Foundations of Physical Science

[Pages:54]Foundations of Physical Science

Unit 5: Light and Optics

Chapter 14: Light and Color

? 14.1 Introduction to Light ? 14.2 Color

Learning Goals

? Describe the atomic origin of light. ? Explain the difference between

incandescence and fluorescence. ? Identify uses for the other

categories of electromagnetic energy. ? Compare the speed of sound to the speed of light. ? Identify the parts of the eye that see black and white, and color.

? Describe the physical reason for different colors in terms of the wavelength and energy of light.

? Identify and explain the RGB color model.

? Identify and explain the CMYK color model.

? Understand the mixing of light and pigment.

? Compare how a color printer makes color and how a color monitor makes color.


? chemical reaction ? cone cells ? cyan ? electromagnetic

spectrum ? fluorescent ? incandescence ? magenta ? nanometers

? rod cells ? photoluminescence ? pixel ? polarizer ? subtractive primary

colors ? terahertz ? visible light ? yellow

What is Light?

Light is a wave that we can see with our


Qualities of Light

? Carries heat and warmth

? Has color ? Can be bright or dim

? Travels almost unimaginably fast and far

? Travels in straight lines, but can be bent by lenses or reflected by mirrors

What Makes Light?

? Atoms!

? Electrons

? further from the nucleus have more energy

? can gain energy and rise to a higher level in the atom

? can also fall back to a lower level in the atom and release energy

? Photoluminescence: when phosphorous gives off light

? photo: light ? luminescence: glowing

? Seen in glow sticks


? The process of making light with heat ? The filament in the light bulb is heated white-

hot by electricity ? The hot filament emits light ? These bulbs produce more heat energy than light

energy ? The heat of the bulbs helps chickens hatch, not

the light!


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