures that | | |

| | |adaptations affecting survival and|allow for survival and reproduction. | | |

| | |reproductive success. |How do viral structures allow them to be | | |

| | |Structural adaptations in plants |successful? | | |

| | |and animals (form to function) | | | |

| | |Co-evolution | | | |

|BL F |4.02, 4.03 |Analyze the process by which |1. How does the organization of animals become |21-32 |Chordata |

|12/6-12/10 | |organisms representative of the |more complex from invertebrates to vertebrates?| |Annelida |

| | |following groups accomplish |2. How do animal structures determine their | |Arthropoda |

|BL S 5/10-5/16| |essential life functions |function; in particular how they perform | |Insects |

| | |including: |internal transport of materials, excretion of | |Amphibia |

| | |. . ., annelid worms, insects, |wastes, respiration, nutrition, regulation, | |Mammalia |

| | |amphibians, mammals,. . . |synthesis, reproduction, and growth and | |Open circulatory |

| | |Transport, excretion, respiration,|development? | |Closed circulatory |

| | |regulation, nutrition, synthesis, |3. How are form and function related in | |Nephridia |

| | |reproduction, & |animals? | |Kidneys |

| | |growth/development. |4. Describe examples of animals structures that| |External fertilization |

| | |Assess and describe and explain |allow for survival and reproduction. | |Internal fertilization |

| | |adaptations affecting survival and| | |Metamorphosis |

| | |reproductive success. | | |Endoskeleton |

| | |Structural adaptations in plants | | |Exoskeleton |

| | |and animals (form to function) | | |Hydrostatic skeleton |

| | |Co-evolution | | | |

|BL F |4.05 |Analyze the broad patterns of |What are the differences between types of |33.1, 33.2 |Adaptation |

|12/13-12/16 | |animal behavior as adaptations to |innate behaviors? | |Innate |

| | |the environment. |Why are innate behaviors beneficial to an | |Reflex |

|BL S 5/17-5/19| |Innate behavior |organism? | |Taxis |

| | |Learned behavior |What are the methods and purposes of social | |Instincts |

| | |Social behavior |behaviors? Why do animals acquire learned | |Circadian rhythm |

| | | |behaviors? | |Migration |

| | | |What is the correlation between learned | |Hibernation |

| | | |behaviors and brain size and complexity? | |Estivation |

| | | | | |Courtship |

| | | | | |Social behaviors |

| | | | | |Pheremones |

| | | | | |Learned |

| | | | | |Habituation |

| | | | | |Conditioning |

| | | | | |Imprinting |

| | | | | |Trial and error |

|BL F 1/3-1/20 |EOC Review, EOC Tests and Retests |

| | |

|BL S 5/20-6/9 | |

| | |


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